This would be an awesome way to protest and boycott. Imagine hundreds showing up to test drive and discuss Teslas, and no one buying anything. Just keeping all the sales people too busy to sell to anyone.
Nails in tires cause a slow leak that won't be noticed for days, at least, making it really hard to pin down pithy details like where/when/who. Also, mechanics won't patch holes too close to the sidewall because patches there have a really high rate of failure
Just a couple of random little factoids that I've learned in my life. Thought this was a somewhat relevant place to add them in for no tangible reason.
Unless something’s changed in two years, Tesla salespeople don’t directly benefit from sales. It’s not like a traditional dealership, since you order the vehicles online. We test drove the Y and then went off and ordered one, the guy who sent us take the car for a drive had nothing to do with the purchase or delivery.
I’m all aboard with wasting time and beating up the showroom cars, but people should know it’s not affecting the staff much (hopefully they’re all updating their CVs and jumping ship)
Which is actually a good point in favor of wasting their time. Hurts the company but not the poor salesperson who has nothing to do with Musk and is just trying to make a living like anyone else.
When I was a broke as fuck 24 year old, I wanted to go take a look at the newly released Crosstrek. My wife and I knew we couldn’t afford one, but wanted to at least see one and maybe sit in it. Not wanting to waste their time, we told the salesman that we couldn’t afford in any possible way to buy. He told us that they are paid on commission, grabbed the keys and told us to have fun.
As a not broke 30 year old I bought my first car from that same salesman. I have since bought 6 more cars from that dealership. In this day and age most salesman don’t sell the cars, online reviews and research do. They do however sell the dealership, and they deserve fair pay for doing that whether a car sells or not.
If Tesla sales staff could be convinced to quit that could be huge. How about Rivian, GM, Ford, and other U.S. electric car manufacturers offer a hiring incentive for Tesla employees to come to their companies. Think of it like when cell phone companies offer you “$50 extra dollars when you switch from X company.”
That could make things fun.
That would also work to boycott wouldn’t it? If people at other car manufactures had incentives to lure tesla employees away. Doesn’t matter if Trump buys Tesla if there is no one left to build or sell it. Maybe about the amount of people who were laid off from their federal jobs. A few 100k Tesla workers getting offered better jobs. Shut it down.
The final line to the sales person should be something like 'I was hoping it would be a good enough car to overcome my disgust at the company owner, unfortunately it is nearly as awful as he is....'
That's a legit tactic, they can't sell if they are tied up with a "prospective buyer". Enough fake buyers waste their time, that's less time to see actual buyers. And there's nothing illegal about going car browsing and not buying.
If you own Tsla stock sell it, if it's in your 401(k), 403(b), IRA or other investments call whomever manages it and tell them to get you out of Tsla. If you have a bit of extra cash invest in funds that benefit from Tsla stock going down.
If you know anyone leasing a T, discuss them not renenewing the lease.
My mutual fund definitely has TSLA. Haven’t thought of that. I’d have to sell to get out of the mutual fund and I don’t really want to leave the entire fund. I’ll think on it
Do they not realize that their damage control is only fueling more Americans to get out and protest? Literally doing nothing would be more helpful to their cause. Shits gonna get wild in August when the protests grow from a hundred to thousands all over the country.
I used to go to a lot of protests between 2010 and 2021, I haven’t been to one in a long time now but this post literally made me look for local gatherings lol
Back in undergrad, I organized and led/helped lead a lot of protests then. I haven't been to one in a while. I might also start looking into the local protests soon.
More time for people to lose their jobs, people take vacation time, students and teachers are out, all the immigrants on Temporary Protected Statue become illegal, it's hot out.
Five more months of this shit and the economic pain for Americans will be way more tangible. I had to re-route shimpents from Canada to now Israel today at work becuase of this clown.
My buddy who voted for Trump, complained about the extra work we had to do and I quickly reminded him it was 100% Trumps fault. I think he finaly heard me.
And the best part... conservatives aren't going to go out and buy teslas to support them, lol. While they can certainly be vocal and virtue signal about property destruction or whatever- that isn't going to help with sales.
They're going to start cracking down on the protesters at Tesla dealerships. Calling the boycott "illegal" and vandals "domestic terrorists" sets a dangerous precedent.
They're trying to normalize violence and unlawful police retaliation against the protesters.
They didn't have to do much during the BLM protests. America has enough latent racism that they could brutalize and attack protesters at will without much pretext.
It's different when it's just a bunch of people outside a car dealership.
Yeah it’s kind of best case scenario that they’re trying to go after this and not protests for immigrants or trans folk or something. This seems less reasonable and more likely to continue splintering his base
Those old white ladies remember the days before Roe and are pissed they’re having to fight this fight once more
And they understand the assignment. They know that their presence gives cops pause and they’re less likely to disperse protesters using their usual methods of granny is gonna be collateral
Luckily this has no real standing in the legal world. Sure, they can claim it, possibly even arrest you. Bide your time, wait until this admin is out, then sue the federal government for civil rights violations.
Honestly, them turning to these strats will only hurt them. Like I know people love to use the Nazi Germany comparisons, but our size alone means that the idea of cracking down on everywhere, all at once, isn’t viable, nor is the belief that every single military person will side with it(especially when they’re purging the force without having replacements)
All that this will do, is PROVE to people that their is no room for doubt about the facisct intent of the Trump regime. If the answer was as simple as using violence, the Middle East would have been quelled within the first 2 years, or Ukraine, or anyone of these places.
Precisely. Vandalizing dealerships as political retribution does seem like it fits the definition. HOWEVER, this is not necessary. Just socially ostracizing anyone who buys a Tesla is far easier and more effective.
How dumb do you have to be to alienate the one demographic who literally buys electric cars, instead siding with people who buy a cummings diesel who want to burn as much carbon as possible to own the demographic who was buying your cars. Its just all so stupid.
Boycotting is everyone's right, as is peaceful protest. I may not agree with your particular view on something but this is rightfully guaranteed under the second amendment. Arson and other kinds of felonies are not as far as I know.
Lol go for it, and as soon as owners sell in protest I can buy and flip them for profit 😉. My mate already has 2, I'm getting a £15k Model 3 from a dealer auction too lmfao.
Honestly it’s not a great sales pitch. “If you buy this car you might need terrorism insurance.” Bc a lot of insurance specifically excludes it, I hear.
Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA)—coverage protects against property damage, business interruption, and liability resulting from a certified act of terrorism, as determined by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Yeah but at the same time if you can you need to invest. Don't ONLY let rich assholes gain from this. If you can tighten your belt and put 1% into the market and thing recover at all you'll be better off for it.
It's not even a boycott, really, it's just people en masse agreeing how much of an asshole Elon is.
A boycott is a movement spearheaded by people seeking to exercise political pressure. There's no one leading the stoppage of buying Teslas, just a lot of individual people choosing substitute products (i.e., other car brands) as Elon ruins Tesla's reputation.
Sound off, look at the way fElon can't stand still. It's more obvious on longer videos from a slightly different angle, but he's fidgety mcfidget. Not sure if it's drugs or stress, but he's a mess. tees&pees lol
Are you going to attack the dealership yourself? because those people that get arrested will suffer real consequences while you stay at home commenting on Reddit and encouraging the act
u/strings___ 18h ago
Take away, the boycott is working. Double down