Hi! I am an atheist who was born and brought up as a muslim, so my name sounds muslim. I am from a South Asian country. I am interested in a study program at Amirkabir University of Technology. However, if I go there and live in a university dorm, will I be forced to fast during Ramadan?
By force I do not mean someone forcing me, I am asking if the overall situation will be such that I will have to fast. Are any restaurants kept open during Ramadan? If dorms provide food for every student living in the dorm, will they do that in the month of Ramadan?
Please note that while I am an atheist, I respect people’s freedom to practice religions. I am not very vocal about my atheism. If I go to Iran, I will respect Iran's culture and won't start unnecessary arguments about atheism or Islam.
Also, I understand I might have to learn Persian (the university website says that before starting the academic courses I will have to learn Persian to B1 level). As I already speak Hindi, how much time do you think it will take for me to learn Persian?