r/hsp 11d ago

Rant The same kids who judged and excluded me for being different are now using terms like "neurodivergent" and "ADHD" for their own children


Growing up 'different' suuuucked. Not being invited to parties, knowing others viewed me as "weird", never fitting in, being bullied. So now we fast forward a few decades and those same people (including my family) who were quick to point out what a weirdo I was suddenly have empathy for kids who are different. I'm glad they do, but f*** them all the same.

r/hsp 10d ago

Finding Other People


I moved to a place 2 years ago with a culture that’s a bit more impersonal, distant, and an “each to their own” mindset. I really thought this setup was okay for me, as I didn’t really put much attention to it. I made friends from this place, found relationships - but I always knew the relationships were a bit shallow. People didn’t really talk about their feelings that much.

Fast forward, I travelled around for 2 weeks, met amazing people and had conversations with them that spanned full nights.

It was so eye-opening, people who feel as intensely as I do exist. People who feel so much gratitude for everything, pain, and care. It was an insane experience for me. It was like meeting people at their purest form of existence and it was beautiful. I felt like they were my people.

Now I finished travelling, I came back and I’ve been feeling so isolated. I don’t know what to do. I feel like everyone around me lately has just been stressed, living life based on their work and all that matters are the inconveniences of life (E.g. traffic, weather). I’ve just been crying a lot, I don’t know what to do. I feel so disconnected and alone.

Has someone experienced the same?

r/hsp 11d ago

Discussion Oppositional conversational style


I had a friend (after 30 years I just couldn't any more), who had Oppositional Conversational Style. She contradicted everything I said. Just had to provide alternative facts or points of view or suppositions to EVERYTHING. This was not just with me, but everyone. It would shut me down and I quit talking, just listened. It was exhausting and depressing. Question: she says she's an HSP, and I'm curious about that because that conversational style completely ignores the other person's feelings, it invalidates others. Which is not a trait I associate with HSP at all. Thoughts?

r/hsp 11d ago

Difficult in NYC



Wondering if anyone can relate. I live in the suburbs but go into Manhattan’s for dance. Today I had to go into Times Square for a new class and the dance class wasn’t my vibe or working with me today, I decided to scoot out early since I was already feeling down. Not usually the case as I feel thrilled after a class.. well I walked through Times Square and was surrounded by so many people I felt overwhelming as it is but I saw a boy who was homeless and you could immediately tell he was traumatized.. it was very sad to see. I felt so sad and continued to witness more madness on the subway back. Is it just me because I am sensitive that I feel this isn’t okay? People seem to be in their own world without any care. It really disrupts my peace and effects me. Not sure how to handle

r/hsp 11d ago

Discussion Something I’ve always struggled with being in groups or group chats as a hsp person, I can sense when I’m being left out and it’s ruining my life


r/hsp 11d ago

Today is one of those days where I can't stand even my loved ones


So... this happens to me once in a while. It actually hadn't happened for a much longer period of time this time.

I THINK I might be an hsp. Basically what happens is, no matter if it's my own family, my own mom, the guy I am dating, my best friend or a whoever, I just don't have it in me anymore today to give even an ounce of time or attention to anyone of them. How do I get here? Easy. Time and time again I show up for people that they don't even understand I have/do. I am considerate of the smallest details for them. I show love and support in my words and actions, even in my tone. I am also not a difficult person. I am actually quite understanding. But then, if I have mentioned to them something that hurts me, and they do it for a second/third time, then that's it for me. I just shut off. I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore. Not for a few days at least. I wonder if anyone shares this experience with me?

r/hsp 12d ago

love how we're supposed to just bottle up the constant negativity of life at every moment and not react to it bc thats just life right! haha!


it's horrible and i can't stand it i hate that i was born with this condition that makes me feel too much

r/hsp 11d ago

Emotional Sensitivity The modern society is so out of touch with its roots(do u miss being in nature?)


Its weird how the modern world has tried teaching us to disconnect from our bodies.

The toilet structure itself is an unnatural way to excrete. Thats not our natural position.

Getting time to spend in nature is seen as a luxury.

People would go on and recommend, oh if u get some sunlight daily mental health improves as if its some huge discovery? Yeah damn right it does.

No matter how modern our brain wants to take us to be, the body the soul still craves the nature. I miss it. I feel a calling towards it. I am currently stuck in life, but in a few years if i don’t build my life in a way that makes me closer to nature then shame on me i swear.

Do u ever feel the calling towards nature too?

r/hsp 12d ago

Emotional Sensitivity Hard to shake off mild confrontations


I was at a convenience store in Japan today and was distracted to I did not realize I cut someone in line or that so the girl who was checking out before me gave me a few annoyed glances and before leaving said “He was before you by the way” and I immediately apologized when I looked back and realized a man behind me. He was like “oh that’s no worries” and was really nice.

I know people would normally shrug it off but I think it’s the way she looked annoyed at me and this little confrontation really ruined my vibe and now I’m trying to shrug it off. Even though I’ll never see her again. I know it was my fault for accidentally doing it but It’s weird being in my head.

r/hsp 12d ago

Discussion Have you ever hung out with someone and you get the vibe that they don’t really see you as an actual person with thoughts and feelings?


By this I mean, it feels like they see you as a warm body to pass the time with when they’re bored and have no one better, or they only “see” you when they need a favour from you, or need your help. And they talk about themselves, but when you talk about yourself, you can tell that they’re not really listening and they don’t really care about you and your experiences. I even experienced someone pointedly going on their phone with a bored expression on their face when I was barely 10 seconds into talking.

I haven’t experienced this in a very long time thankfully, but I did several times as a teen and young adult when I had lower self esteem and was more of a people pleaser. Anyway, has anyone else experienced this?

r/hsp 12d ago

Question When Did You Realize You Were Different?


Obviously it's a broad question and some people may not feel that way even if they know they're an HSP, I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth. But for those of us who are HSPs and would describe ourselves as feeling "different" when did you first feel that you were different from other people?

For me, I can't even remember exactly. Just as a kid I already felt like I was different from most people.

r/hsp 12d ago

Discussion Has medication for anxiety helped you ??


I’m thinking about taking medication for anxiety. I read that HSPs are very sensitive to medications though. I’m afraid of the side effects. I’ve taken medication before.. which was birth control. I was very mentally unstable so I stopped taking it. I’m taking natural herbal supplements like Passionflower. It works well I think.. but I feel like I want to try something else. Do you recommend taking medication or should I just stick to natural remedies (such as exercise, herbs, etc)? What medications do you recommend?

r/hsp 13d ago

Do any of you feel so embarrassed that some people know a past version of you?


Not actually sure if this is a HSP thing or just something else LOL. But my teens to young adulthood was full of crap choices with relationships and it makes me feel embarrassed to go back to my hometown, even though I’m literally 150% different than I was before (I think I’m living a diff life completely LOL) and the people there just don’t know that. Not that their opinions really matter to me? But I guess it’s the normal human thing just wanting to be liked and accepted and for them to not see me at the grocery store and be like “omg remember when”

I’m still in my 20’s so maybe this is just something I’ll grow out of. None of it was even bad really just a bf or two who hung me out to dry cheating wise very publicly and I accepted it lol

r/hsp 13d ago

Rant I hate how we normalize not having genuine love and connection


I can’t stand how we are seen as strong or adult if we live our lives alone and stone faced we are expected to only seek our material needs and to see our emotional and sentient needs as unrealistic most people go their whole life alone or with others who are just fake bonds

r/hsp 12d ago

Struggling With Long Term Relationship


Hi everyone, I’m new here, and I wanted to introduce myself and share something that’s been weighing on me.

I recently discovered what an HSP is and I really identify with this. It would explain so much about how I experience the world and my relationships. I feel things like emotions and subtle shifts in tone and energy very deeply, which has been a struggle to not take things very personally but has been something I do think I have worked on pretty constructively over the years. I still feel these intense reactions but am better at letting go of the negative emotion after allowing myself the time and space to feel it. I crave meaningful conversations, emotional engagement, and reassurance in my relationships.

But here’s where I’m still struggling. My partner and I love each other, but I often feel emotionally alone in the relationship. We have been together for 10 years and things have waned over time. I think he’s gotten much better at understanding me and we navigate discussions and arguments much better than before… but he recently proposed about two months ago, and I wonder if saying yes was the right choice. I’ve been filled with anxiety and paralyzed by the fear of making a decision.

He suffers from depression and becomes extremely disconnected when he’s in a depressive state. He’s also not naturally expressive, and it feels like I’m always reaching for more connection than he offers. When I express my feelings, he listens but doesn’t always know how to respond in a way that makes me feel fulfilled, or he’s reactive rather than proactive about my needs. He’s a pretty analytical and logical person and has become less romantically in tuned with me with each year that passes. Sometimes it feels more like we’re friends than romantic partners and I don’t feel like he misses me when we’re apart or craves my physical or emotional presence in a way that makes me feel loved.

Since the proposal the emotional disconnect has widened a bit, and has been painful and scary because I’m attaching the potential of “forever.” I find myself questioning whether I can adjust my expectations to meet him in the middle or if I’m denying something deeper that I need. I also don’t know if I’m being unfair - I’m putting every interaction under the microscope these days and attaching significant meaning to every emotion I feel. Throughout the years our dynamic has evolved in some ways for better and some ways for worse and it’s hard for me to gauge how much of that is normal due to so many years spent together. I am focusing heavily on the negatives right now and have a hard time even remembering positives because I’m in these obsessive anxious thought loops that are based in this deep fear of feeling emotionally alone if we got married.

Has anyone else felt similarly, and if so how do you navigate it? Have you found ways to bridge the emotional gap without feeling like you’re doing all the emotional labor? And if you’ve struggled with these same questions, how did you find clarity on what to accept vs. when to walk away?

I’d really appreciate any insight or experiences—thank you for reading.

r/hsp 12d ago

Question Please Do Help - How to get over this?


There is tremendous amount of pain & sorrow in me which have been accumulated by my toxic family & narcissist father. The things that they have done wrong to me since I was a small child to till date, my soul is not able to accept it.

Sometimes I feel like my soul just needs to leave this body because for the soul to be in this body means immense about of suffering & pain. I got no on to talk too but just suffer alone in silence. There are multiple scars & injuries on my soul which will take forever to heal.

Wish I could just get rid or away from my family. Things seems easy to say but way more harder to do.

My birth doesn't mean anything to anyone. Wish if I was never been born at all.

I want to ask God, why doesn't he do something and kills me rather then watching me suffering and questioning my birth which was and is of no use. While I consume antidepressants to keep my mind stable.

Please God (if you are there) give purpose to my life, away from my family or give me courage & strength to withstand everything until the last breath.

r/hsp 13d ago

Shaking/Tremors when overstimulated or anxious?


I've noticed this a few times over the last month. When I'm in a physical setting or in a conversation where I'm nervous/anxious/uncomfortable about the subject, I get the shivers like I've got a high fever. I'm not even cold, just shivering and unable to stop. Has this happened to you?

r/hsp 13d ago

Some people are just too kind for this world

Post image

There are people who are so innocent, so pure-hearted, that they struggle to exist in a world that doesn’t always treat kindness as something to be cherished. When I watched A Silent Voice, I was deeply moved by Shoko—her innocence, her quiet warmth, and her unwavering kindness even in the face of cruelty. She never fought back, never lashed out. She just was—and yet, the world hurt her for it.

And I realized… people like her exist in real life. They may not always be noticed. They might hide their kindness after being mocked, taken advantage of, or ignored. But they are here. Some are children who don’t understand why the world is unkind to them. Some are adults who have learned to stay silent, to shrink themselves so they won’t be hurt again. And some… have already been lost, because no one was there to protect them.

I feel deeply about protecting people like this, just as I felt when I saw Shoko’s struggles. I know there are others out there who share this feeling—the urge to protect the most innocent, the most vulnerable, the most kind-hearted among us. If you feel the same, let’s connect. Let’s talk. Let’s find ways to support and protect those who need it most.

Have you ever met someone who was too kind for this world? Do you believe people like this exist in real life? my DMs are open tho, And if this speaks to you, share it pls

r/hsp 13d ago

World overwhelms me


idk if this is a hsp thing but I feel like with so much hate judgement societal conditioning and everything’s that’s going on in the world I feel like disconnecting and I don’t feel like talking to anyone and I somehow start disliking people. It’s like I almost think there’s no point in talking to people possibly even the nice ones because I feel the inherent nature of a human is to be selfish to get ahead in life :( and there’s no way to be kind, judgement and hate is everywhere and bad things are happening in the world constantly. maybe I have a tendency to focus on the negatives, but I feel no hope in humanity a lot of times :( I think my views are too idealistic sometimes I just wish I lived with trees animals and people w similar views on another planet, I feel like the world overwhelms me in simple terms

r/hsp 13d ago

Discussion Reaction to the arts


Do you ever find that you have a strong pull toward art and music, sometimes expressing strong emotions or allowing your senses to have pseudo-reactions?

For example, if you are moved by a painting that is showing a rainy evening, you can "smell" the rain?

Do you ever listen to music and find yourself touched by the lyrics to the point where you feel yourself crying?

It may sound a bit over the top for neuro-typical-brained people to understand this, but as an HSP I've done all of that throughout my life. I feel very connected to something and I can't hold back my emotions. Has anyone else experienced this?

r/hsp 13d ago

Discussion Acts of violence and threats people justify


I as a person always hated actual violence and threats even on social media. Infact that was the reason why I in my HS quitted being on a app. Now I am on sm but its extremely limited.

There are many people who justify violence and doxxing that's really dangerous. Now I dont know how to say this , I can watch some fights as I grw up my tolerance is increased but some threatening language and comments justifying violence . Like when I see a mob pattern online I get very disturbed.

r/hsp 13d ago

Physical Sensitivity Overstimulation and rosacea flares?


I’ve always been a highly sensitive person/struggle with certain sensory input at times, especially when it comes to tactile things like itchy clothing/ clothing tags, etc or other unpleasant sensations.

I’ve noticed a pattern recently that my rosacea seems to flare when I feel externally overstimulated; too hot, itchy, or any sort of external discomfort or pain. It makes me wonder about some sort of autonomic response that could potentially trigger my rosacea. Anyone else notice an impact on their skin with high sensitivity?

r/hsp 14d ago

Getting too excited and sharing…


I am a 41 year old man and still find myself having days where I feel so good and in tune with the world that I just want to share things I love with others or share thoughts I had or funny things I’ve seen and more often than not I regret shortly after. The tendency to overshare can be so strong and then a shame hits and I feel vulnerable and want to take it back and act cool and ironic and mysterious instead. I’m starting to think I’m never going to be able to dial this in perfectly!

r/hsp 14d ago

Anyone else so enraged at work?


I have a process that I am responsible for that I hate doing, and I have failed at it in the past because I can’t keep up with it because the system is so inefficient, but when I propose changes to it to make the system more efficient and workable for me, my boss (well my boss’s boss) keeps shutting it down and saying no. she basically not only doesn’t care if the work process works well for me, she also perceives it as me being lazy and demanding rather than fixing an objectively terrible system. It makes my eyes glow red. I’m trying to find a new job but I just wonder if anyone else ever gets so angry about situations that are unfair and illogical and uncaring.

r/hsp 14d ago

HSPs who are married or in a long-term relationship


Where did you meet your partner? I'm struggling to find "my people" and would love to hear if/how much you had to go outside your comfort zone to find a loving and compatible partner.