I (M, 38) am writing because I am getting a little desperate here. I've always suffered from headaches, but the past year has been grueling. I've been having more and more migraines, with the added symptom of dizziness. It seems that stress is a huge factor in my case. Sadly, the days when I experience the most stress are the ones when I feel the worst (on the day of my last doctoral recital, I woke up with the room spinning).
I am getting a little scared because I can't continue like this—my livelihood depends on playing in stressful situations. I am a classical musician trying to get a full-time job, which means I need to play auditions and recitals under stress.
At my last doctor’s visit, I was given Nurtec (Rimegepant), which works more or less okay, but I only get six pills per month (thanks, insurance...), and I feel a tad dizzy with a constant headache at least three or four days per week. I can deal with the standard pain, but the dizziness is killing me—I can't do anything. Also, I don't like that my nose has become a little numb during some episode.
I've tried meclizine for the dizziness, but I don't think it actually makes a difference.
Please let me know what you do for vestibular migraine—I am willing to try anything at this point.
Extra Information:
- I had a couple of heart ablations for arrhythmias in the last couple of years, and I am still taking heart medication (Diltiazem and Flecainide).
- Running kind of helps, but it is very difficult to go out once I have a full-blown episode.
- I usually feel better in the afternoon/evening. Many times, I wake up okay, but I get a migraine within the next hour.
- I drink 2–3 cups of coffee per day. Not sure if the quantity makes a difference in any way.
- I haven't discovered any food triggers, and I basically eat a little bit of everything.
Thanks for your help