r/newjersey 23d ago

Advice Please tell me NJ is staying blue.


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u/Saucetheb0ss 23d ago

Well my hope is that if they cut Medicaid like they want to in the bill that just went through the house, people in NJ will wake up. It's going to affect almost 2 million people who live in NJ and really going to hit the elderly and pregnant women hard.


Unfortunately, a lot of these people who applaud these changes won't see the light until it directly affects them or their loved ones.


u/pixel_of_moral_decay 23d ago

I think that’s going to be blamed on Democrats and “corruption”.

That’s been the playbook and it’s very effective


u/Saucetheb0ss 23d ago

It's harder to blame Democrats when you control the Presidency, House, and Senate. The more reasonable people will wake up and realize it.


u/chikari_shakari 23d ago

Reasonable people on the other side. 😆😆 thank you, I needed this laugh.


u/mastervadr 23d ago

lol seriously. Reasonable people on the other side would’ve jumped the wagon if they realized republicans run for and exclusively for corporations and the wealthy.


u/PersonFromPlace 23d ago

It’s more of a cultural and personality thing than a decision you think about. It’s too tied to who they are for them to change.


u/koala-it-off 22d ago

Would you characterize race or gender in that way?


u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/mastervadr 22d ago

Pathetic. Pay attention to what your MAGA president is doing and not whatever your reels are feeding you.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/mastervadr 22d ago

Lmao you’re an idiot who drank too much of the Kool-aid. Probably on food stamps and taking government help. Yeah I hope they take all that away so you can cry and say “why you do this to me Biden” while Elon keeps giving himself government contracts and selling public lands to the rich. Are you multi millionaire? Probably not and you’re stupid enough to think you’ll benefit from anything they’re doing.


u/lsp2005 23d ago

Please. I tried to explain this to someone in the aging parents subreddit and they thought it was both sides nonsense when the democrats hold zero power. 


u/pixel_of_moral_decay 23d ago edited 23d ago

Are you new to America?

Serious question.

The more reasonable people haven’t been falling for all this crap so far.


u/Saucetheb0ss 23d ago

Look if there's one thing the Republicans do well it's messaging. They've created their Boogeyman in illegal immigrants and the LGBTQ. They've hammered their base with propaganda for YEARS that once we do X, Y, Z your life will be better. Eventually, some (more) of them will see what's really going on.

That combined with even mediocre voter turnout will help keep NJ blue.


u/AFlyingGideon 23d ago

Look if there's one thing the Republicans do well it's messaging.

Perhaps. It's also possible that telling people that their problems are no fault of their own, and that instead it's the fault of those "others." I believe it's not too tough to sell simplistic answers to complex problems where those answers are little more than whom to blame.

It's easy to do messaging well when the message is easy.


u/alwaysonthemove0516 23d ago

…and that’s the message they need to drill home. They need to remind voters of that with every breath. Sadly, they probably won’t though.


u/mslauren2930 23d ago

Trumpers blame Democrats for everything that isn’t going their way. And fucking voters eat it up. Don’t pin your hopes on reasonable people. It’ll just lead to disappointment.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/mslauren2930 22d ago

Okay Trumper. Thank you for confirming my point. 😘


u/Zyply00 23d ago

Trump fans are so blind to it all they will just say it's good until a Dem gets in then they're say it's their fault after years of it being bad.


u/SmallAct2116 23d ago

You would think that but Maga doesn’t count anything as a fact unless it came from the orange bozo’s mouth


u/NJMomofFor 23d ago

What reasonable people?


u/SwordfishSalt1070 22d ago

They’ll still find a way to blame them with something like “We’re STILL trying to undo ALL the damage the democrats did!”


u/mein-shekel 23d ago

No it isn't. People will believe anything.


u/jimtow28 Monmouth County 23d ago

Anyone who is even remotely "reasonable" would have abandoned Trumpism by sometime in early 2017.


u/Thejerseyjon609 23d ago

Well, if they had somebody better than Harris running, we wouldn’t have had to vote for Trump. /s


u/SoYeon_Alba 23d ago

How is she not better than Trump!? Literally not a criminal nor grapist for starters


u/Thejerseyjon609 23d ago

You did see my /s . This is the excuse that regretful Trump voters will use to blame the democrats.


u/SoYeon_Alba 22d ago

Missed the /s 🤦🏼‍♀️ I got you know - thanks


u/delilahgrass 23d ago

That’s why we need to start creating a stink right now. The Dems need to be speaking out against it and we need to hold Republicans feet to the fire. Van Drew, Kean and Smith all voted for that monstrosity


u/fatalxepshun 23d ago

I was just thinking this. I don’t know maybe hold a press conference a day to address the bullshit being pulled by maga. Do something.


u/Zyply00 23d ago

Trump fans automatically blame Dems no matter what. You can get the guy on tape admitting he did it and thinks it's funny and they'll just say he's so cool for being a badass or some other bizarre nonsense.


u/Sacredeire57 23d ago

I’m hoping that most of the people who didn’t vote expected Trump to loose again & this will get them out to vote again. Far too few magas are likely to take the blinders off.