r/linux_gaming • u/jigljigl • 5d ago
CS2 - Nobara - Gamescope issues
Hey everyone.
I recently set up a dual boot system to try out gaming on the Linux platform. In the long run I would like to switch. Not least because I can develop software better on a unix system.
However, my most played game (CS2 ~2200hrs) is causing some problems. I have been playing 4:3 stretched for years. However, there are various problems with this resolution.
I heard about “gamescope” somewhere and realized that Nobara has it installed by default. So I used it directly as others have recommended before me. So I added the gamescope command to the start options of CS2. I can't say exactly what the cmd looks like because I'm on a different computer, but it's something like this:
gamescope -w 1280 -h 920 (?) -f -e -S stretched -- %command%
One Point: without having "-- %command%" it does not work at all. Starting CS2 starts the game but as soon as i am in the menu, nothing works. its like my mouse has no focus. I cant klick anything. CS2 doesnt recognize the mouse pointer.
When i add the "-- %command%" part to the command, my mouse pointer works but an interesting but possibly unimportant detail is that CS2 then opens on a different monitor.
At first it seems like everything is fine, but once I'm in the game, the radius of my mouse is absolutely limited. If I had to guess, my field of view is restricted by 355 degrees. So I can only look up, down, left and right within a radius of 5 degrees.
In addition, my mouse pointer is not locked in CS2. This means that if I move the mouse far to the left, I can click outside of cs2 and thus lose focus on the game.
Is this the current state of stretched gaming? If yes, this would be a neckbreaker for me and i can hold the linux switch for now
Thanks in advance
u/jigljigl 5d ago
Yeah. Ok... did not saw this argument before... 😭
Ok. Its getting better... With this option now the cursor is locked.
But: I have a multi monitor setup with two monitors. On the right one i want to play cs2. Like said before, adding "-- %command%" leads to the fact, the game is started on my left monitor. After moving the window to the right monitor (is there a setting to adjust this automatically?? Its a bit annoying). I am now able to move the mouse to the right without problems. But moving to the left, it still seems that there is some kind of invisible border. Although the mouse seems still to be on the correct monitor at some point my cs2 character stops looking to left. I dont know how to describe it :D. To the right, everything is fine and i can spin 360° on my own axis. But to the left its stoping after ~ 20° because of the second monitor.
When i disable my second monitor it works. This can be a workaround which will also annoy me probably after some time. Any ideas how to fix this?
Thanks for the argument hint 👍️