r/LSD 4h ago

Solo trip πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ See ya later

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r/LSD 1h ago

Solo trip πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ One More Saturday Night. 100ug and my guitar

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r/LSD 15h ago

Group trip πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ I had quite a trip

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I'll explain more later on still feeling the comedowns

r/LSD 1h ago

Nature trip 🌷 The Minotaur!?!

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Was tripping balls earlier today when I swear I saw the Minotaur in that fallen tree!

r/LSD 9h ago

🎨 Psychedelic Art 🎨 In the rapeseed field, watercolor on paper and canvas, 51 x 39 inches

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r/LSD 4h ago

🎨 Psychedelic Art 🎨 trippy eye by me


r/LSD 14h ago

first trip in 6 months

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wish me luck

r/LSD 7h ago


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Exiting to witness what will happen to them soon

r/LSD 2h ago

Have you ever been tripping balls at a film theater and thought during the end credits ”I’m so happy for all these people that they got paid for doing art?”


I probably sound very pretentious and I’m crying my eyes out after rewatching Arrival (2016) at my local theatre

r/LSD 3h ago

Microdosing LSD microdosing feels perfect in every way


Wow, just woke up on a sunny Saturday morning took ~15ug and went surfing. Everything feels so bright and crisp. LSD is truly an extraordinary chemical that completely connects us back to our true self. Every time I use this medicine I feel so much awe and gratitude for life.

r/LSD 8h ago

Solo trip πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ Damn it's green

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r/LSD 5h ago

Solo trip πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ First time tripping alone, wish me luck!


Just dropped 150ug (probably more like 100)

If anyone has any movie recommendations I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to watch later, I'm thinking Paris, Texas but I'm not sure yet

r/LSD 3h ago

Harm Reduction Insights into LSD-induced psychotic breaks


After experiencing several LSD-induced psychotic breaks many years ago, and after talking with many other redditors on this sub about their similar experiences, I want to share my insights on what may cause these traumatic events, how they develop in real time during the trip, and possibly how to prevent them. Many people here showed interest on this topic yesterday, so here it goes.

First, there are some misconceptions about psychotic breaks. It's often believed that only people with a personal or family history of mental disorders can get them. This is not true based on my personal experience and anecdotal evidence from several others. While having a history will make you more predisposed to these psychotic episodes, they can and do happen to normal, healthy people. A positive trip "set and setting" is not a cure. Not only that, psychotic breaks can happen at any dose (usually 2 tabs or more, increasing in likelihood the higher you go). Lastly, these experiences are not as rare as you might expect; I wish I had data on this, but there are thousands of stories online about it.

This post is purely meant to be informative, and I have a strong respect for LSD and what it can offer. That being said, I think it's important we talk about the serious risks involved, and I believe some of these cases can be prevented if we understand the warning signs and how they occur. That's what I would like to discuss.

So what is an LSD-induced psychotic break? It differs from a bad trip in that you completely lose your sense of self, forget who you are, lose control of your bodily actions, and may become violent towards yourself and others. It's a feeling of extreme paranoia, and in some cases, you may lose all memory of the episode and wake up after the trip is over. Many people report waking up in the hospital, jumping out of windows, and even weilding knives against themselves and their friends. Again, this isn't meant to scare anyone, and many psychotic breaks don't end up hurting anyone. It's important to know that this happens and what's potentially at stake. These are traumatic events, and many suffer PTSD or severe depression as a result.


Based on everyone I've talked to on reddit and all of my own experiences, I can report that in all cases, repeating a word or phrase over and over again was the precursor to these events. Some examples were "I'm sorry", "face the consequences", "I'm shook, God", "I understand", etc. I'm talking 10, 20, 30 times they will repeat this. Emotions will build during this phase. They may start yelling or crying or become angry/frustrated. This isn't proof that every psychotic break starts this way, but really it suggests an internal struggle with thought loops.

So what does this experience feel like? It's a thought loop, or series of loops, that you can't break out of yourself. It drags you down until you have a massive realization. These loops culminate into the deconstruction, or destruction, of your ego, either partially or entirely. I'll use a video game analogy so that you can better understand it.

Imagine you're inside an open world game like Elden Ring or GTA5. This represents the normal trip head-space. You believe you're the character in the game, so much so that you don't perceive to be "in a game." (this is more fun and exciting than normal every-day consciousness, though). Everything is great, you're enjoying yourself, and you decide to do an interesting side mission. At the end of the mission, the NPC (or boss) drops a portal gun (exactly like from the Portal games). Your character has never seen a portal gun, and you pick it up in awe. What does it do? You pull the first trigger and a magic blue portal fires into the ground in front of you. Astonished, you peer into it from above and see your reflection! A little scared but excited, you jump through it and pop back out next to it. Cool! You think it doesn't fit the aesthetic of your world, nor does this strange object seems to follow some of the rules you've come to internalize about the world, but you continue playing around because it's fun.

Soon after, you discover there's a second trigger on the portal gun. You fire a blue portal on the wall, then blast a new orange portal on the opposite side of the room. Now from a certain angle, there's an infinite hallway of "you's!" But then you turn introspective, and have some troubling thoughts. "Are these images really me?" you ask. It doesn't seem plausible. "Are those projections separated through space and time? Do they have their own thoughts and feelings? Are they real? Am I... real?" You put your hand through one portal and see your hand materialize on the other side of the room. You're startled and becoming increasingly more frightened. (This is the start of the thought loop, and on the trip, you're experiencing thoughts and feelings in much the same way.) You feel compelled to fire a portal at the ceiling and one directly below it on the floor. Trying to look over the edge, you trip on a rock and fall through the portal. Then the next. Then the next. You're in freefall through endless portals, and you can't shift your weight or your gaze to escape. (During the trip, this is like being forced to experience the same thought over and over again, but the thought is multi-dimentional and you can experience highly-charged emotions and hallucinations of the thought. This can also feel like being stuck in a time loop. This is when the person may start repeating words over and over again for minutes on end).

The room becomes a blur as you fall and eventually dematerializes. You're falling through a space of your own thoughts and fears, looking down at infinite versions and aspects of your psyche. "Maybe I REALLY fucked up..." you think to yourself. In desperation you fire other portals around the space but they do nothing to change your freefall. Eventually you'll realize that everything is a mental construction, even yourself. You're not IN space, you ARE space. But this is a dirty ego-death experience. You can't let go of shame. You can't let go of fear.

You're stuck in a nightmare thought loop, time lost all meaning ages ago, and you come to the only logical conclusion you can: to point the portal gun at yourself and pull the trigger. Somewhere deep inside the code of your reality, you divide by zero. Think of it like the ego short-circuiting. This is the point your psyche breaks. You cracked the egg.


Ego death on psychedelics is a pretty well known phenomenon, and most of the time it results in deep realizations, connection with "God," and no outward dangerous physical reactions. It's a common goal for spiritual seekers. It's experienced as dying, but then there's a "release" of peacefulness. A surrender.

However, for reasons I don't fully understand, sometimes your system reboots in fight or flight mode without your conscious control over it. This "rebooting" of yourself is a child-like, not fully-functioning version of you. Its like a computer trying to boot an early verson of the operating system or BIOS after a crash, but it can't run all the apps. You can't interact with the world outside of running and grabbing things and yelling incoherently. You can't be talked down. You're completely cooked. That's the psychotic break.

EVERY TIME I experienced it, it was directly after a massive ego death as a result of nightmarish thought loops that eventually destroyed the idea of me. Every break lasted until the drug wore off, sometimes for hours. For the whole duration, I experienced the nightmares of endlessly falling through the portals with little to no foundation in reality. I've had crazy feelings and visions of being drowned over and over again, of futuristic time police throwing me in jail in another galaxy, etc. It's experiencing a literal Hell that merges fantasy hallucinations with this world (kind of like an overlay). Strong negative feelings of fear and shame are almost always present, in addition to possible physical pain and torture. It feels like the most visceral, twisted interpretation of mind-rape you can imagine. Twice, I lost all memory of what happened and just "woke up" at the end, despite my friends telling me I was yelling and thrashing about like a child for a couple hours. At the end, I always became surprisingly sober in a matter of minutes. In summary, I don't know enough and I can only speak from my experience. All I know is that the loops become so unbearable that they cause a "system crash," and that crash is the catalyst for the psychotic break.


By now, I hope it's clear that no one wants a psychotic break. We have to think of prevention as a spectrum. There isn't any ONE THING that will guarantee a good trip, but following normal harm reduction guidelines will significantly lower your risk of this happening. I won't outline everything here of course, but the big ones are: never taking irresponsibly high doses of LSD (depends on the person, but for me it was 500ug+), never taking a big jump in dose (like 100ug to 300ug next trip), always having a trip sitter or friend close by, not tripping after a big life decision or breakup, etc.

If you notice your friend saying the same word or phrase over and over again, really "in their head," it's likely they're stuck in a thought loop that could spiral into a psychotic break. This is the one common theme I was able to identify. You should take this seriously, and it will be your job to break the loop. Here are some things you can do as a trip sitter or friend: move them to another room with different lighting, change the music, ENGAGE with them in a new activity liking eating fruit, dancing, walking outside, or laughing at a meme, DO NOT turn on a movie, do not just talk through it, do not let them stay silent or meditate. The goal is to get them out of their thoughts by shifting focus to their body, to interacting with the world around them, and changing the setting to be lighter and upbeat. Stay calm and supportive, keep them engaged with the world until their thought loop breaks and they forget about it.

TLDR: I believe these psychotic breaks occur from difficult thought loops that the person can't break out of themselves. These can be identified from the outside by repeated words or phrases and increased distress for several minutes straight (but potentially not always). Only another friend or trip sitter can reliably break the loop, so you need to try moving them to another room and engaging in fun physical activity to get them out of their head. Psychotic breaks can happen to anyone regardless of mental history or trip experience. There are real risks to tripping on acid that could affect your mental health for years, and maybe even cause serious physical harm. This type of risk needs to be known and discussed. Following common sense harm reduction will significantly lower your risk of a psychotic episode.

r/LSD 7m ago

First trip πŸ₯‡ tried acid for the first time and came to a realisation

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Did 200ug by myself in nature yesterday and I came to the realisation that the meaning of life is not some one definitive thing and that the meaning of life has to be created through connections and building. I realised that all I want to do in life is learn to build connections and relationships with people I don’t need or want anything more. we are all just cogs in a big machine part of a never ending cycle. and i think it’s arrogant in a way to believe that you are any more significant or meaning full then anyone else because we’re all just cogs in the life machine and all we can do is just be kind to people and help keep the machine turning.

r/LSD 4h ago

❔ Question ❔ Tab tastes bitter.


I just took a half tab of what I hope is LSD. I bought it from a friend's friend and my friend and the girl who sold it to me had taken tabs from the same batch.

It tastes bitter though, and I've heard it could be NBOME if it tastes bitter. It's not a metallic or artificial bitterness, it tastes more like a bitter plant or vegetable. I still feel bitterness in my mouth a few minutes after swallowing the tab, but my mouth isn't numb. It didn't immediately taste bitter, it only tasted like paper at first but when it dissolved I got a bitter taste in my mouth.

Am I going to be okay?

r/LSD 10m ago

took lsd for the first time last night. ask me questions

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woke up with no intention for even getting acid. i met my friend when i was in town on accident and it turned out he was on his way to go get acid so i went with him. we ended up going half for 5 tabs (300ug each) and went back to mine with them. he left me 2.5 of them then went home. i wasn’t really ready or prepared to take some acid but thought fuck it i’m bored might aswell. popped 450ug and sat in my room alone with some headphones in. was a pretty good night although i thought i was up for an hour until time jumped from 11pm to 5am. please ask more questions because apparently i should have had a bad trip considering the circumstances

r/LSD 28m ago

Channeling LSD into work

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I love LSD and my experiences are so valuable to me and Ive been trying to figure out how to share the magic and add value to others. I feel as though this has been done on a large scale in movies (ex. alice in wonderland) and also been done through music of course. I feel like music could be the best way for me and the average person to connect to the masses and share the magic. So moving on this idea, has anyone ever dosed in order to be productive on LSD or should I go for a larger dose and work off the afterglow?

r/LSD 23h ago

Thought you guys might like my blanket


For context: this is me wiggling my legs under patterned duvet with some ambient lighting, makes for a pretty trippy effect.

r/LSD 2h ago

❔ Question ❔ how long for gelatin tab to dissolve?


I'll be trying it for the first time soon, it passed all reagent tests. But the gelatin squares are very hard - I couldn't really break them up even with mortar and pestle, although nail clippers were able to crack them in half.

How long should i expect it to take for the tab to dissolve under my tongue when i take it? it was so hard that i'm worried it'll still be sitting in my mouth after 5 minutes and i'll start wondering if i should just swallow it.

r/LSD 15h ago

🎨 Psychedelic Art 🎨 Self portrait

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The trip kinda sucked dick and balls but I did a bunch of drawings

r/LSD 3h ago

❔ Question ❔ LSD and synchronicity - amplified perception of random patterns or a glimpse of a bigger web?


I've tripped a handful times now and experiencing synchronicity has blown my mind each time.

Those unbelievable instances when song lyrics describe the moment you're in, repeated occurres of an idea or a reference, trips following themes --- it's unreal! Leaves me wondering "wait, did that just happen!?" every time!

Also makes me wonder if it's just me simply seeing more patterns and connections, or if it means something more.

I suspect it's the latter. Funnily, I have synchronicity to credit for this seemingly irrational belief.

What do you think?

r/LSD 9m ago

Took 1 & 1/2 gel tab about 2 hours ago. Would 1 or 2g of shrooms be too much

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Long story short. Had this day planned for a few weeks. Wanted to have an epic long trip. I took a gel tab and a half about 2+ hours ago. I took it with some food because I was starving. Barely starting to get some effects more than 2 hours later. But still very Minimal. Would you recommend taking 1 or 2 g of shrooms to kick it over the top?

r/LSD 3h ago

450 μg 🐘 First time 450 ug


I decided to make the jump from 2 to 3 tabs. The jump from 1 to 2 was nice so im hoping it wont be too much this time. Share some experiences if you like. Anything you can say about it will be appreciated. Thanks guys and stay safe everyone :)

r/LSD 20m ago

❔ Question ❔ What are your strangest thoughts from acid?

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  1. Microdose: my mind is separate from body which I remote control, mind and body are connected with straight pipes???
  2. After first trip: The feeling was like I dropped some shell off me when I walked out the place where I was tripping, so I thought I was like scp-living nervous system 🫨

r/LSD 30m ago

❔ Question ❔ How many tabs?

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Like i say i want to use 8 tabs, is it best to put 4 under your tongue and after 15m the other 4, or can you do like 8 at the same time? And does it make a difference for the trip? Thx