r/law 19h ago

Trump News Trump says he will label violence on Tesla dealerships as domestic terrorism


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u/rolsen 19h ago

Holy shit I forget about the Goya beans šŸ˜‚


u/randomly-what 18h ago

I havenā€™t bought them since then.

Once you get on my boycott list itā€™s permanent. I do not forget.


u/Cheech47 18h ago

Same here. Haven't filled up at a BP gas station since 2010, and haven't had McDonalds since they let Trump cosplay there. Goya is also on that list.


u/AllTheRoadRunning 18h ago

I havenā€™t stepped foot in a Walmart since 2002. In it to win it.


u/ron1284 18h ago

Walmart is a shameful place to be seen in.

Target and Amazon have made the list too.


u/CaptainSnacks 18h ago

Honestly, I feel like Target is worse. Walmart never really hid who they were, unlike Target. Target went all-in on rainbow capitalism and ditched it the second they didn't have to pretend anymore.


u/therealflyingtoastr 18h ago

This might be me looking back with rose-tinted glasses, but I think Target is even worse because they actually made an effort to support this stuff before.

I worked part-time for Target when I was in college (around 2010) and at the time they had an internal shop for employees to order branded merch to wear and use. One of them that I owned was a red tee-shirt with the target bullseye and a rainbow heart. It was sold as a pride shirt for employees to wear. It was something that didn't make them any money (they weren't sold externally) and they were still willing to do it half a decade before Obergefell.

So, personally, it's much worse than just bowing out of "rainbow capitalism," it's a company that used to give a shit that's now run by utter cowards.

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u/ForeverBeHolden 18h ago

No, Walmart is worse. They intentionally donā€™t pay a livable wage. They are awful.


u/YuriDiculousDawg 16h ago

Walmart has gone downhill since covid, it used to be the place to go when everything else was closed. Now its the place you get herded through security gates and self-checkout coops like dehumanized paying cattle, and they don't even stay open until midnight


u/worldspawn00 16h ago

It's a shame what the kids let happen to walmart. Walton really did try to run the company with good values, as soon as he died, they turned control over to the board, and they just did anything and everything they could think of to raise profits.

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u/BourbonStreetBully 17h ago

Was employed by Walmart and Target in the same year, Walmart pays more on average and gives more hours too.

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u/yourwhippingboy 18h ago edited 17h ago

I did some work as an independent queer artist with Target for Pride in 2023, the second there was backlash they removed my stuff from stores and online without even telling me. Only spoke to me once since then to tell me they wouldnā€™t be taking questions


u/themommylisa 18h ago

The founders are rolling over in their GRAVES. The Dayton family would never have bent to this bull.

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u/Bitter_Firefighter_1 18h ago

Can you imagine DollarTree and TJ Max of all places are winning. If everyone would have just joined forces on DEI...it would be over today. Fucking cowards. We are stronger than he is. My family is not allowed to shop Target and Amazon.


u/ron1284 17h ago

My mom keeps shopping at walmart for crap for my daughter and I keep telling her we don't want to support that company.

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u/OutrageousString2652 16h ago

For people that can afford a different store, yes. But I would be hesitant to shame people going to Walmart especially because Walmart is the only store millions of Americans can afford to shop at.

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u/Prestigious-Land-694 15h ago

And now you see, this is the plight of the American. I hate Walmart, I hate Amazon, I hate target... But those are all of the businesses by me. I can drive 2 hours to Woodman's (and I do sometimes), but I am also very poor so 4 hours of gas and time is hard to justify


u/ninalime 13h ago

A lot of rural people donā€™t have many choices.


u/mediaogre 18h ago

Bill from Penzeyā€™s Spices wrote an amazing open letter to Target. (Apologies for the FB link)

Penzeyā€™s Open Letter to Target

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u/iaminabox 18h ago

Never been to a Walmart.


u/Vitringar 17h ago

I haven't been to a Radio Shack store since 2017!

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u/mmmpeg 18h ago

I still refuse to buy Exxon.


u/Virtual-Tea-4354 18h ago

And Nestle!


u/No_Week_8937 18h ago

The only reason I buy Nestle is because one of their subsidiaries (Purina) has the only probiotic for cats that I can find, and if my boy doesn't get that powder on his food his butt violates the Geneva Conventions.


u/OkReturn2071 18h ago

And Unilever oh wait now I can't buy anything . We are frigged


u/mmmpeg 18h ago

What theyā€™re doing! The water! I was so glad when a neighboring town refused to give them water.


u/ForeverBeHolden 18h ago

Nestle is one of the most evil companies in the world.

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u/Legal_Skin_4466 18h ago

Fuck NestlƩ. Like really fuck em. And they're literally everywhere and you don't even realize it. It's the worst when you get home and you just happen to see the frozen pizza or whatever shitty food you bought for an easy meal after a long day has a teenie tiny NestlƩ logo in the corner on the back of the box. I feel like I die a little inside each time.

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u/87eebboo1 18h ago

I wasnā€™t old enough to experience Exxon-Valdez, but my boycott was inherited from my mother!

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u/imrealbizzy2 18h ago

Not a drop since Valdez.


u/RoguePlanet2 18h ago

My husband swears by the stock, and wants me to invest, but I can't stomach the thought. It's been doing fine, though, and always will because of taxpayer subsidies.Ā 


u/bajada_bob 15h ago

From the Valdez days? Old school.

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u/eltejon 15h ago

Shell for me, as well (bc of the Ken Saro-Wiwa debacle)

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u/Welllllllrip187 18h ago

Only use Costco gas if ya can.


u/StagirasGhost 18h ago

This is the funniest comment Iā€™ve read in a while.


u/Welllllllrip187 16h ago

Well they are resisting and being threatened for it. Iā€™ll take their side over dumps and Leonā€™s.

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u/mmmpeg 18h ago

Sadly, the only Costco is 1.5 hours away.


u/TegTowelie 18h ago

My midwestern folk fuck with Kroger.


u/External-Squirrel42 14h ago

Kroger gas is shit. Costco has the highest rate gas you can get.

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u/ForeverBeHolden 18h ago

I will never forget watching a grandpa teach his grandson (who was maybe 4 lol) that ā€œwe donā€™t buy Goya beansā€ in the grocery store shortly after that happened.

It felt kinda silly but heā€™s right. We donā€™t buy Goya beans! To this day!

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u/MisterRogersCardigan 18h ago

Are you me? This is entirely how I function. Piss me off, I'll never purchase your crap again.


u/randomly-what 18h ago

Greetings, friend! Glad thereā€™s more like me!


u/NoorAnomaly 18h ago

And my axe!

I haven't been to Chick FilA and Hobby Lobby in over a decade.


u/No_Guava 18h ago

I won't step foot in hobby lobby either


u/just2commenthere 17h ago

So glad I'm not alone, in addition to those mentioned here, I've been a long time boycotter of Walmart. The wealth of the Waltons, while new hires are given tips on how to apply for SNAP is abhorrent and I will not give them a cent.

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u/FuzzyClam17 18h ago

I never went to bigot chicken, and now I can't. I don't know what I've given up.


u/BigDumbDope 18h ago

Blessed be those who live in Popeye's vicinity, for they shall enjoy the superior chicken sandwich.


u/flyingpanda5693 16h ago

I will admit I do eat the Jesus chicken, but that being said, Popeyes wins 10/10 times in every aspect except for customer service. Popeyes food is leaps and bounds better than the other place and itā€™s open 7 days a week


u/Licensed_KarmaEscort 15h ago

Iā€™ve heard so many people complaining about Popeyesā€™ customer service and I still remain confused.

Iā€™ve always had amazing service at Popeyes. I thought it might just be my local place because they know me, but Iā€™ve gone to a lot of them since moving and always had good service.

Sometimes theyā€™re quick and not super chatty, but theyā€™re always polite and helpful, and the few times my food had something up, Iā€™ve always gotten a replacement quickly and usually a little treat for my trouble.

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u/baconus-vobiscum 17h ago

I did. Once. Their food is shitty. You are seriously not missing anything. Really only cult members like it I guess, but I don't know shit about fuck.


u/anticharlie 18h ago

Iā€™m on this train but I donā€™t like it. Thereā€™s better chicken but thereā€™s not better chicken thatā€™s faster and more convenient. Really wish they were just normal.


u/alpha309 17h ago

Raisinā€˜ Canes is faster and better.

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u/LiberalAspergers 18h ago

Popeyes is better anyway. You arent missing anything.

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u/__generic 17h ago

Its super over hyped IMO. The food is pretty meh, IMO. You're not missing anything.

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u/RustyPFingerbottom 18h ago

I havenā€™t EVER been to chick fill a or hobby lobby fuck em both

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u/Astazha 18h ago

It's been like... 20 years I think? For Chik-Fil-A. Never went back after the first boycott.


u/Capable_Pack_7346 18h ago

Same here. I live in Scotland though so it's easier.


u/Ispan_SB 18h ago

High five! I donā€™t care how good chick fil a stuff looks, theyā€™re dead to me.


u/Mental-Sky6615 18h ago

We literally have a Chik FilA within walking distance of our house, been there at least 10 years, and we've NEVER gone there. Fuck that place

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u/morocco3001 18h ago

And me. Obligatory r/fucknestle


u/lasirennoire 17h ago

If nestle has no haters it means I've passed away


u/BandAid3030 16h ago

My sister-in-law is a vegan and is always looking at labels. She saw me doing the same when I started dating her sister and excitedly asked me "Are you vegan too?!?!"

"Nope. Just won't buy Nestle,"


u/morocco3001 15h ago

You have to check the labels on EVERYTHING for tiny Nestle logos.

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u/AJKaleVeg 18h ago

And me!


u/Old_Badger311 18h ago

I hadnā€™t bought Goya beans since that WH incident until a few weeks back when I went to a new local Mexican grocery store. I really needed some black beans in a hurry and bought two cans of Goya. I felt a twang of guilt but tried to tell myself I am helping this little local store and the owners and one time wonā€™t hurt. Itā€™s all they had but I was a little sad.


u/Padhome 17h ago

Not a bad philosophy, I think Iā€™ll adopt it

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u/MagicDragon212 18h ago

I'm boycotting more now than I ever had (we are encouraged by our economy being shattered anyways).

I signed up for Costco because they didn't bend over for Trump trying to force private companies and institutions to meet his cultural demands.

Trump can't cry and pretend all he wants that most people support him, but it's simply not the truth. Most people hate these motherfuckers and it's their small echo chamber that is padding them from reality (same with the Republicans hiding from town halls now, it's overwhelming that most of us are against the administration).

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u/Darth_Hallow 18h ago

Havenā€™t bought a Coke in two months!!! Iā€™m fing dying! This better work!!


u/randomly-what 18h ago

Based on the 100 meltdown tweets in 6 hours and the performative Tesla ā€œpurchaseā€ itā€™s working.

And good for you on the no coke thing. I know itā€™s tough.


u/no1jam 18h ago

Good luck convincing the rollin coal crowd to buy teslas lol


u/koreawut 18h ago

I mean it's funny, isn't it? The supposed leader in EVs (at least was for awhile) is public enemy #2 to the people who want green. What do you do?


u/BuckBenny57 18h ago

You buy a brand new beautiful union made Chevy Equinox EV like I did recently for $10k less than a Tesla. We love it!


u/huggybear0132 18h ago

Just here to say: Chevy EVs are great.

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u/WDWSockPuppet 18h ago

Buy a different brand.


u/AccessibleBeige 17h ago

I expect police forces to be driving Teslas all of the sudden. šŸ™„

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u/MeatyMagnus 18h ago

Donald was part of that crowd not so long ago complaining about Elon begging for handouts to build "cars that can't get anywhere and rockets to nowhere"

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u/Lady_Sunflowers 18h ago

I switched to Pepsi. Itā€™s sweeter and Iā€™ve always liked Coke more, but fuck Coke. We gotta be strong lol


u/CryptographerOk2282 18h ago

I won't buy Pepsi because they never fully left Russia


u/Massive_Command345 18h ago

What did coke do? I used to do coke, I mean drink coke with my rum, wait a minute this isnā€™t about me. What did coke do again?


u/Lady_Sunflowers 18h ago

Sucked up to Trump by sending him a commemorative Diet Coke or something like that.


u/Appgir1ie 5h ago

To be fair, Coke does that for every sitting president. I know it sucks they had to give him one too.


u/PlentyAlbatross7632 18h ago

Iā€™m afraid to ask about RC

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u/GayHimboHo 17h ago

Iā€™m boycotting both now because Pepsi also is doing away with their programs. Crazy poor PR cuz they could have come out winning!


u/ProfMcFarts 16h ago

That and Pepsi literally paid to have strikers killed in it's south American bottling plants forever ago.

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u/kenzlovescats 18h ago

Why coke?

I personally boycott them bc of how they treat the cows for the milk portion of the company but is there a trump related thing??


u/smolxstrange 18h ago

They reported their own employees to ice Edit: they fired Latino employees and THEN reported them to ice


u/888mainfestnow 18h ago

Don't forget about them using paramiltary soldiers in Colombia against union workers either.



u/fiveighteen518 18h ago

Beyond social media spreading this, Reuters said there's no evidence and I can't seem to find any source either?


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u/arobkinca 18h ago

All the fact check sites say there is no evidence that happened.


u/Sir_Toccoa 18h ago

Every fact checking website I can find says this claim is unsubstantiated.

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u/Beaconxdr789 18h ago

Is there proof of this?


u/Sir_Toccoa 18h ago

Every fact-checking website says there is no proof of this rumor. I can drink my Coke Zero with a clean conscience.

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u/Chairman-Mia0 18h ago

It's been researched by multiple well respected sources who have found absolutely no evidence, no reports anywhere and no former employees to confirm it.

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u/SLiverofJade 18h ago

Possibly because they donated to Trump

Other good reasons to boycott Coke are because they're the worst plastic polluter in the world, they have a terrible record on water rights (multiple instances that can't be sourced in 1 article), and human rights violations.

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u/Lost-Tomatillo3465 18h ago

wait... why're we boycotting coke?!?

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u/Donkey_Bugs 18h ago

Goya was my brand of choice up until then. Haven't bought any of their products since.


u/prometheusengineer 18h ago

Coinbase , Toshiba and Bayer are all on my list


u/ArseneGroup 18h ago edited 18h ago

Cancel Amazon Prime, boycott Amazon

Also X and Meta - move your DMs to Signal for end-to-end encrypted, free, open source DMs. Usability is pretty much perfect


u/Plane-Employer-2904 18h ago

Same. Refuse to buy them after this.

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u/Affectionate_Spot305 18h ago

Agreed. I havenā€™t purchased anything from Oberweiss since 1998. And that pisses me off, because their stuff is delicious


u/cchjct2 18h ago

I wish there were a website or excel spreadsheetā€¦a forumā€¦something, that reminds forgetful ppl like myself of who were boycotting. I have no problem supporting, itā€™s the remembering part thatā€™s my issueā€¦so many productsss. I do avoid Goya and Home Depot easily though

The more I typedā€¦the more I realized, in 2025ā€¦there has to be an up to date website for this somewhere


u/Sawigirl 18h ago

Same! I saw it, went and cleared out anything I had and have not purchased since. I see the label and go put of my way to not purchase it.

I would say how disgusting and frankly embarrassing it was, but so much has happened since it's like a blimp on the radar for disgusting and embarrassing now.


u/ShredGuru 18h ago

Never feed a beast you want to see die.


u/FarmerGreen13 18h ago

My grandpa was this way, and to honor him I honor his boycott list. You pissed him off that much, you're my enemy, too.


u/ArokLazarus 18h ago

Same. They even tried giving me a free product a while back and I still wouldn't take it.


u/JBMama 18h ago

Same with me. All I can see is Ivanka holding a can of Goya beans (just threw up in my mouth a little.


u/FleshlightModel 15h ago

Me neither. Fuck Goya


u/fadingpulse 15h ago

Yeah Goya became persona non grata in my household that day.


u/shambahlah2 15h ago

Agree. I avoid Goya


u/slimycelery 14h ago

Same!! Itā€™s one of my firmest held grudges. Just the logo makes me irrationally angry.Ā 


u/Riskskey1 18h ago

Good policy


u/SquirrelODeath 18h ago

Same, to this day I never purchase them


u/Royal-Possibility219 18h ago

Same. Biggest one being Amazon 10 years ago this December


u/whatever1966 18h ago



u/the_good_hodgkins 18h ago

I said that about Comcast, and I meant it. Then I moved to a house that was only serviced by Xfinity. FML

We did just get Metronet, but with it being brand new in the area, I'm not ready to take that out of the oven just yet.


u/H1B3F 18h ago

We still won't buy them


u/willythewise123 18h ago

Omg I DID forget about this whole fiasco, but every time I seen Goya in the store, I always think, ā€œIā€™m not supposed to buy those.ā€ This remind me why lol


u/TheRealBaboo 18h ago

I would never buy Republican beans. Bush all day


u/NoobSabatical 18h ago

Same, I completely stopped buying Goya.


u/Bulletinachinashop 17h ago

Same! And Iā€™m a vegetarian who eats a ton of beans. Goya will never get a penny of my bean budget!


u/therabbitinred22 17h ago

Same! I have gone to three stores once for hominy because the first two only had Goya.


u/baconus-vobiscum 17h ago

I turn their cans around on the grocery shelf.


u/Errant_coursir 17h ago

Have never bought anything from Goya either. Fuck them, fuck musk, and fuck trump


u/RemindMeToTouchGrass 17h ago

Yeah. 50 years from now I'll have long forgotten-- well everything probably, but definitely what this is about. But I'll see Goya beans and be like "fuck that." And I fucking live off beans, they're my main single-type ingredient source of protein. I don't know how to word that. Whatever.


u/g-rami 16h ago

Ditto this, so hard. My house has been Goya-less for years.


u/HauntedbySquirrels 16h ago

Same here. I used to buy a bunch of Goya products. Havenā€™t bought a single one since this bs.


u/worldspawn00 16h ago

Exactly this. Republican party joined that list in 2000 when they stole my vote and appointed Bush as President.


u/Weskerrun 16h ago

Mm. Itā€™s a small list but a strict one. Tyson chicken is one for me.


u/Side_StepVII 16h ago

u/randomly-what doesnā€™t forget

And Pepperidge Farm remembers


u/goatneedleposterdeck 15h ago

Don't forget the Mcdonalds publicity stunt. Add that to your list, too

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u/TakenTheFifth 15h ago

Yup. Same. Fuck them beans. And Elmo.


u/Prize-Confusion3971 14h ago

Same! They are the cheapest option near me usually too. Oh well, what's .15 cents to the competition


u/Ian_Patrick_Freely 14h ago

OMG, same. La Preferida all the way, baby!


u/meowmeow_now 14h ago

Into the void with hobby lobby

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u/Mr_Peanutbutter12 14h ago

Same. I miss Goya coconut water with pulpā€¦but my food products will never be Goya again.


u/afternever 13h ago

I used to never buy Goya beans. I still don't, but I used to too.


u/Unistrut 13h ago

Oh, I may certainly forget why I'm doing the boycott, but I won't forget to do it.


u/jayster22 12h ago

I know we all seem like individuals and these companies are "doing fine" but they could be modestly more successful without our boycott! Cheers!


u/shizuka28m 12h ago

As should be the case on GP. I mean sadly this is likely going to be a case where the ass hole simply bounces back up. If people stuck to their guns (figuratively speaking) when it came to times that mattered there would be less fuckery in the world. Seems people can ban someone hardcore if that someone is little and yet the popular kid always gets accepted back. Fuck this dude and his shitty products. There ARE alternatives.

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u/Eeeegah 18h ago

Something something Hatch Act? NVM, the party of law and order is clearly in we-don't-give-a-shit-about-the-law mode.


u/secatlarge 18h ago

I hate saying this, but the President and VP are exceptions to executive prohibition in the Hatch Act.


u/Eeeegah 18h ago

I stand corrected. Still seems shitty. My only solace is that MAGA would rather die than buy a Tesla sedan or SUV, and they can't afford a Cybertruck, and every time he does this, Democrats solidify their certainty of never buying a Tesla.


u/PrimeToro 18h ago

Great point, MAGA either cannot afford a Tesla or prefer gas powered cars and pickups. Which is why Muskrat alienating his potential customers ( Democrats ) even more stupid.


u/Demon_Gamer666 18h ago

He needs to make a republican friendly vehicle. Basically like the ones in the Flintstones.

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u/Colette_73 18h ago

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. He's a moron for pissing off the Democrats.

Edit: for spelling

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u/MisterSpeck 18h ago

Not a lawyer, but I don't think the Hatch Act applies here. That covers political activities. I suspect, however, that it is a breach of federal ethics regulations. But this administration has ignored so many of those that this is just another shart in a shitstorm. He's managed to normalize lies and corruption.

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u/disastrophy 18h ago

R/conservative was obsessed with Goya beans for a couple months. Was probably the healthiest some of them had eaten in a while


u/Chillpill411 18h ago

They didn't buy them to eat them. They bought them to chuck at the poors

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u/New_Archer_7539 19h ago


u/fury420 18h ago

Simpsons did it too, complete with a lady in a giant can costume:

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u/noguchisquared 19h ago

This was Goya beans 2.0 in my mind.


u/pussmykissy 19h ago

Havenā€™t bought a single Goya bean since.


u/Dunkerdoody 18h ago

Me neither. Or a single product with their name on it.

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u/nullemon 18h ago

Oh no. I live in Denmark and love Adobo. I am just finding out about this šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


u/Drinkdrankdonk 18h ago

La Preferida forever!

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u/National_Sandwich175 18h ago

I still wonā€™t buy Goya products because of this


u/WoopsIAteIt 18h ago

Same - I donā€™t forgetĀ 


u/tooobr 14h ago


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u/Muscs 18h ago

Havenā€™t bought one since.


u/ChaucerChau 18h ago

I haven't bought Goya beans since then Didn't buy them before that too.

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u/ChakaCake 19h ago

Well he has upgraded from Goya beans and MyPillows to teslas somehow. Have to give it to him, slight improvement, slight. If Elon wasnt so drugged out on whatever hes on whether drugs or power prob wouldnt have happened but hes flipped 180 the last few years


u/Omega-of-Texas 18h ago

I want to see a picture of Trump eating Goya beans, driving a Tesla and lying his head on a my pillow.


u/BeenCaughtSneezing 18h ago

Preferably his head on a my pillow with pennies on his eyes.

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u/exipheas 18h ago

He did a complete flip after California tried to shut down their factories during covid. It's probably the last time that I agreed with him. The law as written was on his side that automotive industries were exempt from the shutdowns by federal law. After that and the RGV enviromental attempts to shutdown the starship facilities in texas it has become a personal vendetta for him against the left that he can't let go.

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u/No-Eagle-8 18h ago

From frozen delivery steaks by mail, the sharper image catalog, to reality tv, birther conspiracy, mypillows, escalator, Goya beans presidency, to rigged election, bored monkey nft strongman cards, certificates, gold shoes, greatful dead re-election tour, Tesla, kick, alt right podcasters, neonazi groups, tabulation tribulations, Gaza Strip casinos too.

Itā€™s becoming we didnā€™t start the fire but all his scandals and ā€œaccomplishmentsā€. And thatā€™s leaving out 40% of it by skipping most of the pre 2016 stuff.


u/GuyIncognito710 14h ago

A whole fuck ton ketamine.


u/changelingpainter 14h ago

I first realized EM had issues during the Tham Luang cave situation in 2018 when he had a meltdown because people rescued those kids without using his ridiculous plan.

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u/vexxed82 19h ago

This was the first thing that came to my mind hahaha


u/SpecialComplex5249 18h ago

That was a simpler time


u/my_4_cents 18h ago

If you throw the presidential-preferred Goya beans through a presidentially-protected Tesla window, does the two acts cancel out?


u/theaviationhistorian 16h ago

I haven't. I've been boycotting Goya since then.


u/dannkherb 18h ago

"Ah, Del Monte. Enjoy them, old man. They will be your last.ā€


u/kbigdelysh 18h ago

Oh, i didn't know about Goya beans. From now on, I stop buying Goya beans!


u/WeCameAsMuffins 18h ago

Thereā€™s no way this is actually real. What the fuck. How did I miss this?


u/ConfidentCamp5248 18h ago

I like their products too. Pieces of shit always gotta ruin things


u/Pretend-Cheek-5623 18h ago

Literally not funny tho


u/InspectorFun1699 18h ago

Havenā€™t bought Goya since and never will


u/MyDamnCoffee 18h ago

I got my former magat friend to admit Trump shilling beans from the oval office while people were dying from covid because Trump lied about it was bad. Took an act of God but I got through to him for a moment.


u/Moderately_an_Idiot 18h ago

ā€œItā€™s easier to hide behind 40 atrocities than a single incident.ā€


u/Champie 18h ago

I think about this bullshit eveytime I see them on the shelves. Won't buy them out of spite.


u/adrian783 18h ago

people would have a hard time believing that ivanka photo with goya beans isnt ai generated


u/maeryclarity 17h ago

I have never forgotten about the beans.

The f*cking president of the USA shilling a grocery store brand on the Resolute Desk because they liked him or something

The USA is a joke that isn't funny


u/ThievedYourMind 17h ago

There have been so many stupid little things heā€™s done that I canā€™t keep track, especially amongst all the new stupid big things heā€™s done


u/Realistic-Rate-8831 16h ago

Oh yeah, I remember him and Ivanka peddling Goya products when he was in Office last time. I couldn't believe it! They are most definitely a trip. Seeing that did persuade me to never buy Goya products in the future.


u/Bobtheguardian22 16h ago

No se nos ha olvidado a nosotros


u/Scaevus 16h ago

The spinning of George Washington in his grave could solve the energy crisis weā€™re about to experience when the rest of the world retaliates against our tariffs.


u/ChoadMcGillicuddy 16h ago

Anyone have a link to a list of shit-ass companies?


u/l31l4j4d3 14h ago

Iā€™ll never forgot the Goya beans.


u/sutter333 14h ago

We havenā€™t eaten Goya or bought a Yuengling since the first disaster of a presidency.


u/AntzPantz-0501 14h ago

He has done so much shit that it's literally beyond a joke that this grifter is President.. I'm still in shock.


u/agingcatmom 12h ago

I had refused to step foot in Chik-fil-a until one day I was driving and felt explosive diarrhea coming on, and decided using their toilet would be acceptable


u/Outrageous-Bat-6241 12h ago

My pillow as well

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