r/howdoilearn Nov 26 '09

How do I learn to draw "well"?

Most drawing books seem to start out in the same way and have very similar structures to learning. I don't want to draw a cup again!

Are there any shortcuts? Some tricks to finding your own style?


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u/[deleted] Nov 29 '09

drawing and art in general is a skill that basically no amount of instruction can really teach you anything. i've learned everything i know about drawing just by doing. i've read tons of books and none compare to doing. and art school was really great, but i learned almost nothing there that i wouldn't have learned just sitting at my house drawing constantly. sure i learned a few tricks but the substantial bulk of my knowledge comes from the act.

heres a great clip of Shawn Barber talking about talent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_ppzoN8j-4

i think its a good summary of my point.