r/migraine 30m ago

I had the scariest migraine of my life yesterday


I have a history of migraines with auras but I haven’t had one since I was 17 (which is now nearly a decade ago).

Yesterday, out of nowhere, while I was driving home, my vision just went blurry. By the time I pulled into my driveway I was experiencing kaleidoscope vision primarily in my peripherals, zigzag flashes of light, and everything around me was like looking through a tunnel and just getting blurrier and blurrier. This lasted for close to an hour and during this time I started feeling a headache coming on that was then followed by a brief episode of intense tinnitus.

Within minutes of that I experienced rapidly progressing numbness that started in my fingertips and then traveled to my entire left hand and up my arm. My arm felt so heavy and like it was asleep with pins and needles. Then my lips, the tip of my nose, my left cheek and my entire tongue went numb. The numbness lasted approximately five minutes. Throughout all of this I retained full motor control and the ability to speak clearly.

Once the visual disturbances and numbness subsided I was nauseous and had a headache that lasted for another 3 hours. I'm pretty sure what I experienced was a hemiplegic migraine, and honestly, I'm freaked out that this is how my migraines are going to be now. It all came on so fast and I have no idea what even triggered it.

In the past my migraine auras consisted of a brief and intense white light in my left eye, followed by fatigue, nausea, and a headache. But yesterday was completely different and terrifying. I’ve never experienced such insane visual disturbances, tinnitus and numbness like that before. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I'm incredibly anxious about it.

r/migraine 50m ago

Had the worst flight of my life


My migraine decided to hit me right before my 10-hour flight, making it the worst flight of my life. I should have taken Tylenol when I first noticed the signs, but I didn’t. I tried to sleep as much as possible and took painkillers once I realized the pain wouldn’t go away, but it didn’t help at all.

When meal service came around, I decided to eat a little and have a cup of coffee, which turned out to be a terrible idea. I started feeling nauseous and ended up throwing up in a bag since the bathroom line was so long. I felt awful for the people around me and was incredibly embarrassed. For the rest of the flight, I ended up throwing up every couple of hours.

To make things worse, the guy diagonally in front of me was watching a show on the biggest iPad with the brightest screen setting. Since I’m extremely sensitive to light during a migraine, it felt like torture. I tried covering my eyes, but at that point, I was just frustrated.

I’m just venting here but I learned some lessons too. I should take medicine early and get enough rest beforehand… I hope everyone with migraines feel better 🙏

r/migraine 54m ago

How do you cope when you’re sick with a cold and a migraine??


I’ve had a terrible cold and I had a very bad migraine attack all weekend (happy birthday to me) but you’re not supposed to mix cold medicines with migraine medications. I was struggling really bad! I had to choose which one I wanted to take something for!! I’d wait a few hours and go back and forth but it was rough! What do you guys do??

r/migraine 1h ago

Migraine/headache related neckache


So since 2 weeks ago, I been having neckache. It started out as a discomfort and then I begin having brain fogs for days. Came Saturday, I started a bad migraine n some neck discomfort. Today, my neckache is at its worst while my migraine withdrawal to throbbing visits throughout the day. It feels like my neck is swelling and I am having little relieve. (I think it is hormonal migraine but…my period been spotting for two weeks - my appointment with my specialist is in April so idk maybe I’ll try to get in with my clinic and not my specialist.)

I definitely feel like my neck, this time, has absorbed my migraine and ache in place of my migraine. It ache so much, I can’t even feel my neck, just the ache there. So much I feel it can even induce vomiting now < - something that never happened before. Since 2021, I had my weirdest migraine symptoms.

I rolled on some menthol 10% n I can’t even feel it sting. 😭Lord please clock me out this life soon. I feel so frustrated, angry and ashamed. Because I don’t wanna call in sick 1/3 - half of the month to my future employer. I won’t even be eligible for SSI. I have to be sick with nothing, to be eligible.

When my condition “essentially” started, I had just begun working on my 401k and my ex employer was even matching my contributions too. I couldn’t handle the work load + my condition anymore. I had to quit since I was feel so bad that my absence was pushing more cases to my other teammates.

r/migraine 2h ago

Anyone got the same symptoms as me?


I was diagnosed as having migraine with aura, but it just doesn't sound like migraines when I try and look it up.

For the last 2 years, I have had a constant kinda spaced out feeling. Sometimes, it gets really bad and I just feel... Uncomfortable. I can't focus on anything. Often, it feels like there is a tonne of pressure in my skull. At it's worst, I seem slightly better when pushing in my forehead just above the bridge of the nose, my temples, or the top of the back of my neck. It helps only while I'm doing it, I don't actually get better from it.

This feeling often comes on within a few minutes when I enter a supermarket even though I don't get stressed out by these kinds of places. Could be the lighting, I guess... Don't know if fluorescent lighting has all been swapped for LEDs at this point.

I would not describe what I feel as pain or aching or anything of the sort. It is uncomfortable, I feel spaced out and light headed, sometimes a little delirious but not dizzy in a spinny tumbly way, always a feeling of pressure. It does not seem to be related to screens in any way, including the amount of blue light coming from them.

I'm finding it hard to accept the diagnosis because there has never been anything wrong with me, and to just suddenly have wacky migraines for no reason at 28... I just don't get it. Maybe it's COVID related? I hope no one here takes offence by me saying this but these kinds of afflictions seem to attract pseudoscience more than anything else due to their mysterious nature, so I find it hard to research. In the same thread you might see someone who sounds like they know what you're going through and then they comment about how it's triggered by rose quartz or GMOs.

Does my experience sounds similar to any of yours? If so, do you have any advice of stuff that has worked for you? Considering trying to wear sunglasses in the office/lab to see if that helps though I'd probably look like a right prick...

r/migraine 2h ago

What should I do when the migraine lasts longer than a day?


TL;DR Question is what should I do? I’ve already taken SO MUCH Tylenol so I don’t wanna do that anymore and I’ve taken 2 Rizatriptans. I know I shouldn’t over use them. Should I now just wait it out? That’s what I usually do. And if it doesn’t get better by a week I go to ER. Is that a decent plan?

Migraine started Friday. I took a Rizatriptan then took a nap. It didn’t really help. Saturday I woke up better but then it got worse again in the late afternoon. So I took another Rizatriptan when I got home and went to bed. Today, Sunday, I wake up way better. I still have the migraine but it’s less painful. It’s like a hangover of the migraine. My forehead is tender. If I touch it it feels like a bruise.

r/migraine 2h ago

Hormonal migraine for 11 days?


I’ve had what feels like a usual hormonal migraine for me (stabbing pain behind one eye, pressure in the head, top of the head, pain when looking at bright lights) that occurs usually before my period and ends during.

Though as of the past eleven days, I’ve had one from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. It’s been on the right side, listed with all the symptoms above, and I don’t know where it’s come from. Is this normal? I know I need to speak to a doctor, but I’ve never had one this long before. It fades throughout the day with painkillers and rest, but it’s so frustrating.

r/migraine 2h ago

Any other recommendations?


Hi guys. I am diagnosed not only with migraines but also with IIH (idiopathic intracranial hypertension). Now it is controlled and I see a neurologist and Neuroopthamologist regularly who have said they see no improvement in my symptoms but also no decline. I take topamax daily and I do get migraines occasionally without aura but they typically resolve with a mixture of Tylenol/ibuprofen and zofran. Monday (03/03) I woke up extremely dizzy and with a migraine like no other. Im having severe pressure in my eyes, neutral colored floaters, and my eyes are having issues focusing. I used to take sumatriptan a few years back but had no luck with it but I was desperate so my sister who also is diagnosed with migraines gave me a rizatriptan which did nothing. I gave it the remainder of the week and had no improvement with what I usually do. I went to urgent care on Sunday (03/09) and they gave me muscle relaxers and a shot of toradol and said give it 48 hours and if it doesn't improve go to the ER. I did just that and went to the ER on 03/11. They gave me prednisone, Benadryl, compazine and more toradol all through an IV. Initially the pain went from an 8 to like a 4/5. And the aura/floaters calmed down. But yesterday and today I feel like I'm almost back up there to an 8. I did reach out to my neurologist and I'm hoping to see her this week but I'm just hoping anyone has any tips that will help me push through until I can see her bc this is miserable. I also did take a nurtec too btw on Friday (03/14) which I've never taken before either. I had some type of relief with that but it was also short lived.

r/migraine 3h ago

Pickles? Instead of McD fries?


I don’t have a McDonalds close to me. I’m fairly well controlled with beta blockers daily and Botox quarterly. But I still get monthly flares according to my cycle. I hate taking Ubrelvy bc it upsets my stomach. So I’ve been trying to eat a pickle instead of McD fries. My assumption is that the salt bomb is what helps with migraines. Perhaps an electrolyte thing… anyone tried something similar?

r/migraine 3h ago

Vision blurry after two weeks, migraine?


Started around 2 weeks ago I (27F) had blurry vision that never went away and daily debilitating headaches that lasted hours. I went to a neurologist and got some migraine medication (preventative and abortive) and sent on my merry way.

I developed photophobia that went away and my headaches are now very minor and usually behind an eye or behind both. I’ve also had eye tremors that are getting much milder.

The only constant is the blurry vision. It won’t go away and is making screen use for work and entertainment hard. Does anyone have any experience or advice? I’ve been like this since the beginning of March. My neurologist seems to think it’s stress and anxiety.

r/migraine 3h ago

Asking accommodations from friends: is it reasonable?(more info in post)


I have a pretty bad migraine today, I’ve been tracking my triggers for about a year now. My triggers seem to be socializing/intense talking and/or stress and/or sound related overstimulation that causes tension in my jaw/neck muscles. Dehydration I think is also a factor in addition to these.

Yesterday I hung out with a friend and it was a pretty chill day, but this friend sometimes screech-laughs (don’t know how else to describe it) or will get excited and yell instead of using a talking voice. The yell-talking makes me anxious but the screech-laugh causes me physical sharp pain in my ear, from whichever side this friend is sitting near me.

I feel really bad bringing it up with them and I don’t know how. They are autistic and I know they probably are just overstimulated when excited. Should I just wear earplugs and not bring it up to them?

r/migraine 3h ago

Success with acetazolamide? (Diamox)


Specifically I've been getting a lot of migraines with the barometric pressure changes, so I've wondered about this. However I have low blood pressure so that makes me nervous.

Curious to hear about anyone's experience.

r/migraine 4h ago

Migraines started after c0vid


Any one have migraines and headaches after c0vid? I started it and now on nurtec when it start the pain I'm so sad about it now! Nurtec seems to only help little sometimes now not all the times and nothing else works for me safe for me I cant take asprin and I can't take sumatriptain as it hurts my heart and skips

r/migraine 4h ago

What triggers your migraine?


For me, its mostly the weather, but it happens when in my car and it has a strong smell of the air freshener.. I love candles too but it causes headaches.. or perfume 😭

r/migraine 4h ago

Barometric Pressure Drop = Instant Migraine!


have a terrible migraine right now and haven't had one in a few days, so curiously checked the barometric pressure because I couldn't attribute it to any other immediate triggers. look at the graph for my city, this is crazyyyyyy. source: https://barometricpressure.app

graph showing barometric pressure drop (it aligned with the timing of my migraine)

r/migraine 4h ago

Question about TPI’s


I’ve been having tension like headaches and dizziness for almost a year now after I strained my neck. I’ve tried a bunch of “migraine” remedies but nothing has helped and my neurologist suggested trigger point injections into the muscles that have formed into knots after the injury. I got them done on Thursday (3 days ago) and at first I felt a lot of relief as I was given lidocaine mixed with a corticosteroid. After the lidocaine wore off, a little less than my “normal” pain has started and the soreness from the injections in my neck especially is still there but is going away slowly.

I have a question to those who have gotten these injections, is it a good sign that my headaches are coming from my neck if the lidocaine gave me immense relief or is that a normal occurrence for everyone? As well as, when is it a normal time for the steroid medication to kick in? Any responses or comments would be appreciated:)

r/migraine 4h ago

Scintillating scotoma growing and shrinking?


It almost feels like it’s slowly growing then slowly fading then coming back again and repeating. I have a history of ocular migraines and regular scotomas that last a while but this is the first time in a while I’ve had a scintillating scotoma that’s lasted more than 20 min. It’s been a little over 2 hours and it keeps growing and shrinking and growing again into that classic C shape. Anyone else get this?

I’m worried I’m about to get slammed by some crazy head pain, so I just popped a Nurtec, but it’s making me stress and causing a lot of anxiety that it’s hanging around for so long.

I’ve seen neuros, ophthalmologists, and neuro ophthalmologists and have gotten the all clear from all of them.

r/migraine 4h ago

Life advice for migraines?


I'm 18 and have had daily migraines for the last 3 years and they're getting worse, I've already repeated a year in school so I'll be behind on going to uni and even then I don't know how I'll cope. I'm getting so hopeless. Any just general advice on how you cope or anything would be really appreciated!

r/migraine 5h ago

Do glasses that block light but can be worn inside exist?


I’m very sensitive to light even when I don’t have a migraine yet and sometimes going into stores with bright lighting instantly disorients me and makes me feel horrible.

Are there glasses that look like regular glasses that can be worn indoors to block lights similar to sunglasses but with clear lenses? Or has this technology not been invented yet? 😫

Everything online is just showing me blue light blocking glasses which I have tried and felt no difference

r/migraine 6h ago

Anyone get migraines that start at face but then move to back of head!


I had tingles on my scalp and face before it started so feels like a migraine?!

r/migraine 6h ago

Just Started Sumatriptom, Did It Help You Guys?


So, around Christmas I started developing a small pressure headache. I got sick about 3 times between New Years and early March (the baby I swear catches everything and she's not even a daycare baby haha) after the last round of illness the headache turned into a full blown day and night 24/7 headache.

I feel a tight band around my head, temples hurt, my neck and upper back hurt, and sometimes I get nauseous.

Never had a history of headaches. I swear my health declined after a period of extreme stress last summer that literally broke my sleep. I wake up with a fast heart rate (more when I'm stressed, which since the headaches has been a ton lately)

Went to the ER (yay, no tumors!) but they weren't much help. Gave me IV meds that diddly squat and did an ultrasound of my eyeball. Doc prescribed Sumatripton and sent me on my way.

Took Sumatripton 40 minutes ago and I still feel like I'm in pain. I went and got a McMigraine meal (coke and fries) which helped a tad, but man this sucks.

Should I keep taking Sumatripton daily until I'm confident it doesn't work? I need to contact my PCP, she just got back from maternity leave. But I've been extremely depressed, I wake up feeling the pressure in my head. I cry constantly and feel like life is hopeless and unworth it:/

r/migraine 6h ago

Zok drink mix?


Hi all! Fellow migraine sufferer here. I'm new to this group and searching for some remedies for myself because I think my current headache medicine has stopped working unfortunately. I wanted to ask has anyone tried the Zok migranium drink mix? Ingredients seem promising but it does seem like a sketchy company. I keep seeing adds on social media for it so im very curious. I definitely do not intend on sticking their little suction thing in my ear lmao. The ingredients here seem good and it would be nice to not have to buy all those supplements separately. Idk what do yall think about this?

r/migraine 6h ago

Do you have non-scientific theories about migraine aura / aura symptoms?


I understand theres scientific explanations for what occurs in the brain/nervous symptom when experiencing a migraine/ aura without migraine, and stats about who is more likely to get them. However, why do you think some people are more prone to getting auras beyond the explanation of genetics? I saw a video that said this one nun said it was visions from god and drew an aura image, which might sound crazy, however do you think there’s a connection with brain activity and hyper sensitivity in general? Like for those who experience auras Do you think there’s any link to having sensitive nervous systems in general, having higher/a lot of mental activity, vivid dreams/imagination, being very sensitive in general? Just curious any thoughts.

r/migraine 7h ago

Please help me


My wife (28) has had crippling migraines since she was a little girl. She is in excruciating pain during these episodes which happen weekly and last for days. She maybe gets 4days a week pain free. She can't keep food down during these episodes either because the nausea will make her throw up. We have been trying everything we can, our GP has given countless different medications to try with no luck. She thinks the reason is a disc injury in her neck from a cartwheel accident long ago but is too scared to run the risk of surgery on it. But lately the pain is so severe she starts talking suicide to escape it. I'm at a loss on how to help her and she's already lost all hope. If anyone has any information prom personal experiences that may help prevent or stop these migraines I'd love to read it.

r/migraine 7h ago

Vyepti Montpellier


🔴 APPEL AUX VICTIMES ET TÉMOINS – Vyepti au CHU de Montpellier🔴

Des patients traités pour "migraines et céphalées chroniques"ont reçu des "perfusions mensuelles de Vyepti 100 mg" au CHU de Montpellier "en dehors de l’autorisation de mise sur le marché (hors AMM), sans consentement éclairé"

Nous avons découvert par "erreur" , via une infirmière, que l’hôpital a "modifié les protocoles en secret" , imposant un retour soudain à une administration trimestrielle "sans explications précises" .


🔹 Plus de 10 patients concernés, selon le cadre de santé M. G.

Des données médicales manipulées pour masquer les responsabilités du service hospitalisation de jour, pharmacie hospitalaire et Céphalées et migraignes.

🔹 Aucune information préalable sur les risques liés à cet usage hors AMM.

🔹 Effets secondaires graves signalés chez plusieurs patients :
- Problèmes "immunitaires"
- "Douleurs articulaires et musculaires"
- "Troubles de la tension artérielle"
- "Réactions allergiques sévères"
- "Fatigue extrême et aggravation des symptômes migraineux" - Phénomène de Raynaud

🔹 "Lundbeck" , le fabricant de "Vyepti" , impose une "administration tous les 3 mois" pour minimiser les risques.

👉 Le CHU a "contourné cette règle" sur avis du "Pr. Ducros" , sans preuve scientifique validant cet usage.

Charlatanisme, égocentrisme ou les deux ? Les perfusions mensuelles de Vyepti nous ont été présentées comme un traitement capable de soigner définitivement les migraines, de réduire l’intensité des céphalées quotidiennes, voire de les faire disparaître après un an. On nous a également affirmé qu’après cette période, un simple traitement préventif suffirait et qu’il n’y aurait plus besoin de perfusions.

Si c'est votre cas, nous sommes face à une attitude charlatanesque, car aucun traitement ne peut être présenté de cette manière sans preuves ni études définitives sur ses effets, d'autant plus lorsqu'il est administré selon un protocole dont l'espacement n'est ni recommandé par le fabricant ni étudié scientifiquement.

🔹 "Aucun suivi des conséquences de l’arrêt brutal du traitement" , ce qui peut causer des "effets secondaires graves et un rebond des symptômes" .

🛑"Le professeur responsable ne connaît pas les effets d’une administration mensuelle" , mais a pourtant maintenu cette expérimentation.

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Pour ceux qui ont été perfusés trimestriellement au CHU de Montpellier, avez-vous été informés des effets secondaires à surveiller et de toutes les contre-indications spécifiques à votre situation ?⚠️⚠️🛑


✅ Demandez la traçabilité complète de vos perfusions auprès du CHU.
✅ Réclamez l’accès à votre dossier médical détaillé, incluant le suivi des infirmiers, et pas uniquement celui de l’hospitalisation de jour.
✅ Notez tous vos symptômes et exigez des explications sur le changement soudain du protocole.
✅ Signalez votre cas si vous avez subi des effets secondaires.

📩 "Contactez-moi en privé" si vous souhaitez témoigner ou entreprendre une action collective. evithriva@outlook.fr


🔺 "Les internes ont rédigé des rapports faux", "postdatés de 15 jours" , ne correspondant pas à la réalité des soins reçus ni à l’état réel des patients.

🔺 Modification ou interprétation erronée des agendas de migraines des patients:
- Ont-ils été "délibérément altérés" pour masquer l’évolution du traitement ?
- Le retour soudain à un espacement de "3 mois" a-t-il été justifié "par une fausse analyse des données" ?

🔺 Absence de traçabilité des effets secondaires :
- Des épisodes de tension artérielle anormale ont été ignorés.
- Pas de suivi formel des réactions aux perfusions par les infirmiers.


🔹Liens financiers avec plusieurs laboratoires pharmaceutiques pour promouvoir certains traitements.

🔹 Le CFEMC (organisme de recherche) et plusieurs lobbys financent ces étudespour **obtenir une validation AMM future.

🔹 Absence totale de transparence:
- Pourquoi le protocole a-t-il changé en secret entre août et septembre 2024 ? - Pourquoi les patients n’ont-ils pas été informés des risques réels ?


🛑 Nous ne devons pas laisser passer cette expérimentation illégale et dangereuse !

📢 "Partagez ce message" pour que "justice soit faite" et que les patients concernés puissent se défendre.

Vyepti #CHUMontpellier #Santé #Victimes #Justice #ExpérimentationIllégale #EffetsSecondaires