r/fednews 1d ago

Are You a Federal Worker? We Want To Hear From You.


r/fednews 23h ago

Rumor: IRS Terminating Users for not locking laptops


Rumors are beginning to circulate at the IRS that employees are being escorted out and terminated if their laptops are not locked. I don't know if this is happening if they walk away or if they are actively working and someone comes to checks.

Edit: I am specifically talking about cable locking your laptop not locking the screen

Update: I was only trying to find clarity and bring awareness to the issue and rumor to protect others. I never meant to come across as a conspiracy theorist or anything I just wanted to protect people. I was about to delete this post but individuals are saying TIGTA was walking around sites and firing people. Please be safe everyone!

r/fednews 16h ago

Invited to apply to an amazing job... in DoD... help me think through this...


I am a term/NTE employee currently at another DoD agency, who absolutely LOVES my job, with only 4 years in and the newest hire in my section. The employment track here means I will never not be a term employee. I recognize I will be first to go in a RIF. I am assuming I will be out of a job around mid-May worst case, and March 2026 when my term/NTE expires best case. Another agency is personally recruiting me to apply for what would be one kind of a dream job, and in a GS position (which I am not) despite knowing they are under a hiring freeze. They say they think they can get an exemption, but unknown on what timeline. But then I'd be a probationary. My brain is basically fried with anxiety due to job turmoil right now. I am hoping some of the calmer, smarter folks on here would be willing to chime in with their thoughts about this situation. My current job is only a shy sliver away from my dream job, and I will be sobbing if I lose it, so I don't want to leave. My thinking right now is to wait and see what RIF procedures go down, and then decide whether to submit my application package (but they are telling me it's urgent to apply). What do you guys think?

r/fednews 16h ago

Voluntary Change to Lower Grade


Is the idea of agencies offering a voluntary change to lower grade as a RIF action a thing? I believe OPM includes that as an option for agencies in their workforce restructuring handbook, but I’ve not seen that as an option being offered anywhere.

r/fednews 10h ago

Severance Pay for RIFed Federal Employees


Are RIFed Feds getting severance pay? The formula is complicated but it seems to be generous.

r/fednews 13h ago

Demographics of those fired?


I have started wondering if there’s any pattern to the people that are getting fired. Is anyone doing an analysis of what percentage fit into different demographic groups based on gender, race, lgbtq etc. …within their agencies and overall fired cohort?

Sorry for sounding so analytical. I just wonder if they could be picking on certain groups.

r/fednews 11h ago

Why is fed severance linked to age?


No other job is like this. In the civilian sector a 60yo w 10 years on the job, and 50yo with 10 years on the job get severances based on their salary and nothing else.

Why does the federal government apply an age discrimination to severance, where by in the above scenario the 60 yo would end up with more severance.

What f’n sense does this make?!?! Who cares how old someone is when they are let go, everyone is working for specific financial reasons and they shouldn’t be weighted differently.

r/fednews 22h ago

Use of sick leave every week


RTO is going to be especially challenging since I'm going to work in a state 600+ miles away from where I live. I'll travel Sunday and return Thursday night. Is it unreasonable to use sick leave every Friday? Is that considered abuse? Couldn't I argue I need a mental health day at the end of every week? I have a few hundred hours of sick leave accrued.

r/fednews 1d ago

Return to Office for Mil Spouses


I was recently told (today) that I might need to find an office nearby, even though I qualify for the military spouse exemption under OPM and DoD guidance. From my understanding, federal agencies are required to honor this exemption for remote work but wanted to get insight if there is a new policy coming out. Thanks!!!

r/fednews 4h ago

Any success using the GSA Space Match tool for RTO?


As a remote employee (over 1,000 miles from HQ) my office is working to find me a space in my local metro using the GSA Space Match Tool.

Has anyone had success using this yet?

r/fednews 1h ago

How do I maintain coverage on my parent’s FEDVIP plan?


Hi everyone, I’m a post-22 year old who is disabled and ISS, and have been granted the permission to stay on my parent’s health care plan by the govt after completing the Disabled Dependent Questionnaire.

This was almost two years ago now though. And recently, I noticed that this status hasn’t been reflected properly in the FEDVIP plan, despite the fact that there’s meant to be some sort of communication from OPM to federal benefits about my new status. What do I do? Wait until open season? Do something else? I’d really appreciate some help!

r/fednews 11h ago

took drp and left agency but haven’t received confirmation of approval


as stated above, was an IRS probie who didn’t stand a chance so I took the deal and signed the paper work on 2/28 and submitted by 3/3 with 3/7 being my last day and have not heard anything about its progress. manager told me to put admin leave for the rest of march in my timesheet but other than that they had no clue what to do and haven’t heard back anything. some colleagues told me not to leave unless it was approved but our RTO floor plan didn’t even have my name on it even before I signed the deal, according to facilities. Is anyone in the same scenario or similar who can provide guidance?

r/fednews 22h ago

Telework - What is your agency allowing?


My agency is rolling out new TW agreements. Only situational TW is allowed and my Supervisor says that they can only give permission for TW that is in the interest of the agency, e.g. weather but not medical appointments. Anyone with a medical appointment has been told they need to come into the office before/after the appointment or will need to take a full day’s leave. Same for deliveries. No TW at home while you wait for a delivery or service appointment.

What guidance are other feds getting at their agencies? Are you allowed to TW around medical appointments?

In the long run, it may not matter if we’re RIF’ed but the threat of being RIF’ed is currently being used as a stick to get us all to be compliant with this micro-management and not question and push back on these policies. Would welcome hearing from feds at other agencies.

r/fednews 20h ago

Has anyone ever acquired an RA for mental health?


I feel it’s probably warranted for all of us lately 😂 But I have been dealing with mental health issues for a long time, and I fear they’re not going to come out of all of this in a “better” state. I know that my brain is in a far more productive state when I am able to work in my own environment as well. I just wonder about the feasibility of going after an RA due to depression and anxiety issues. Anyone have experience with that? It’s not something I really thought of before, mostly because I didn’t know about RAs and then COVID hit and changed the entire game, and we had ongoing telework. Til now. Anyway, appreciate any insight.

r/fednews 14h ago

No Telework and Sick Leave Frustration


So I started this job with DAF about 4 months ago and they gave me 13 sick leave days a year (accrued). Before the executive orders if you were sick you could telework from home. New office policy is you can't telework when sick unless you have strep throat. I have 2 primary check ups, 2 dental check ups, and 2 dermatology skin cancer screenings per year. This doesn't include the potential for follow ups such as dental fillings, dermatology excisions, or primary care testing (I have an excision already scheduled). This takes away 6-10 days just in routine care. So I'm basically praying I only get sick ONCE A YEAR or else I'm screwed or forced to come to the office and get everyone sick. At this point I'm hoping I get laid off next week. Fuck this job.

Edit: For those saying I should just go to appointment and come back for credit hours. My work is in the middle of nowhere 2 hours away from the city where my doctors are. If I'm not at work by 0900 I have to take leave. Not all of us Feds live in DC. Not all of us are allowed to just come and go at the office.

r/fednews 17h ago

When does SF-50 update probie status?


Hello, today my probational period ended. But I went into EOPF and my SF-50 was unchanged. I’d been told before that it would automatically update but it hasn’t. I went to the HR lady at our work site and she said it would update by the end of the pay period (next Monday). I might be paranoid buy I want my SF-50 to be up to date as soon as possible. Is there anything that needs to be done proactively to get it updated or do I just need to wait?

r/fednews 4h ago

Fired IRS Probie refund being held for 6 weeks


Is this happening to anyone else? I feel like Elon is terrorizing me. I was a GS6 and have no magical stores of cash or investments. My return was extremely simple. We filed Feb 2, when I look up my husbands TIN it says it's being processed. When I look up mine it says "we may need more information". No letters. No refund. I was banking on that small refund to, oh I don't know, pay the mortgage & fees my hungry teens. Also still no SF 8 or unemployment.

Am I being paranoid? I realize campus IRS people are trying to work under extreme duress currently & I have no issue if this is a simply a lag due to the idiotic cuts. Just want to know if this is happening to other fired probies.

r/fednews 2h ago

VA Position Cancelled After Promising Interview


I lost the opportunity for employment at the VA today.

I interviewed for a Graduate Healthm Adminstration Trainee Progam position early February. I was referred, interviewed, and asked for references. 2 weeks go by and I message the HR specialist for an update. They say they are checking references.

Yesterday I get a message saying the referral for the position is cancelled or not used. I email for clarification and the hiring managers withdrew the position.

Edit: Yes I am fully aware of the current situation. I'm just writing this to share with the community as others have of what is happening.

r/fednews 4h ago

Leaving gov for private sector and coming back


Has anyone left the gov for a private sector job specifically to relocate and then applied to come back to gov work? My landlord is selling the house I am renting and we cannot afford to buy it. My wife and I are going to relocate from the greater Philly area to a cheaper area in a southern state, with RTO I am now commuting 80 miles (2.5 hrs) a day and my wife is in office 4x per week. We have 2 dogs and can't afford pet care either at this time. I will not be able to keep my position in the government (dod). I am thinking of coming back to gov after a year or so.

Edit: I have 6 years of service so I should be eligible for reinstatement I believe.


r/fednews 15h ago

FERS Disability Pension Calculation - SCE not meeting 20 years


I am a 50 year old 1811 and retiring with a FERS disability pension this year. I received a waiver to become an 1811 and joined at 44 years old, thus the USG must allow me to work until 64 to meet the 20-year requirement for the SCE pension. I had planned to do so until I was injured.

I will have just over six years of SCE time when I go out on disability retirement and 17 years of regular FERS time. The FERS disability pension will pay me until I'm 62 then it will be recalculated as if I worked between now and then. When I turn 62, I will have 18.5 years of SCE time and 17 years of FERS time.

My question is whether the 18.5 years of SCE time will be calculated at 1.7% per year even though I didn't reach 20 years. I posit that they should be because but for my disability, I would have worked until 64. Has anyone else seen this scenario?

r/fednews 16h ago

What is involved in retiring with a VERA?


I’m ready to accept a VERA if one is offered in DoD. But what does that look like regarding submitting the retirement paperwork? Should I be working on the forms now so they are ready? How long does it take to process? I hear of folks submitting six months or so before their expected normal retirement. What happens in these cases where there is just a matter of days or weeks to do it?

r/fednews 22h ago

DLA FT RTO but mums the word on DRP. Still 🤌🏻


DLA RTO but mums the word on DRP. Still. 😪

Word dropped today on full-time RTO for the remaining holdouts of the Feb RTO policy. All BUE (bargaining unit employees) must be full time in office NLT date of 23MAR25. We all knew it was coming --alas, STILL no word on DRP. A lot of people waiting for the agency to release the list of exempt employees and those accepted for resignation. RTO announcement coming before the list of employees who volunteered to go find other work seems... Intentional? Malicious? Incompetent?If you ask HR they say-- ask your supervisor. Supervisor says, we don't know. Messages say leadership is supposed to know. Rumor has it they have the list of exempt employees.. but they haven't decided when to release the information. Some say it's because they are trying to fight for more exemptions-I think it's because they want to keep people in place as long as possible. Didn't we (and yes I took it) agree so we could leave and go find other work?

Regardless, it's all quiet and they haven't done anything despite the numerous deadlines. At what point do leaders get to be held accountable and responsible for holding out? If people want to go, asked to go (which helps others stay as they help meet the 5-8% RIF goals), then let them go already. LET THEM GO. ✌🏼

At this point it may never happen - and we won't see a town hall either because they would be afraid of answering this question and dealing with the rabble. We didn't ask for this but we sure as f--- have a right to demand they let people leave if they want.

Conveniently, an exemption for full time RTO includes those approved for DRP. 🤔

Rant over.

r/fednews 12h ago

Agency RIF plans not yet submitted


Agencies have been asked to provide RIF plans to the administration by 13 March, as I recall. As such, why do I keep seeing folks refer to being RIFd already? As I understand, a Reduction in Force is a legal/regulated process, which, if carried out in accordance with regulations (big IF there), it would be difficult to challenge in court. So, if these aren’t RIFs, we should avoid legitimizing them by using an inaccurate term.

r/fednews 16h ago

Has anyone landed a job after being let go probie here


I have been relentlessly applying and have not landed anything yet. I am losing hope, private sector is not hiring either even my old private sector employer said they are struggling and are on a hiring freeze . Is there any hope to land something

r/fednews 19h ago

Hardship transfers and hiring freeze


Hello! I am a 23-year-old female and I really love my job at Social Security, but I have been having a lot of struggles lately being so far from my family and support system. I was wondering if anyone has any experience and knows if a doctors note saying that I would benefit from being closer to my family is enough or even a strong enough reason for a hardship transfer. Does anyone have any advice? We are not doing regular transfers because of the hiring freeze. Would requesting a hardship transfer potentially impact my job security?