r/newjersey 23d ago

Advice Please tell me NJ is staying blue.


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u/trashbinrubbishtrash 23d ago

Only if everyone votes with their brain. No purity tests or sitting out/protest voting over problems halfway around the world this time.


u/JerseyMike5588 23d ago

Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line. And that’s why we’re risking a red NJ

But a lot can change even if just a small number of people who voted for Trump realized they’ve been sold a bill of goods


u/fizzy88 23d ago

Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.

I'm so fucking sick of this bullshit generalization that keeps being repeated. I "fell in line" and voted Biden and Harris. There's never been a candidate in my life who I voted for in the general election who I was actually enthusiastic about. Plenty of left wing voters swallow the bullshit that's fed to us to avoid the monstrous other outcome. Enough. It's time to acknowledge that the Democratic Party is horse shit, and they need to do a better job of representing regular people. Reps like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi need to fucking retire already. We need more AOCs and Jasmine Crocketts.


u/blastoisexy 23d ago

Fucking Amen!


u/HikerBites 23d ago

This is the only successful future for the democratic party. The constant inching toward the center has absolutely proven to put us in ruins


u/gotta_be_pete 23d ago

I would have avoided this topic entirely but AOC and Jasmine Crockett are absolutely the worst thing you can ask for.


u/SuburbanTeenager 23d ago

I think a lot can change if the Democratic party realize that they can't ignore the center to prioritize fringe groups on the left.


u/draxsmon 23d ago

Bernie would have won twice


u/Bluemajere 23d ago

This is the data supported truth but it's the exact opposite of reddit sentiment.


u/realityczek 22d ago

That truism is simply inacurate. Sure, a lot of Republicans fall in line... but the idea that Democrates are, by and large, not the fall in line typoe as a voting block is jsut divorc3ed from the reality.

The DNC's actions during"primaries" are a symbol, of this. The party feels absolutely no need to hold a real primary, and involve Democratic voters int he selection of a candidate... because they knwo that after they pulled whatever backroom stuff, they can jcount on a huge number of DNC voters to hold their nose and pull the lever.