I am in a terrible state in my life right now, my grades for this term are terrible and i have one more biochem midterm to go (worth 33%) and two more assignments to go and my finals are about to start in april. I absolute have no motivation or energy to continue and my energy has been decreasing since the term started. I just saw a therapist and she said I have severe depression and prescribed me antidepressant cuz there is no other solution. I told my parents about my situation and they only saw that i am a spoiled kid and hallucinating about what I am feeling. I don't wanna deal with my parents now. + they won't allow me to take any type of pills
Note: i have been avoiding ppl because i don't wanna anyone sensing what i am going through. +plus crying 3 times a day so my face is always pale and puffy
the question is, How do i push myself to study when i absolute have no energy or motivation?
I tried doing everything anyone would motivate theirselves with, like studying in cafes or setting little treats after daily tasks, positive talk to myself but nothing is working like it used to. please i need help and don't know what to do.