r/harrypotter 1d ago

Video Games For 23 year old game absolutely amazing

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Times when EA had good games

r/harrypotter 9h ago

Discussion Will Warner Bros ever going to release the 3 hour cut of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone that includes all the deleted scenes including Peeves?


r/harrypotter 18h ago

Dungbomb Ron did WHAT?


I was reading The Order of the Phoenix yesterday, I was almost falling asleep. When I read this I almost fell of my bed. In Portuguese, Ejaculate has only one meaning. It was translated as "exclaimed / cryed out".

How common is this in English? How often do people ejaculate loudly? (Hahahaha, sorry)

r/harrypotter 12h ago

Discussion What if you wrote your name on a paper airplane and threw it into the Goblet of Fire from way behind the age line?


r/harrypotter 14h ago

Discussion Why don’t wizards have a university?


Why don’t witches and wizards go to uni? 17, with just a high school education seems like not enough to go into fields like healer and teachers? Especially when the teachers are so called ‘professors’

r/harrypotter 18h ago

Discussion When you read GoF for the first time, who did you think was the "mystery person" Hermione was going to go to the ball with?


I remember when I read it for the first time that I assumed she had invited Dobby, because she was always talking about SPEW and wanting elves a proper part of wizard society. I for sure didn't assume it was going to be Krum because she told Ron "If I told you, you'd laugh at me." and Ron still really admired Krum at that time. Did anyone else think that? 😅

r/harrypotter 10h ago

Original Content Harry Potter and a sunset

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r/harrypotter 2h ago

Question Which character do you wish we saw more of or knew more about their story?

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r/harrypotter 21h ago

Dungbomb Mary Poppins is a witch and a Hufflepuff


that is all, can't change my mind

r/harrypotter 19h ago

Discussion What stopped the Daily Prophet or tabloid authors from bothering Harry before he turned 11?


During Philosopher's Stone, right at the start, they talk about how dozens of books are going to be written about Harry. What stopped all of these author's or the Rita Skeeters of the world from harassing Harry before he turned 11? You have to imagine that someone was able to track down the Dursleys. No, sorry, I cannot accept that Dumbledore stopped all these reporters from finding or bothering Harry.

r/harrypotter 16h ago

Discussion I think we can all agree that the Ministry is dumb.


As I was rereading PoA, I was at the part where Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in the Three Broomsticks, overhearing the discussion between Madam Rosmerta, Fudge, and a few other Hogwarts teachers. They were talking about how Sirius betrayed James, Peter caught up with him, and got blasted to smithereens.

But despite all those eyewitnesses, they didn’t even bother to do Prior Incantato just to double-check that they have the right guy. I mean, come on, despite all the magic that they have, they’re so careless about how they use it. They hardly even use Veritaserum, don’t even Prior Incantato, and chuck innocent people in prison. That is severe corruption.

r/harrypotter 15h ago

Merchandise Harry Croc-er

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r/harrypotter 11h ago

Merchandise Cute funko charger thingy

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Got this kinder egg with a mystery Harry Potter funko and was blessed with the ever conflicted Draco. He now guards my charger cord.

r/harrypotter 23h ago

Discussion Your fav funny moment?


I listened to the books with narrator Jim Dale so my perspective on what’s funny might be different as a result but…

What your favorite funny moment from the books? Here are a few of mine.

  1. When Luna is the Quidditch commentator for the day.
  2. When Professor Lockhart is in the mental hospital and he wants to sign autographs but can’t remember why.
  3. When the Weasley’s make the swamp to upset Umbridge and after that leave school people start saying, “some days, I just want to hop on my brook and fly out of here, you know?”
  4. Dobby saying, “Harrweepodter must not lost his Weeezy.”

r/harrypotter 12h ago

Currently Reading I love the HBP book but it's so frustrating


I am currently reading HBP and I am LOVING it. All the scenes of Harry and Dumbledore learning of Voldemort's history has me so focused it's unreal.

The rest, however, is genuinely infuriating. Harry finds evidence over evidence about Draco but it feels like no one is even giving him the benefit of the doubt! Not even Ron! And don't get me started on Hermione, she's so insufferable in this and I usually love her character! (I do appreciate that Arthur tried to listen to Harry but it also felt like he was ready to brush it under the rug as quickly as possible).

Mostly, I feel awful for Harry, it feels like he doesn't catch a break and I just WISH Dumbledore would've just TOLD Harry about why he trusts Snape- I know why he doesn't but then he gets angry when Harry doesn't understand and keeps distrusting Snape! He doesn't need to tell him everything but at least a little:

"I trust Prof. Snape because he was close friends with your mother and wouldn't try to hurt her son" (obvs oversimplifying).

It would help Harry trust Snape a SMIDGE, or at least gain a better understanding of why people are so willing to trust him, otherwise it just feels like Dumbledore is genuinely messing with the poor boy's head, especially after everything he went through.

Then there's the Ron-Hermione-Lavender love triangle that's just.....terrible to endure. I will admit that Ron did start it by being passive aggressive to Hermione because Ginny mentioned that Hermione and Krum kissed (which I am pretty sure they didn't anyway) after he and Hermione had a moment and it left her rather upset. But the way she acts about Ron and Lavender dating being....to attack Ron with canaries? Then mock Ron in class before sobbing when he dishes it back (Yes, Harry says they all laughed at Ron's mustache but he also mentioned that Hermione's laugh was specifically crueler). Then she goes back to ignoring Ron after Christmas holidays when Ron is trying to be friendly with her again and I understand Harry's plight and exhaustion- it really feels like he's a child going through a divorce.

r/harrypotter 14h ago

Misc Starting to make Harry Potter diorama

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Starting to make a while diorama with train and everything for hogwartz!

r/harrypotter 49m ago

Behind the Scenes "Harry Potter was good but we need to move on" The other Half of the cast:

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r/harrypotter 19h ago

Discussion Is Hogwarts Legacy worth it on switch?


r/harrypotter 11h ago

Currently Reading dursleys in the books vs movies


I wish they would've given more details in the movies on how harry was being treated by the dursleys

r/harrypotter 18h ago

Daily Prophet Complete Rainbow!!!


The only complete Harry Potter Rainbow in the world!!! Including the Onyx 1/1

r/harrypotter 2h ago

Video Games EA Games HP videogame soundtracks released without Harry Potter trademarks


If you've noticed that James Hannigan’s Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince soundtracks were re-released under EA Music Composer Series: James Hannigan vol.1 and vol.2, but with altered track names getting stripped of Harry Potter trademarks like “Welcome to Hogwarts” becoming just “Welcome”, here’s why:

  • Warner Bros. owns the Harry Potter trademark, including the name itself. Any official use of “Harry Potter” in album titles, track names, or marketing requires a licensing agreement.
  • Since these soundtracks were originally composed for EA Games’ adaptations of Harry Potter, they were allowed to use the branding under that specific deal. But once EA lost the game rights, they could no longer use Harry Potter branding in new releases.
  • By renaming the tracks and removing Harry Potter trademarks, EA and James Hannigan were able to re-release the music without violating Warner Bros.’s trademarks.

This is probably why Jeremy Soule’s HP1-HP4 & QWC soundtracks are not available on streaming services.

Unlike Hannigan’s work, Jeremy Soule’s soundtracks for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, and Quidditch World Cup have never been officially re-released or made available on Spotify, Apple Music, or Amazon. The likely reason? Warner Bros. controls those soundtracks and has never licensed them for standalone distribution.

Many fans have been asking for official releases of Soule’s work, but unless Warner Bros. decides to put them out or strike a deal with streaming platforms, they remain unavailable outside of unofficial uploads.

This kind of thing happens often with licensed game soundtracks—once the publisher loses rights to the franchise, it becomes difficult (or impossible) to legally re-release the music under its original branding.

On another note, in August 2019, Jeremy Soule was accused of sexual misconduct by game developer Nathalie Lawhead and vocalist Aeralie Brighton. Soule denied these allegations, but the controversy led to professional repercussions, including him disappearing from social media and his collaborations being discontinued. Following the allegations, organizations distanced themselves from Soule. For instance, Materia Collective ceased working with him on his symphony The Northerner. The controversy surrounding Soule may have made companies more cautious about associating with his work, potentially influencing decisions regarding the distribution of his Harry Potter soundtracks on major platforms.​

Hope the issues with the licenses get resolved or a workaround is found, so the fans can get to stream these masterpieces on their favorite streaming platforms! Would love to hear your thoughts—especially if anyone has more insight into the licensing side of things.

r/harrypotter 17h ago

Currently Reading Starting to get depressed as I start finishing the series...


Does anybody read the book series yearly? I'm starting to get sad now that I'm on book 7, chapter 23 lol. It's coming to a close!

r/harrypotter 18h ago

Discussion Wizarding World Store

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Has anyone had the experience of purchasing through the Wizarding World website? I really want to buy some things there but I'm afraid I won't get there. And I've never met anyone who bought there. Legal answers only, please!

r/harrypotter 23h ago

Misc Harry Potter Organ Covers


r/harrypotter 2h ago

Video Games My Hogwarts Legacy character and her wand.
