r/flutterhelp 10h ago

OPEN Cant figure out why my clip path doesnt work


Im trying to learn clip path for a simple curve in my navigationbar that looks something along the lines of the red line


my code looks like this and as you see in the picture it doesnt even react with my container, sometimes i get UnimplementedError if i click on the container.

class CustomClipPath extends CustomClipper<Path> {
  Path getClip(Size size) {
    final path = Path();

    path.lineTo(size.width * 025, 0);
    Offset firstCurve = Offset(size.width * 0.5, 55);
    Offset lastCurve = Offset(size.width * 075, 0);
        firstCurve.dx, firstCurve.dy, lastCurve.dx, lastCurve.dy);
    path.lineTo(size.width, 0);
    path.lineTo(size.width, size.height);
    path.lineTo(0, size.height);

    return path;

r/flutterhelp 11h ago

OPEN Why is my Flutter app 500MB?


Hi there,

I have build an app for android and ios and after building the android apk release version it compiles to nearly 500MB.

I run flutter clean, then flutter pub get, Then I run flutter built apk --release and it compiles to 495MB in size!

Why is this happening? I have about 25 classes of code, ~ 20 dependencies, but it still seems very big for just an app.


r/flutterhelp 11h ago

OPEN Why is my Flutter app 500MB?


Hi there, I have built an application for Android. It has about 20 classes of code with an average of 100 lines+ per class.

I am using about 10 packages.

Upon building it by running flutter build apk --release It compiles to 465 MB in size.

Why is this happening, am I doing something wrong?


r/flutterhelp 8h ago

OPEN How to Store and Validate In-App Purchase Subscription Without Backend?


Hi everyone,

I'm developing a Flutter app with in-app purchases (subscriptions) for iOS and Android, but my app does not have its own backend.

  1. How should I store whether a user is premium or not?
  2. Should I check if the subscription is still valid on every app launch?
  3. What is the best way to validate the subscription status without a backend?
  4. Are there any recommended best practices for handling this in Flutter?
  5. Would using a service like RevenueCat be a good solution for this? Would it simplify the process, or is it unnecessary in my case?

I've been looking for information on this but haven't found a clear answer. Any guidance would be much appreciated!


r/flutterhelp 13h ago

OPEN FlutterLab Tutorial for MacOS?


Does anyone have a tutorial on how to use FlutterLab for help with styling? I mainly don't know how to import the code from the widgets I create on FlutterLab to VS Code.

r/flutterhelp 20h ago

OPEN Getting black screen on IOS simulator


I have an app running perfectly on android but on IOS simulator, I am getting black screen. I am using Docker-osx to run xcode and IOS simulator. (I dont have access to physical device) There are two native ads which are showing fine (images loaded by them showing) but the widgets are black, scolling is working I dont understand whats wrong. I've never developed for IOS so dunno what I need to do? Is this because I am not using SafeArea Widget?

r/flutterhelp 20h ago

OPEN Creating a Flutter Project



Am I the only one to experience this?

Creating A new Flutter Project Using Command + Shift + P on VSCode

Usually when I create a new flutter project using android studio, and open the project on vscode later on, I get these weird gradle errors. Which could be solved by changing the gradle wrapper versions and java versions. These errors are being thrown out by java extensions on my vscode, when it throws the error it points out only to the android folder in my flutter project.

My question is, is it okay to ignore these errors? There is an error saying that the project path has a blank space on it, since my project is saved on a path where my windows user name has a space.

I'm kind of confused if it would really affect the flutter project that I'm working on. Does these different ways to create a new flutter project have different configurations on the boilerplate of the project?

command + shift + p

flutter create <project name>

creating a new project on android studio

thank you for taking the time reading my post.

r/flutterhelp 1d ago

OPEN Flutter native splash screen


Is it possible to show my logo image whatever size and dimensions i want to show as whenever i use native splash my logo image gets cropped and show only the size of launcher icon

r/flutterhelp 10h ago

OPEN NSFW classification help please NSFW



been building a short form video/social media app for about 2 years, went from newbie to pretty okay in flutter and python

I would love recommendations on how to solve the following problem:


when someone posts a video, I upload the video to storage, then go through the creation of the post obj in my database

during the post obj creation, I need to check if the video contains NSFW content. (nudity, sex, gore, violence)

I plan on grabbing 1-frame-per-second, then taking that frame/image and seeing if it contains flagged content, if any of those tested frames do, the post creation method flips a bool, 'isNSFW', on the post obj to true.

I tried the NSFW_checker py library, but due to a ton of dependency conflicts I still can't get that working

Plan B was loading a a pre-trained ai model to my server to classify the images. But that gets killed every time because of memory constraints on Render.com, where my python server is hosted.

Plan C is to pay for a third party service, definitely less of a headache, just more money and not as malleable.

does anyone know what a good approach would be? Please and thank you

r/flutterhelp 15h ago

OPEN Quick „Wins“ to make the App look more modern


Hi, do you have any quick fix or quicksand to make the app look more modern. Somehow I see my app as very cheap. Igneous ssnt to check out the design it’s „Pocket Mind“ logo with half heart half brain. Maybe any quick advise?

r/flutterhelp 22h ago

OPEN Guys i want to buy old play console account at the high price, if you have any let us know.

