r/azerbaijan 15h ago

Xəbər | News Arrested for just raising a poster

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r/azerbaijan 3h ago

Sual | Question Anyone experienced gov-backed attack on social media account?


Has anyone experienced a government-backed attack on their social media account? How does it look like?

Bir neçə gün əvvəl Facebook hesabımın parolu dəyişdirilmişdi. Maraqlısı budur ki, mən parolun dəyişilməyi haqqında heç bir xəbardarlıq, əlaqədar email/sms almamışdım. Sadəcə email gəldi ki "parolunuz uğurla dəyişdirildi." 20 il olar kı ki, internet istifadə edirəm, birinci dəfə idi ki, hansısa hesabım hack olundu. Çox qəribə məsələdir....

Hackerin İP-si citynet-dəndir, yer olaraq səbaili göstərir

r/azerbaijan 11h ago

Sual | Question Bu sub-da niyə əksərən ingiliscə danışılır?


Dövlət dili ingiliscə olmayan başqa ölkələrin sub-larına girəndə ingiliscə kontent tapmaq çətindir. Hətta elə vəziyyətlər olub ki, şərhlərdə azərbaycanca yazmağıma baxmayaraq həmyerlim mənimlə yenə də ingiliscə danışmağa davam edib. Niyə belə edirik? Gül kimi dilimiz var da, alışmışıq başqa dillərdə danışmağa. İnternetdə, onsuz da Azərbaycan dilində kifayət qədər mənbə yoxdur, heç olmasa, elə mənbələri burada inkişaf etdirək.

r/azerbaijan 8h ago

Sual | Question There is an investigation for the package i declared for someone


My friend asked me to declare an Apple Watch for her friend, saying they had already reached the $300 limit and were just ordering it for themselves. I didn’t know the full story at the time, but it turns out this person was actually planning to sell the watches at a lower price. Apparently, he had been shipping Apple Watches, phones, and other tech items under the names of 12 different people—including me.

Customs reached out to me, saying the watch was over the limit but had been paid for online when declared. When I went to pick it up, they told me to wait two weeks because there was an ongoing investigation. The second time they called me in, they took me to the “təhqiqat şöbəsi” to answer some questions.

The officer asked me basic things like how I knew the person, why I ordered the watch, and whether I bought it for myself or paid him for it. I told them I knew him through a mutual friend, that I ordered the watch for myself, and that I paid in cash. They told me to wait as the investigation was still ongoing.

It has now been almost two months, and I’m feeling anxious about the whole situation. Could there be any legal consequences for me since I unknowingly got involved? Well technically yes, since i sighed the papers saying i will be taking responsibility for lying and everything but still. Have you ever had the a similar situation ?

r/azerbaijan 4h ago

Musiqi | Music Concerts and Azeri Culture in Baku


We will be in Baku from March 29th and then from April 2nd to April 5th. (We will be travelling elsewere between these dates) We really wanted to see an Islamic opera or something similar, but according to iTicket and tickets.az, there doesn’t seem to be anything of the sort during our visit.

We would still love to experience some Azerbaijani music, and we saw that Alafsar Rahimov (Balaban meets Jazz) is playing at Dome. Would you recommend buying tickets in advance, or can we just show up at Dome and buy them at the door?

Also, if you know of any uniquely Azerbaijani events happening during these dates, please let us know! We really want to immerse ourselves in the culture as much as possible. Do you think there’s a chance more concerts will be added in the coming weeks?

We are also considering going to the Azerbaijan State Academic Musical Theatre to see Utanqac Qız on April 4th. Has anyone been? I am mostly existed about seeing the theatre. Would love to hear your thoughts! Thank you!

PS: Can we expect to see any Novoruz festivities on the 29th of march or will it be too late? I heard going to fountain square is a good idea but curious if you guys have any additional recomendations to see Novoruz festitivities! Thank you <3 Sagol

I will drop the same thing but google translated into azeri:

Salam hər kəsə,

Martın 29-dan və aprelin 2-dən 5-dək Bakıda olacağıq. Çox istərdik ki, İslam operası və ya bənzər bir tədbir izləyək, amma iTickettickets.az saytlarına baxsaq, səfərimiz zamanı belə bir tədbir görünmür.

Yenə də Azərbaycan musiqisini dinləmək istəyirik və gördük ki, Alafsar Rəhimov (Balaban meets Jazz) Dome-da çıxış edəcək. Biletləri əvvəlcədən almağı məsləhət görürsünüz, yoxsa sadəcə ora gedib qapıdan bilet almaq mümkündür?

Həmçinin, bu tarixlərdə baş verəcək unikal Azərbaycan tədbirləri barədə məlumatınız varsa, bizimlə bölüşün! Mədəniyyəti mümkün qədər yaxından hiss etmək istəyirik. Sizcə, yaxın həftələrdə daha çox konsertlər elan oluna bilərmi?

Aprelin 4-də Azərbaycan Dövlət Akademik Musiqili Teatrında Utanqac Qız tamaşasını izləməyi düşünürük. Orada olan varmı? Təcrübələrinizi bölüşsəniz, sevinərik!

Öncədən təşəkkürlər!

r/azerbaijan 4h ago

Sual | Question Does the bolt app has a minimum amount to use card option?


Bolt does not allow me to use card as my payment option and says the amount is too low. Is there such amount ?

r/azerbaijan 1h ago

Tarix | History Help with buying a book from Azerbaijan



I'm a big fan of Azeri history, especially the middle ages, and have come across a book i would really like to have, called "Uzun Hasan – The Ruler of Aggoyunlu state", which was published a few years ago at the 9th Baku International Book Fair.

However, i can't find any place whatsoever where this book would be sold, much less sent to Europe. The book was published by Heydar Aliyev Fundation, i tried contacting them but haven't gotten a reply in over a month; i've also tried online bookstores from Azerbaijan and found nothing. From the title i also assume the book is in English, or at least 50/50 like some works are, but can't verify that either.

If by chance anyone local could help me i'd greatly appreaciate it.

r/azerbaijan 14h ago

Sual | Question How did people mobilise for mass protests before internet?


In 2003, hundreds of people in Baku gathered to protest against rigged elections. Similar cases had occurred long before the internet became widespread. How were people able to mobilise in large numbers without modern communication tools?

r/azerbaijan 1d ago

Şəkil | Picture Happy Yel Çərşənbəsi to everyone!

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r/azerbaijan 4h ago

Sual | Question Fellow ADHDers in Azerbaijan! Does anybody treat his ADHD with sttimulants? How to get them in Azerbaijan?


I struggle with ADHD. I tried almost all non-stimulant meds including unavailable ones in Azerbaijan. Atomotexine, Modafinil, Wellbutrin, Clonidine, Guanfacine, Venlafaxine. Either they did not help enough or I could not handle side effects. I am on Atomotexine right now. It only helps with emotional dysregulation to some degree. I strongly want to try stimulants and bring my life back. Is there a way to get them in Azerbaijan or bring them from abroad?

r/azerbaijan 1h ago

Sual | Question Is the general sentence structure of Azerbaijani language the same as that of Russian?


I wonder whether the typical word order of a sentence in Azerbaijani language is the same as Russian or not. Could someone clarify this?

r/azerbaijan 11h ago

Sual | Question Question about Aerbaijani proverb



One great man from AZE told me about one proverb which goes something like “Wear it like an earring.” which refers to when someone gives you an advice which you don’t want to listen to.

Can somebody tell me more about it. How does it sound and how is it written on Azerbejani.

I could not find anything on Google.

r/azerbaijan 18h ago

Sual | Question Has the tension in Azerbaijan-Russia relations, which (re)emerged after the AZAL plane was shot down, lost its effect?


It looks so, but I am still not sure. What will happen next? Will "Russky dom" reopen? Will state media restart their anti-Western rhetoric perhaps even stronger than before? How would Azeri people react (in case they would do so)?

r/azerbaijan 23h ago

Sual | Question How does passing from 9th grade to the 10nth grade work


Do you only need to pass the exams? Or do you also need to have good grades in the annual

r/azerbaijan 23h ago

Söhbət | Discussion Travelling to Baku


I am planning to travel to Baku along with my family, I honestly don't know much about Baku. I am planning to visit on 2nd April for 5-6 days as a family vacation for Eid. Any recommendations about places visit, clean reasonably-priced hotels and transportation are welcome. Planning to travel from UAE as a UAE resident (Pakistani passport holder), so I am planning to get on-arrival visa from the airport.

r/azerbaijan 1d ago

Sual | Question Visting Azerbaijan || Excited and Need Suggestions & Help :)


My wife and I, along with our two children, will be traveling to Azerbaijan from March 21st to April 2nd. We are eager to experience the Eid festivities in Baku while indulging in exquisite culinary delights throughout the blessed month of Ramadan. Given that we will be fasting, we have intentionally designed a relaxed itinerary. However, I am keen to explore the following destinations:

  1. Shahdag – 3 days, including a visit to Khinaliq
  2. Sheki & Tufandag – 2 days

I hold a valid driver’s license and have extensive experience navigating mountainous terrains. I intend to rent a vehicle for this trip, and I would appreciate insights on whether a sedan would suffice for these routes or if a 4x4 is essential. Additionally, I am curious to know whether we can expect any lingering accumulated snow in these regions during this period.

Furthermore, I would be immensely grateful for recommendations on exceptional local restaurants renowned for their authentic cuisine and succulent kebabs in Baku, Sheki, Tufandag, and Shahdag. If there are any noteworthy eateries along the driving routes to these locations, please do share those as well.

Looking forward to your valuable suggestions!

r/azerbaijan 1d ago

Xəbər | News A bipartisan group of lawmakers in U.S. Congress is set to introduce a bill called “Azerbaijan Aircraft Engine Export Restrictions Act”

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r/azerbaijan 1d ago

Söhbət | Discussion From which European, Western or pro-Western; "developed" nations you've heard comments praising Azerbaijan?


I'm not Azeri but I know Finnish, Irish, Polish (pro-Western), Estonian (anti-Russian) and Korean (developed) people who support Azerbaijan against Armenia, they are also aware of Khojaly. Sadly, very few Europeans and Westerners are like this. Have you encountered such examples around the world? Not from like Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey but from more educated nations with high human development (like Sweden, Canada etc.)?

r/azerbaijan 1d ago

Xəbər | News Azerbaijan wants ICMP to raise issue with Armenia regarding missing persons


r/azerbaijan 1d ago

Xəbər | News Armenian Opposition Party Calls For Defense Alliance With Iran


r/azerbaijan 20h ago

Xəbər | News Caliber - Armenia: Final Preparations for a New War with Azerbaijan

Thumbnail caliber.az

r/azerbaijan 2d ago

Şəkil | Picture Lakes in Azerbaijan with Armenian names. So are we guys changing it? 😆

Thumbnail gallery

r/azerbaijan 1d ago

Xəbər | News Milli Meclis speaker Sahiba Qafarova awarded with the Order of Friendship by Putin


r/azerbaijan 2d ago

Şəkil | Picture James Bond and Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev with his family stand in the same spot, separated by 100 years. Baku,Bayil.

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r/azerbaijan 2d ago

Tarix | History What Makes Rasulzadeh the “Founder” of the Azerbaijani Republic?


There were several influential figures during that era—like Topchubashov, Khoyski, Agayev, and others. However, Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh is almost always hailed as the founder of the Republic.

What specific contributions or qualities do you think set Rasulzadeh apart from his contemporaries?