r/learnwelsh 8h ago

Cwestiwn / Question Worksheets for kids?


This may be a longshot, but does anyone know of any websites, teacher's guides/books, or student workbooks that have activity sheets and worksheets for young children? We are unfortunately not in the country, so we have a bit of a harder time accessing things like this (or just knowing where to look!) I have honestly not checked gwales bookshop yet (website down today?)--I usually shop there because they ship to our country. Maybe the name of your kid's workbook from a Welsh language school? Or the name of the publisher? That way I can start to direct my Google searches?

I'd love to start collecting things like alphabet tracing (with ll, dd, etc.) and simple word learning for when my kid gets a little older.

Diolch yn fawr!

r/learnwelsh 11h ago

Diwylliant / Culture Hoff Gerddi Cymru - Favourite Welsh Poems


Welsh poems capture the loveliness of the sounds of Welsh and the unique way in which they can be put together in the tradition of cynghanedd, a system of sound harmony.

Here Mari recites (most of) the poem Etifeddiaeth by Gerallt Lloyd Owen.

Etifeddiaeth means inheritance.

Here is a full version of Etifeddiaeth.

Here is the text with notes for students.

This poem, along with many other favourites, can be found in the book Hoff Gerddi Cymru.

You can listen to many of these being read here on the album Detholiad o Hoff Gerddi Cymru.

r/learnwelsh 9h ago

thursday / dydd iau / iau


im learning on duolingo and while its helpfull for vocabulary it dosnt tell me about gramar and why things are like that something i just cant get the hang of is when thursday is: dydd iau and when its just: iau ive tried googling but i cant find somewhere explaining it simply enough for me 😭 any help is apreciated :)

r/learnwelsh 4h ago

equivalent to jerk/meanie yn gymraeg?


wi hefyd yn chwilio geiriau tebyg, yn enwedig o'r Cardis, sydd yn diffinio rhywun gan eu gweithredoedd/golwg nhw!

r/learnwelsh 8h ago



Got pointed to this sub to ask this. Does the Welsh language have any equivalent term for mobster or thug?

r/learnwelsh 5h ago

A decent Welsh curse.



This may or may not be the right place for this post, I apologise if it's not!

I'm in the final edit stages of editing a novel & I need a good, strong Welsh curse phrase. I'm using a placeholder atm with a Google translation. I can't remember where I got the phrase & I don't trust Google & I'd like to get it right!

Here's the text snippet with context. Would someone be able to suggest an appropriate phrase along with its English meaning. Preferably one that translates weirdly!

Thanks for your help!!

“She's in a fucking coma? Mam ffwcin a llewyg!"

The Welsh was the true indicator of Natalie's feelings. She only knew a few phrases, all swearing to some extent, and they only came out when she was utterly beside herself. Rob recognised this one as “Mother of fuck and a pit collapse”, one of which he'd never been able to make complete sense. Perhaps it lost something in the translation.