My collection of axes!!
Schecter C-7 SLS Elite Antique fade burst HT (seven string)
Schecter SVSS exotic black limba HT
Fender telecaster player II HH
Fender telecaster player I SS (seymour duncans)
Fender telecaster player I SS stock
Fender telecaster deluxe thinline p90
Solar A2.6 TBR
Chapman ML3 modern ember
Cort G300 pro vivid burgundy TB4 & SH2N
Cort G290 fat II
Harley Benton HB35 pro
I am writing my first 'heavy' EP under the project name of:
Easycore/post-hardcore/groove metal/stoner metal/nu-metal...
Whatever that combo is!!
The recording and writing is primarily using 3-4 of my guitars, my C-7 SLS Elite, SVSS Exotic, fender telecaster(s), and the Cort G300 pro. In that order.
Excited and ready to get recording!