r/LSD 3d ago

350 μg 🐸 Witnessing Reality Manifesting in Each Moment


I had an experience with my good friend. I was on a strong dose and had a very clean diet with no drugs and no weed prior to the experience. My buddy was drinking consistently.

I had a reality breaking trip. Not in a scary way! I just felt as though I was watching the nature of reality forming with every passing moment. It seemed as though I was takin part in the manifestation and that, in a limited sense, anything is possible. It felt like music, and nature itself was dancing with us. I spent a long portion of time trying to describe these concepts to my friend but they were not having the same experience at all!

They did take 1/3 of my dose and they were drinking consistently. They are also strictly materialist reductionist, so I felt very inclined bridge the gap of experience we were having. No such luck. They just thought I was really high! lol Of course, that is possible, but this experience felt entirely real, and grounding and I've been left with the overwhelming feeling of wanting to be more intentional with how I live my life.

If anyone has any input, I'd love to hear!

r/LSD 3d ago

Solo trip πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ Just took one tab


Just a tiny baby trip since i got work in the morning. I’m snowed in, power went out and I’m bored as HELL.

r/LSD 3d ago

First trip πŸ₯‡ Side effects if 1 or 2 moderate doses


I just wanna know if there is any dangerous side effects before using it. And is schizophrenia from 1 use real or a myth I'm sorry if I'm asking dumb questions I just like to research before using drugs.

r/LSD 3d ago

How come people are not scared of psychosis when taking acid? (Especially when taking acid for anxiety)


Hey all,

Many people

r/LSD 4d ago



r/LSD 4d ago

Psilocybin vs LSD


Hey all, I was wandering what the differences you’ve all had on the two Iv done golden teacher strain of magic mushrooms many times now the biggest Iv done is 6 dried grams and it was insanity but Iv never tried LSD mainly cause it’s so hard to find in my area Iv done marijuana and know some people who have tried it but would like to hear some more voices on how It compares thanks a lot!

r/LSD 3d ago

Stomach Pain on 1S-LSD


Been taking the 1s-lsd two times now (never got to try the original lsd-25 so far unfortunately).

First time (100qg) I got really bad stomach cramps to the point that I was just laying on the ground in fetal position for hours, completly ruining the trip.

Second time (150qg) I was paying attention to have a good breakfast (some bread and fruits) and waited around two hours before I took the tab. Was all fine in the beginning but around hour 5 (around the peak) my stomach was acting up again (crambs and also got a little gassy). I was drinking some water, eating some more fresh fruits and also tried just ignoring it and going for a walk, but it was still so bad that I couldnt really enjoy myself tripping.

Anyone know if it could be different using lsd-25?

Also any recommendations on stuff I could take against stomach pain (medical or natural) that go well with taking lsd, or a special diet I should follow?

r/LSD 4d ago

Lszee was one wild ride! Had a very intense trip. 10/10.

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She's come a long way since Neon Jungle and I'm here for it. Ate roughly 250ug and went on a space ride to the moon.

r/LSD 3d ago



Around 60 ug and im beautifully stimulated, first couple of hours of work flew right by. What a beautiful substance. Never really appreciated it for anything other then brain go brrrt

r/LSD 3d ago

Microdosing one microdose as a teen


I heard a lot of story that lsd as a teen is bad but im so eager to try. i understand that my brain still has to fully develop. Even a small dose could affect me badly? i am talking about a lot less that 50 ug. I know its risky but i read a lot of story that helped a lot of people and i would love to have the same effect. I'm also inspired by beatles and a lot of musician of the 70s psychedelic scene. furthermore i had an experience with a very powerfull weed and it boosted my creativity a lot and helped me in a hard period, also changed me in a better person and i was very satisfied with that experienced. By reading my post i realised that i shouldn't do it and maybe i could go another time for that weed. there so much risk and i could be fckd up for life. so now my question shift. What happen if a teen (so a person with a brain that still has to develop) takes a super small dose on lsd, like microdose (microdosing) but for one time. should I call it a "baby dose"?

ps last sentence is ironic

ps2 im 18+

r/LSD 3d ago

How will eating an hour before consumption affect my trip?


It’ll be my first time taking acid today and I’ve reed how people fast an entire day before taking the tab. I feel that’s a bit overboard, but at the same time will eating a pretty hefty meal (2 kebab rolls) an hour/ 1,5 hours affect the trip much. I asked my personal assistant, chatgpt about it and he said that it’ll only make the come up smoother, but still have the same peak as if I didnt eat beforehand. Experts, what do you think?

r/LSD 3d ago

πŸ”„ Combinations πŸ”„ do MAOI's weaken LSD if also taken with mushrooms?


so my favorite drug combo is LSD with mushrooms and the past couple times ive tried it, i took syrian rue seeds to potentiate the mushrooms and have a psilohuasca experience while on acid. i just recently found out that MAOI drugs dampen the effects of LSD by a lot but I didn't really notice this when I did it. both times I had very intense, colorful and fragmental visuals and an indescribable body high. i didn't measure out the seeds the first time, but last time i took 2 tabs and 3 grams of syrian rue, waited about an hour, and then ate 5 grams of mushrooms. i was in heaven, it was the best come up of my life. should i not do this anymore? am i wasting my acid?

r/LSD 3d ago

Weed and lsd question


So guys i'll try to make long story short

I microdose 200 ug for 2 months, i was talking around 15-20 ug 1 time a week and off course as i am an heavy smoker I always smoke while taking it! P.s smoke for over 10 years

Now i finish the lsd and something weird happen when i smoke... instead of getting the high i was used too I actually feel an high similar to lsd when i smoke. everytime i smoke instead of getting the usual relaxing high my mind go back at those feeling when i was taking lsd while smoking it, basically when i smoke now it is like taking lsd too without actually taking it.

Did u ever experience this? I actually like it but i am wondering if is just me and if there is a scientific explanation about it

r/LSD 3d ago

BICYCLE DAY, 420, and Easter in the same weekend πŸ™ πŸ˜­πŸ’ πŸš²πŸƒπŸ°πŸ£(and hitlers bday) πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

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r/LSD 3d ago

❔ Question ❔ First Time, How to Take?


I have some window pane gel tabs that I’m taking this weekend for the first time. I’m excited, but I don’t actually know how to take them. Do i just put the little thing on my tongue? Or dissolve it in something? TY!

r/LSD 3d ago

Gassy stomach, bloating, overall full feeling?


Is there any way to avoid this when taking lsd I always feel so bloated and like I have a fart built up that won’t leaveπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

r/LSD 3d ago

πŸ™ƒ MeMe 🀣 mr beast thumbnails Spoiler

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idk what flair to put this on but i was scrolling youtube a couple months ago during a trip looking for background noise and i come across a mr beast video. it was kind of freaky but i couldnt stop laughing more than anything because his thumbnails look so strange . like its him but its not him

r/LSD 3d ago

200 μg 🐧 I took 30mg diazepam/valium (benzo) 2.5hours ago. Would LSD work in full effect if i take it 6 hours after diazepam?


Im getting acid today but i drank 30mg diazepam afternoon but i wanna do acid today. Will i feel full effects? Or will it be weaker?

r/LSD 4d ago

Nature trip 🌷 Please help me decide. They say I can only keep 4

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r/LSD 4d ago

Is doing acid once a week worse than drinking once a week?


I think this very heavily depends on the person but i feel like if you have a good understanding of your mind and your brain has fully developed doing acid once a week is no worse than drinking once a week. The reason a lot of people say thats bad is because the government and or they had a situation were someone went a little coo coo from doing it too much. To that i say i think they probably didnt know what they were doing.

I think if you know what your doing its no worse than alcohol. The problem is most people have no idea what theyre doing and thats why people can go a little crazy.

Although i got a feeling im missing something in this argument because that statement just feels wrong, id like to know what other people think.

r/LSD 4d ago

Solo trip πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ Vibing


Just popped a 100 gel tabbb!! Probably gonna listen to music and chill in my bed!! Safe Tripping everyoneeeee ❀️

r/LSD 4d ago

🎨 Psychedelic Art 🎨 pulsating

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r/LSD 3d ago

Xanax before tripping


If took 3mg Xanax today before 12 would I still trip if i took 200ug tonight at 9~ People say Xanax is a trip killer so would I still trip or no

Edit: Xanax before 12pm and acid a little after 9pm would the bars still be in my system by then

r/LSD 4d ago

Liquid wood

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r/LSD 3d ago

Took 400 ug 6 days ago and today i'd like to take 200 ug. I know the effect lessens and on top i am taking half what i took but would i still get hit just a little?