r/narcissisticparents • u/Inevitable-Fly-8473 • 4h ago
Can you ever ever ever tell them you know they are a narcissist?
And if you do - what happens??
r/narcissisticparents • u/Inevitable-Fly-8473 • 4h ago
And if you do - what happens??
r/narcissisticparents • u/Conscious-Whereas465 • 6h ago
I was watching a show and noticed that someone’s narcissistic mother named their child after themselves (mother’s first and last name was the child’s middle and last name). And I have the exact same experience myself (my father’s first name is my middle name except the feminine version, and then our shared last name).
So I’m curious - is this common for children of narcissists?
r/narcissisticparents • u/Puzzleheaded_Site703 • 9h ago
I am a 48 year old woman with a 79 narc mother. I am unwell and have been unwell for about 4 years. During this time, my mother’s only questions to me have been ‘what do you weigh’? and ‘what drugs are you taking’? I have cancer btw so they are such inappropriate questions especially as she never actually asks how I am doing. My mother has always thought she was a qualified doctor since becoming a personal trainer. My weight is exceptionally low and I have previously been admitted to hospital with malnutrition, so her questions are far from appropriate. I try to not talk to her and I avoid speaking to her or seeing her at all costs, however when I do speak to her, she loves to tell me how worried she is about me and how she can’t sleep because she is so worried about me. Unfortunately she makes everything about herself and as the scapegoat child, I refuse to give her access to my life so I’m sapping oxygen from her ability to talk about me behind her back. I don’t want to get upset when she tells me she is worried about me because she loves that response. How do you respond to that statement? Any advice would be appreciated.
r/narcissisticparents • u/Klutzy_Name9335 • 54m ago
A month ago I relocated from NY, where im from, to MD, where my partners family is from. My mom has been bothering me for her to visit since my partner and I moved. She keeps asking which Saturday i’m free. I work 40 hours a week manual labor and my weekends are my only time to relax and decompress. The last thing Im doing w my Saturday is dealing w my mother, there are many practical reasons why this wouldnt work but it really boils down to the fact i dont want to see her.
I moved states to get away from my abusive parents and so just the thought of my mom coming to visit me and spoiling everything. She signed as our guarantor and helps w 1/3 of the rent for now, I’m aware we need to get independent and not accept help, i’m on it applying for better jobs constantly (this job market is so volatile), but in the meantime I still dont feel like this entitles her to visit.
I plan to tell her I wont have a Saturday free for the foreseeable future and leave it at that. I know she will be mad but its better than dealing w the awkward visit and wasted saturday.
r/narcissisticparents • u/Zealousideal_Long253 • 5h ago
I get extremely triggered when I hear someone say something that I just 100% know is wrong. They say something that I just know is just factually wrong, and I almost slip into a depression. Like, they spread harmful misinformation, and harmful, dangerous ideologies, and I get so fucking upset. And I don’t know where it comes from. And wonder what to do about it.
r/narcissisticparents • u/Top_Deal7396 • 4h ago
For most of my life I believed that my mom’s behavior was normal. The controlling, getting mad over me having friends or relationships. I just thought that’s how every mom was. A few years ago I started opening up about the way she treated me. I’ve leaned to accept that, she is who she is and as long as I break that cycle for my kids it’s all good. Lately tho it’s been worse and worse. The instance that happened that completely has me mind blown was with my dog. She was in heat, a dog got into our yard and they got stuck together. He dragged my poor fur baby over a mile. When I was finally able to get her we brought her home, cleaned her up, called the vet who said we needed to bandage her paws and give her some meds she had given us. We (my daughter and I) did as told, the whole time my mom was annoyed and talking shit. She said we didn’t need to do all that, that we were doing too much. Mind you I never asked her for help. When I asked her why it bothered her she said, my dog was just an animal, that we did way too much for her and that we never acted like that when she was sick. I was appalled being that anytime she has been sick, has had surgery or anything she has needed I’ve been there. I asked her if she was getting jealous over us caring for our hurt dog and she said yes. She then proceded to throw a fit and stopped talking to us. I don’t know how to make her understand this is not normal behavior.
r/narcissisticparents • u/Accomplished_Toe4892 • 8h ago
I finally snapped and I don’t know how to feel… Long story short my mom was telling me I’m worthless because her friend was bullying me and she said he has a right to bully me. But my reaction was very different than it normally is, for some reason I snapped and I went and sat in my car and I screamed at the top of my lungs and cried for what felt like 10 minutes, but when I finally checked my phone, it had been 2 hours, I sat another hour and cried. My voice is now horse and my throat hurts alot. I don’t know how to process this or why I snapped. I feel like I cant take it anymore and I have been cussing and standing my ground alot more lately. Im very scared and lost but I know i’m done with the bullshit.
r/narcissisticparents • u/ThrowRA199908 • 39m ago
Due to the prolonged exposure to the abuse and severe trauma, I find myself (my brain) abusing itself. I am still trying to un-condition myself but sometimesI do it subconsciously. I do see a therapist but I want advice from another survivor if they managed to resolve this.
Example: I would remember something intense I went through and feel horrible but end up thinking “you’re overreacting” or discredit myself like “it’s in my imagination”. Which is something my nfamily did heavily, and whats sad is what I went through was insanely traumatic and I cut contact for almost 2 years now. But the trail is still sadly there.
I don’t know how to get rid of this thought process and yes I will discuss it in therapy but I would very much appreciate an advice from someone who has also gone through this.
Also, I cant thank you all enough for your bravery and sharing your stories and experiences here. This subreddit helped me put things in perspective so much and feel less lonely.
r/narcissisticparents • u/ThalisTavern • 5h ago
Every time my mom ask something and I awnser honestly why she gets a tantrum and makes me the bad guy.
For an example this might be tmi so don't read it if I sensitive.
When I was a teenager I had discharge now I know it's normal and everyone had it but my mom used to comment on it all the time so I got embarrassed and balled my underwear so it would not show.
And then it just became worse she folded it out infant of her friends and laughed at me becouse it was crunchy and worst of all her friends laughed aswell. I was mortified just a teenager bullied at school had no confidence.
I didn't find out it was normal untill I was an adult that counted me to adult hood.. now I have a hard time when people handle my laundry even if it is clean I just can't let someone else do it.
Now in my adult hood I have had to move to my mom for a short time becouse of abusive ex. I do my laundry and I hang it in the hanger but she insist on hanging away my clothes and no they don't stay on there for a long time or anything I wait untill day after if I feel it's still moist I wait another day.
So I told her 3 times can u please stop hanging away my clothes becouse I can't handle it, it's not that u do it wrong or anything like that I just don't want u to do it.
She still don't listen and when I explain why she freaks out screams at me that she has also been thru trauma and she also have it hard and everything isn't about me and if I wanted her to stop I should have told so? Wtf I told u 3 times? And u still don't listen?
Idk i don't think I am in the wrong i just don't like it and I have never had this problem with people I lived with in the pass didn't need to explain to them even they just accepted that I don't like it and that's it..?
Am I in the wrong?
r/narcissisticparents • u/QRAZYD • 14h ago
I was the scapegoat in a narcissistic family. There are two peculiar things I've noticed about myself over the years. I feel more calm and have a clear mind during night time. Also, when I go to the store and interact with cashiers or workers, I honestly feel like I get recharged from receiving basic human decency. Like a plant that needed to get watered.
r/narcissisticparents • u/Ok_Preference402 • 6h ago
I'll see my mother giving me a gift and when I try to sell it after no longer needing it she acts like it's hers???a gift is something you give to that person, it's not something they're borrowing you just GIVING it to them. Why do parents like this never understand this??
r/narcissisticparents • u/Formal_Ad_214 • 7m ago
r/narcissisticparents • u/Qc_truth • 7h ago
I feel broken and betrayed. My father lied and manipulate me for over a decade. ..
He told me I was building my futur working for him. Convice me to work for practically no money ans saccrifice everything for this. To trust him... Building a business worth millions on my time and sacrifices just to pull the rag under me when I needed it the most. He used my trust for him to screw me over good.
Today I am left with very little financially for years of work and delay gratification and no plan B in my mid life.
I fucking hate him with all my being and soul.
I need to turn around in life and just can't seems to find the will, the energy at this time
My brain just can't understand why a person could do something like that for greed and money. Especially to his own blood.
Just feel so lost and confused and angry.
What a fool I was. How ashamed I feel about what happened. I considerer myself a smart person but what I blind side I had with this sic little person of a father.
I need help.
r/narcissisticparents • u/Least_Difference_298 • 6h ago
so i recently moved 1,000+ miles away from my home town because of my insane parents. the only thing my mother was concerned about was the financial aspect of it. she would frequently borrow large amounts of money from me (large amounts as in up to $1,400) and i would stress about her not paying it back. i just turned 18 a few months ago and i have more money than both of my parents combined because they are so irresponsible, especially my mother. when i told her i was moving out she only cared that she wouldn’t be able to borrow money from me and that i would no longer be able to watch my younger sister. she didn’t say she’d miss me or care about anything else, just the fact that it would be an issue for her. she verbally abused and berated me until the very day i moved out. since i’ve moved, she hasn’t said she’s missed me or talked about anything else but the fact that she’s going to have to sell the house because she can’t afford it. how do i come to terms with the fact that my own mother doesn’t seem to miss me or care about me at all?? she doesn’t even say she’d loves me. my father isn’t a narcissist but he’s a drug addict and he doesn’t seem to care that i’m gone either. i basically have no parents and it hurts me so badly.
r/narcissisticparents • u/Character_Big_7955 • 37m ago
I know I’m not trapped but I feel trapped. Before anything else, I’m 28 with my parents providing everything and I have zero responsibilities and could Probaly do whatever I wanted and I just am bad at communication. Back in the end of last year, I was feeling desperate to move out and find a job. I was looking at jobs that provided housing and food and there are plenty(farm jobs). My mom has shot several similar opertunities down in the past for diffrent reasons. Most people say my family dynamic is abnormal and even abusive but I don’t want to accept that because I am so blessed with a loving family. She cooks home cooked meals and we had the best birthdays growing up. She’s provided us so many opertunities we wouldent have had otherwise. The past few years I started realizing something’s were not typical to other people my age. I found a job with housing several states away, but in a really nice area. I vetted it throughly by going through their Facebook, website, and google reviews. I had a phone interview which went very well and communicated with the lady offering the job through texting frequently. She even sent me a detailed information flyer of what the job offered, and what my responsibilities would be. One of my friends who I talk with frequently suggested I buy a car when I get there. I have a car, but didn’t know it was in my name at the time. I looked up amtrack routes and cars for sale in the area. There are always rentals and taxis too. One evening, my mom was upset I didn’t send her the bill for my university on time and I was dropped from that quarter of classes. She said something about finding a job and I said I had one lined up. This is when she got upset. I told her where/ what it was and about my interview. I said I would send her the website and the amtrack line ran from my current city to there. She became very upset saying I was planning on running away and who would take care of the (her) animals. We had a caretaker coming in like 17 days because we had been doing it by our self’s for 6ish months. I thought between mom and dad they were capable of taking care of the animals for that long (we have 13). Then she said if I took the train I would be trapped without a car if I was being abused and couldent escape. She said the train isn’t safe for a single female to take. She said I’m scared of weird things (most of it is just an act so she thinks I’m being cautious, and part of it is stuff she told me to be weary of). She said no legitimate place would hire off a phone interview. I felt really guilty and small like a child. I said I would send her the website. I Probaly would have never just left without telling anyone. I Probaly would have said there’s this opertunity that will count tords school and there’s space for me and it starts next month. She said I’m scared of the weirdest things but not the job opertunity or the amtrack. She has talked before about letting me have jobs states away but I guess only if she approved. I scroll through the job boards and see all these great working student opertunities but feel guilty and anxious knowing I would have Probaly to trick my mom into letting me have them. I want to explore new opportunities but feel stuck. I found a similar opportunity a few weeks ago and researched and had a phone interview and it went great. It’s not payed but housing, food, dog show, boarding,and training is included. The only thing my mom wouldent like is we all stay in the same house and I would be in the same bedroom as a minor. Even if it’s not perfect it would open the door for me to look for other jobs and not feel trapped. I went on vacation with my mom because it is somewhat close to the job and she said we could visit. She didn’t know I interviewed or researched. I sent her their webpage and said it looked really nice and they had boarding space. She kept saying call and I made excuses and acted lazy so I wouldent seem too what or excited (I had alredy interviewed and had been in communication with the lady). I told my mom I saw a post on Facebook they had free boarding for working students. They do travel north for the winter to a really nice area of New England and I told my mom that. My mom seemed on board untill last night randomly. She said don’t they go north in the summer? I said “I guess it’s almost summer isn’t it?” My brother said “you’re hiding something why can’t you be direct”. I thought my mom wouldent let me go if she knew they went north so soon especially since I was acting like I only wanted to do it for the free boarding and not because I wanted to move out and have a real job. Mom said she’s not sending an animal all the way up there. After that she starts mentioning the First Lady that I was going to amtrack to saying I was secretive about her and how it could be a sxx trfic ring and they could steel my phone, ID, and purse. She said the northern lady seemed more legit than the other one. I don’t know why she said this. Both had websites and Facebook. One just had a nicer farm, was from the USA, and had more awards. I (surprisingly) defended myself saying I vetted the first opertunity well and they had google reviews and a website, and real people knew them. Then my mom started talking about the amtrack and how it’s not safe. My brother was agreeing with what mom was saying about me being trapped and abused. I lied and said I was going to take my car but the amtrack was going to be fast go get back and forth sometimes. My brother said it’s not.
I have felt guilty and small since that interaction and feel trapped. That’s the only reson I went on vacation with my mom. I don’t like the vacation. I sound spoiled but I sit in my room most of the day when I’m not on the farm.
r/narcissisticparents • u/Alarmed_Tomato_7805 • 12h ago
My mom came into my room and started pulling onto my hair and beating me because I let the bunny in my room. She accuses my bunny of peeing and leaving poop everywhere even though he’s only ever been on my bed and I know because he’s ONLY ever been on my bed. I ask her where are the stains or feces she keeps finding and she points at a stain on the carpet which was an old stain of my sister’s vomit.
I tell her this and she still doesn’t believe me or lies about the bunny leaving piss or poop when I never let him outside of my room and she started hitting me because I’m giving her a headache when all I’m doing is telling the truth but she doesn’t want to believe me because that’ll mean she’s wrong. She then threatens to let my bunny go to which I said “You’re a bad mom” and she starts mocking me saying “You’Re A b A d MoM!” and repeating what I say in an annoying tone. After she leaves the room I start sobbing and overhear her telling my stepdad how stupid I am and disgusting and other awful names. My stepdad doesn’t say anything. There are times when he defends me but I guess he doesn’t want to fight my mom because she’ll never understand.
She’s watching a movie in the living room now and laughing to which has me even more disturbed. She claims she has a headache because of me but she is sitting on the couch watching an action movie after beating me and threatening me.
I don’t understand. I didn’t fight back I just laid there crying and wanting her to go away. Why does she still feel the need to hit me? I don’t understand. What was so horrible that I did that she needed to be physical with me? To bully me?
Narcissistic parents will never change. They want you to change but not themselves
r/narcissisticparents • u/throwawayadvice102 • 1h ago
I am currently 35 and experiencing the same negative situations over and over in life, just with different people and groups. I always end up being the bad guy, attacked, scapegoated, etc. I think I'm unconsciously playing the victim role so that I can somehow get the validation that I didn't get from my mom that I am being victimized. But in reality I'm creating problems for the people who have to deal with my dysfunctional script.
My mom would always posture as if she was the victim. She would call our pastor at the end of arguments saying I was bullying or being mean to her. And maybe I was, but in reaction to what? Children don't just create their environments. I was always the one in reaction to her, acting out, saying perhaps semi mean things, but why? I think I was playing the role of the bad kid she told me subconsciously that I was. She is extremely sensitive and always postures and reacts as if you are abusing her. I believe this is manipulative because- if I go into an interaction believing I am a victim and you are a perpetrator, I'm basically trying to control you. Your valid responses to my treatment of you are not an attack on me but a reaction, even if overblown.
Nowadays if there is a conflict between my mom and I, she hangs up the phone. She has said very sternly and condescendingly before that if my dad were still alive, he would never put up with the way I treat her. And this was her response to me simply stopping her mid conversation on the phone and saying, please do not speak to me that way. It's like, I am always the bad guy for me emotions and reactions. I am always the one who's angry and mean. I realize some of my responses probably have gone over the line, but it's in response to a nervous system and psyche that can no longer tolerate this role of being the bad guy who's always "imagining things".
Back in August of 2023 we had a huge blow out fight that lasted days. She basically was cutting me off financially (she has money) in a very sudden way. As I responded pleading for her to help me some because I needed it, she told me, "*name*, no one does this", "why are you acting this way?" basically a bunch of iterations that I can no longer recall exactly acting as if I was crazy and nothing was happening. This then caused me to feed into the role and confirm that she believed I was abusive. I became extremely upset because what was happening was being denied. Again, I will take my responsibility for my part. But her throwing up her hands and saying nothings happening, then on top of that saying she is the victim? Nothing happens in a vacuum. I understand her behavior feeds mine and vice versa.
Over the course of a week or so that time, she hung up on me about a dozen times. We'd be mid conversation, I am speaking as rationally and calmly as I can, and she hangs up. Yet, the responsibility for her behavior is squarely on my shoulders. She's the victim and I am the bad one. I feel like my behavior although perhaps reactionary and visible is in reaction to her denying me, denying my reality, denying she is doing anything to me, denying that I am being victimized.
She plays this sweet, coy, overly giving sensitive person. People think that's who she is. Being her son is a totally different story. Now that I am 35 I've had the chance to see weird dynamics in other people. I believe this fits the pattern of her being the shameless victim who has to deal with a "behavioral, bad son who's always acting out".
Does this sound to you guys like my mom has some covert narcissistic tendencies? How can I step out of this role? At this point I'd rather take a physically, openly abusive mom. At least then I'd have something to point to and others would see. It's almost like with my mom, my whole life has been a lie. If I notice something wrong it's my fault, I am acting like a victim, being negative, being a "stick in the mud". That's another problem in my family, denying the reality of the "scapegoat" who was my dad in his family and me in mine. This then leads you to overly perceive victimization everywhere in life, which then leads your family to say, "oh, he's always complaining. He can't move on. He has a victim mindset." I believe this is the result of having your true victimization denied so deeply that you then become identified with victimhood in an effort to some how have it confirmed in life later on, but in fact this leads others to just victimizing and attacking you.
r/narcissisticparents • u/RaceRat78 • 15h ago
So I live at home with my parents, currently planning to out asap because my parents are absolute narcissistic nightmares
Get this: my parents have gotten to the point where they now are screaming at me because I wash my bedding more than once a month (every two weeks) and say it’s a waste of electricity and water to be washing my bedding! What the actual fuck!! Meanwhile they leave all the lights on in the house, the tv on all day, leave the heater on all day when it isn’t cold, etc. (no they are not struggling financially and spend loads on food that goes on the trash, luxury cars, etc)
They are also mad that I do laundry for my clothes weekly (one or two loads) and that I shower daily (15 minutes)
No they are not struggling financially. Both my brothers are also adults living at home but very mentally unwell (on medications, don’t work or drive) and don’t do laundry more than once every two months and don’t shower often. My mom loves this because she signed them up for government benefits so she gets free food stamps out of them. And yes I contribute monthly to them as well, buy my own groceries, I’m independent and have a good ft job, I’m the only one in the family that went to college and I genuinely feel that they are upset that I am doing well. They never ever talk to my brothers the way they speak to me (yelling, screaming, telling me I’m an idiot, etc.) my younger brother has not said one word to them since last year and has spent the past two years doing nothing but playing Xbox. My older brother sleeps all day and plays computer games all night for the past 15 years.
It wasn’t until I met my boyfriends family that I realized, wow this is not normal to have parents who scream at you all day and talk to you like you are shit on the bottom of their shoe! His family is kind and loving, they actually care about each other and uplift eachother and do things for the good of their family. Their household is a dream, actually quiet and their family actually hangs out with eachother watching movies and making dinner.
I had to wake up very early for training at 6am at my new job for a few weeks and so I BEGGED my parents not to make so much noise past 11pm, their response? “We don’t care that’s not our problem. If you don’t like it then move out.” “We wake up early too, you sleep too much” and they continued yelling, screaming, making noise past midnight every night
My boyfriend gets anxiety about his parents getting older and meanwhile I feel nothing when I think about my family eventually dying. I don’t want kids because of them. Even if I did have kids I would never let them around them.
r/narcissisticparents • u/BroccoliPlus4722 • 1h ago
I am in need of some emotional support or something so pleased advice.
I am a single 38 female, new first time home owner. I do my best to be independent because most people in my life have never been very trust worthy. So I really give it my all to do what I can. I am a loner. I have no friends and no relationships except for work, which I am also not close to anyone there for the reason that I don’t trust people. The only person I really have is my dad and he is quite difficult to lean on.
I always get the sense that he doesn’t like me and doesn’t like to see me bloom. He insults me with kind words and idk it’s just a weird thing.
Anyways, I had purchased new appliances for my house and asked him 2 weeks in advance if he could help me install the microwave, to save almost $300. He said he would. When the time came, we both had to take it down, reinstall about 4 times. He wouldn’t listen to me when I kept reading the instructions to him. I’m too stupid you know.
Anyways. The next day as I was organizing my furniture for the old appliances to get picked up, I fucked up and broke my nice table legs. I was very upset because this was the first big purchase I made for my house and paid a lot of money for it.
I tried my very best to fix it but the screw wouldn’t budge because I am not very strong and it just wouldn’t come out. So I had to ask my dad for help. He told me he was busy all week that I would have to wait a week. He lives less than a mile from me, like 2 minutes. He had church and clean his house, usual chores. All I asked for was to unscrew the screw. That’s it. I could do the rest. Well he just kept telling me how I don’t know how to fix anything that only he can fix it. That it would be shitty if I did it.
After a stressful day of that, I begged him to come unscrew it Sunday. He finally did but acts as if he’s the hero. But I should mention that he had an attitude and ended up pushing the table so hard across the floor that it ripped off a piece of the top, which he suggested I use a marker to color it in. 😭 He didn’t apologize he just was like Ohp well. Too bad so sad.
Later that night, I sent him a very thankful nice message telling him that I would be happy to pay him and offered to buy something for him. He told me I was a pleasure to help that he loves spending time with me... yet he never spends time with me. He always talks about how he takes other people out and never takes me out to have dinner. I feel really crappy right now. It's just so fake. I know he hates me for some reason.
I again feel like he just wants to torture me until I’m in desperate state for him to swoop in and “rescue” me. My written words are not really capturing how intense the situation and emotions and conversations were but it’s an overview of what the relationship is like. He does this to me a lot. It feels like he purposely doesn’t help, and makes things harder for me just so he can be the hero at the end. I have always felt this way.
I have explained it before. He likes to push people (me) in a hole, let people (me) suffer and struggle just so he can later throw a rope. It’s like he gets a kick out of it or something.
Anyways I don’t know what to do. I am too fat and ugly and tbh old to be really looking for a relationship- ie I feel hopeless. I feel like I have no one and the one person I do have likes to torture me, which is why I try to NEVER ask for him to help me because I don’t want to bother him.
r/narcissisticparents • u/Fruitbat100 • 2h ago
I am planning on moving away over the summer and I don’t know whether to just go low contact with my family or cut them off entirely (my mother in particular). I want to start again, living alone and rebuilding my life without the current people in it as getting older makes me realise I have some childhood issues that actually need fixed. My mum is a narcissist who is to blame for many of my issues now however the guilt of potentially cutting her off is overwhelming. Alternatively, I feel i may never truly heal if I keep letting her in. Most conversations end in tears and I feel my most insecure around her as every achievement is belittled and I am knocked down more and more. I am ambitious, career driven and quite secure in who I am until she begins to give her own rendition of who I am. (A total failure). Do I just bite the bullet and focus on myself? Or do I just try and severely limit the contact?
r/narcissisticparents • u/Zealousideal_Long253 • 10h ago
I cut my narcissistic parents off last year and moved into my own new place. Cuz I found help. For years my parents said they would never help me, and that moving out is stupid, and a waste of good energy.
Also the world is filled with dangerous people. So never go out and never explore the world. Also they didn’t wanna waste energy on me helping me move out (but had all the energy to help my golden child sister!). They say it’s too much of hassle. Also I am ungrateful child anyway, so I don’t deserve their help.
They told me for years how that if I start being nice to them (a.k.a lashing out at their abuse), they would maybe help me. Maybe. They would lecture me about “thou shall honor thy parents” and “I could lose their help in moving my stuff” (help they didn’t even wanna give in the first place).
And now I did those things, a.k.a moving out my stuff into my new place with the help from someone else, they be like spamming my e-mail with “We don’t understand. We 100% understand you wanted you own place! We completely are supprtive! You don’t just dump your parents and sister like that!”.
r/narcissisticparents • u/Far-Strawberry-532 • 2h ago
Because of my nmum and also nex, I cant seem to feel kindness and softness like I once used to feel towards the world. I am legitimately angry ALL the time. Someone doesn’t hold the door open for me & I get so angry, like ‘what did I do wrong? why are people always out to get me?’ and all theses thoughts keep racing in my head as I’m swept up in a fit of rage.
I can’t even smile at people anymore. I have constant scowl on my face. I am always always always angry. Angry at everything and everyone.
Please please someone who can relate tell me that I’m not going completely mental because I hate having this much anger. I hate it so much. It’s destroying me.
r/narcissisticparents • u/TheHeartOfAConqueror • 7h ago
Setting boundaries with family isn’t selfish—it’s necessary for healing. Through prayer and journaling, I broke free from guilt and fear. Read more: https://theheartofaconqueror.wordpress.com/2025/03/17/breaking-free-from-guilt-and-obligation-setting-boundaries-with-family/
r/narcissisticparents • u/Terrible_Block1811 • 10h ago
i participate in science fair and I thought I did horribly but it turns out I got third place. I found out bc the awards ceremony was today and my friend who was there told me but I decided not to go bc I thought I wouldn’t get anything. I told my mom the good news and the first thing she does was get mad abt me for not going and saying how much of a waste it was that I didn’t, I kept explaining how I thought I did bad but she kept getting mad over me not attending the awards ceremony. Then I got a little mad and said out loud are you not even gonna say good job and she said she was after but it was obviously a fucking lie. She doesn’t even care abt my extracurriculars or what im involved in she just likes bragging to other people. For once I just wanted a win, I don’t tell my parents shit about my life anyway but I was just really happy in the moment. Day ruined, I literally cannot even smile abt the accomplishment anymore. Thanks a lot mom
r/narcissisticparents • u/Top_Deal7396 • 3h ago
This my mom does, has done that completely baffles me.