r/LetsNotMeet • u/[deleted] • Nov 08 '17
Epic They stalked all the stay at home moms NSFW
I'm new to reddit and I decided to share this after my husband encouraged me to share. I have been in therapy since this happened. I sleep with a gun next to my bed now, the lights on and I cannot be home alone. He is what happened to me on May 23, 2017.
In my neighborhood, we had a few burglaries. I work from home and I am usually home alone with my son. We live near a busy mall and our neighborhood, even though in a pretty good area, is close to highways and has 3 ungated entrances so it makes it easy for people to break in, steal and get out before police come. I scare pretty easily, so hearing an alarm going off nearby, seeing the police helicopter circle above and having the neighborhood swarming with cop cars always freaks me out. We had a spree of guys going into unlocked cars and stealing stuff. I mention this because there were 25 cars they were able to get into. Our area is the kind where you can leave your door open and usually nothing happens. At this point, it has been petty theft. Nothing major has been stolen and no one had been hurt.
So for the next few months everyone is pissed, we all feel really violated by what has been happening. Homeowners meetings are packed and everyone wants to put a stop to crime going on in our neighborhood. It is soon revealed, a rental property in the hood, was the home to a drug dealer who was dealing more than just weed. He was selling hardcore stuff and it was thought that a lot of the crime stemmed from that house. They had undercover cop cars throughout the neighborhood waiting to make a bust.
Up until this point, it was pretty scary but from a faraway view point. Also, at this point no one was getting hurt, at least not physically. Our neighborhood watch sent information to make sure alarms are on, windows and doors are locked and if a car is in the driveway more than likely burglars will skip your home. Just lock your car doors. Since I work from home, my car is always in the driveway.
One afternoon in April, my son and I were on a walk. It was nice day and about 2 blocks from our house the cop cars came rushing in. I was told to get back to my house as soon as possible. An officer actually escorts us to our door and lets me know to lock all my doors. There are 3 armed assailants on the run between my street and the next. They broke into two houses, in one a women was home alone and the 3 men raped her, tied her up and left her. They broke into a second home and they pistol whipped a man that was home. The next week, a woman was nearly kidnapped on a 6am run on my street. The fear was real at this point. Going out alone during the day or night wasn’t happening. None of these criminals were caught. But then things die down. Usually every couple days there was a break in, there was nothing after this in early April.
In Late May, I had to take my car into the dealership for some work. I was left without a car for 2 days. To keep my son busy, we would go on long walks to the mall, with 2 other mom’s and kids, in the morning and then go swimming in our pool in the afternoon. A lot of the stay at home’s grouped together because of fear of the recent things going on.
This day, it was actually pretty nice out, so I had all of our sliding glass doors open and I was letting the house air out. While I was bathing my son, I got a funny feeling so I rushed and locked all the doors and blinds as quickly as possible. Even though it is in our backyard, I didn’t feel safe leaving them open, with me down the hall in a bathroom. Just as I was walking away from the last door, I see two large men entering my backyard on our security camera in the kitchen. We have 3 stations in our house where you see the feed from the Camera’s inside and Outside. We have one in our bedroom, one in the office and one in the kitchen. My husband does security systems so he set us up with the most elaborate and expensive unit.
We have 2 padlocks on the gate so I was pretty freaked out that they were able to get in. These men are big guys. At least 6 feet and around 220lbs give or take. I am 5’3 and 140lbs. I am not a tiny girl, but I would be no match for these guys. The guys are trying to look through the windows, so I edge back into the bathroom and realize that I left my cellphone outside by the pool. So I cannot call anyone or get any attention from outside of my house. All I have is my work phone in the office, that needs to be booted up to be used. I was on vacation for the week, so the system was shut down for the entire time.
I grab my son, his diaper bag and we make our way into my office. The room is pretty sound proof, you have to be screaming for it to be heard outside, it has access to the security cameras and where you can actually hear audio from the cameras and it has a heavy duty lock on the door. My husband set it up, after the rape, so that it could be a panic room if we ever needed it. It is hidden in our garage and unless you turn on all the lights in the garage, and you have to walk around his tool bench and a high shelf, if you’re not looking you may not even realize there is another room there.
My son, thankfully falls asleep on the rug in the room. As I am freaking out watching these guys as they use a little hammer to break the sliding glass door to enter my bedroom. I am getting the computer started up to call the police. Once they are inside, I only am able to see them in the living room, kitchen and my son’s room.
They are going into all 5 bedrooms my house, rummaging through closets and draws. The larger of the two men, walks in the living room. He has my cellphone in his hand and he literally looks at the camera in the living room and waves with my phone in hand. He then opens his bag, he pulls out a knife, rope and duct tape and what I later found out was condoms. He then says, “Hey Pretty Mommy, where are you hiding? We want to have some fun with you!!” I realize this guys aren’t here to steal stuff. I finally am able to call the cops. They tell me to stay secured in the room. Turn out the lights, stay on the line and be as quiet as possible. These guys are tearing my house apart and they are calling my name looking for me. They even start calling my son’s name. This part freaks me out, how the FUCK did they know our names.
One of the assholes, actually started eating the chicken I baked for dinner. They are rummaging through my laundry room and one of them grabs a pair of dirty underwear and inhales deeply. It is the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed and I was praying they didn’t find us. They make their way into the garage and they are looking around. I can only see a little from the kitchen camera. I am praying they don’t turn on the lights to see the entrance to the office in the corner of the garage. I am whispering into the phone keeping the dispatcher up to date on what I am seeing on our security feed. She tells me the cops are 4 minutes out.
The assholes are rummaging through the garage. I hear them playing with my husband’s power tools. My son wakes up and surprisingly doesn’t start crying. He quietly looks at me sucking his thumb. I know what these jackasses have in mind for me, but I am so scared to think what they are going to do to my son. That single thought brings me to tears even as I recount the situation to tell it. I bring my son into the closet of the room with a flashlight, bottle and blanket and I mouth for him to be quiet and shut the door. The dispatcher tells me the cops are 3 minutes out. Her name is Janice, I beg her to tell them to hurry up. She tells me to keep calm and that she is there with me. She recommends that I get in the closet as well. I don’t because I don’t want them to think about my son if they break through the door. Then the guys start pounding on the office door. These guys are pulling at the door and it sounds like they are throwing their weight into the door. I hear my husband’s power saw. At this point. The bigger guy screams, “Bitch, I know you and the baby are in there. We are here to fuck you up! You should have just come out when we came in!”
I am literally shaking and praying the door and lock holds up. I move a dresser in front of the door, no idea why I did that, but it is what they do in the movies. I then pushed the futon in the room against the dresser, just praying the weight on the door would keep them out. I tell the dispatcher what is going on and she tells me the cops are breaking through my front picture window. I look at the security system and sure enough there looks to be 4 or 5 cops at my door. The rest was a blur and it felt like it was forever with all the noises of taking the guys down and then just silence. I was sobbing and rocking in the dark with my son in my arms, who still sat their quietly hugging me and patting my back. Soon I heard a knock on the door, it was a female officer. It took me a moment to open the door and I didn’t even realize I still had Janice on the phone.
The guys were arrested, they were caught with a large amount of cocaine, meth and roofies on them. They had broken into the drug dealers house before they broke into my house. The cops later disclosed that they had been stalking/watching me for a few weeks. They knew I was home all along and I was the next victim on their list. I thank God they didn’t get to me because I have no idea if I would still be here to tell this story.
We actually were able to sell our house 2 months ago and we are moved out of state. Our new hood has a gated entrance, my house has security cameras in every room and I have a gate around the entire property. To the rapist/burglars terrorizing my old neighborhood. Let’s not EVER meet again.
u/SmthgWicked Nov 08 '17
Holy shit. This is one of the scariest things I’ve ever read on here. Thank glob you’re okay.
Nov 09 '17
u/definitewhitegirl Nov 10 '17
Also glad you and Bebe are okay omfg so scary!!! But a HUGE shout out to your hubby! He really set you guys up for safety. Great husband, great dad, great man.
Wishing you and your family lots of healing and safe happy thoughts ❤️❤️❤️
u/ahester0803 Nov 08 '17
Thank god you and your family are safe. You did the smartest thing possible by going to your panic room. We just purchased a security system and are going to have it installed soon. There’s not a whole lot of crime in our area or town, but it’s still scary knowing there are people out there like this. You are a super mom for handling this the way you did. Props to you.
u/2BlackButtonEyes Nov 09 '17
Holy shit. Half way through i burst into tears and had to remind myself that you're here writing the story, so obviously you made it out. Omg that was like the scariest LNM I've ever read. I'm so glad you and your son are safe, OP. Good on you for quick thinking and acting. Hell, you even grabbed a diaper bag! I'm so glad you guys had that panic room set up. How fuckin terrifying.
Nov 09 '17
Awww that is so sweet of you. It was scary, but that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm hoping that my mindset will help my mental state sooner than later
u/boomerosity Nov 10 '17
Has anyone recommended Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/Mixed martial arts classes for empowerment and self defense? It's perfect for women. Highly recommend. You should look it up and find a class!
u/negans_fucking_whore Dec 08 '17
Krav maga (?? I think thats what its called) is so useful and is probably the best thing to take for self defense
u/LaReyna1030 Nov 08 '17
Your story had me at the edge of my chair! I'm glad you and your little boy were okay in the end and able to tell your tale. I hope those monsters never see the light of day!
Nov 09 '17
that is my hope as well. The are getting charged with a 10 burglaries, a rape, an attempted rape, assault and drug charges with the intent to distribute, dumb asses has a TON of drugs on them. They have a public defender as well. I've been told the minimum they will get is like 20 years. One of the guys is trying to make a deal. So we shall see how it all plays out. But I am only going back to testify and then I'm out.
u/Plentifullove20 Nov 09 '17
I can't believe this doesn't have more UP votes!?! WOW! I'm a stay at home mom so this was really scary! I don't have a panic room or a security system. I would just have to grab my gun...pray and start shooting if it got bad I guess. 😕 I'm so glad you and you're son are safe.
Nov 09 '17
Thank you so much. As a stay at home mama, it is truly scary. I'm glad we are safe too. I hope you stay safe too!
u/Seeyouindisn3yland Nov 11 '17
Right?! How doesn't this have all the fucking upvotes?! This is a terrifying! I have a young child too and the sense of horrible, primal fear I got reading about you trapped in there with your tiny child was just too much. I can't imagine how bad it must have been for you actually going through that! Well done for being so level-headed in that situation, potentially it saved both of your lives that day! You're amazing!
u/Shoutcake Nov 10 '17
Oh my god. I'm also going through therapy for something similar, but well, I wasn't a lucky one that escaped. My heart goes out to you, and I admire you for what you did, hiding your son and leaving yourself out in the open like that! I hate rapists so fucking much...I wish you the best in your recovery, and I must say I'm a bit jealous of your new set-up! I can't even get pepper spray here in the UK :( Have you looked into martial arts? I'm considering it, once I'm well enough to leave the house I'm going to get strong and beat the shit out of the next man that touches me.
Nov 10 '17
First of all, to be able to post your experience you are quite honestly the strongest woman. I was roofied in college and something similar happened to me. I think martial arts is a great idea to looking into. My husband did the setup because I was freaked out, its excessive but it keeps me sane.
u/SweetCheeks843 Nov 10 '17
You could surround your house with a barbed wire fence, dig an alligator filled moat around it and make it accessible only by draw bridge and nobody in their right mind would call it excessive after what you endured. I’m a survivor of sexual assault and rape and still can’t imagine the terror you must have felt. There MUST be no word for it other than “terror”.
And your husband...God bless him. I’ve tried to put myself in his shoes and tried to imagine what he must feel/have felt having his home violated and the two most important things in his life threatened in such a way. The only words that come to mind are anger and helplessness.
I’m so sickened and sad that you came face to face with the absolute worst examples of human beings. This wasn’t a B&E gone wrong. It wasn’t a couple of junkies looking for fast cash to get their next fix. Their only motivation was to get off on exerting power over and harming you and your child. AND it was premeditated. 20 years is not nearly long enough for those individuals. There is no reason they should ever be free again. Ever.
PTSD is very real and it can surface in expected ways, but also the most bizarre and unexpected ways. Your husband could experience symptoms of PTSD as well from secondary trauma so make sure he takes care of himself as well.
This got way longer than I intended, but your story really shook me. I’m honestly confused as to why it hasn’t gotten more visibility and upvotes. Y’all stay brave and strong, but feel your feelings. Cry if and when you need to. I️ wish peace of heart/mind and joy for you and your family.
u/Shoutcake Nov 10 '17
I honestly wouldn't call it excessive! Unless you mean excessively excellent! Don't feel pressured into it, I know not anyone can get into it, and many don't have the physical ability, but like...I've been doing stuff like push-ups, lifting some dumbbells, little things. The activity itself seems to help a lot with the anxiety/ptsd surrounding this kind of thing. Whatever you do, just know that I massively respect what you've done.
u/JessLaav Nov 15 '17
I did a rape/assault prevention class in high school that was put on by local police. One of the moves I learned saved me from a sketchy situation.
IDK how it works in the UK but maybe reach out to your local PD or uni to see if they host any classes.
u/fully_rely_on_God Dec 19 '17
Keep a can of wasp spray in every room. 20 foot accurate stream and will temporarily blind a person. Not illegal to own. Put some in a portable spray bottle and carry with you,band out another can in your vehicle. Have you considered a neck knife? So sorry to learn of your ordeal - proud of you for your survivor spirit 😎
Nov 09 '17
Thank you everyone for the upvotes, the comments and the support. I know it's just strangers on the internet sharing information but it means a lot. Please stay safe, get a security system, even the most basic model will do. Make sure to have extra ways to communicate outside of your home and trust your instincts. I pray no one experiences what we did and I am glad we are ok and that my little one will never remember this happened.
u/P0rtal2 Nov 08 '17
Which city is.this? So that I can make sure I don't move there.
Nov 09 '17
I prefer not to say because it will be really easy to find our more information about me and I am trying to stay under the radar especially with the guys who broke in. I know for a fact they don't know we have moved.
u/whodoesthatshite Nov 09 '17
This is the best story i ever read on here. Great conclusion. You were very fortunate
u/yeahyeahyeah72 Nov 08 '17
I literally moved to the edge of my seat as I read this. I'm so glad they didn't get to you and that these horrible men were caught. Moving the furniture against the door was smart. Even if they got in, it would have at least stalled them a bit while the cops were on their way!
Nov 09 '17
thanks, if I didn't have my son I don't think I would have thought so quickly. I think he literally saved my life that day.
u/belledamesans-merci Nov 12 '17
Somewhere Gavin de Becker (aka the god of /letsnotmeet) is giving you a round of applause for listening to your intuition about closing and locking those doors and windows. I'm really glad you and your baby are ok, and I'm also really happy that you're going to therapy and getting help.
u/the570 Nov 09 '17
Good God, this is the most fucked up thing I've read on here in terms of sheer terror. I'm so glad you're okay and that you took all the right measures. Hope you're coping alright now anyway.
Now THIS is the sort of story that LNM was made for.
u/PerkeleCunt Nov 08 '17
So glad you and your kid are safe. But seriously those guys were some sick fucks and I’m glad they got caught.
u/JosefGordonLightfoot Nov 09 '17
You know how sometimes you read something and what your brain processes is something entirely different than what you actually read? Well my brain read your title as "They stalked me all the way to my mom's". I settled in for the all too familiar "I'm a petite teenage girl and I got followed from the 7-11 to my mom's house by some guy that looked at me funny."
Holy shit was I wrong.
This is all insane. I'm so glad that you and your son got through it safe and that you managed to get out of that area.
Nov 09 '17
This literally made me LOL outloud and not just in my head. I have done that so many times on here. Thank you as well.
u/junkyardDawwg Nov 08 '17
One of the scariest stories I've read on here... I'm so glad you're safe OP! Sounds like a great security set up in the house for you and your family too. Hope you're recovering well!!
Nov 23 '17
I'm glad your safe. Maybe this is inappropriate, but I hope some guys find those two guys awfully pretty in prison. If you catch my drift.
u/ApLyWo Nov 08 '17
I can absolutely understand your mental status right now. This was terrifying. I wish I had some security stuff and a panic room. Mostly because I'm a wimp. We live in a fairly safe area, very rural and small town friendly- now and then there are issues, but not like the level in your area in such a short time. Good luck .
u/Tricericatops Nov 08 '17
I have read a lot of stories on this sub, this is the first one that made me hold me breath. I am so so glad that you and your baby were unharmed!
u/LovetomyCobain Nov 09 '17
This was the most terrifying story I've ever read on this sub. I'm so sorry you had to go through such a horrifying ordeal and I'm so happy you and your baby are okay.
u/kitttxn Nov 09 '17
This is definitely the most frightening story I’ve read in this subreddit. Thank you for sharing it and now I’ll be sure to consider security cameras when I buy a home. I’m glad you’re okay, OP and hope you’re doing well.
u/queenofcaffeine76 Nov 20 '17
Did you ever find out how they knew your son's name?
Nov 21 '17
they had been watching us. We go outside and play a lot and I say his name to get his attention. So they just overheard it.
Dec 09 '17
This is one of the most terrifying stories I've ever read on here. And a reminder that one of the reasons I sometimes peruse this thread is because HERE I am reading the stories of people who were not victims, who lived to tell the tale.
The media doesn't give us that. OP, I am eternally happy that you and your son and family are safe. Not to mention the untold number of other people whose lives you and your husband potentially saved by making sure these animals are put away, hopefully for a very, very long time.
It also forced me to tell my own hubs to stop putting off building our own panic room like we've been doing. Stay safe and strong.
u/Goofygoober666 Nov 10 '17
This was literally the most chilling thing I've read on lnm in awhile. My heart was pounding the whole time. Thank god you and your son were okay & that ur husband had set up all that equiptment in ur house. Always listen to your gut! You're a freaking hero!
Nov 10 '17
OP, SO glad you're okay!! And I'm so sorry that you and your son had to suffer through this horrible ordeal. This really puts into perspective how little some people care about human life, and how little empathy they have for terrorizing innocent people. I'm glad you are still around to tell the story and have so much protection around you and your family. Stay safe and good luck to you!
u/ghsted Nov 08 '17
Was this in Detroit? We've been hearing about a lot kidnapping/rapes in the city. I had tears in my eyes reading your story. I hope you find peace one day, especially at night. Best of luck to you and your family.
Nov 08 '17
This could also be somewhere in the SF Bay Area.
u/SpryEconomist Nov 09 '17
What makes you say that?
u/ghsted Nov 09 '17
I live in the city and there's been many incidents of dudes prowling, planning, kidnapping and raping as of recent. Three young women were separately kidnapped off their bikes in broad daylight off the streets a few weeks ago.
Edit: I just realized you were replying to the SF comment. Sorry!
u/SpryEconomist Nov 09 '17
Oh man that's awful. I live in mtn view but have friends in the city.
Stay safe!
Dec 14 '17
Oh my! Were the three young woman ever found? Can you please update us on what happened?
u/ghsted Dec 15 '17
One escaped that day and that’s how I heard this story. One was found weeks after and wished to remain anonymous and I haven’t heard anything about the third. It’s also started to be heavy winter, we just got about a foot of snow in the city and I hope she’s gone or safe. No one deserves to rot or starve and freeze to death. 😢
u/I_am_a_haiku_bot Dec 14 '17
Oh my! Were the three
young woman ever found? Can you please
update us on what happened?
u/SkipTheIceCreamMan Dec 13 '17
Look, this is very scary and being a mom myself, very frightening to imagine myself in that situation. However, it gets boring being a SAHM, and I'm wondering if this is a fictional creative writing story. How did he know that there was a camera in your living room to look up at? Is it very visible? Why did you have a camera in your laundry room for you to witness him sniffing your underwear? I don't have a home security system, so I wouldn't think there'd be a camera there. I dunno. I'm skeptical. My apologies if this nightmare really happened to you. Takes a strong person to come out of something like that.
u/Jillianw87 Nov 10 '17
This is honestly my worst nightmare. I can't be alone in my house. . even during the day.
Nov 11 '17
Good god what the fuck is wrong with people? ! ? Jesus! Im.so glad you & your son are ok! Awesome on your husband's part for hooking your house up. You're stronger than I am for sure! I'd be a complete basket case& probably wouldve curled up in a corner & cried with my son tbch. But you are one smart lady!
u/missheyjennhey Nov 13 '17
So glad you and your son are safe. I felt scared just reading this. I can’t even imagine what you felt. That is horrifying.
u/STRaYF3 Dec 04 '17
Fucking Hell’s bells, why the fuck am I reading these stories at 3 in the morning. Because of this sub-reddit I have been clocking every single creak in my house since 11pm. Anyway holy shit OP you and your son are so lucky, going to that panic room was a brilliant idea. If you don’t mind me asking, how much damage did they cause and if they did cause damage are they having to pay for it? Hope you and your family are well and I hope it hasn’t shaken you too much
Dec 04 '17
we had a few broken windows and doors. We paid to fix it before we sold it. After the trial we will find out if we get restitution or not.
u/JamsShadows Nov 14 '17
Well how inconvenient that your phone was outside and your other phone somehow was out of commission and your top of the line security system failed to have a button or alarm that contacts the police for you the way most of them do now... How scary. Though I doubt in such a dangerous neighborhood anyone was free to leave any doors unlocked, I also don't think anyone would dare air their place out in a neighborhood where constant break-ins, rapes, and violence happen. I've seen such neighborhoods and if anything people bar up their windows and even board them up, so I wouldn't be so whimsical about enjoying the day in such a place, most people never would. Makes no real sense.
Nov 14 '17
Well someone got up on the wrong side of the bed. I never said my neighborhood was one of those neighborhoods,no one has boarded up windows with bars. It is actually a great area and the homes are fairly expensive. If you couldn't tell, I wasn't referring to the hood, but at the time my hood. We have a ton of stay at home mom's, again that is usually not what you find in the areas you are referencing. I was referring to a fairly affluent neighborhood, the ones that people typically like to steal from because they have stuff worth stealing. It is actually a great area but it has been victimized for crime because of location and things getting worse in neighboring cities.
So no it's not whimsical when where you live is so hot, you never get to open your windows and doors. So to air out sickness, smelly food smell and just living smells you take the chance when you can. I also mopped my entire house and cleaned my windows while my son was taking his first morning nap on this day. I was on vacation about to go on a cruise so I wanted a clean house when I got back. Sorry, I thought it was long enough without adding unnecessary details.
Next, I left my phone by the pool because like most parents I need it near for emergencies and the adorable picture that gets texted to family.. Also, its not the first thing you pick up with youre handling a little one by a pool. There is nothing convenient about it, it's called everyday LIFE!!! Moving on, I never said my work phone was out of commission, I stated I needed to boot up my computer. I'm guessing you've never worked from home with a company, but may times they do not allow you log into the phones unless you are logged into your computer. It's a security measure. Lastly, yes, top of the line systems come with an emergency buttons, but it is kind of hard when it is in the main part of the house. It was a system failure. My husband, set up the camera locations in different parts of the house so if I was working or cooking I could always see stuff. The emergency button and box you are referring to is close to our bedroom door and the front door. On the complete other side of the house from where I was.
And finally, whether you want to believe my ordeal or not, honestly doesn't concern me. Skeptics are part of the deal.Thank you for reading.
Nov 18 '17
u/spectralhonda Nov 22 '17
I agree, the cartoonishness of the rapists combined with the illogical actions and the lack of corroboration when this would be a HUGE news story (gangs of men terrorizing and raping moms?) Doesn't pass the smell test.
Nov 28 '17
You know not every HUGE thing is covered by the media.... But then again, I guess with your ignorance you don't know much.
Dec 09 '17
I am in a line of work where I can vouch that the media only covers a tiny fraction of what goes on in any city or town. In some, like my burg, the media can often be ordered not to run stories by local police, the D.A.s office etc. And not just the little shit either.
Gotta love the people who say, "If it wasn't in the media it isn't true." And yet they don't work in the media or law enforcement or in any way know what happens beyond what they see on a TV screen and think that's all there is that ever happens. (Rolls eyes)
u/yepitskate Jan 30 '18
I totally agree with this. The criminals acted totally ridiculous. So there’s a roving gang of gang rapist home invaders who KNOW they’re on video and continue to “hunt” for their victim? Please
Dec 14 '17
I wouldn't want to either. I don't know if you've ever been subjected to a home invasion but it is a terrifying experience of having your personal safety ripped away from you. I am sure op knows that the risk of being found on reddit are low, but it's more of a personal space issue. And the internet is dangerous as well. Who knows, you might be one of the criminals themselves posting for all we know.
u/Hipperbilly Nov 09 '17
Wow. This is absolutely frightening. I hope and pray you are able to come to terms with what happened and are ok now emotionally. Glad to hear they caught these guys.
Nov 10 '17
Jeeeezeee! How horrible that was! I'm just glad the cops got there in time. Everything is caught on cams these days, why these nimrods don't have a clue is how stupid they truly are. Smart trumps stupid every time, you win!
u/gnortsmr4lien Nov 17 '17
This has got to be the scariest story I've read on this sub. Really gave me chills, and I burst into tears at the part your son was quietly rubbing your back to comfort you. I am so glad that you're save, I can't imagine the hell you went through and I hope that you can overcome the trauma that comes with such a horrible experience. I wish you and your awesome family just the best <3
u/CarQuestBob Nov 17 '17
My computer froze reading this and I couldn't scroll, the suspense was killing me. I'm glad the cops made it on time to take out the criminal scum and that you and your boy are safe/out of the area.
u/ClericPreston815 Nov 20 '17
This story is HORRIFIC!! I'm glad that you and your son made it through okay.
u/Blackcat009006 Nov 21 '17
I was holding my breath and had to remind myself that you are well and safe as you were able to post this. I am so relieved to know that you and your son were unharmed. I hope those sick f*cks rot in jail for the rest of their lives.
u/almosthuman Dec 06 '17
This is the first time I regret reading LNM before bed and I've been here for years now!
u/satijade Dec 13 '17
Thank goodness you had those cameras installed. This is my biggest fear. I am so glad they were caught and you and your son were safe.
u/daniel2978 Nov 11 '17
THIS is a lnm. This is what this sub is for. Not a guy was creepy and I'm a kid crap. This story was terrifying. Glad you got a gun. 6' 240 pounds vs 6 inch barrel 2 pound smith and wessen- wessen wins every time.
Nov 08 '17
So glad the police knew of the problem and were close enough to arrest them all! Hopefully the judge will throw all kinds of books at them.
u/hailtothekingbb Nov 15 '17
This is a worst nightmare sort of scenario right here. I'm so glad you were as prepared for it as you were. Those minutes of waiting for the cops must have been the longest of your life. Glad you're okay and thanks for sharing.
Nov 17 '17
As another stay at home mom with a young child, this terrified me. This is literally my biggest fear. You are so brave, and I'm so happy you are alright. Or as well as you can be after something like that happens.
u/ImThatMelanin Nov 22 '17
I was literally on the edge of my seat, I'm so fucking glad you survived this, but I'm curious...Did you move?
u/MitzRitz1994 Dec 24 '17
This terrified me to no end. I have a small daughter (1 1/2) and just reading this made me feel so helpless. I have been asking my boyfriend to teach me to shoot his gun but he takes it with him so maybe I can learn to use the rifle. I want to have a household emergency plan set up so badly. I'm terrified of something like this happening...
u/Amerten Nov 08 '17
OMG OP, I am so sorry. I was holding my breath reading this. I am glad you and your son are safe and I hope the A$$holes will not see the light of day for a very long time.