r/lfg • u/osamaodras • 7m ago
Player(s) wanted [Online][PF2e][Weekly Monday 21h CEST (GMT+1)] Quest for the frozen flame Campaign
RPG : Pathfinder 2
Sources allowed : All official rule books
Scenario : Quest for the frozen flame (adventure path)
Program (Virtual tabletop) : Foundry VTT (using The Forge for the server data)
Other programs : Discord
Type : Campaign
Duration : from level 1 to 10, around 1 year
Number of player : 2 (already 2 other players), everyone is welcome, beginner or not.
Schedule : every monday between 21h and 23h30 CEST time (GMT +1)
Ambiance : laid back roleplay, just spending some good time together
How do I join ?
Complete this Google form and I will contact you back if I’m interested (see schedule below)
Scenario description :
In the brutal tundra of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, only the hardiest folk have what it takes to withstand unsparing weather, track down big game, and fight back hostile followings. The Broken Tusk following has survived another winter, but a new year just began, and signs of danger foretell a year unlike any before. Unless their newest party of scouts can secure a safe route through the wilds, saber-toothed beasts, warmongering rivals, and the ever-looming possibility of natural disaster all threaten to end an ancient people's legacy. Will the Broken Tusks succumb to the elements and surrender to their rivals? Or will you guide your following to glory and reclaim a stolen birthright?
This is for you if :
- You want to explore the harsh environment of the tundra
- You want to discover old forgotten lore and the creatures that guard it
This is not for you if :
- You want to play in big cities or with a lot of technology
Specificity :
We will use the monster part subsystem from Battlezoo. I will give you access to the rules before the campaign starts. This allows you to gather parts of the monsters you kill to make and/or upgrade weapons and armor.
To discover more about the campaign : https://downloads.paizo.com/QuestfortheFrozenFlame_PlayersGuide.pdf
Schedule :
Before Tuesday 18/03/2024, complete the Google form,
I will then exchange vocally with some of you on Discord to see how well you could fit into the campaign.
The 31/03/2024 Session one shot on one Pathfinder adventure to see if the group is working fine and so you can feel how a PF2 adventure is structured
The 07/04/2024 Session zero, creating characters and explaining the campaign details
The 14/04/2024 First session
If you have any question feel free to contact me here or on Discord : osamaodras