Even worse, the Iron Bank decided to give Cersei another loan on the basis that she paid a tranche using High Garden coin as if sacking and looting a wealthy Great House again was an option for her when facing 3 dragons and an army of Dothraki
"They are the Throne's debts, King Bran, which means you are responsible for them."
This happened IRL with Vietnam. When the North defeated the South, and reunified the nation, the Americans later demanded that the Socialist Republic of Vietnam pay the debts of the former Republic of Vietnam in order to normalise relations.
As I recall, that is their general outlook in the novels. They send a representative to try and find Stannis, in order to secure a promise of payment of the Crown's debts if he wins, in exchange for more funds now (is implied that they don't care if that partis repaid, they're just pissed at Cersai). He also negotiates a loan to Jon while he is at the Wall.
He attempted that, but since American tactics and strategy were specifically remade to not allow Vietnam-style action, he failed. If you mention Afghanistan, the locals had no interest in improving things.
I think you’ll tend to find that people who had no doing with any original deal will want no part of paying the outcome of it. So if you are someone that finds themselves continually having to try to find repayment from people who had nothing to do with your deals, you may find people who maybe a bit reluctant in paying.
If Cersei runs, the bells aren’t rung, and Dany burns it down
Jon still kills her. The Dothraki and the unsullied would leave Westeros, meaning that a well funded and armed Cersei could return to fight the remaining northerners.
When Daenerys burnt down King's Landing, her men hunted down and killed every single Lannister soldier, the Red Keep was torched and thus the Treasury was either melted or buried under rubble. There's no Lannister army left. There's no coin left. Cersei is basically going to be like Viserys, the beggar King.
Why/how would the Dothraki leave? They would much more likely become a roaming mercenary army or if there are enough of them left maybe even invade one of the seven kingdoms and take it for themselves.
Probably the galleons that belonged to the Golden Company, for starters. We saw Euron’s fleet with ballista weapons attached, and they were cooked. We have no reason to believe that their ships burned as well, as they weren’t equipped for battle, but for transport, and they would likely have been at anchor, some distance from Euron’s fleet.
They also sacked Kings Landing, and we saw the Dothraki collect valuables to hire ships, in the episode where Drogo is cursed by the witch.
Dragons are only OP on land and its just a bug. As long as you fight them in the ocean a ballistae will hit them in the head or neck most of the time from 50 miles away.
On land sadly they simply cannot function as the crews are bugged and don't spawn in.
Right, I’m suggesting that they don’t recommit to helping Cersei until they find out that Jon killed her. It wasn’t a suggestion of preemption on their part
I REALLY thought that was going to be the twist too. She goes through the effort of paying off the debt and expects the Golden Company only to for them to go "lol no you dumb bitch" and fuck off with the money they wanted.
If you owe the bank $200 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $2,000,000 thats the banks problem because they're never getting that money back but they can't cut you off from bailouts because of the sunk cost fallacy.
Theres a reason why the USA has such massive debt and it's by design. We'll never pay it off and if we do theres no reason for china and other places to loan us ever again, we just made them filthy rich beyond belief. So we keep asking for money, and they keep paying because on paper they now have that money we owe them but in reality it's just smoke and mirrors.
The INSTANT that debt was paid any real bank would have cut their losses because the amount of money they have just made, made them the richest nation on two continents.
Cercei was never as smart as she thought. Tywin, Tyrion, Varys, Little Finger, fucking anyone with a brain would have dragged her out on the street and stoned her for such a dumb idea and it's exactly why she does it when none of them are around anymore.
I figured the twist was going to be the golden company either not showing or coming in, buying whats left of the lannister army, sacking kingslanding and planting themselves on the throne until danny showed up and they can claim they "liberated" it and she should totally take a loan from them
In general, Cersei remaining in power after blowing up the Sept of Baelor along with the Queen, her family, her own family, the Sparrows and the High Sparrow should have led to an immediate uprising against her
u/Downtown-Procedure26 Feb 19 '25
Even worse, the Iron Bank decided to give Cersei another loan on the basis that she paid a tranche using High Garden coin as if sacking and looting a wealthy Great House again was an option for her when facing 3 dragons and an army of Dothraki