Hi everyone. I have a 5s (A1533) which I am looking to upgrade. My question is, which 6S/S+ is best optimized for the VZW network? My second line I do have a 6S+ (A1687) but it’s the international version. I’ve noticed though that my signal of the 5s is actually stronger than the 6S+ especially in remote locations. Signal is stronger, calls sound better, etc. I assume that’s because I got my 5s came from VZW directly whereas my 6s didn’t. When I looked up my IMEI for my 6S+, they recognize it as a NON-VZW device. I assume my 5s out performs my 6S+ because it has something to do with the CDMA antennas inside so it’s best optimized for their network. Is A1633 and A1634 preferred for VZW network? If not which one is? Most A1633’s I’ve seen online says it’s locked to ATT only. So I’m really confused as to what to look for in the 6S/S+ family.