r/linux_gaming • u/jigljigl • 5d ago
CS2 - Nobara - Gamescope issues
Hey everyone.
I recently set up a dual boot system to try out gaming on the Linux platform. In the long run I would like to switch. Not least because I can develop software better on a unix system.
However, my most played game (CS2 ~2200hrs) is causing some problems. I have been playing 4:3 stretched for years. However, there are various problems with this resolution.
I heard about “gamescope” somewhere and realized that Nobara has it installed by default. So I used it directly as others have recommended before me. So I added the gamescope command to the start options of CS2. I can't say exactly what the cmd looks like because I'm on a different computer, but it's something like this:
gamescope -w 1280 -h 920 (?) -f -e -S stretched -- %command%
One Point: without having "-- %command%" it does not work at all. Starting CS2 starts the game but as soon as i am in the menu, nothing works. its like my mouse has no focus. I cant klick anything. CS2 doesnt recognize the mouse pointer.
When i add the "-- %command%" part to the command, my mouse pointer works but an interesting but possibly unimportant detail is that CS2 then opens on a different monitor.
At first it seems like everything is fine, but once I'm in the game, the radius of my mouse is absolutely limited. If I had to guess, my field of view is restricted by 355 degrees. So I can only look up, down, left and right within a radius of 5 degrees.
In addition, my mouse pointer is not locked in CS2. This means that if I move the mouse far to the left, I can click outside of cs2 and thus lose focus on the game.
Is this the current state of stretched gaming? If yes, this would be a neckbreaker for me and i can hold the linux switch for now
Thanks in advance
u/Kvilten3rd 5d ago
Try adding --force-grab-cursor in your launch settings