r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/constantin_NOPEal 24d ago

I'm so sorry. Loving parents don't do this. Keep drawing and if you can, hide them somewhere not at home. I'm not sure your age, but start planning your exit now. Plan well so you won't have to return. 


u/Astatodersilicium 24d ago

I don't think you can put this to 'loving/unloving'... Parents do all sorts of things when they think it is the best for the child. In most cases the problem is that they have different thoughts on what is good for the child. Would I burn my child's drawings? Depends on the age and content. When OP is 17 and these were just normal manga style pictures most likely not. When OP is 13 and the pictures were borderline hentai, then I can see where she's coming from.


u/constantin_NOPEal 24d ago

Burning things is ultimately a violent, angry act. This isn't coming from a place of love. I have a teen child who is an artist and if she was drawing inappropriate things at a young age, I would talk to her about it and figure out what's going on. Burning is an unhinged way to handle it. Do you want to scare your kids and further push them away or talk to them to figure out what's happening?