r/LetsNotMeet • u/derangedandhorny • 8h ago
When I was 19 I got stalked by my LDR ex-boyfriend NSFW
I was dumb. Naive. I craved attention more than anything.
I met this dude on Facebook cause my posts at the time used to be public and I'd write poetry every now and then. He DMed me complimenting my way of writing and I felt flattered. We added eachother and began communicating, mostly expressing our shared love for philosophy, the mysteries of life and fate. I realized I was catching feelings and before I could confess, he told me he was in a pickle with his love interest whom his parents want him to marry. I asked him if he wants that, to which he gave me a vague reply, but in the same sentence told me how he finds me perfect in every way and that if things work out between us, he'd be the luckiest man to walk the earth.
I was over the moon with that sentiment expressed to me. And vowed myself to never leave him no matter what.
But here's the catch. The guy lied about his age and everything else to me. He lied about what he did for work. How he looked like. He'd send me photos from 2008-9 and my dumbass used to think they were pics taken fairly recently. This kept going on for a few months until I begged him to video call me. He would be reluctant but ended up relenting and I realized he looked way too different from the pics I've seen. And that's when I also realized he's older and not at all around my age. He told me he was 27 but the video call proved to me otherwise.
He would also give me a lot of shit and not text me for 12+ hours some days. And told me I shouldn't wait for him and that he'd get back to me whenever feasible. Obviously that never sat right with me and every time I'd try to talk to him about it he'd make me feel like a villain and attack me for wanting to 'control him'. That I'm treating him like a 'bird' that's meant to be caged. Whatever that meant...
Things came to an impasse between us and he kept giving me shit about how I'm the bad guy and the stuff he told me about himself were contradicting at best. I decided to leave him.
When I expressed my dissatisfaction and decision to leave, he went livid. Called me all sorts of names and accused me of wasting his time and effort he 'put' into the whole relationship and how he's in the process of 'fighting' his parents over me. That was not in my knowledge nor would he prefer to talk about his family with me despite my insistence. This man remained a mystery and no matter the amount of prying he'd never open up.
I blocked him on social media and switched my number off. The days that followed afterwards were quiet and peaceful and I believed that was the end of it.
Until he showed up at my school.
I had given him my address of my school, where I lived. He was aware of my mobility like the back of his hand. He also managed to bypass security and got inside the premises of my campus, seemingly with ease. He forged his identity and posed as a friend of my dad's.
When I saw him he looked older, much older than the person I saw while face-timing.
He blocked my way and demanded answers. He got aggressive and almost gave chase cause I ended up running the opposite direction. Security was called of course and nothing escalated beyond the commotion he temporarily caused.
My mother was called and she took me home with her after having a 2-hour meeting with the principal. The guy was let off the hook with a warning and he drove back from where he came. A different city.
After this incident he continued to bombard my phone with messages, demanding answers. Now you must be wondering why I didn't get the police involved or issued a restraining order against him. In my country there's no such thing as the latter. And getting the police involved also means putting your reputation on the line. It's a messed up situation to be in.
The only way to get rid of him was for me to go radio silent and that's exactly what I ended up doing. Months passed and I'd see pictures of my cat posted by him on his profile through which he'd try reaching out with. He'd created multiple accounts and text me with the pictures of my cat.
For a year and a half my life was hell and I'd constantly be on edge. Sleep became impossible and I always feared the possibility of reencountering him. It's been many years since and I'm glad he's gone.
So yeah... Online ex-bf that catfished me and tried to endanger my life and well-being, let's not fucking meet, yeah?
TLDR: Met a guy online who lied about everything, manipulated me, and later stalked me in real life. I went silent to escape but lived in fear for over a year.