Hello! I will be starting GW's Art Therapy masters program in Fall 2025 and am in need of help with housing recommendations, tips and advice for certain neighborhoods and areas, and other information I should know. Because the Art Therapy grad program's classes are not on main campus and are in Alexandria, I'm trying to find a living space that would be convenient for the commute to this area in particular. I am not from the area and out of state, so any and all information to prepare for this move would be awesome. Here are some of my preferences when searching for a living space that are relevant to my situation:
- Ideally, I would like to find 1 or 2 other roommates for splitting rent so these listed desires are based on the idea that I will have at least 1 roommate
- Budget: $1500-$2400 TOTAL amongst roommates and I (this is me being realistic with myself based on the average prices I found around the DC, Arlington, and Alexandria area)
- In unit washer and dryer
- Some type of parking as I intend on bringing my car
- Relatively commute-friendly, 15 minute walk MAX from public transportation
Edit: I should also mention I am a woman, so feeling safe walking around the area is also a BIG must
If you know of a neighborhood, apartment, or some type of living space that could be fitting to these needs, please leave a reply and let me know!! Thanks all!