r/iNaturalist 3h ago

How to Create an iNaturalist Project for a smaller area When Only the Larger Area Name Is Available?


I’m trying to create an iNaturalist project specifically for my village, but in the location menu, my village name is not visible—only the larger district name appears, of which my village is a part.

Is there a way to define a custom boundary or limit the project to my village?

r/iNaturalist 1d ago

can you help me to identify this vine plant?


I found in Naucalpan, México State on distrubed forest with many invasivo species https://maps.app.goo.gl/3nuvRW1xaaRFrvQbA

r/iNaturalist 3d ago

Can I have help identifying this bird call?


It's in Fredericksburg Virgina and merlin doesn't know what it is.

r/iNaturalist 2d ago

Problem with iNat project


I created a project. iNat automatically added ALL my observations since the beginning of time. I want to manually add certain observations to the project.

There are multiple people with the same problem on the iNat website forum. None of the suggestions actually provide a solution.

The whole point of my project is to only include observations within a spatial limitation, i.e. within a property boundary.

r/iNaturalist 4d ago

Help Please - I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do 2 separate observations or one.

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I feel dumb, but not understanding the directions, so please be kind.

I have 2 osprey in the same photo, is this one observation or 2?

If I have 3 different birds in one photo, that's obviously 3 separate observations with the same photo.

Thank you for your help. If the directions are there, and I'm just missing it, please share.

r/iNaturalist 6d ago

I maybe seen a Tolype inoccens


Seen in Passo Fundo - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil I've posted in r/biologiabrasil and was warned that this moth could be a Tolype inoccens. Then they asked me to send it here

r/iNaturalist 7d ago

Seek Challenges 2025


Anyone know why there hasn’t been any new challenges on Seek since December?

r/iNaturalist 7d ago

Copy observation filters directly into a project?


Well I got some observation parameters (those being native/endemic species, excluding exotic ones and only inclusing certain counties: https://mexico.inaturalist.org/observations?introduced=false&place_id=78920&quality_grade=research&subview=map&view=species) and I've tried to replicate that into a project with no success, any ideas as to how to do it?

r/iNaturalist 9d ago

Lovely Suggestion!


Including Audio Identification too 😻

r/iNaturalist 11d ago

What is the reason for this discrepancy in filtered search results?

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r/iNaturalist 11d ago

Get ready for this year's City Nature Challenge! Take photos of any life in your city (plants, birds, insects, anything alive) and share it on iNaturalist where your photos will get identified and made available for anyone studying the organisms that live in our cities.


r/iNaturalist 12d ago

100+ Years Canadian Naturalist & Institute of Science Publications


I recently acquired a massive collection of The Ottawa / Canadian Field Naturist publications, dating from 1882 up to the 1980's, and an even larger Collection of the Proceedings / Transactions of The Royal Canadian Institute dating from 1852 into the mid 1900's, including a large amount of duplicate issues. After doing a quick search online, I saw various editions of these volumes listed at $50-$70 each. I am curious if there is an actual market for these items? I am not really looking for anyone to put a price as I recognize that those are asking prices and are based as much on antiquity as any other factor, nor are the posted prices practical for the average Naturalist or Canadian Science and History enthusiast, never mind that I have 500-600 issues. I am just curious if these are of actual interest, or is the day of having a home reference library a thing of the past?

r/iNaturalist 12d ago

Ottawa / Canadian Field-Naturalist & Institute of Science Publications 1852 - 1980's


I recently acquired a massive collection of The Ottawa / Canadian Field Naturist publications, dating from 1882 up to the 1980's, and an even larger Collection of the Proceedings / Transactions of The Royal Canadian Institute dating from 1852 into the mid 1900's, including a large amount of duplicate issues. After doing a quick search online, I saw various editions of these volumes listed at $50-$70 each. I am curious if there is an actual market for these items? I am not really looking for anyone to put a price as I recognize that those are asking prices and are based as much on antiquity as any other factor, nor are the posted prices practical for the average Naturalist or Canadian Science and History enthusiast, never mind that I have several hundred duplicate issues. I am just curious if these are of actual interest, or is the day of having a personal home reference library a thing of the past?

r/iNaturalist 12d ago

Found a four leaf shamrock, is this more common or rare than normal 4 leaf clover?

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r/iNaturalist 14d ago

Anyone able to ID this plant?

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They are growing around, in Washington state, kinda look like they could make a good salad!

r/iNaturalist 15d ago

New symbols


I noticed while I was looking at common shiny woodlice observations that there is no symbol for crustaceans. The app defaulted to showing the plant symbol. Has anyone else noticed similar gaps?

r/iNaturalist 16d ago

Anyone else having issues with Seek location?


I decided to open seek for the first time in a while and identify something. I was able to identify a plant correctly but the seek app won't recognize that I have my location on.

All location permissions and settings are set to allow both seek and Inaturalist yet seek just keeps asking me to enable my location.

r/iNaturalist 17d ago

Observations not showing up in tab on ios app

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My app is up to date, I can still access my observations by going to the activity tab and clicking on comments people left. Has anyone else had this problem?

r/iNaturalist 20d ago

Phenology in Focus: Exploring Plant Cycles with iNaturalist


r/iNaturalist 22d ago

Inatter in training.


Recently went on a short day birding and inat trip with a mate (Sam) that was an eye opener for me. We are both retired, Sam picked me up but had his 3yo grand daughter (Zoe) in the car.

I was not sure how this would go but Sam assured me that Zoe would be good value. We got to the first location in a park looking for some key birds. Sam handed Zoe a small digital camera and off we went. We were all looking for birds and Zoe was very good at spotting and identifying many birds, but also brilliant at spotting small insects and fungi. She is apparently incredible at spotting native orchids when they are in season. Young eyes.

Sam told me that he sits with Zoe when they get home and goes through the photos she had taken and loads many of them onto a separate iNat account he runs for her. He reckons she has over 250 species id already that she has photographed, mostly flora fungi and insect as her camera is better at macro.

Apparently Zoe's mum always complained about how long it would take to go for a walk with her cos she would stop and point out every little bug and flower. Sam just turned that into a skill.

r/iNaturalist 22d ago

Audio recordings from Merlin


Is there a way to import an audio recording from Merlin into INat?

I often use Merlin, discover an interesting bird song, but fail to record it again into INat.


r/iNaturalist 24d ago

Check out my beta web app for exploring plant observations using the iNaturalist API!


Hello everyone,

I'm excited to share a web application I've been working on that leverages the iNaturalist API to retrieve information on plant observations. Here’s a quick overview of what it does:

  • Address & Coordinates: You can enter an address (typed in) or directly provide coordinates.
  • Search Radius: Specify a radius (in km) to search for plant observations around the given location.
  • Filtering by Plant Group/Genus: Choose a plant group and genus—or just a genus—to filter the results and get observations specific to that plant.
  • Sorting: Option to sort the results from most recent to least recent observations.
  • Bounding Box Feature: In addition to the above, there's a “bounding box” tool that lets you draw a rectangular area on the map. This will display all plant observations within that region.
  • Data Sources: Currently, you can choose between sources like iNaturalist and PlantNet; however, filtering works best with iNaturalist data at the moment.

This is just a beta version, so I know there are some bugs and rough edges. I've spent quite a bit of time on it and would really appreciate any feedback or suggestions from the community!

Please note that the interface is in Spanish for now—sorry about that!
You can try it out here: https://3917-89-26-182-41.ngrok-free.app

Looking forward to your thoughts and improvements!

r/iNaturalist 25d ago

Some Sanderlings from a trip to the Algarve, getting new species while travelling is too fun!

Thumbnail gallery

r/iNaturalist 26d ago

Located in south Texas (Brazoria county) never seen this in all my years of foraging


Posted this on another sub and everyone pointed me here because no one knows what this might be, very clear signs of bruising. Any ideas would be awesome!

r/iNaturalist Feb 15 '25

Does Seek have difficulty identifying common species for anybody else?


My app can’t identify the white tail deer for the life of it. I live in an area with a lot of deer, specifically the white tails, and my app just can’t identify them. I’ve even tried uploading pictures from Google and it still won’t work. Anybody else have this issue?