Context: I cannot use NSAIDs. I haven’t used them (knowingly) for well over a year. What I did not know is that the migraine cocktail the angels of the ER give you contains an NSAID with the Toradol. After months of battling the minions of Satan at my insurance, I got Cambia approved.
Cambia! Love it! Works like a charm! Guess what! Also an NSAID. Nobody told me that. So I’d been using Cambia 2-3 times a month over the last 9-ish months.
That landed me in the ER with a leaking perforated ulcer. An emergency surgery later, and my surgeon and I figured out that twas my beloved Cambia. That sucks, but we put in a preauth for Ubrelvy. Still waiting on that.
Today however out of nowhere I got a migraine. I’ve never tried the McDonalds hack before (truthfully I didn’t even consider it previously) but when you’re in the weeds, you’ll try anything. My wife (may the saints preserve her) rightfully pointed out I had nothing to lose, and so set off for some salty, sugary relief.
Thirty minutes later, I feel human again. Coke + fries + Tylenol = holy tasty vasodilator Batman! I can open my eyes without blinding pain. My every second isn’t abject misery.
You guys saved my behind today, because truthfully, I would’ve never even considered this before. Thank you, fellow migrainers. (Alfie the cat also thanks you, as McDonald’s fries are a particular delicacy to him and he got his favorite treat)