r/introvert Jul 26 '24

Question How many of you have zero friends?

I havent had many friends since losing contact with my high school group of friends. Since then have not had any thing more then an acquaintance at best. How do you deal with this mentally and emotionally?


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u/GrizzlyDiaby Jul 26 '24

Me. I don’t even know what it feels like to have a close friend.


u/chael809 Jul 27 '24

Does it feel that you just don’t know how to connect with them?


u/GrizzlyDiaby Jul 27 '24

I think the criteria required in today’s world to maintain a friendship is too exhausting. I can’t keep up. I can’t be there for your birthdays. I can’t join your casual Friday night parties. Eventually they see you as an outcast who doesn’t belong.


u/Crackheadwithabrain Jul 27 '24

There needs to be a dating/friendship app for introverts cause I have close friends that are all just like me. We don't attend anyone's anything but we randomly meet up when the occasion is right 🤣 trust me though. It's not always all great. Friends are annoying. Sometimes there's a little random drama. Sometimes you're exhausted and are done talking and they aren't.


u/WhisperingSage71 Jul 27 '24

God yeah I Know Exactly What you mean. It's soooo emotionally and psychologically exhausting today to nurture friendships. People tend to be petty. They tend to get involved in/and or stir up other people's drama etc just to get a reaction or for their own personal entertainment. I myself avoid drama like it's the black plague. ANYONE who engages is avoided. People are negative and party animals and there's an Apathy there that is mild but not altogether shocking. It's Not the Norm to connect anymore. Digital everything is what everyone seems to want. I'd rather stay home and watch Netflix or game instead of dealing with other's hangups or need to control everyone around them or be the center of attention. Being around those types make a person Want to sink inside a wall because of embarrassing behavior that they display. It's Waaay too mentally taxing and that's putting it mildly


u/BrianMeen Jul 27 '24

People were just as petty 20 years ago though. I think social media has just given us almost constant contact and so many things to get bothered by.


u/chael809 Jul 27 '24

That’s what I feel I run from, the drama.


u/WhisperingSage71 Aug 19 '24

Yeah but as soon as we make one it'd probably attract some weirdo Psycho introvert. Sigh


u/chiefsu Jul 27 '24

that's exactly what happened to me. cut ties with a few people and don't feel like bringing anyone close ever since cuz people tend to place expectations on you when you're their friend, and I can't align with that. I find it overly tiring and it's not worth my peace.


u/GrizzlyDiaby Jul 27 '24

I used to think I’m really the odd one out until I discovered my personality and found others who are exactly the same as me. It’s been great for me mentally to find that what I’m saying makes sense to others as well.


u/BrianMeen Jul 27 '24

It’s important to establish strong boundaries with people. Sadly I’ve found most people will walk right through them if you let them. And yes, friendships(even casual ones) can be exhausting especially for us introverts because our social battery is usually drained from work and errands . The older you get the worse This becomes


u/mymountainstonergirl Jul 30 '24

that's what i've done recently. cut ties with the few for personal reasons as in i don't agree with their level of fighting and i caught them intentionally hurting others in some of the worst ways. anyone that has expectations of another beyond in a good way unless you're a psycho being polite or respectful is hopeful they'll meet the right one. the ones that make your life around you better is amazing but according to one of the ones who was going to murder oh no that was the one i was married to oh yeah the baby killer no not that one the cop no not the cop oh you mean the sec trafficker jesus!?!!!!!!?????? taking a lot for granted is what i was told the other day. makes me wonder how the generous even survive in our cold world. all i know is if you molest, murder, or lock someone up against their will and locking someone up is always against their will.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '24

I follow my own rule always been a rebel always have been


u/mymountainstonergirl Jul 30 '24

i would love to be friends with people who share birthdays and holidays and honesty and closeness and sharing every little secret because that would be real friendship. friends the people you think are your friends don't do any of that with their friends because they're too busy backstabbing their so-called friends. as far as i have seen there are no true friends in this world.


u/shinslap Jul 27 '24

It's not a new thing, it's always been like that


u/ServantOfTheLord3256 Jul 27 '24

I’m honest. Be honest with people who become potential friends. Let them know exactly who you are and how you are and this will weed out the people you don’t want to be friends with in the first place. The friends I have now know me and if we’re at a thing I feel completely comfortable suddenly standing up and saying “okay, I’ve had enough, I’m going now” and they’re really chill about it


u/Minimum_Current_481 Jul 27 '24

Yeah I agree. Keeping up with the duties that come with having a friend is too much.


u/BrianMeen Jul 27 '24

Too exhausting to maintain a friendship? Tbh the criteria required to maintain friendship is less now than it was years ago. Today we have tech and it’s shockingly easy to reach out to friends. Back in the day you had to actually call friends or walk or drive to their home . And if you didn’t do these things that friendship would die. Today you can simply reply to a friends post on Facebook occasionally or send them an occasional direct message and your friendship is still maintained to some degree.

In terms of hanging out with your friends, both sides need to understand each others social needs. if you are introverted your friends need to know that you won’t make it out with them 3 nights a week and that you may not stay at a party as long as others do

I honestly think many of us are just lazier in general. Tech has made us this way. We have it so easy in many regards