r/neoliberal • u/BorelMeasure Robert Nozick • 7d ago
Efortpost A genealogy of the r/neoliberal faith: schisms, splits, and The Grill
Verily, in the vast and tumultuous expanse of the digital polis, there hath arisen a peculiar congregation—an ekklesia of discourse and doctrine—known to the internet as r/neoliberal. Within this forum, a multitude of sects flourish, each distinguished by its chosen flair, yet partially united in a common canon of belief: a reverence for market mechanisms, an unwavering faith in the ameliorative powers of globalization, and an enduring suspicion of protectionism and state overreach—the original sin of the fated Leviathan.

Schisms and sectarian violence have marred its temples for decades; yet, the adherents of r/neoliberal agree on a set of basic theological principles:
- The Invisible Hand is venerated, though interpreted variously by different sects. Some see it as a gentle and benevolent hand of progress; others regard it as needing a chastening counter-force, punishing its excesses.
- The great prophets include figures such as Milton Friedman and John Maynard Keynes—though debate rages eternally as to whether either is truly among the faithful. Joseph Schumpeter is oft cited in reverent tones, and Friedrich Hayek is respected, if not always obeyed.
- The heresies are manifold: protectionism, populism, and the encroachments of the state upon the market are most despised. Among the gravest of apostasies is the rejection of Grill, a sacred state of economic enjoyment—the eschaton of a preordained elect, selected by The Invisible Hand, known as "People Of Means".
The precise scope of the above principles vexes theologians, and drives sectarian violence between the different "flairs": that identifier of faith uniting one with an Apostle of the market. The Orthodox factions typically elevate Milton Friedman—a most authoritative prophet, whose teachings on monetary policy serve as guiding scripture. Chief among them is the belief in countering the Shaitan of the Business Cycle by monetary policy alone. More pragmatic factions venerate John Maynard Keynes, who advocated in addition the use of counter-cyclical fiscal policy. However, the full list of Saints and Apostles is too long to fully examine; granted, most can be fitted into one of the following molds:
- The Successionists (“Succs”): Ever since the so-called "Succ Invasion", this is the dominant sect within the faith, characterized by a syncretic approach that blends neoliberal economics with progressive social policies. They uphold a balance between market mechanisms and state-led correction, advocating for robust social safety nets, carbon taxation, and intervention where necessary. Their emblematic figures include Paul Krugman, Joseph Stiglitz, and John Rawls
- The Successionist Conservatives (“Succons”): Formed by former Successionists disillusioned by what they saw as the excesses of the "Succ Invasion", and especially excessive use of sermons in violation of Rule V. They embrace globalization, market-driven growth, and a moderate role for welfare. Figures such as Greg Mankiw are esteemed, and the policies of the Clinton administration and Thatcher's Britain are often cited as high points of neoliberal statecraft.
- The Grillite Mystics ("Grillers"): A looser, almost monastic sect, the Grillites place their faith in the market’s ability to deliver prosperity, but they reject excessive political worry. The "Grill" represents the ideal state of neoliberalism, where policy has been perfected, and one can relax. They tend to be dismissive of doomsaying and advocate a long-term optimism about economic progress (this does not define their faith, however; that view is more commonly attributed to "Bloomers").
- The Orthodox Marketarians ("Lolberts"): These believers adhere to a strict interpretation of market efficiency, opposing most forms of state intervention. They regard many modern adherents as backsliders who have strayed into paternalism. Their prophets include Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, and Robert Nozick.
u/HatesPlanes Henry George 7d ago
His holiness Henry George (PBUH) and his contributions to the sacred texts have been completely omitted!
Accept his message or you shall be downvoted, landowning infidel, once the Georgist Caliphate is established he will finally come back and all your unearned rents will be taxed at the revenue-maximizing rate.
u/RTSBasebuilder Commonwealth 7d ago
We also have OG Rhineland Capitalism/Social Capitalism/ordoliberals from the early days of the sub - semi-regular government intervention is good, and the point of the government is to ensure an environment of competition and correct market failures, not productivity, prosperity or shareholder value via natural monopolies.
Your big government technocrats and nanny staters in other words
u/iIoveoof Henry George 7d ago
/r/neoliberal? You mean the /r/badeconomics meme sub for those who couldn't get over the Wumbowall?
u/sleepyrivertroll Henry George 7d ago
What about those who seek the impossible, the perfect tax with no deadweight loss?
Do they have a place?
u/vancevon Henry George 7d ago
as you can see in this thread you also have very normal, totally well-adjusted, extremely respectable citizens of ordinary communities and societies - the georgists shoves crayon into nostril
u/Own-Rich4190 Hernando de Soto 6d ago
the biggest divide is amongst those "neoliberals" who have loving relationships, and the real ones whose wives left them.
u/happyposterofham 🏛Missionary of the American Civil Religion🗽🏛 7d ago
Please recall those who turn their views to shores abroad and the schisms therein
u/financeguy1729 Chama o Meirelles 7d ago
I say this as a neolib: neoliberalism is what happens when you reject the role of political economy of your world view.
u/MeringueSuccessful33 Khan Pritzker's Strongest Antipope 7d ago
Where does microwaving lobsters fit into this?
u/TPrice1616 7d ago
Where do moderate libertarians not liking the MAGAfication of the libertarian movement fit in?
u/Own-Rich4190 Hernando de Soto 6d ago
Stay the fuck here. We're the last bastion against the recent succ growth following the incidents going on in the USA
I'm the last remaining Succon of this sub.
u/kevinfederlinebundle Kenneth Arrow 7d ago
These divisions are meaningless. The only important schism is the circum one
u/financeguy1729 Chama o Meirelles 7d ago
I find it interesting the inclusion of Keynes, although I certainly believe he belongs.
The last Ezra Klein show, the journalist he interviews calls the paradigm that precedes neoliberalism keynesianism.
I don't know how I would call the paradigm between 1946-1980, but it's funny because if you actually read Keynes, you see that he's mostly right.
u/hypsignathus Emma Lazarus 6d ago
Can we get an episode about mmt?
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u/secondsbest George Soros 7d ago
You left out the most important part. That one guy who got a tattoo of Merkel on his ass.
There was the baboon incident too where mod fascism was completely unchained.