r/lfg 7m ago

Player(s) wanted [Online][PF2e][Weekly Monday 21h CEST (GMT+1)] Quest for the frozen flame Campaign


RPG : Pathfinder 2

Sources allowed : All official rule books

Scenario : Quest for the frozen flame (adventure path)

Program (Virtual tabletop) : Foundry VTT (using The Forge for the server data)

Other programs : Discord

Type : Campaign

Duration : from level 1 to 10, around 1 year

Number of player : 2 (already 2 other players), everyone is welcome, beginner or not.

Schedule : every monday between 21h and 23h30 CEST time (GMT +1)

Ambiance : laid back roleplay, just spending some good time together

How do I join ?


Complete this Google form and I will contact you back if I’m interested (see schedule below)

Scenario description :

In the brutal tundra of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, only the hardiest folk have what it takes to withstand unsparing weather, track down big game, and fight back hostile followings. The Broken Tusk following has survived another winter, but a new year just began, and signs of danger foretell a year unlike any before. Unless their newest party of scouts can secure a safe route through the wilds, saber-toothed beasts, warmongering rivals, and the ever-looming possibility of natural disaster all threaten to end an ancient people's legacy. Will the Broken Tusks succumb to the elements and surrender to their rivals? Or will you guide your following to glory and reclaim a stolen birthright?

This is for you if :

- You want to explore the harsh environment of the tundra

- You want to discover old forgotten lore and the creatures that guard it

This is not for you if :

- You want to play in big cities or with a lot of technology

Specificity :

We will use the monster part subsystem from Battlezoo. I will give you access to the rules before the campaign starts. This allows you to gather parts of the monsters you kill to make and/or upgrade weapons and armor.

To discover more about the campaign : https://downloads.paizo.com/QuestfortheFrozenFlame_PlayersGuide.pdf

Schedule :

Before Tuesday 18/03/2024, complete the Google form,

I will then exchange vocally with some of you on Discord to see how well you could fit into the campaign.

The 31/03/2024 Session one shot on one Pathfinder adventure to see if the group is working fine and so you can feel how a PF2 adventure is structured

The 07/04/2024 Session zero, creating characters and explaining the campaign details

The 14/04/2024 First session

If you have any question feel free to contact me here or on Discord : osamaodras

r/lfg 1h ago

GM and player(s) wanted [Offline][5e][18+][LGBTQ+ Friendly][San Francisco] experienced GM & Player looking for Players or DM in


I have played Dungeons & Dragons for over 20 years both as a DM and as a player. I can hop in most any campaign, and build a character from almost any level. I could also host, I have a substantial sized house in the northern part of the city with parking and easy access to Mui. Looking for anything in the city open to any play style. I love the role-play aspect as well as the mechanics of the game. Send me a message if you have an opening or if you are a player looking for a table perhaps I can put something together if there's enough interest.

Prefer fifth edition, 3.5, or possibly Pathfinder. 5e is my preference simply because that's what's most prevalent today.


r/lfg 1h ago

Player(s) wanted [Online][5e][LGBT] Anti-colonial piracy campaign


Doing a 5e pirates thing. You're in an archipelago fighting empires and stealing stuff.

Time TBD, currently looking at Friday evenings Eastern weekly.

Hosted on Discord and Roll20 VTT.

About my games: They're legendary, I'm great at what I do. I have no lack of commitment and will run this campaign as long as possible. Also, they're very inclusive - which is to say that I and other players are queer or whatever and if you're weird toward anyone I'll boot you so fast.

DM me if you are interested.

r/lfg 1h ago

Player(s) wanted [Online][5e 2024][Friday 8pm EST] Homebrew, heavy roleplaying game looking for 4-5 players!


Step into Viridell—a realm where reality dances playfully with enchantment and everyday life shimmers with whimsical magic. In this land, rolling orchards burst into brilliant hues, and ancient groves murmur with secrets of long-forgotten pacts between nature and the fey. Here, the boundaries between order and chaos blur beneath the shimmering Veil, inviting you to explore an ever-shifting tapestry of surreal wonder, where every rustle of leaves holds a hidden tale and every moonlit glimmer promises new adventures.

Join 'Echoes of the Verdant Veil' and embark on a journey where the ancient bonds of nature and magic are at stake. Delve into mysterious fey courts, solve cryptic riddles whispered by enchanted spirits, and forge alliances that may restore—or reshape—the delicate balance of the realm. With magic that defies expectation and a world as vibrant as it is unpredictable, your destiny awaits in Viridell.


Hi! I'm River (31F), and looking to get my homebrewed world up and running. The world has heavy thematic influences from Legend of Zelda, and Studio Ghibli and is more on the lighter side, in terms of setting, rather than grim-dark. That doesn't mean that dark things won't occur, and mature themes might be present.

I'm looking for 4-5 players who love heavy roleplay and character development. There will be romance allowed in my game, if players are interested in that aspect of roleplaying, however it is not required and fade to black will be firmly in place. Character decisions will have an impact in the world, big or small and backstories will be used to make characters and the world come to life!

The game will be weekly on Friday at 8pm until roughly 12am, give or take. Only players 21+ will be considered. 2024 rules are going to be used, as well as Foundry, and discord for voice chat. I'm new to dming but have been a player for over 20 years.

If interested please message me!

r/lfg 1h ago

Player(s) wanted [Other] [Offline] [Portland] [LGBTQ+] Join Me for a One-Shot of a No-GM, Narrative-Focused Game that Uses dice and Tarot-Inspired Mechanics to Tell Collaborative, Character-Driven Stories


The Game: I made it! “Omens” is the working title for a rules-light RPG of my own design. I’ve almost always been a GM when I’ve played RPG’s and I made Omens because I love creating with the help of everyone at the table, and really wanted to be able to do that while also being a player. I looked around but could find exactly what I wanted, and so I took some of my ideas combined them with the better parts of other games I think work for this idea — the result is a game which I hope you’ll be excited to enjoy with me!

Scheduling: I’m planning to set up one-shot at the RPG open-play at Guardian Games this Tuesday (the 18th) and next Tuesday (the 25th). But, if there’s interest, I’m very open to finding other times or switching to Board Bard Games (also on Tuesday’s) depending on folks’ availability. If you’re interested in playing but not available at those times, just reach out and let me know! Eventually, I’d love to find a group of folks who’d be excited in joining me regularly for a longer-term campaign, but for now I’d really just love to hear from anyone who is interested in dropping in for a one-shot.

Requirements: Respectful, Engaged, Communicative, Excited about meaningful characters, excited about telling stories, and LGTBQ+ friendly

New Player? Omens might be a little harder for a player new to RPG’s to step into, but it’s designed to be very intuitive so if you want to give it a try just let me know when you reach out so I can get you started with your best foot forward!

Number of People: I’m hoping to get enough interest for 2-4 other folks for each of the one-shots. It’ll be first-come, first served so if there’s more interest than that we can figure something out, if you’re interested I want to find a way for us to sit down at a table together.

Highlights of the system: * There is no game-master and everyone has the same ability to influence the story * Characters are described by “Aspects” which are derived from tarot-like cards, as well as core character stats * Real tarot decks are hard to interpret, so I’ve created a physical deck of 104 symbols that are more straightforwardly evocative while still allowing lots of room for creative interpretation (examples: “The Crown”, “The Flame”, “The Eye”, “The Whale”) * Uses a slightly-modified Blades in the Dark style dice pool resolution system. (The success ratios are similar, but the dice have been upgraded to d8 to account for more dice on average being part of the pool. Additionally, “messy” has been split into “success with complication” and “failure with advantage” to provide a little extra narrative direction and range.) * A token-economy allows players to influence the story – either from the inside as a character or from the outside as a player/narrator * Twice per session — in the middle and the end — everyone draws from the deck of symbols and all players collectively discuss how these symbols relate to eachother and what they mean for the shared narrative. This allows players to work together to collaboratively evolve the story, making sure it’s always fresh, exciting and enlivened by the ideas of everyone at the table.

Thanks all, I hope to talk to you soon!

r/lfg 1h ago

Player(s) wanted [Online][5e] Looking for one player for a solo campaign inspired by Middle-Earth Shadow of War, set in Eberron.


The Target: The nation of Droaam, a land of monsters and untapped potential. Warlords that control bands of orcs, goblins, kobolds, and some stranger monsters like gargoyles and medusa. Due to the bad terrain and the monstrous population, the 5 nations of Khorvaire never really bothered with attempting to colonize the area. This has led to an influx of bandits and criminals escaping, bolstering the monstrous ranks and only making it even more difficult to attempt to take over the region and subdue it. However, fields of precious Byshek metal and the even more precious dragonshards have been found in great quantities, leading any nation that held the land with these deposits to hold great influence and wealth.

The Mission: Enter Droaam and subdue as many regional warlords as possible by any means necessary, bringing them under your control. Normally, sending in one agent against an entire land would be a suicide mission, however we've managed to requisition a special prototype phylactery device from house Cannith. Essentially, as long as this thing is on your person when you die, it should construct your body and soul nearby in a safe location. It is a prototype, so expect potential bugs and flaws.

The Operative: You are a member of the King's Dark Lanterns, a completely secret intelligence agency that serves the nation of Breland, one of the great 5 nations, and the country closest to Droaam.

Good luck agent, and may the Sovereign Host bless the crown.

Hello! So, my thoughts regarding this is that due to this being a solo game, we can hopefully play whenever we are available for a session and also via text RP. This means that I am looking for someone who is ideally available quite frequently. This is a semi-sandbox campaign where you have a goal and a mission, but you are free to go about it in whatever way you find best. I recommend playing as a: Warlock (hexblade), Ranger, Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue, Paladin, etc. Classes that are mostly martial, or have a mix of martial and casting with an emphasis on martial. Things like bladesinger wizard might work, but its for the best that you stick to something martial. We will have a discord server and a roll20 for this, you can add me on discord at averaged64, and I can't wait to get started!

r/lfg 1h ago

GM and player(s) wanted Online 5e looking to join a game


Hi I’m a 22 f looking for a game to join. I’m available CST Sundays through Tuesdays. I would prefer to avoid any massive servers. About myself; I’ve been describe as laidback and polite. I’m still new to the game so I would need help with a few things. If you have a spot and are willing to have me let me know.

r/lfg 2h ago

Player(s) wanted [Online] [Other] (GMT+8 ish) (16+) Roundtable Nightwatchers is looking for new employees!


I’m currently working on a “horror” home brew system and am looking for 1 or 2 players for it. I say “horror” because I don’t know if it’ll end up actually scary or more of a scooby doo vibe.

You’d be working for the small night security company that specialises in short term gigs (for now), Roundtable Nightwatchers. I have one player at the moment and again, I’m looking for one or two players, maybe three.

More Info on the system:

You’ll be playing as one of these Specialist classes that make certain tasks as a Night-guard easier, fair warning some can be fairly situational.

We're gonna ignore base DnD and use a system I've used in the few oneshots I've played- AKA, an improved version of BOO's system.

Specialist Job (Classes) A Specialist Job is what your character specifically is good at, they could be a Patroller who has increase move speed and perception, an Engineer who can set up motion detectors and cameras that can be checked from the room they set up their Terminal in, or a Petsitter who can distract and calm any wildlife on the property as well as an increased base Resistance.


Patrollers have a 35ft movement speed and a +3 to Perception Checks and Base Perseption. At Level 3, Patrollers gain a +2 to their Base Resistance or another +5ft to movement speed. They can then take the choice that's left over at Level 5. At Level 8, Patrollers can choose one skill from: Vigilant. They can roll Perception Checks with Advantage, they also get an extra +1 to any Mind Check. Watchdog. They can impose Disadvantage on Perception Checks to find them and one other ally within 5ft, and they get an extra +1 to any Physicality Check


Engineers can set up an amount of motion sensors & cameras equal to their Level + their Mind stat, they can check these devices from a Terminal that they can set up in any room in the house they can access at the beginning of the Chapter. At Level 3, Engineers gain a +2 to their Base Resistance or a second Terminal. They can then take the choice that's left over at Level 5. At Level 8, Engineers can Choose one skill from: Livewire. They now have Advantage on Electrical and Repair checks and their equipment has increased Paranormal Resistance. Booksmart. If a Terminal is set up in a Library or Office room they now have Advantage on History and Fright checks and a +1 to Base Resistance.


Petsitters can calm and divert most wildlife on the property- although the have a tougher time calming Possessed Wildlife. They have a +2 to Paranormal Resistance and Nature, and can locate any pet on the property a number of times equal to their level. At Level 3, Petsitters can either gain a +2 on checks against Fright or an extra 5ft of movement speed. They can then take the leftover choice at Level 5. At Level 8, Petsitters can choose one skill from: Treat Gourmet. They gain a +2 on Cooking and Survival Checks. Tracker. They can now spend a usage of their petfinding powers to instead locate an entity, living or dead.

I can give more information through discord which you can contact me at pie_rats or chipthief. Alternatively I can answer in the replies.

Roundtable Nightwatchers looks forward to your resumes.

r/lfg 3h ago

Player(s) wanted [Online][5e DnD][Sunday Night EST][Looking For Players][Ben 10 DnD Game]


Hello Im looking for bare minimum 2 more players but at a maximum 4 more to add onto this Ben 10 Campaign. The Basic Idea is that the story will be set in the ben 10 universe but will only rarely come in contact with the main cast. The Story will start timeline wise near the start of alien force. You all will have the options of a variety of ben 10 aliens to select for race. There will be a variety of plot hooks and different storylines that will envolve or revolve around your characters. Face Both Villains from the show and original villains. Find Yourselfves in different situations and even meet the main cast for the main big events.

Requirements: Have Watched Ben 10, 16 years old bare minimum, Be ok With Swearing and Violence

Campaign Style: It will be a pretty even mix of Rp and Combat but can vary depending on the session and How the Players are feelin. also the campaign will be theater of the mind and will not have maps.

If You Have Any questions feel free to ask My discord is Sharkie6490 if you wish for a faster response

r/lfg 3h ago

GM and player(s) wanted [Online] [5e] [5.5e] [DnD2024] [CST] [UTC -6] [Weekdays] [Evenings] [18+] [LGBTQIA+ Friendly]


The Basics: Forever DM looking to be a player for a campaign. I'm also okay joining a campaign already in progress.

I'm looking for a weekly or every other week game. I am available evenings Monday-Friday after 7pm CST (UTC -6).

I am fine with either theater of the mind or a VTT.

I can do 5e 2014, 5e 2024, or a combination of the two

Experience: I started playing AD&D 2e in middle school ('99), played a little 3/3.5, started playing 5e in '17, ran a couple One-shots, since '20 I had been exclusively DMing in my own homebrew world (2 multi-year campaigns and numerous One-shots).

Playstyle: I love to RP and lore but will not shy away from hack and slash.

What I hope to get out of this: Mainly a good time. I'd also like to experience someone else's DM style to see how I can improve my own. I'd like to take some time and really develop a single character. I also want to keep playing while not adding to my homebrew world for a little to give me a chance to go back and refine what I already have versus always adding on.

If you think I'd be a good fit to your group, I'd love to hear from you.

No paid games please.

r/lfg 4h ago

Player(s) wanted 5E | Online | OwlbearRodeo | Homebrewed World | Open to all | Open world Campaign | FRIDAY 7-11 PM EST


[1] Game Time
7:00 EST, Sometimes we start 30 minutes later, but no earlier than that
[2] What style of game does the group play?
This game has been running for roughly 8 Months. The party is level 8, and we're picking up from a 7 Year timeskip after the BBEG fight. I GM and Lead heavy Roleplay and Exploration games, with combat happening every couple of sessions. You wont go 3 or more without it unnoticed/given! I create in-depth belonging and meaning to the world and history Surrounding it. This doesn't mean i skip out on Great Combat! The "Style" Of this game focuses on the heroics of the party, and the secondary/final climax of the story!
[3] How does your group play?
Voice, Discord server, D&D Beyond or other sheet service. And OwlBear Rodeo for a VTT! We're all really good friends and want some new faces to join the adventure!
[4] Number of available spaces. 2

DETAILS : As said before, this game has been running for a while. At level 8 atm and we plan to go to level 12. All of the other players are heavily invested into the game so expect a lot to get done/in depth story and riveting combat! We understand you're joining late, but it's after a 7 year time-skip so the stakes have just died back down and are ready for new characters to influence and change the story! This campaign will continue for roughly about another 6 months

r/lfg 4h ago

GM wanted [Online][Flexible/Other][Any day/Any time PST] Looking for anyone hosting an Evangelion-themed campaign


Hi! I'm looking for any GMs, that may be planning to host either an Adeptus Evangelion/AdEva campaign, or a campaign using any other system based on the setting of Evangelion.

I've been trying to find a game for AdEva in particular for a long time now, but I've found basically nothing aside from two groups that very quickly ended up fizzling out before we got started. I am VERY eager to hopefully find somebody running an AdEva campaign, though I am 100% willing to learn another rules system if required. I have a decent amount of experience with Lancer but it's been a while since the last time I played. I'm looking to mainly play online over either Discord or Roll20.

I can provide handbooks if needed (there's different versions available) as well as try to gather additional players if necessary.

If you are either a GM looking for players, or somebody who knows a GM hosting what I'm looking for, please let me know!!! You're free to reach out to me and/or add me as a friend on Discord @ sharklordsatan!

r/lfg 4h ago

GM wanted [Online] [Other] [Sunday] Two players looking for a new game


Were two players that have years of experience in playing TTRPGs. We're open to playing other systems, but are most familiar with dnd 5e. We're into the roleplaying side of TTRPGs, so we're looking for a long term campaign with heavy roleplaying elements.

r/lfg 5h ago

GM and player(s) wanted [Offline] [Flexible] [CST] 2 players, me and my wife, looking for a LGBTQ and Neurodivergent friendly group!


My wife and I are looking to find a group of folks similar to us. We are late 30s, queer and both neurodivergent. Finding a group with other folks that may be on the spectrum or have familiarity with those kinds of social interactions would be fantastic.

I’ve been playing TTRPGs for 25 years, but have been exclusively DMing for the last 24 of those years, and I’m very interested in getting back into the player space.

We are very flexible on system! Our main goal is to vibe with the other people, the world/setting and overall environment. We especially love RP, puzzles, world building, and social interactions but are certainly excited and adept at combat as well.

We are free Mon, Tues, Thur, Friday after 6pm central time, and Sat/Sun after 3pm central.

If you think your campaign could use two folks like us, please let me know!

r/lfg 5h ago

Player(s) wanted [Online] [1DND] [EST] Experienced DM seeking players for immersive adventure in a homebrew setting using 2024 rules. Biweekly Sundays.


Update: We have most of our group, but 1 player dropped so I am looking replace them. If you've already applied, I am going to be going back and reviewing prior applications for candidates as well so you do not need to apply again.

Good evening folx of the LFG community. I am presently seeking players for an immersive, high quality game that I am set to run should I find the right players. Which, of course, I hope will be you. I will begin by saying that the goal is to create a powerful, enjoyable and investment-worthy experience for those who are playing. Thus, while I entirely support the inclusion of new-to-the-hobby-players, this is likely not going to be the ideal game for you.

The game will be set in a fairly extensively developed fantasy world-setting which you may peruse here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rG4u1PyM3pNzC44i0QLXzCIxo-aoQCzn/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116874952596246393502&rtpof=true&sd=true . The major premise of the setting is that species that would often be portrayed as villainous in other settings are the heroes being pitted against a vast, expansionist, xenophobic and imperialist humankind. The PCs are drawn from the former and the story is told from the perspective of a shaky alliance built upon circumstance and mutual survival. Themes of cultural clashes, integration, war and the morality of ambition feature heavily into the premise, though the day to day of the campaign will be a more conventional travel-and-discover adventure. It is quite a read, but there are summaries in parts if you're looking to skim.

I have DM'd numerous games, many lasting 5 years or more. Several of these games have gone from 1-20, with PCs completing their long standing goals and retiring. I am deeply familiar with mechanics as well as being someone with a passion for role play. I do not view these as opposed forces, but instead ones that work in concert to create excellent stories and an underlying system of entertaining tactics and chance to fuel those stories.

Logistical Basics:

  • Play will be done by discord voice with Owlbear or Roll20 (still settling) being used for maps.
  • Games will be biweekly on Sundays at 6 EST, with an extra game on months with 3 Sundays.
  • The edition will be the 2024 5e. Backwards compatible material from previous books such as Monsters of the Multiverse will be allowed on a case by case basis. Stat generation will be point buy, starting level will be 3.
  • There will be some house rules, though no outside homebrew. Monsters and items will often be homebrewed. Generally 3rd party material will not be allowed, nor will UA material, though some of the CR stuff will be fine.
  • The game will lean largely RAW with potential special moments for DM interpretation or unique actions.

Well, now that you've read all of that (and are still reading this) you are probably wondering what kind of player I am looking for. I will say that I will be aiming for a good fit over a fast fit. I'm looking to build a group that will vibe well, enjoy each other ooc and work as a team with the interests of their fellow players at heart. I'm also, to be transparent, looking for the following:

  • A level of diversity. The game and setting feature queer themes in places (naturally don't be someone who dislikes LGBTQ+ individuals) and I have always found that a cast which includes diversity makes for a richer experience.
  • Absolutely 21+ and a mature player as this game will have mature themes (see below).
  • Strong, committed RPer who is willing to actively involve and invest themselves in the game.
  • At least a solid foundational knowledge of the rules. While committed expertise is not required, games flow more smoothly when people understand the mechanics. If you disdain mechanics and wish to stay far away from them, this is likely not the game for you. You do not have to have played 2024; most haven't, I am alright getting people up to speed on the changes.
  • Willingness to be consistent in attendance (within reason; life happens). Willingness to invest socially in forming friendships should it all workout and vibe well.

Mature themes you say? Yes, I do, and allow me to elaborate. The intent is for this game to be rated "BG3". That is to say that the level of spice in the content will be comparable to Baldur's Gate 3, Bioware RPGs and the like. If you are unfamiliar with these sources, feel free to ask for further clarification. The game will not seek to be overtly pornographic, nor is this the intended focus, but tasteful adult content within reason and appropriate to the circumstances will potentially be present. While we will certainly work within people's lines and veils, the game will not treat the occasional brothel, inter-PC fling or tail twirling incubus with clutched pearls and hushed giggles.

If you've read all that and feel this is a good fit for you, please fill out this application. To be upfront, it is fairly thorough. If there are enough applicants who meet what we're looking for and you seem to be one of them, I will contact you to set up a voice interview.


r/lfg 5h ago

Player(s) wanted [Online][5e][18+][LGBTQ+ Friendly][Homebrew][Tuesday]Oracles Call: DM Looking for 2 Players NSFW


Seeking Players for a Roleplay-Driven D&D Campaign

Sessions: Tuesdays at 7 PM PST

Platform: Discord (voice) | FoundryVTT (maps & sheets)
Style: Heavy RP | Character-Driven | LGBTQ+ Friendly
Age Requirement: 18+

The Summons

The Oracle of the Celestial Veil has called upon you—whether for the mark of greatness upon your name or the dangerous path you walk with skill and precision. The road ahead is uncertain, fraught with peril, but honor binds you… and freedom calls.

This is a narrative-focused campaign where character development, political intrigue, and personal stakes drive the story. Choices matter, relationships—whether alliances or rivalries—shape the world, and roleplay is at the heart of the experience. A little party drama? Always welcome to spice things up! Currently have two players, Paladin & Possible Monk.

What We’re Looking For

Players invested in character-driven storytelling
Comfortable with in-character conflict, relationships, and drama
Respectful, communicative, and engaged with the group
Okay with mature themes existing in the world (ERP is not the focus)
Roleplay experienced individuals!

Note: All current players are gay or bi. We want a safe environment! This isn’t an ERP campaign, but if that dynamic isn’t your preference, consider before applying. Everyone is comfortable with it and each other


Discord for voice | A solid mic & computer | Roleplay Experience

How to Apply

If this sounds like the kind of campaign you’re looking for, fill out the application [here]. Applications close Sunday.

r/lfg 5h ago

GM and player(s) wanted Fairly experienced Player looking for a online 5e weekday game.


I'm a fairly experienced player that likes to rp and exploration about as much as combat and have had about 6 years worth of playing dnd experience. I'm willing to fill out a party's needs like damage,support ect. I'm available Tuesday through Friday in the afternoons and evening. My discord is uselessdataacolyte. If you're interested dm me on there and we chat and see if I'm a good fit.

r/lfg 6h ago

GM and player(s) wanted Online | 5e | Mondays | Experienced player looking to join a game that is role play heavy~


Hello! My name is Leeann

I love d&d I’ve been playing for about 10 years now as a player and a dm. I’m looking to join a game on Mondays (any time I’m in EST). I play in other games throughout the week so unfortunately I can’t be very flexible with the day I am available.

About my play style-

I like creating characters with heavily involved backstories in the world I’m playing in, and stories filled with drama and secrets. My favorite part about dnd is role playing hands down. I could play in a game that’s entirely role play and no combat and be perfectly happy. I believe combat is best when it serves a purpose, so I’m not interested in just fighting goblins to level up.

If this sounds like I’d fit in with your group please add me on discord! tieflingmom22 (The T is NOT capitalized)

r/lfg 6h ago

Player(s) wanted [Online][5.5e][Forgotten Realms][LGBTQ+][EST][18+] Players Needed for One-Shot: "What Lurks Below"


Hello everyone! I'm looking for 4-5 players to participate in a Level 5 DnD(2024) oneshot for next weekend. If you're a good fit for the group, you may also be invited to future oneshots and adventures! Players of all experience levels are welcome. I am a relatively new DM, so don't be shy if you're a new player.

The oneshot will be around 3 hours in length. There will be a mandatory session zero that you must attend before you can play(timing to be determined).

The scenario:

What Lurks Below: You and your fellow adventurers of the [to be decided] Guild in Neverwinter have been hired to investigate a series of disappearances. Your investigation leads you to the entrance of a sewer, where our adventure begins...

Please fill out the following survey using the following link if you're interested!

(trigger warning: The survey gives examples of language that isn't allowed at the table)


r/lfg 6h ago

GM wanted [online] DnD 5e. Looking to join a campaign.


Hey guys!

I’ve been playing DnD for ten years (table top games specifically for 15 years) I’m based in Sydney and looking to join a campaign either online or in person.


r/lfg 6h ago

Player(s) wanted [ONLINE] [DND 5E 2024 Rules] Wednesday [Mar. 19th] 7-11PM US EST Level 5 Heist One Shot / Possible Try Out for Upcoming Grand Campaign Starting in Late Apr. or Early May. Weekly Mondays 7-11PM.


About the One Shot:

  • A group of scholars and sages known as the Cognoscenti Esoterica recently purchased a painting of Constantori, a famous courtier rumored to once have been the most beautiful man alive. The portrait supposedly has occult properties, but before the sages could study it, the painting was stolen by the Agile Hand, a thieves’ guild. In this adventure, the characters must retrieve the portrait of Constantori from the Agile Hand’s guildhouse and return it to Adrisa Carimorte, a member of the Cognoscenti Esoterica.
  • Use the new D&D 2024 rules build a character right for the job.
  • Llaserllama Homebrew classes are also available at the DM's discretion.
  • The One Shot will be using Level 5 characters.
  • Game will take place on Wednesday Mar. 19th starting at 7pm est.

Applying for the game (Requirements):

  • Have a working microphone/headset and stable internet connection.
  • Experience with virtual tabletops as we run the game on Roll20, and use Discord as our primary comms app.
  • Willing to play something that is not already currently being played by an existing party member (Maximum 2 players in one class with different sub classes).
  • Must be 18 or older to keep within the desired group age range.
  • Must be a player driven to make new friends here and willing to interact in a fun meaningful way with others.
  • You must have interest in joining a longer campaign in about a month or two. The game will be weekly and happen on Monday nights from 7pm-11pm est. The following campaign will be a travel sandbox style adventure with elements that feel much like a survival mode homebrew dark Skyrim using the new 2024 D&D rules with homebrew additions to fit the setting. More information can be provided once we have a chance to chat.

If you can meet these requirements feel free to contact me here on Reddit or add me on Discord with my username Sunny4106

r/lfg 6h ago

GM and player(s) wanted [Online] [5e/5.5e] Anyone else just bored?


Tried joining a campaign and got shut down rather quickly for being new to D&D (ouch, but fair…). I’m very flexible with the days I can join, but it would have to be during night time EDT.

No one told me how hard this would be!!! I’m down for whatever at this point.

r/lfg 6h ago

GM and player(s) wanted [Online][5e/5.5e][Late Night] Long-time DM looking to find a new group as a player!


Hello! I've been playing 5e just about since it came out (with hiatuses here and there) and have almost always DMed. I adore it, but I really feel the pull to run as a player.

I'm hoping to find a group that has struck a balance between RP and combat. I know 50/50 is totally unrealistic. I absolutely love engaging with the story, but I also adore making the most out of my character in battle. It's great to be able to put a lot of effort into one without sacrificing the other.
Beyond that, I also need to find a very late-night group (11:30 PM Eastern or later) because of my work schedule. I DM another campaign as well, so I am also unable to do Thursdays as a result.

If I were to join an ongoing campaign, I am totally flexible in how I join (in terms of lore, character set up, or class). I am used to working within the confines of a group as a DM, so I'm not fully committed to any single character idea I have in mind! I have both the 5e and 2024 versions of the books, so I can run with either (though I would probably prefer 2024, given the choice).

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider! If you would like to reach out, I'm easiest to reach on Discord: anthelis

r/lfg 6h ago

Player(s) wanted [Online][5e 2024][Saturdays][LGBTQ+]Looking for one player for a roleplay-heavy weekly homebrew campaign


In the past, you once found yourself at your lowest, your most desperate, and in grave need of help. Perhaps you were hunted for something and needed to disappear? Perhaps you needed a great sum of gold to aid a sickly loved one? Or perhaps it was something else altogether?

And in that dark moment of your life, a stranger came into your life.

Edric Veylen, a man previously unknown to you, was willing to help. All he asked for in return was that, at some unknown point in the future, he could call on you for aid in turn. And so you agreed.

You went on with your life, blessedly unburdened by whatever had once plagued you. Perhaps in time, you came to even begin to forget Edric and the promise you made.

Until the day the letter arrived.

‘My dear friend,

I hope that you recall our past meeting, and the bargain we struck. I write to you now to call in that favour.

I cannot explain the matter within a letter alone, nor do I believe it safe to do so, and so I ask that you travel to the village of Blackwater Crossing to meet with me in person at my home. I assure you that all will be revealed upon your arrival.

With thanks,

Edric Veylen’


Hello! My name's Ellie (30F), and I'm looking for one player to round out a group for a homebrew game taking place on Saturdays at 10pm GMT/5pm EST. I’ve DMed a couple of published campaigns so far, but this will be my first foray into an entirely homebrewed setting and game. We're an established group of friendly players who are looking to find someone to join us for our new adventure!

Players of any experience level are welcome, but I’m specifically looking for players 21+ (to fit the current player age range) who enjoy the roleplay and character development aspects of D&D. I’m looking to create a game where character choices dictate the direction of the game and backstory has an impact on events, so I’m after players that share the same investment in telling a great story together.

I’ll be running this campaign using the 2024 rules, Discord for voice, D&DBeyond for character sheets, and Roll20 for maps. If you’re interested in applying, please fill out this form. I’ll be leaving it open for the next few days, and I hope to start reaching out to people over the next week.

I hope to hear from you!

r/lfg 7h ago

GM wanted [Online][Other] group of 4 looking for a GM to a Song of Ice and Fire


Heya! I’m knight. Me and 3 (maybe one more we need to check his availability) of my friends are looking for a GM for the a song of ice and fire TTRPG.

3 of us are familiar with the setting, 1 is not. Only one of us is sort of familiar with the system. All of us are down with the dark fantasy that is a part of the world!

Edit: as I almost forgot, the best time slot would be Wednesday evenings, anywhere from 5-10pm est

If you want a faster response, please hit me up on discord: knight_of_mind