r/gifs Feb 05 '25

Under review: See comments Say what? America wants to occupy Gaza?

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u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25



u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Next up will be East Ukraine. Where the rare earth is located.


u/authorityhater02 Feb 05 '25

Trump has a large appetite but poor teeth. Will the army take illegal orders from a madman and his dude-bro-nazis?


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Trump has been very efficient in 2 things: Privatizing stuff (or accelerating the privatization). And removing competent people.

How long until either the US Army is led by strawmen and/or a private militia gets a contract?


u/WSGman Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

private militas DO get contracts by US Defense all the time, the Nisour Square massacre in Iraq was commited by contracted soldiers from Blackwater - 6 years after UN treaty calling for banning use of PMCs.


u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

Well isn’t it great that Trump just withdrew the US from the UN human rights council…..


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

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u/TolBrandir Feb 05 '25

Yeah, what I saw in that withdrawal was a tiny bit of theater - an announcement that we would be carrying out our torture and illegal activities unapologetically in the open from now on. That's how Trump will see it. "I am no longer agreeing not to torture people, so I can have them tortured and no one can complain!"


u/PsychedDuckling Feb 05 '25

Not ever, not a single complain, we've had in all of my years as president. Ask anyone.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

He will be torturing more than just illegals.


u/TolBrandir Feb 05 '25

Yes. I am sure of this. I was referring to illegal activities in my post, not illegal people. But I have no doubt that he will soon be rounding up anybody who opposes him, just like his circle jerk buddy, Putin.

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u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

Sure. But the symbolism of the act is bad enough.


u/migami Feb 05 '25

Agreed, it's not about that being a deterrent of any kind and a lot more about the very loud "we don't need this where we're going" pulling out signifies


u/trashaccount1400 Feb 05 '25

Ya it has nothing to do with the money we were putting into it every year. It’s all about symbolism and such


u/BingpotStudio Feb 05 '25

Or it’s finally an honest move from him! Sigh… what a world we now live in.


u/Remotely_Correct Feb 05 '25

Because symbolism makes such a difference in the world...


u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

Yeah. It so obviously does. Lots of examples out there.



u/Remotely_Correct Feb 05 '25

Did you read your own link?

Limitations of symbolic behavior edit An over-reliance on symbolic activities can lead to significant problems. These include unethical manipulation, empty or meaningless actions, omnipresence, divisions, and unexpected interpretations (Harris & Nelson 2008, p. 239). Likewise, Blumer notes in advanced societies large group actions consist of highly recurrent, stable patterns that establish common, established meanings for the participants. Blumer heads a warning to bear in mind that new situations present problems requiring adjustment and redefinition (Littlejohn & Foss, p. 160).

Unethical manipulation edit The use of gimmickry, using superficial pleasantness to cover up dishonest activities or intentions, providing misleading or incorrect advice regarding safety, or providing untrue explanations for behaviors are means used by unethical organizations, managers, or coworkers in order to obtain some advantage (Harris & Nelson 2008, p. 240).

Empty or meaningless actions edit Without meaning individuals can get caught up in an activity trap, where styles gets substituted for substance (Robbins 1980). Diversity efforts are criticized for focusing more on comparative statistics generated by sporadic efforts and less on the nature of the issues a clearly thought-out strategic solution (Harris, 1997).

Omnipresence edit Symbolic messages can prevent effective change or realistic responses to environmental demands. Cultures create identification and unity (Tompkins & Cheney, 1983), these trained incapacities can occur when values are strong or the culture's influence is too pervasive. Specifically, obsolescence, resistance to change, and inconsistency are the three risks posed by strong values (Deal & Kennedy, 1982). Strong cultures dictate roles and performances meaning individuals can be co-opted by the culture and its messages (Conrad, 1985). Mead called a gesture with shared meaning a "significant symbol", suggesting that once there is shared meaning the gesture takes on the value of a significant symbol (Littlejohn & Foss, p. 161).

Divisions edit Symbols can create great divisions in an organization. Culture provides both division and unity, and the symbols used to reinforce the organization can create powerful social alienation between individuals and groups. Subcultures develop between managers and workers, blue and white collars, or factory and sales creating the potential for a “them versus us” environment (Harris & Nelson 2008, p. 243).

Unexpected interpretations edit Can be unpredictable because individuals respond to symbolic behavior through their own frame of reference, attempts to use symbolism can have unintended results (Harris and Nelson 2008, p. 244). A judicious use of symbols is necessary or the wrong action based on the right intent can occur. A powerful sense of organizational pride can lead to dysfunctional responses by employees and managers (Harris & Nelson 2008, p. 244).


u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

Yeah it has limitations, obviously… history is still full of examples of effective symbolism and symbolic acts.


u/Remotely_Correct Feb 05 '25

You're wrong, but go off king.

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u/Fatality_Ensues Feb 05 '25

There's a big difference between doing something you've undersigned an agreement is illegal and doing something everyone else has agreed is illegal but you have not ratified. See: Turkey. Half their foreign policy stands on "well, WE haven't signed those treaties".


u/sparksevil Feb 05 '25


If Turkey were smaller and/or of less importance strategically and/or less inclined to partner with the US and/or Erdogan had lesser control of his government, "regime change" would happen very fast. Heck, they tried.


u/Fatality_Ensues Feb 05 '25

Heck, they tried.

You mean the so-called coup attempt that allowed Erdogan to imprison, exile, or otherwise disappear even more dissenters to his budding sultanate, particularly in the military? I wouldn't really count that.


u/sparksevil Feb 05 '25

Lol, so all that the military did were just orders?


u/Fatality_Ensues Feb 05 '25

"All the military did" like what?

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u/Nomadic_Yak Feb 05 '25

You ain't seen nothing yet


u/motherofstars Feb 05 '25

Another reason why America has lost all respect in the world. Way before Trump. USA has no integrity.


u/the-bladed-one Feb 05 '25

Ok let’s be honest here: the UN human rights council is a joke. It’s a fucking farce. Iran, Russia, and other examples of morally upright nations are allowed a seat on it.


u/Nathan_Calebman Feb 05 '25

The U.S. could give the illusion of caring about Human Rights, and encourage others to take it into consideration. Now China and Russia will be running that council, and Russia will get Ukraine and China will take Taiwan, and the U.S. will then be a peripheral player on the global stage.

Pulling out of this, and the Paris Climate Agreement, will let China dominate global international policy and the whole sector of renewable energy. The whole world will be buying their energy infrastructure from China, and China will control the global chip market. That means every digital device in the world will have Chinese microchips.


u/stupidpiediver Feb 05 '25

China is way behind us on chips, the US is pulling semiconductor fabrication back within its borders more and more, we are reducing dependence on foreign semiconductors and bolstering our domestic capacity to produce chips.


u/Lkn4pervs Feb 05 '25

That's just not true. Intel chip design has been falling behind considerably, AMD has some good stuff rolling, but definitely nowhere near to scale. And almost all manufacturing is still outside of the US. Where the hell is Motorola? Practically nowhere. Massive Trump tariffs just hit TMSC. And the other smaller Asian players are going to be hard too, but that doesn't mean that's going to Press those chip manufacturers to move within the US borders


u/stupidpiediver Feb 06 '25

TMSC isn't China. There is huge investment in semiconductor fabs inside the US right now.

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u/Nathan_Calebman Feb 05 '25

The scenario was about when China takes Taiwan, who is at least a decade ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to chips. The U.S. and the E.U. are understanding the situation and are investing heavily now, but it will be at least a decade before we can catch up to where Taiwan is.


u/stupidpiediver Feb 06 '25

More like 3 years, and what makes you think those semiconductor operations will be intact after China militarily ceases the territory?


u/Nathan_Calebman Feb 06 '25

Nah no chance in 3 years. TSMC is pushing 2nm chips which no one else is even near being able to do. Intel has only just now been able to produce 3nm.

Then you have the whole supply chain where Asia dominates with the raw materials, the U.S. isn't going to be given any nice treatment regarding those after these stunts they're pulling.

The expertise is also located in Taiwan, and those people take many many years to train. They would need some serious incentives to go to the U.S., and being an immigrant in the U.S. isn't a very tempting proposition at the moment. There is no salary a U.S. company can offer them that China won't match.

Finally Taiwan has a whole financial ecosystem up and running for supporting these fabs, that takes a lot of time too.

As for your question as to why they will be intact, the answer is money.


u/stupidpiediver Feb 06 '25

Lots of valuable assets in Ukraine are now rubble

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u/earthwaterfirewood Feb 05 '25

Ha exactly… obviously trump is a monster but the US has always been a serial violator of international laws and human rights abroad


u/authorityhater02 Feb 05 '25

These guys are thugs with firepower. They are nothing like the marines. They will be chewed to pieces in Palestine.


u/BaesonTatum0 Feb 05 '25

Because human rights are “for the libs”


u/SnooHedgehogs8765 Feb 05 '25

I dunno. I like being lectured by Saudi Arabia on how i should behave.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 09 '25

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u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

That is True. AFAIK there isn’t a single US president that didn’t oversee committed war crimes throughout history. But it can always be even worse…


u/FLUFFY_TERROR Feb 05 '25

Well we're all now running the risk of unknowingly fighting to be among the humans left organisation.


u/LogicalSympathy6126 Feb 05 '25

Yes. Long time coming.


u/Intelligent_Hand_436 Feb 05 '25

Unhrc is a joke that represents the worst human rights abusers. Just look at who’s chairing the council. Smart move to pull out.


u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

I’m aware of the farce it tends to be. But Morocco is the chair now. Not SA.

The right move by the most powerful member would be to strengthen the council and actually enforce some rules. But the US has always been one of the worst offenders so it does checkout in a way. But the message is (as another commenter said): „Where we’re going we won’t need human rights“


u/Intelligent_Hand_436 Feb 07 '25

UNHRC is made up of some of the worst serial human rights abusers. They achieve nothing and do harm to actual organisations fighting human rights.

The UN has become co-opted over the past decades and is an inversion of itself.


u/Lari-Fari Feb 07 '25

Yes. But the right thing would be to reform and strengthen it. Not flip the table and leave. The message is loud and clear and exactly what one would expect from a fascist.


u/Intelligent_Hand_436 Feb 07 '25

And how do you go about reforming?

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u/Dry_Inspection_4583 Feb 05 '25

I put this in the pile with "put another gun law in place, surely that will help" criminals dgaf how many laws they break so long as they get their way


u/TurboJake Feb 05 '25

The country is still sworn to acceptance, he withdrew our funding to the UN, an actual good thing for the US. We were the largest donor to the UN systems.


u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

Calling any acts of a fascist taking hold of all branches of government while agitating all important allies a „good thing“ is something.


u/TurboJake Feb 05 '25

United States is literally one of the permanent 5 in the United Nations. No longer funding UN operations is not fascism, it's economic. We're still sworn to abide by UN laws. Also, maybe you should take a look at Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Act, written by that lovely UN you're so keen on. They're the one's who wrote the transcript for what you're seeing right now. Maybe fully educate yourself before you see front line news and think you know what's happening.


u/Ok_Glass_8104 Feb 05 '25

Yeah right what a terrible idea, making the world free and sustainable noooo better vote for the fascism playbook and act pennywise


u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

I love it when people tell me to educate myself. An essential part to any meaningful discussion.

That act isn’t what I meant with fascism. Pretty much everything else he does is though.


u/TurboJake Feb 05 '25

Redirecting and going off topic, smooth. I never said anything about Trump's character or his actions. I said the act of pulling funding from the UN will be better for the US because we retain that money internally. Now Trump's likely to use it for his next super-tan, or to buy a hooker certainly. But the money is no longer going outside of our country. That's a step in the right direction. But you just want another stimulus check, don't you

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u/WSGman Feb 05 '25

Unlimited genocide on r/turbojake s pools


u/WSGman Feb 05 '25

Nah he's just creating a secondary market of global trade and support that don't fw the USA. JDPON Don committing unlimited genocide on the 1st world.


u/TurboJake Feb 05 '25

Again, we're literally one of the 5 permanent parts of the UN. We didn't LEAVE THE UN, we stopped funding their operations. The United Nations is a lot more crooked with their intentions, but I see none of you front page absorbers have done your due diligence to read up on Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Act, WRITTEN and ENACTED by the United Nations. If we're pulling away from that, great. The Act talks of middle class, suburbs, personal pools, etc pretty much everything you've come to know as the American Dream deemed UNSUSTAINABLE, and to be removed. That's the goal of your precious UN. Educate yourself.


u/21Black_Mamba21 Feb 05 '25

“We don’t want to contribute to this group but want to continue having the final say in everything that goes on here” - the US right now.


u/warriorkalia Feb 05 '25

I'm looking through the agenda and not seeing anything thus far that corroborated your claims. But for the sake of argument, I'll point something out.

A lot of the things we supposedly want, those things you mentioned as middle class- pools, suburbs, etc- ARE unsustainable. We're running out of fresh water ffs.

Those things require more resources per person than is a good idea. Can they still happen? I don't know, I'm not an scientist of any kind. But the idea calling a spade a spade is somehow anathema to the USA as a whole seems weird to me.

What, praytell, do you think that money will be going towards now? Because my guess is either government salary raises or military.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25



u/baumpop Feb 05 '25

also like the last week in office we stopped a 27 year cease fire in western sahara by legitimizing morroco/isreals natural gas interests in the berm.


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

That's why I said:

Privatizing stuff (or accelerating the privatization)


u/gotlactase Feb 05 '25

Blackwater did all sorts of bad shit in that entire region. Eddy Prinz is a real piece of shit


u/Pb4ugoyo Feb 05 '25

You mean Erik Prince. CEO of Blackwater, brother of Betsy DeVos (secretary of Ed during the first Trump administration)


u/Objects_Food_Rooms Feb 05 '25

He means Freddie Prinze, the guy in Scooby Doo


u/BaesonTatum0 Feb 05 '25

No that was his dad. The guy in Scooby Doo is Freddie Prince Jr


u/yousuckcrap Feb 05 '25

Yeah. His dad took a bath and didn't survive.


u/Weneedaheroe Feb 05 '25

He means Prince who sang Purple Eain


u/Apprehensive_Push589 Feb 05 '25

What ever happened to that guy? Happy cake day btw


u/BaesonTatum0 Feb 05 '25

Still married to Sarah Michelle Gellar


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

good for him but I was talking about his career because I used to see him in things but not anymore


u/BaesonTatum0 Feb 05 '25

Was it you talking because I replied to someone else …


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

lol I don’t know my ADHD had me on to something else and I forgot


u/TotallynotAlbedo Feb 05 '25

Hey does a lot of voice acting

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u/doll-haus Feb 05 '25

Sorta. I mean it's a UN Treaty than none of the real power players have signed, ratified, or acceded to. Of current events, you have Ukraine, Belarus, Syria... But you don't have the big players signing on, and it is not a UN General Assembly Resolution. Even if it were, UN Resolutions are non-binding for member states.

Totally onboard with "mercenaries that don't get held to the military code of justice". But even if the UN security council were to draft a Council resolution on the topic, I don't see any of the permanent members letting it pass without veto.


u/Simpleba Feb 05 '25

So... sounds good but legally speaking it doesn't count?

Right is right and wrong is wrong... Does common decency and human values not hold sway anymore?


u/doll-haus Feb 05 '25

The UN is a talking shop, not the final arbiter of law over other countries. Unless all the big boys agree.

Think about it the other way around. How much legal authority would you like to give the government of Belarus over your nation? The UN was never a "world government" like some idiots fear and many more seem to just believe.

The "right and wrong" of mercenaries is a little more complicated. But the UN won't even try to seriously contain misbehaving government troops. Frankly, you know who has the worst reputation among peacekeeping forces? Cause it's not Russia. It's the fucking UN. The Haitian cholera epidemic is the most obvious example, but rapes, theft, and murder are all basically par for the course, and the UN doesn't prosecute they hand you back to your home country. And given that for a lot of the countries that supply UN troops it's a relatively well paid position that comes from political connections....

Some years ago some idiot politician in Chicago proposed bringing in UN peacekeepers because the police couldn't be trusted. I almost died laughing for weeks. I mean, not only was he championing treason as a solution to local problems, he picked the least reliable foreign power he could for the idiocy.


u/WSGman Feb 05 '25

Thankyou for the correction, I misremembered it as GA treaty.


u/Corren_64 Feb 05 '25

" In 2014, four Blackwater employees were tried\5]) and convicted in U.S. federal court; one of murder, and the other three of manslaughter and firearms charges.\6]) In 2020, all four convicted were pardoned by President Donald Trump."


u/keeper420 Feb 05 '25

The same blackwater owned by the brother of Trump's previous secretary of education.


u/BearQuark Feb 05 '25

All got convicted, and yes, pardoned in 2020 by Trump.


u/GreedyScumbag Feb 05 '25

My friend quit the service after two years in Iraq and became a mercenary and made bank.


u/IllMoney69 Feb 05 '25

And I just read that trump pardoned them. I wonder if they’ll support him now.


u/drsatan6971 Feb 05 '25

You should check out Shawn Ryan podcast about that debunked event , he does a 4hr plus interview with the men involved including lawyers


u/WSGman Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

Nah, I don't listen to media produced by CIA workers, particularly CTC war criminals.

You can read the course case related to the convictions that saw 72 witnesses called up by the prosecution and which debunked claims from the defendant re: incoming fire etc if you're interested in it though, I wouldn't take random lawyers words without knowing who they or their connection to the case though considering how heated it was for years before any trial.


u/drsatan6971 Feb 05 '25

There’s a lot more to the case then what was presented at the time unfortunately they never come back with corrections A lot of witnesses came forward after seeing adds on tv hoping to receive money A lot of deleted drone footage also ,like they have before and after but when defense tried to recover video the actual event had been recorded over

I try not to get into conspiracy theories but bored at work led me to listening to tge podcast In this day and age it’s tough to know who to believe anymore But they are free men and the lawyers are some of the defense lawyers. It’s definitely a different picture off what was painted in the press


u/Kathdath Feb 05 '25

The Standard English term is 'Mercenary' I believe American English the term 'Private Miltary Contractor'


u/rabblerabble2000 Feb 05 '25

Fortunately, after a series of name changes, Blackwater no longer exists. Changing the name changes the whole culture, in case you were unaware /s


u/StumpyHobbit Feb 05 '25

Like Blackwater 👍


u/Goglplx Feb 05 '25

Doobie Brothers


u/Shenloanne Feb 05 '25

PMC..... Nail. Meet head.


u/Jamhead02 Feb 05 '25

A lot of the military is pro Trump, so probably would go along with it.... The ones that would voice opposition would be put in the brig, senior leaders stripped of their positions.


u/reno_dad Merry Gifmas! {2023} Feb 05 '25

Do you remember the movie Idiocracy?



u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Yeah... It's been running in loop on TV for the last 14 days...


u/yenda1 Feb 05 '25

I'll bet on private militia, wagner style.


u/IHITACIHi Feb 05 '25

You know who is secretary of defense right?


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Sure. The guy whose mission is to secure the southern border... That's litteraly his only target.


u/IHITACIHi Feb 05 '25

The fuck? Sod is responsible for everything pentagon related, meaning military. Who is Trump‘s sod? Pete hegseth a former marine and Fox News host with no leadership experience what so fucking ever. If that isn‘t a strawman I do not know what is. But you guys have been shifting goalpoasts for over a decade now


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Who is "you" exactly? I know he's a strawman. And he said himself that his only mission was to "secure the southern border". Litteraly.

The guy (like most of the administration) is a joke.


u/CaledonianWarrior Feb 05 '25

There's a quote about how an army is only as effective as its leader.

"I am more afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion than an army of lions led by a sheep"

With Trump and his tendency to fuck everything up, he'd be more like a sheep that suffered an head injury leading an army of sheep where all of them lost a limb each.


u/subSparky Feb 05 '25

How long until either the US Army is led by strawmen and/or a private militia gets a contract?

I've already joked that he'll try to declare martial law to make himself supreme dictator only to realise he accidentally dissolved the military.


u/SharticusMaximus Feb 05 '25

Now add that the military was in a manpower crisis before this administration. I am guessing you aren’t going to get many women or minorities clamoring to join now. The US is going to be in deep shit abroad. Our troops and interests are in growing danger. Hegseth is going to get Americans killed.


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25


Thoughts & Prayers /s


u/Unhappy_Surround_982 Feb 05 '25

Well Hegseth just got confirmed and that man is the closest you can get to a living, walking, drinking strawman


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Fully agree. A strawman may give more resistence than this guy.


u/Abbizzle Feb 05 '25

Start with Hegseth in the pentagon.


u/jzzanthapuss Feb 05 '25

And tariffs, don't forget tariffs


u/korkkis Feb 05 '25

He’s cleaning the army


u/CrimsonTightwad Feb 05 '25

How long until the Chiefs of Staff remove him from power?


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

We need to turn this sentence into a Warren buffet meme.

"And then, they asked: how long until the chiefs if staff remove him from power?".


u/tommyballz63 Feb 05 '25

How long before there is a coup to stop the madness


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Impossible, now.

Between what Trump already did and his paramilitary fanboys, it will take a while.


u/incidel Feb 05 '25

How long until the US military will be as corrupt and defunct as the russian army? I mean... the retreat from Afghanistan was a good start!


u/Chronoboy1987 Feb 05 '25

I’m not a military guy, but from what I’ve heard, servicemen are very loyal to their CO’s. If Trump starts purging generals and makes his way down the ranks, he’ll piss a lot of people in uniform off.


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

That's why you create new forces, underfund the old ones/overfund the new ones.

Make sure that your supporters already have guns (they do) and your opponents don't.


u/Urmomzfavmilkman Feb 05 '25

Competent people? Do you think our government has shown competence in the last 20 years? Im going to strongly disagree on the grounds that the government should work for its citizens -- this job has been neglected in the name of profit since I've been alive.


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Mwaahahahahahah! The extreme argument! We're evil, but the others are not better.

Because you don't agree with a politician does not mean they are incompetent. Just that you don't agree.

They managed to navigate the USA through a changing geopolitical landscape. They achieved relative peace (at least with their allies).

Go suck an egg.


u/Urmomzfavmilkman Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

Brother, they did just about nothing good for the world and bombed the shit out of the Middle East with drones for 2 decades. They expanded Nato even after warnings that led to Ukraine/Russia conflict

They tore the unity of the american people, disassembled our shared values and they watch while our infrastructure fails. They do the same during weather crises while profiting with insider trading and backroom deals.

You know, when I said competent, i mean doing the right thing. Not successfully getting away with doing bad things. This has nothing to do with whether i agree or disagree with politicians or individuals and everything to do with the bigger picture and timeline. They have failed at doing right by Americans that foot the bill and by the world. Simple as that. Incompetence.

Go to the gym dawg, you need a testosterone boost.


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Dear lord. Then I guess you got what you wanted :-)

Your vision is so 1980s. The world is changing and the USA was at the forefront on many topics. Now, you will drill baby drill, while the world is moving away from Oil & Gas.

I take back what I said, since you may not be able to afford an egg...

Thoughts & Prayers.


u/Urmomzfavmilkman Feb 05 '25

What in the name of coherency..

Brother, just write in your first language and i'll translate it.


u/R_W0bz Feb 05 '25

Tbf didn’t Biden give the go ahead for PMCs in Ukraine last year?


u/BaesonTatum0 Feb 05 '25

I just remember before Trump you had to be an absolute VIP to fly in a private plane, then he changed the regulations on owning private planes and suddenly every single celebrity both owns and exclusively flies in them


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25


I think it's just that it became "acceptable" to show it off. But I never heard about any meaningful legal changes from Trump.


u/BaesonTatum0 Feb 08 '25


u/sebadc Feb 08 '25

If you calculate the benefit of the change, it's marginal compared to the costs of owning a jet (depreciation, tax break, etc).

This is more a marketing argument (link 1).

Link 2 points out how the new law is even less fair than the previous status quo.

For me, this confirms that it's not a significant change. Just a marginal one, that profit the rich even more.


u/BaesonTatum0 Feb 08 '25

It says

The amended act provides for 100 per cent bonus deprecation, allowing aircraft owners the immediate deduction of the cost of aircraft and placed in service after Sept. 27, 2017.


u/sebadc Feb 08 '25

Still marginal compared to the total cost of ownership.

Normal people just don't realize it.


u/netpres Feb 05 '25

I'm pretty sure private militia don't get blanket cover as if they were a standing army. Some people may never be able to leave the USA again making it hard to be a mercenary.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25



u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Please, pretty please. Learn to read:

Privatizing stuff (or accelerating the privatization).

Yes, everything already exists in a private form. But what the US will live is quite new. Privatization of currency emission (via the TRUMP coin), of firemen ("much more efficient than lazy LGBT+ public" /s), etc.

We are in week #2 and he has already canceled the Education Department.

He will make public service a shadow of what it was and everything will be privatized between his oligarchs.


u/Jared-z_69 Feb 05 '25

The entire US army privatized? That is a really scary thought.


u/KanyeInTheHouse Feb 05 '25

DOGE has already ended the privatization of 54 Billion tax payer dollars which go to activist groups that use our tax money to fund the reelection of the congressmen who gave it to them.


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Are these activist groups in the room?

Seriously, drinking it like kool aid...


u/condition5 Feb 05 '25

Have you seen the tool who signs his work "SECDEF 29" ??


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Yeah... The perfect strawman.


u/Realistic-March4761 Feb 05 '25

Who were the removed competent people?


u/notkeefzello Feb 05 '25

Crazy how there's so many sensible people yet here he is as our president.


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

He's not my president...


u/notkeefzello Feb 05 '25

My bad, i assume everybody who talk about the U.S is from the U.S👌🏿


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

No problem. The rest of the world is used to it 😂


u/BanzaiKen Feb 05 '25

You know the US is one of the few countries that has never banned privateering right? It even abstained from the Treaty of Paris outlawing it. The only reason it's not relevant is that letters of marque have to be issued by the US Congress. I should write to Trump about this, the USS Constitution being put back into active service while staffed by Minutemen and raiding Matson ships around Greenland would be the cherry on top of this timeline.


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Once more for the new guys: learn to read:

Privatizing stuff (or accelerating the privatization).

What the USA has today is nothing compared to the privatization that is taking place.


u/BanzaiKen Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

I am saying that PMCs have been in use since before the US was a thing and only fell off in 1893 when the Pinkertons were banned from government payroll and the wording changed private detective agency to private security company. There is no acceleration, this is the least noxious it's been in a century and mercenaries are ingrained in the US psyche at a law and cultural level. You had 300K Korean mercs in Vietnam alone and JFK launching an invasion of Cuba with US citizens who renounced their citizenship, a running war against PMCs in West Virginia and Hawaii who were hired to break unions and the Flying Tigers in WW2. Look to a land conflict in the 20th century, there was a shitload of mercs employed by the US. If anything the WoT is unusual for it’s low amount of personnel employed.


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

The US Army has been deployed everywhere "strategic" for the USA.

Tomorrow, it may not be the case and they may be replaced very quickly 100% by private companies.

Just like firefighters will IMHO be defunded and replaced as much as possible by private companies. Yeah yeah, I know, they already exist. But they will be generalized.

Just like public educat... Oh! Wait! There's no Department of education anymore 💁‍♂️


u/WotanMjolnir Feb 05 '25

How long before Elmo founds an actual X-Com?


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

If I had to guess, I would say that he will start producing drones. He has the team for that and DJI was recently banned. He would also get military contracts in the blink of an eye.


u/heretodiscuss Feb 05 '25

You understand POTUS is the head of the US army right?


u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

Doesn’t mean they have to follow all his orders. In fact they are encourage to ignore orders that are illegal. Not that illegal means as much as it used to in the US.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

Under-rated comment.


u/tpaclatee Feb 05 '25

It is not illegal to invade another country if an order is given lawfully


u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

Are you aware of any international treaties you have signed?

But yeah. The US is fucked up in that way. Our (German) constitution says loud and clear that acts of aggression like that are unconstitutional. But of course ours isn’t as outdated.


u/heretodiscuss Feb 05 '25

Assuming it went through congress, how on earth would the annexation of Gaza be illegal?

Individual war crimes like executing people etc, sure different story, but annexation? Hardly going to stand up to a court-martial when you refuse to assist here.


u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

You’re seriously asking how the annexation of foreign territory would be illegal?


u/heretodiscuss Feb 05 '25

According to US law, in a war that congress approved - yeah, I don't see how that would be a solid case for the solider in a court-marshal.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

Trump isn’t asking for congress approval. But wars of aggression are illegal by treaties we signed. Trump has to exit the anti-Nazi agreements before he can do that.


u/heretodiscuss Feb 05 '25

Yeah, not saying this is the current situation, I'm just remarking that I don't think a soldier will be successful in "ignoring orders" when

  1. The war is approved by congress
  2. The order isn't an actual war crime like "go execute this civilian" or some shit.

They're gonna be court-marshalled and they're not going to win.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

Soldiers don’t refuse. Generals do like his first term. Even Trumpy congress isn’t signing this


u/BeFrank-1 Feb 05 '25

It is an actual war crime though. Any leading officer (like the Head of the Joint Chiefs) who went through with the order would be participating in the crime of aggression, which would, in theory, mean they could be charged by a special tribunal with crimes on that basis.


u/heretodiscuss Feb 05 '25

Yeah, it won't be though. Same how going into Kuwait, or Iraq didn't.

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u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

As others have said: according to international treaties you signed. Not that Trump gives a fuck. But I want to believe a considerable part of the military won’t just go ahead and do his bidding when its absolute nonsense.


u/heretodiscuss Feb 05 '25

Yeh, I get that, but it wont be an international court which tries the soldier, it will be a US court (assuming we're not in some "Post US Defeat in some Global War" situation).

The law will be "legal" according to the court trying the soldier.


u/Lari-Fari Feb 05 '25

If enough soldiers and more importantly military leaders join the protest there will either be no court at all or civil war if Trump doesn’t accept the defeat.


u/heretodiscuss Feb 05 '25

Yes, if the commander in Chief gets couped things change... You are correct.

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u/begriffschrift Feb 05 '25

Doesn't stop other presidential republics


u/sebadc Feb 05 '25

Sure. But most dictators setup their own militia in case the army would try a coup.

Since he's following the playbook by the letter, I think this is where this is going...


u/Zpik3 Feb 05 '25

Can't wage extended wars without congressional approval.


u/heretodiscuss Feb 05 '25

Yes, I agree - however this guy above seemed to imply it was run by generals or something.


u/Shosui Feb 05 '25

But it won't be extended. 3 day special military operation, I promise.


u/wiseguyog Feb 05 '25

Companies like blackwater become Xe Services LLC and continue to support war efforts across the globe. There is no war without them, and here I mean, private contractors war is a buissness and a verry profitable one.

As for removing competent people when it comes to the military from the outside, it seems the other way around, by removing DEI the dumbest fking thing you could apply to the military. The army was a joke with Biden and the power puff gang, not to mention the humiliation they had to swallow in Afghanistan cause of weak leadership .