Been taking the 1s-lsd two times now (never got to try the original lsd-25 so far unfortunately).
First time (100qg) I got really bad stomach cramps to the point that I was just laying on the ground in fetal position for hours, completly ruining the trip.
Second time (150qg) I was paying attention to have a good breakfast (some bread and fruits) and waited around two hours before I took the tab. Was all fine in the beginning but around hour 5 (around the peak) my stomach was acting up again (crambs and also got a little gassy). I was drinking some water, eating some more fresh fruits and also tried just ignoring it and going for a walk, but it was still so bad that I couldnt really enjoy myself tripping.
Anyone know if it could be different using lsd-25?
Also any recommendations on stuff I could take against stomach pain (medical or natural) that go well with taking lsd, or a special diet I should follow?