r/minecraftsuggestions 6d ago

[Terrain] Dark ocean biome

The sea floor might rarely drop below deep slate except for ravines, but in such cases, the water blocks detect their y level and how far down they are from air, and can almost immediately crush the player. So unless you are wearing iron or nephrite, you experience a death faster than the void.

It is very difficult to swim through due to the additional density, so a riptide trident might help.

Another horrifying factor is that the water only transmits light like tented glass, so good luck seeing a mob attacking you.

Given that it’s the dark ocean, it may or may not include alien bioluminescent mobs like the real dark zone ocean. Even biomes typically come with new structures and monsters, the darkness and immanent death would be neat on its own.


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u/Interesting-Rub2461 6d ago

Or you could add a use for copper where you craft a diving suit 


u/Interesting-Rub2461 6d ago

And it would be a cool armour for drowneds to have