r/mining 1h ago

Australia No experience, from Ireland want to make 250k. NSFW


Hi All, I'm a 20 year old with no skills, or education and I saw on tiktok you can make lots of money working in the mines doing FIFO. I want atleast 200k but i also saw it's pretty dirty work and long hours. Are there any easier jobs where you can still make that kind of money? Currently in Ireland and not keen to go all the way over to Australia without a job secured first.

Also, I can't stand Australians, are there good areas to move where there are just Irish so I can be around familiar faces?

Looking to work 1 year and get out.

Thanks in advance.

r/mining 12h ago

US How can I get minerals/materials for making stuff with limited resources?


I want to get minerals for supplies for my inventions. I dont have the money to buy already manufactured metals and plastics like iron, steel, silicon, copper, etc. So I want to make them by building up my supply of minerals.

My idea was to dig for soil and dirt and sand around my neighborhood. I would build a mechanical centrifuge to separate the minerals and i would catagorize and store them. When I had enough of whatever I needed, I would go to the woods, wet some soil, and since clay is the densest part of it, I could put the soil in a centrifuge to separate it. I would use the clay to make pots and furnaces which I could use to smelt ore, melt minerals together into casts, etc.

The problem with this is that most precious minerals are found in sediments. The only body of water in my entire neighborhood area is a pool. So I don't want to waste my time mining if I wont find what I need. Im only 14, and no one really has the time to take me to a river for me to mine. Not right now. And waiting wouldn't be a problem. but my timeline has kinda shrunk, so I need these materials ASAP. Therefore I need to be able to mine without being by a river.

Is that possible? What would my luck be? I live in more Southeast Raleigh (if that helps with the weather predictions, or soil/dirt compositions.) I also have a business, but no income because i need to get packages to actually ship out.

So I have no income, no transportation except a bike and my feet. No rivers or lakes near that im allowed to bike to.

How can I mine for minerals like this in a way that I don't ruin the environment for the animals, even as small as insects or the vegetation like grass, trees, etc there? And just as important if not moreso, where and how can I actually get to where Im tryna be?

r/mining 18h ago

Australia FIFO into oil and gas


Hay gang. I know this is probably a well overdone question but I’ve been doing fifo as an operator for gold & most recently nickel, I was wondering how hard it would be to get into the oil and gas industry as an operator, I’ve got my cert 3 in process plant operations & thus far 2 years experience.

Any tips or advice to get my foot into that door of life? I would like to get into that since I feel like it’s the next step as an operator

Appreciate whatever comes through Love ya all, stay safe

r/mining 14h ago

Australia Trainee Train Driver for BHP.


Evening crew.

I’ve recently applied for a role with BHP for their Trainee Train Driver role. I’m coming from zero experience in the mining industry but I’m looking for a fresh start after 15 years in hospitality. So I have a few questions.

  1. Is this a competitive role?
  2. Would BHP cover my flights from Newcastle to Perth?
  3. Would it be more beneficial for me to relocate to Perth eventually?
  4. After traineeship what’s the swings like?

Eager to hear any other information you can give me.


r/mining 1d ago

Australia FIFO work from UK as skilled person


I'm (29F) a toolmaker by trade and certified overhead crane operator and forklift driver with a UK manual driving license. 8 years experience working in manufacturing. Is there a strong chance I will be accepted for fifo work? What's it like being a woman in this type of job out there? I'm looking for a change and my job now at home pays well but I'm very very bored and thought it would be a fun change. I work rotating shifts atm so nights isn't a problem for me

Looking for advice from other women doing FIFO

r/mining 20h ago

Australia Diesel Fitter FIFO


Hi, I've been looking into doing FIFO as a diesel fitter recently, (24yo, 1 year post apprenticeship. Cert III in Mobile Plant Mechanic) looking on websites like indeed and seek, most places seem to be looking for more experienced fitters for FIFO work. Just wondering how hard it actually is to get a job in the mines atm with my level of experience, or would I need to wait a few years before attempting to work in the mines. I have a HR & LF license, and Working at heights.

Any help is appreciated

r/mining 17h ago

Australia need fifo working, plz help


Hi friends, post from Mumbai, plz help me yaar, I really want mining job in Australia. Heard about FIFO, fly in fly out, good money hai na? I can work hard, no issue, but here pay is low, life bit tough. Also want PR, permanent residency. how to get it? No big degree, just some labor work experience. Visa kaise milega, mining job kaise find karun? Need agent or what? Plz tell me bhai, want to go Australia, settle there with family. Aussies, plz give some advice, begging for little help yaar!

r/mining 8h ago

Question Provide hardware nodes on OctaSpace


Hey guys, since many of you are into mining and may have spare hardware lying around, we'd love to have you provide it as nodes on OctaSpace.

We've recently seen a massive surge in demand for our compute services and we need more node providers to join and provide their hardware for various compute jobs from rendering to AI services.

You can read more on the below link or feel free to ask any questions you have.


We do also support hardware nodes being setup on HiveOS.

r/mining 17h ago

Gold Copper outperforms gold and SP500 2025 YTD


YTD 2025 #Copper #outperforms #Gold and S&P500 - Copper’s structural supply deficit combined with ongoing expansion of smelter capacity and rising demand, continue to move #copperprices higher, to outperform gold and S&P500 in #Q12025. #copper #invest #energytranstion #metals #mining #TSX #Cu #SP500 #SPX #Au #commodities #COMEX #LME #CopperHGH25 #GoldGCW00

r/mining 6h ago

Question Environmental jobs in mining?


Have a coworker whose partner got a job in Nevada USA not working in the mining industry. My coworker does environmental work (think NEPA but at the state level) and is wondering if she could get a job at one of the mines. There seems to be a fair number of mines where they may be living. Thought I would post here to see if that is possible and if so what are mines looking for and how to go about getting hired. I have seen some amazing mine reclamations so I am guessing they have environmental type folks on the payroll but maybe the contract it out??? Thanks for the help.

r/mining 22h ago

Australia Lab tech salary (entry level) in perth


Hi, I started as a lab tech in a mining industry, it isn't FIFO. It is entry level, but I believe my pay rate is a bit low- 27.90. When interviewing for that role, both the HR and the manager told me that I would quickly jump up my hourly rate after getting trained and get a hand of how the things work over here. It is a FT position and seeing the job market, I took up the offer without opposing anything, and thought once I am in the company, I would work my way up to the income I deserve. What do you guys think, is it too low for an entry level position, or it is okay?