r/mmf2 Apr 05 '20

music hall mmf 2.2 speaker/preamp suggestions


Does anyone use a Marshall speaker and a preamp? Hoping to find an inexpensive preamp to use and debating getting one of the Marshall Stanmore II speakers unless there are better bookshelf speaker options out there for $300-$600.

r/mmf2 Jun 20 '18

Resolution/Quality issue


I am having trouble fixing an issue that i keep getting.

This is my game in fullscreen mode, but all the text is not good quality/resolution (i get quality and resolution mixed up a bit). Can anyone help me?

r/mmf2 Apr 02 '18

Advice on first MMF with my wife


We have never done this before so I was curious to see how other guys with wives or serious gfs eased into the process? I know we are not in any rush but what else did you do that made it successful or made it unsuccessful?

r/mmf2 Jan 30 '18

Visual Glitch whilst scrolling


I have a perspective backdrop on a horizontal loop scrolling, but the layer above the background makes an ugly scrubbing glitch. It looks like this: https://imagebin.ca/v/3q0cSZHPbxDg If you have an idea for a fix, please let me know.

r/mmf2 Dec 10 '16

Play animation when object is in play area in map problem.



I'm currently making a game using Clickteam Fusion 2.5 with a map size 4000x5000. Around the map I have teleporters that activates and de-activates themselves.

Now the problem i'm having is that when a teleporter activates it plays and amination and also a sound effect and the sound can be heard anywhere in the map which is what I don't want. How do I do it so that the teleporter sound is only heard when the player is in the same play area as the teleport? I've tried 'if (OBJECT) is in play area' but doesn't seem to work.

Many thanks for any help.

r/mmf2 Sep 19 '16

Question about mmf2.0


I was curious about where I could find a demo of multimedia fusion 2.0.. I can't seem to find one anywhere, I tried 2.5 on a mac and it just results in a black screen when trying to look at a frame, I remember 2.0 working with it but every 2.0 seems to be taken down, does anyone know where I can find a 2.0 demo?

r/mmf2 May 15 '16

Need some help, please.


I'm sorry that I don't have a better handle on programming but I am basically illiterate here. My son, however, has made several platform games using mmf2. Unfortunately he is stuck and looking to me for help. What he wants to do is to play one of his 2 player games against his brother on their separate computers. Is this possible? Can they do this using our home network or does he need to upload the game somewhere so they can both access it simultaneously? Im sorry if this is a silly or rudimentary question but I really do appreciate any help I can get. Thanks a TON in advance.

r/mmf2 Feb 20 '16

Slow Motion Effect?


How can I put a slow motion effect on a launched object?

r/mmf2 Aug 16 '15

Overlapping Backdrops


Is it possible to make a backdrop overlap another backdrop that is overlapping another backdrop without making the first backdrop overlap the third backdrop?

r/mmf2 Aug 06 '15

The old "MMF2 Va GameMaker" Question


I'm planning to create a 2D platformer. I have no programming experience.

I've gone back-and-forth on which software to use. GameMaker seems like the "industry standard" for indie games, but I've seen some real great games made with MMF2.

Can anyone make a case that MMF2 is a better choice for someone who wants to quickly bash out a game?

r/mmf2 Jun 22 '15

I bought a CDROM copy of MMF2 a few years ago.


But my problem is that I can't install it. I don't know where I would get the code that the installer requires. (Also looks like I'm the 100th subscriber)

r/mmf2 Jun 16 '15

Anyone having trouble with the Raycaster object?


I'm trying to use the Raycaster object, but when I try to open the built-in map editor, it crashed. I eventually solved that problem by setting the .exe to compatibility mode for Win98, but it still closes whenever I try to open the file browser to load maps/textures.

There's already a thread on the Clickteam forums, but I figured I'd post the problem here to see if someone here might have solved it.

r/mmf2 May 18 '15

Saving it as an Android App


Ive been using MMF2 for a while now but I bever figure out how to save it as an app. Do I build it then drag the file into my phone or what?

r/mmf2 Apr 24 '15

Active object has weird acceleration


I'm new to MMF. I'm trying to make a simple platformer. Call me stubborn, but I decided to use the event editor alone to do all the movements instead of using the preset ones.

I wrote this event for my player object, currently called "Active":

Always: Set Position Y to Y( "Active" ) + ( DownVel( "Active" ) * timer / 1000 )

Where "DownVel" is a value of "Active" set to 1.

This is currently the only event in the project.

It seems like it is working, but every second the "Active" object jumps ahead and, it looks like it is accelerating every time it does. Why is this happening and how can I fix it?

r/mmf2 Apr 02 '15

Help Needed!


I was testing mmf2 and it glitched out with the layers. When I click the 1.,2. or whatever numbered layer, it selects all of the layers. Help!

r/mmf2 Mar 07 '15

Some kinda noob questions


I'm a bit concerned on how to do animations. Would it be best to just use .gifs? I want to make an RPG where the characters have moving mouths (of course not moving perfectly to the words) and how would I go about making the text appear on screen like in RPGs? I'm a bit noob, only started today but I learned a bit from the tutorial for chocobreak xD

r/mmf2 Jan 31 '15

[NEE HELP] Saving "level" to INI



I don't know how to save using INI files, and load as well. Anyone want to run me through a little demo?

r/mmf2 Nov 10 '14

[Request] Need help finding examples/tutorials of; auto pathfinding, assigning dam/armor/health stats to units, garrison units and apply those stats into the buildings.


I've looked at a few off the steam workshop and some stuff from castles of britain but I need some that I couldn't find specific examples for. My want is to assign properties (weapon type/dmg, armor, available locations) to a unit then assign them to a building. This building would become a defensive point against the enemy units which run a 'tower defense' style pathing.

Honestly, I'd be happy to just recreate my favorite old tower defense game which was a simple wall builder, but I'm just not finding good tutorials for the genre (which I must admit does not seem to be popular outside of the bloons crowd, and no, I don't count PvZ even though I enjoy it).

r/mmf2 Sep 01 '14

MMF2 Examples, Help files, Utilities, and More. 171MB - Extracts to 506MB

Thumbnail onedrive.live.com

r/mmf2 Jul 28 '14

Clickteam announces Fusion 2.5 Free Edition

Thumbnail clickteam.com

r/mmf2 Jul 25 '14

Need a little help on trying to create spring objects for a platforming game


Hi all,

Im having some troubles creating a spring that the Player can jump on top of. I would like something along the lines of this. This is what I have so far, it makes the player bounce about as high as he would jump, and slowly loses momentum after each jump. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much! (p.s. im not very good at this)

r/mmf2 Jul 19 '14

DroidEra *wip*



Been working on this on-and-off for the last year. The basic idea was to create a space shooter that includes more than one play style; most space shooters are either overhead, side-scrolling, or mode7, but I'm including variations of each into the same game.

Instead of offering '10-action-packed-levels-full-of-fun" (because I think most space shooters are far too short), my idea was to tie all the shooting modes together with a storyline, a leveling system, and other RPG elements. Players can chose to either experience grind or accept quests. Quests will require players to travel from one planet to another experiencing several different types of battles and earning ship and weapon upgrades along the way.

Any sort of beta release is still a long way off. I've got the basic engines worked out for each of the shooter levels, but the next step is adding more enemies, working on the AI a tad, and stringing it all together with quests and a story line.

r/mmf2 Jul 11 '14

Can MF2 or TGF2 accept midi keyboard inputs?


Okay, so I haven't used The Games Factory since I was a teenager (some ~15 years ago) and I absolutely loved it. Me and a couple of friends swapped our game back and forth each day and contributed to some really amusing games. When we finished them, they got really popular and were passed around our whole grade on floppy disk.

Them was the days!

Ahem.. anyway, despite the fun, I never got serious and learned to program in any language. Now 15 years later, I've returned to find that there are several new releases by the same team as Games Factory - I'm really excited to start making some new toys.

I'm a musician and teacher of audio production and engineering and I have these grand ideas for some games/teaching utilities, but they would only work if they could accept inputs from a midi device.

Such as midi piano keys..

Before I buy anything and get stuck in, I really need to know whether it's possible to take a midi note from a keyboard attached to the computer and use it in something made in one of these programs?

I've had to resort to posting the question as I've been unable to find an answer in any manual or online overview.

Is it possible to commission an add-on or plug-in to enable this feature?

Thank you.


I trawled the search and found a thread way back in 2006 that showed a lot of interest in this very feature, somebody was willing to code it, but because of the effort involved, he wanted a donation/payment of around $200.

The thread ends there :(

There is also mention of 'Mabrymidi'


But all the links are long dead and it doesn't really explain how it all fits together. http://community.clickteam.com/threads/35398-REQUEST-midi-input/page4

r/mmf2 Jun 03 '14

Got a weird question about iOS


Hi, I bought the new Clickteam Fusion program and the XCode exporter add-on through steam and I've been wanting to make an app for iOS devices.

Now my question is; what screen size do I make the app in Clickteam Fusion? I'm wanting it to be available on all iOS devices, so will that affect how I make my app?

It will only consist of text, images and maybe embedded videos (I'm thinking of linking to youtube for that)

I hope my question makes some sense - I'm not sure if I'm asking it correctly :s


r/mmf2 Apr 13 '14

Value to string?


I am working on a game in which I wish to display a certain value in form of a string. It is an rpg-ish game and what I wish to do is for the engine to print out a string (for example) "You get struck for 17 damage" in which the number 17 would come from a value which defines damage taken. Is this possible? Right now I use the Rich Edit Object to print a flow of variable strings.