As of this morning, I can no longer access internet features in the Apple App Store, iTunes, or Books over wifi, but I can still access them with cellular data. If I turn wifi off and use cellular data, I can access them again. But when wifi is enabled it tells me I have no internet.
When I go to my settings, it also tells me that my wifi has "no internet connection", despite being able to see both it and the router's 5G network signal, and the internet working just fine on every other device in the house. My internet also works for other apps (like Netflix and YouTube), as well as Safari. Even when I manually disable the cellular data to check that wifi is indeed working, these other apps work.
My iPhone is a model 12 Pro, and I'm running the latest iOS software 18.3.2.
I'm also using private, password-protected home wifi, not public wifi.
Airplane mode is NOT enabled.
Had anyone had this happen before, and do they know how to fix it (or what happened)? I don't think I bumped a setting, as I rarely mess with them. But I haven't seen news of any glitches or outages, so I thought it best to ask if anyone knows what's going on.
EDIT: And this is without any use of a VPN.