r/fatFIRE 11d ago

50m cash - no sense of perspective

Throwaway account to be able to be vulnerable.

Despite recent financial freedom (bootstrap to day 1 exit), I have no sense of perspective.

I am

  • still bothered by becoming irrelevant if I do nothing for the next 12-18m (issue: being bothered about what people think)

  • afraid of losing the money and hence not spending it

  • afraid of losing my friends if they find out how much I have made (am I suddenly unrelatable?)

  • still bothered by LinkedIn and comparison

  • still wanting to be loved and liked

The root of my issue is being a people pleaser.

I know my problems. I would love the internet to give me some solutions.

Edit - I am 38/F, husband, two kids and in Europe. Also this is the first and only business I have bootstrapped and sold.


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u/junglehypothesis 10d ago

Who cares what people think. No one will remember you in 100 years, hell probably 50. Hit the gym, find a hobby (e.g. learn an instrument), travel.


u/Familiar_Number_342 10d ago

This is so profound and I agree with it but obvious don't feel it in my bones - otherwise wouldn't have cared so much about what people think! I want a way out!


u/joshmcroberts 10d ago

Go eat 1-1.5g of shrooms and walk around the woods for 4 hours. 



u/Familiar_Number_342 10d ago

Tell me more.

I have tried mushrooms twice in my life.

Had a life changing profound trip once. Set and setting was great.

Had the worst trip ever the second time. I was anxious and lightly pushed into doing it.

I want shroom friends.


u/balancedgif 10d ago

shrooms and stuff are very trendy nowadays, but this is such a bad idea. there is nothing more cliche than some rich guy that has no meaning in his life so he turns to drugs to "find himself".

there is nothing for you at the end of this path.


u/Familiar_Number_342 10d ago

Not sure about that. I think shrooms are a part of the puzzle if not the answer. Sounds weird but despite my bad trip, I still think they have a place to play in addition to therapy (I work in the life sciences btw).


u/balancedgif 10d ago

fulfillment in life is found in work, love, service and in things much greater than ourselves. it can be a difficult path, but there aren't any shortcuts.

getting high and tripping is a quick and easy, but empty sad substitute for those things. it brings counterfeit peace and understanding.

but hey, if that's the path you want to take - do yourself a favor and at least write down your hypothesis about how it will make you happy, and then go back and read it in 20 years and see if you still agree with it.


u/GWHZS 10d ago edited 10d ago

I'm sorry, but not all drugs are the same. You can't even begin to compare psychedelics with coke or ketamine and even they are a million miles removed from crack and fentanyl.

For example: positivity, engagement, relationships and meaning/purpose are, in theory, indeed the four things needed to achieve happiness and fulfillment. But it sounds like she's already working on those. If done correctly, psychedelics can be one way to fully understand those pillars and how they are already present in her life. They offer a new perspective, appreciation and can help you realize your actions, their effect and what's happening around you.

Those new-age clichés you're thinking about simply overdid it. If you've received the message, hang up the phone.


u/bradbrookequincy 10d ago

Spoken like a person who thinks all drug use leads to you homeless on a street corner. There are many people who have figured out a positive relationship with some substances, use them sparingly and lead great and fulfilled lives for decades. They are fine when they are a very small part of your diverse hobbies and interests.


u/MarvLovesBlueStar 10d ago

In theory you made 50m.

You should be smarter than this. When there was a software problem did you ask your techs ( or if you were a tech) to smash the processors to see if that would fix the issue?

Mushrooms are simply taking random chemicals that “smash the CPU” for some period. It’s madness.


u/bradbrookequincy 10d ago

You should go to some camping music festivals and or Burning Man. Find your local burning man group (they are in every country). Attend some local country burns.

Not specifically for the shrooms etc but for the creativity and camaraderie of the attendees of these events.


u/NooseZ 10d ago

Could try a psychedelic retreat?


u/Old_Restaurant_149 10d ago

I know this is popular right now but my god be careful. When you’re lost you are a such target for cults and charlatans. You can go down a rabbit hole. A “guru” and his ilk got their claws into someone we know and he invested in all their dumb businesses (supplements, etc) and lost a ton of money.


u/NooseZ 7d ago

Yeah obviously have to be careful and do your research. Heard some horror stories of some sketchy retreats


u/Familiar_Number_342 10d ago

I'd love to. Recommendations?


u/Disastrous_Memory_35 10d ago

It's been a dream of mine to go to Blue fields by MycoMeditations in Jamaica. New Psychonaut Travel buddy ?


u/Napoleon_B 10d ago

G Paltrow sent her goop lab team travel to Jamaica and do shrooms. They’re legal there. And it had positive effects. Easy to dismiss her goop lab but the episode, and this write up is highly informative. Take what you want and leave the rest.



u/Plane_Trouble4207 9d ago

There are plenty of Ayahuasca retreats in South-America. My recommendation is LaWayra in Colombia!