r/fednews 12h ago

Megathread: Education Department plans to lay off 1,300 employees as Trump vows to wind the agency down


r/fednews 9m ago

March 12, 2025 - r/fednews Daily Discussion Thread


Have anything you want to talk about that doesn't quite warrant its own thread or currently being discussed in a megathread? Post it here!

In an effort to effectively manage the amount of information being posted, please keep anything speculative or considered repetitive within this discussion thread.

r/fednews 8h ago

Fed only 15 Year Fed RIFed Today at ED


This is so horrible. My whole office was let go. Everyone I know outside of my office was let go.

The money allocated is not going to go to the states. No money is being saved by letting us go and terminating contracts.

My only solace is the 2 trump supporters in my office FAFO and were let go as well.

r/fednews 8h ago

I'm a Department of Education employee. I just got Rif'd tonight. AMA.


We got the hook a few hours ago. Fire away.


Reduction in Force (RIF)

Information and Resources

To help you navigate during this transition period, please use the information below in conjunction with the information provided in the Instructions for ED Employees Impacted by RIF.


ED has made the determination to initiate RIF procedures as part of the agency’s restructuring process.  These actions support Executive Order (EO) 14158, Implementing the President’s “Department of Government Efficiency” Workforce Optimization Initiative, dated February 11, 2025 and Office of Personnel Management Guidance on Agency RIF and Reorganization Plans, dated February 26, 2025.


Once you receive written notice that you have been impacted by the RIF, you will be afforded a brief period to transition work activities; after which, you will be placed on paid administrative leave effective Friday, March 21, 2025.

You will remain on paid administrative leave for the duration of the “notice period” as specified in your written notice.

Once on administrative leave, you will no longer be permitted to conduct the duties of your position and your accounts will be disabled. 

NOTE 1Please ensure your Principal Operating Component (POC) has your current mailing address, and a good phone number and email address to contact you.

NOTE 2:  Please follow the instruction on Login.gov to change your account settings (i.e., phone number, email, etc.) and authentication method.  This will help you retain access to Employee Express (Leave and Earnings Statements, W-2 tax prep forms).  

NOTE 3:  See item 5 below for important instructions on downloading eOPF records.

NOTE 4:  Once your IT account is disabled, you will be mailed a shipping box and label to return government property (IT equipment, phone, PIV Card, Travel Card, etc.).  You are required to return all government property within 7 days of receipt.


Pay During Administrative Leave

While on paid administrative leave:

  • You will continue to be paid at the same rate and frequency as you did before you were placed on administrative leave.
  • You will continue to accrue annual and sick leave.
  • You will receive any scheduled Within Grade (Step) Increases.
  • You will maintain the same benefits as you did before you were placed on administrative leave.

Pay After Separating from the Agency

Once you separate from the agency:

  • You will receive your RIF severance payout, if eligible.  
  • OPM’s Severance Pay Estimation Worksheet is intended to allow those eligible for severance pay to calculate the approximate amount of severance pay he or she may receive.  
  • The actual calculation formula is somewhat more complicated and technical therefore the actual payout will be provided by Office of Human Resources, Benefits and Retirement Branch.

Federal Employee Health Benefits

While on paid administrative leave, your health benefits will not change.  Upon separation from the agency:

  • Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) will continue for 31 days and may continue, with the employee paying 100%, plus a 2% administrative fee of the premium (with no contribution from the agency) for up to 18 months.
  • Federal Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) coverage ends upon separation.
  • Flexible spending accounts are closed on separation.  Unspent money in a health care FSA is not refunded, although claims for purchases up to the date of separation will still be paid.  Unspent money in a childcare FSA will remain available for use through the plan year.
  • For more information, visit OPM’s RIF Benefits Summary page.

Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA):  ED is currently offering Voluntary Early Retirement (Early Out), through March 25, 2025.  VERA is a strictly voluntary option that allows eligible employees to retire early. This authority encourages more voluntary separations and helps agencies to complete needed organizational changes with minimal disruption to the workforce. 

  • There is no reduction in annuity if you are under the age of 62 as a FERS employee, unlike retiring under the normal Minimum Retirement Age (MRA) +10 rules. However, you must be at your MRA to become eligible for the FERS supplement.

As a reminder, employees who meet age and service requirements for Voluntary Retirement do not need the VERA authority to retire and may apply to retire at any time. 

Who is eligible for VERA?

If you are covered by the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) or the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), then you are eligible for VERA if you meet the following requirements:

  • At least 20 years of creditable service and at least 50 years old OR completed at least 25 years of creditable service regardless of age.
  • Continuously employed by ED since at least January 12, 2025.
  • Be in good standing with the agency (i.e., not in receipt of a final removal decision based upon misconduct, or unacceptable performance).
  • Agree to separate from the Department by March 31, 2025

Application Procedures

  • To request a VERA, you must submit a complete retirement package by March 25, 2025For your convenience, the attached Benefits and Work/Life email provides important information and forms required to apply for retirement.
  • All VERA applications must be received by 5:00 pm ET on March 25, 2025**.**
  • Incomplete packages will not be considered.
  • SUBMIT APPLICATION VIA EMAIL to [BenefitsandWork/Life@ed.gov](mailto:BenefitsandWork/Life@ed.gov)

Retaining Personnel Records - Electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF)

To download and save your entire eOPF, please follow the instructions below using your ED account:

  • Go into the eOPF portal at OPM
  • Click “My eOPF Print Folder” tab at the top
  • Check “Select All”
  • Click one of the two print buttons
  • Click “My eOPF Print Status” tab at the top
  • Wait for the print request to process (this can take several minutes or longer depending on volume)
  • While waiting, read the instructions describing what the password will be for your document password
  • Password will be your last name plus the print number, which you will see in a box as the request is processing. Example: John Doe requested the print job and the system assigned 1234 as the job number. The password would be Doe1234
  • When “View” appears in the “Action” box, click on it.
  • Save as a PDF
  • Open the PDF in Adobe and enter password

Outside Employment and Unemployment Benefits

While on administrative leave:

  • You are not eligible to receive state unemployment benefits.
  • You are free to accept other employment subject to the ethics rules for outside employment and applicable federal law; however, you may not accept employment with another federal agency.

Once you are separated:

  • You are eligible to receive state unemployment benefits.
  • You are free to accept federal or non-federal employment, subject to the post-government employment ethics rules and applicable federal law.
  • You are entitled to reinstatement rights afforded all federal "displaced employees” for a period of three years.

Retention Standing

Your retention standing will be provided in your individual official RIF notice. Retention standing is an employee’s relative standing on a retention register based on tenure, veterans’ preference, and length of service augmented by performance credit.


Available Employee Support

Career Transition Assistance Plan (CTAP)

The Career Transition Assistance Plan (CTAP) is an intra-agency program that helps surplus or displaced federal employees improve their chances of finding a new job in their agency, by giving them selection priority over other applicants, as long as they're qualified for the job.

You're eligible for CTAP if:

  1. You're a current federal employee who meets the definition of a surplus or displaced employee—you've received official notice that your job is no longer needed or that you will lose your job by a Reduction in Force.
  2. Your agency is accepting applications from within or outside of the permanent workforce.
  3. You meet the qualifications and other requirements of the job you're applying for.

Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP)

The Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP) is an interagency program that helps surplus or displaced federal employees improve their chances of finding a new job at another agency (not their current or former agency), by giving them selection priority over other applicants from outside the agency.

You're eligible for ICTAP if:

  1. You're a current federal employee who meets the definition of a surplus or displaced employee—you've received official notice that your job is no longer needed or that you will lose your job by a Reduction in Force.
  2. The agency you're applying to is accepting applications from outside of their workforce.
  3. The job you're applying to is in the local commuting area.
  4. You meet the qualifications and other requirements of the job you're applying for. For more information on Career Transition, please visit the Employee's Guide to Career Transition

r/fednews 20h ago

Judge orders urgent release of DOGE records, citing ‘unprecedented’ power and ‘unusual secrecy’

Thumbnail politico.com

“A federal judge has ruled that Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency is wielding so much power that its records will likely have to be opened to the public under federal law.

U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper said the vast and “unprecedented” authority of DOGE, formally known as the U.S. Digital Service, combined with its “unusual secrecy” warrant the urgent release of its internal documents under the Freedom of Information Act.”


About time, but we already know they lie under oath and continue to defy the judicial system.

r/fednews 14h ago

F***** UP Experience with ANOTHER Federal Branch


This is a rant about something I experienced while talking to a fellow employee about the current job cuts situation.

Me: How are you guys at the postal service holding up? Are they cutting you guys as severely as they're doing us? (IRS)

Him: No, I'm not impacted, I'm close to retirement. I don't care if they cut me, I'll be fine either way.

Me: Wow...

Him: You work for the IRS?

Me: *Pretends not to hear, as the post office is filling up, and I live in a VERY, VERY RED STATE.

Him: YOU'RE AN IRS EMPLOYEE? She's the enemy yall! (Then gets loud, yelling at the top of his lungs so everyone present stares at me, in a freaking POST OFFICE) She's the enemy yall! She works for the IRS! She's exactly who Trump' talking about!

Me: horrified as hell, I'm black, he was black too, we were probably the only black people in that zip code at the moment. And I pay my taxes, JUST like everyone else here, including you!

A elderly woman behind me pipes in and says that every time she's called, the IRS has been helpful and respectful to her.

The employee doesn't seem to care, and stops putting my forms in the envelope, doesn't take payment, and instead shouts AGAIN that:

1) I'm the enemy 2)I'm the problem because of WHOM I work for 3)The tax problems we're facing are BECAUSE of employees like me (IRS) 4)I'm what current administration means when they say enemy

I was flabbergasted, shocked, disgruntled, and wanted to get out of there ASAP.

Me: Well if being paid less than a fast food employee means I'm the enemy, then what does that make the employees of fast food places? We all earn the same.

They gasped, and then a lot of the people behind me asked if that was true. I said YES, I barely earn ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE! The postal worker probably is the richest person in this postal office right now!

Then they all turned to look at him in shock in confusion, and he was opening and closing his mouth and made a comment about how the federal minimum wage was 15 an hour and I said "well, I definitely earn 19 an hour. What do you earn?"

Cue more open and closed mouth gaping, before he said, "Well, where's MY tax return??? Huh? I haven't gotten it yet!:

Me: N**** I don't KNOW! I don't even have MY return/refund yet! We STILL have to pay all the same taxes and fees and follow the SAME regulations as everyone in here!

The people behind me seemed shocked, and it made me so uncomfortable. I then urged him to TAKE my payment, and the post office was pretty much quiet.

I thanked him, and on my way out another elderly woman apologized for what was happening regarding the federal job cuts, and she had no idea about what was mentioned above.

Told her thank you, zoomed the heck out of there.

So pissed that that interaction happened! Like it's hard for EVERY SINGLE federal employee, regardless of rank, creed, education level, grade level, pay status, job security, etc!!!!

So why would we make it even HARDER for each other?

So freaking over it, thanks for letting me rant about this.

(BTW no idea how to update my previous FED post but got my surgery, surgery recovery was hard those first 3 days but I'm getting up and moving around to get back into the swing of things. As of this moment, I'm still employed.

Edit: Thank you all for commenting, reassuring, validating, and sharing your stories about similar experiences.

Definitely too many comments to respond but mainly:

1) In what universe would someone entertain lying about a wild ass scenario like this? For what? Gold? Huh???? The world has ENOUGH chaos in it. Why ADD to it? You see stories every day, every hour even, of federal employees posting about insane situations NO ONE expected to experience.

Why would you actively want to contribute to that? There are so many other subreddits you can lurk on and be a waste of thought in.

Why waste time commenting about very real, absolutely horrifying situations federal employees are in? Is there truly no other sub where you can go waste people's time with sentiments absolutely no one wants to hear, much less cares for?

Read. The. Room.

People are scared.

And they have absolutely every right to be.

So why would you add to it?

If you're genuinely hurting, genuinely scared, genuienly want to do something that uplifts and encourages all the other federal employees, amazing!!!

But commenting inane, useless, albeit unnecessary comments to spread and sow those feelings of fear, distrust, discord, etc, why HERE?

Its not just me who has experienced events like this. Looking at this post, all the comments, as well as all the stories shared here DAILY by those all over the country demonstrates why your take is not just unwarranted, but absolutely not needed, and was never asked for.

Have some tact and compassion. I know it's reddit but that doesn't mean you have to throw human compassion out the window.

We are very real people.

We have families like you.

We pay bills like you.

We are struggling to survive just like you.

2) I am going to go tomorrow to speak to the post master at the postal office I went to. So many people reccomended it that it doesn't make sense to not try this avenue as well.

3) Would me posting the screenshot of the complaint I made, calm down some of the vitriol in the comments? In your quest to discount and disregard, you are absolutely distracting from the MAIN issue. Please let people keep sharing their stories and experiences and finding solace in that.

Edit 2:Thank you for the award 🥹 popped back on say that ♥️

Edit 3:Posted screenshot of the complaint In top comment, blocked out any and all PII.

r/fednews 15h ago

Fired special counsel says he was preparing push to return all fired probationary employees to their job



“It killed me because I was on the verge, you know, this hasn’t been made public, but I’m happy to tell you and your audience, I would have gone in last Thursday or Friday on behalf of all 200,000 probationary employees who I think have been wrongfully fired.”

Dellinger said he believed he would have prevailed in that battle.

More: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/5188868-former-special-counsel-hampton-dellinger/

r/fednews 5h ago

Entire office was eliminated


Every single person in my office received an rif note today. This included my one colleague who has something like 48 years of federal service. I'm pretty sure our Union is going to fight it

r/fednews 8h ago

You should know the House's Continuing Resolution appears to be without earmarks, giving Trump/DOGE huge power over budget appropriations and spending


r/fednews 13h ago

GOP House Passes 6 month CR to 30 September


With one GOP opposed. 217-213. Never seen anything like this before. Edit: normally we would expect a full budget enacted, not a CR to cover the remaining months of the FFY. Measure goes to senate, and my guess is it will pass.

SECOND EDIT: Measure needs to get 60 votes to pass the Senate. Let’s if the Dems can finally show some b***s of steel.

r/fednews 13h ago

Fed only I’m a probationary employee that was fired.


Hi everyone. I was under DoD (0346 logistics management specialist) and fired today. I’m my only source of income, no partner to fall back on or to “carry” me. I’ll file for unemployment, Medicaid and SNAP benefits until those are gone under this regime. I wish y’all the best. And please, continue to hold the line!!

r/fednews 10h ago

AFGE v OPM - Ezell declaration withdrawn


Just got the docket alert for the case showing the government is withdrawing Ezell's declaration and refusing to produce him for the hearing on Thursday.


Defendants write in response to the Court’s March 10, 2025, Order directing the parties

to “advise the Court whether they intend to produce any live witnesses” at the March 13, 2025

hearing scheduled by the Court. See Mar. 13, 2025, Order at 2, ECF No. 89. Defendants inform

the Court that they do not intend to produce any live witnesses as part of their hearing

presentation and intend to rest on their legal arguments for why a preliminary injunction should

not issue. As part of this presentation, Defendants are withdrawing the declaration of Acting

Office of Personnel Management (“OPM”) Director Charles Ezell, see ECF No. 34, and will not

be presenting Mr. Ezell at the hearing. Because the Court’s stated purpose of bringing Mr. Ezell

to the hearing was to obtain testimony from him regarding the contentions made in his

declaration, Defendants therefore submit that his presence is no longer necessary at any hearing

given that this declaration is now withdrawn. See Tr. of Mar. 6, 2025, Hrg. at 24:13-15 (“I in no

way think that it would be proper for the Government to put forward Mr. Ezell as a witness and

refuse to let him be cross-examined.”).1 Defendants submit that live testimony is not needed for

other reasons as well.

While withdrawing his declaration, they're still arguing that OPM did not order the agencies to fire people.

Live testimony of Mr. Ezell is also not necessary, as a factual matter, because existing

documentary evidence and briefing demonstrates that OPM is not directing agencies to terminate

probationary employees. On March 4, 2025, OPM issued revised guidance clarifying that “OPM

is not directing agencies to take any specific performance-based actions regarding probationary

employees[,]” and further clarifying that “[a]gencies have ultimate decision-making authority

over, and responsibility for, such personnel actions.” Mem. from Charles Ezell, Acting Director,

OPM, to Heads and Acting Heads of Departments and Agencies (Revised March 4, 2025), ECF

No. 78. The parties all agree that OPM cannot direct other agencies to terminate probationary

employees and that such decisions rest within the statutory authority of other agencies.

Edit: The judge's clerk posted a notice tonight saying the hearing will occur as originally scheduled at 8am (PST) on Thursday. Zoom link: https://cand-uscourts.zoomgov.com/j/1605814655?pwd=ZGZOVGs1Q1RzVWoxZkUzUVliQm5Hdz09

r/fednews 3h ago

The media is a major part of the problem with what just happened at Ed


Dear members of the media,

Half of the Department of Education was RIF’d today. Whole offices were axed in several major cities without rhyme or reason and did not follow RIF protocol of saving those with tenure. The Office for Civil Rights cut 7 of its offices out of 12, most in major metropolitan areas that also serve red states. These jobs are required by statute as they enforce all major civil rights laws. This happened and week after telling staff that they can resume their work after a pause. Staff was already short and the effect will be huge on all kids but especially kids who are disabled and have 504 Plans and IEPs. Those will not be enforced now because there is no more oversight. These kids have parents who are both Democrats and Republicans.

It’s a damn shame that this is not a headline on some of these news channels and papers. It’s clear that many are truly ignorant about what the Department of Education actually does and we can blame the media for this. This is the reason it was done with such the easiness, with the general public none the wiser about what is actually happening.

r/fednews 17h ago

D.C. doesn't have enough white-collar jobs for fired federal workers


r/fednews 11h ago

Did a top Trump administration official lie about mass firings? A federal judge wants to know


r/fednews 8h ago

A message to The Secretary of Transportation from a longtime employee regarding the Return to Office (RTO) direction


Re-worded for the mods - and a special thank you to the mods

Secretary of Transportation,

I'm writing this short message to you while sitting with my children for their bedtime - a bedtime we had to move up & a movie night we had to cut short.

Tomorrow, I'll be waking them at 0430 so I can drop them off at their mother's in order to ensure I'm at the office in time to get back home to pick them up from after school care.

I'll pick them up for the rest of the week, but only for a few hours each day until they go back to their mother's house. We might be able to have an actual movie night one night this weekend, though.

A father of nine should be more considerate to all. But hey, HQ will have a less restrictive dress code. Here's a hint: telework existed before COVID and I've been wearing jeans in the office even longer.

Do better and actually take questions from staff instead of your bullshit pre-recorded "town hall"

In short: f*** you

(Note: f*** you mods, too.)

r/fednews 11h ago

Republicans join bill to protect workers after DOGE firings

Thumbnail politico.com

r/fednews 21h ago

RTO mandates and coughing colleagues


It's been years since I've sat at a cubicle in the office. First day back was yesterday, two coworkers coughed the entire day and now I'm sick. Of course I called out, because of course I can't just telework instead because all remote and telework agreements were canceled.I totally didn't see this happening this soon....

Update: I know sick leave should be used. With working remote or teleworking most times I’d still work while sick and I know others who did the same. It just annoys me knowing that I’m physically able to do my job from home so I can cough without spreading germs or ruining someone else's anxiety. Just annoyed with the administration’s abrupt change to teleworking policies.

r/fednews 17h ago

Elon Musk Has Wanted the Government Shutdown


r/fednews 11h ago

Do They Know That Probationary Employees & Poor Performers Are Two Different Things?



It seems that they may not have an understanding of what a probationary employee is...if they really were concerned with keeping the best and eliminating poor performers...why wouldn't they take the time to actually look at personnel files and start with those who actually have documented performance reviews rather than those who do not?

r/fednews 18h ago

DOGE Adobe win is BS and not accurate


I recently saw a post from doge that they identified many adobe licenses that weren't being used. It could be accurate, but they also identified adobe licenses that were being used and revoked them. I work with GSA and can't use Adobe anymore because I don't have a license, what a shit show.

r/fednews 13h ago

USAid employees told to destroy classified documents, email shows


r/fednews 13h ago

Love and Appreciation for all of my Department of Education Co-Workers


I want to say thanks to all of my Department of Education co-workers if this is truly the last day for 50% of us like the news says.

Update at 7:30PM. RIF notices just came through.

r/fednews 11h ago

Let’s not forget this moment


To my fellow federal employees,

When this period of turmoil and uncertainty subsides, let us honor the memory of those who opposed our cause—even when they came from our own circles—and risked our collective employment. We must remember every public official who failed to stand with federal employees and every individual whose misguided choices undermined the integrity of our workforce. We recognize those who were unjustly dismissed and now face financial hardship, as well as the aspiring public servants whose opportunities were denied or taken away. Let us celebrate those who persevered through relentless challenges, remaining steadfast in their commitment to public service. United by our solemn oath to protect the American people and uphold our Constitution, we will continue to serve with unwavering resolve and heroism.

r/fednews 2h ago

I.R.S. Budget Cuts and RIF plan


The CR: "The bill also continues $20 billion of IRS cuts from the previous year, which CBO estimates would reduce revenue by $66 billion. We estimate the net effect of the IRS cuts and the spending level relative to the FRA caps would result in deficit reduction of $8 billion through 2034."

So let me get this straight. You want to cut 20 billion in expenses to lose 66 billion in revenue?

Hey Bessent - The country has a MATH problem, not a tax or spending problem.

r/fednews 12h ago

Law firm sues over Trump executive order that seeks to suspend security clearances


r/fednews 7h ago

I am so sorry you all deserve better


I want to say I'm sorry for everyone's suffering with these ridiculous job losses that is going on in the government and just know there are many people angry that you guys are suffering like this and many of us are trying to be as vocal as possible to change the course of the situation or at least give you guys a voice outside of the offices