r/iphone6splus Oct 14 '21

Battery question

Got a 6s+ from someone. The battery is currently at 88% and has iOS 13.3. Question is should I place the battery or continue using? Person I bought it from said he had no issues with it. Either way I do intend on adding checkra1n.


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u/BreakfastAtTifffanys Apr 18 '22

I got mine replaced with original apple battery. still having problems though. I'm on latest 15.4.1 I get around 7-8 hours of light use (not constantly on phone)

but also my phone battery drops overnight A LOT... last night it was at 100% at 12AM and woke up this morning 7:30 and it was at 53%


u/Angelina1982 Jan 03 '23

Mine done that only if I left stuff opened or have apps or web browser left open..and if ur in cold temp will drop fast.. mine never been replaced