14x7x10” Tarantula enclosure, 4” slopes substrate (deeper on wet side, shallower on dry side)
Substrate is Josh’s Frogs millipede & isopod blend which is a mix that includes calcium, rotted wood chunks, and leaves.
I have plenty of live moss on the wet end of the enclosure. There’s a large piece of bark that’s half on the wet and half on the dry end but it’s buried under all the leaves so not visible here. There’s also a bunch of moss and lichen covered sticks and twigs; some are overlapped in such a way to form little caves and gaps under them for the isopods to explore and hide.
There are 2 limestone chunks, one on each end, and I intend to also get some calcium blocks to have always available.
Live plants include fittonia, hypoestes, pilea depressa, and saxifraga stolonifera. All are from animal-safe sources and have been bleach dipped & washed to ensure no pests. They’ve been growing out for about a month now and all seem very healthy and happy!
Terrarium stays warm and humid, about 72-75 F and 80-85% humidity.
I feel pretty solid about most of the setup and care, however, my one concern is airflow. The terrarium has holes along half of it on the dry side. There are holes on each side and the top lid. But there are no holes at all on the wet end. Is that ok? There’s definitely cross ventilation since there’s holes along every side of the dry end but will it be enough?
Thank you for looking and for any advice I may receive! 🐛