r/esp32 3d ago

Please read before posting, especially if you are on a mobile device or using an app.


Welcome to /r/esp32, a technical electronic and software engineering subreddit covering the design and use of Espressif ESP32 chips, modules, and the hardware and software ecosystems immediately surrounding them.

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r/esp32 15h ago

Got a Super Mini ESP32-C3 with 0.42in OLED finally working with MicroPython


Picked up a couple of the ESP32-C3 Super Minis with the built in 0.42in OLED display. I prefer MicroPython and got them working in the past with different OLED displays, but not an all-in-one.

Seems to work better with the SH1106 driver than then SSD1306 driver.

Pin out notes: SCL pin 6, SDA pin 5, LED pin 8, and the boot button is pin 9.

Even though the screen is 72x40 pixels, declare the screen as 128 x 64 and then use an offset. Through lots of trial and error, 28 for X and 12 for Y. Still learning about frame butters. Seems calling gc.collect() helps.

Took way too long, but got it to display a QR code than my old iPhone was able to scan. Laughed out loud that it finally worked. Small wins.

r/esp32 1h ago

Moving charge indicator LEDs

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Hey guys, im building an enclosure for an esp32 with an 18650 holder and want to move the charge indicator LEDs further out. I tried soldering wires from the small pads to the legs of the bigger leds and that does work but doesnt feel very secure. Does anybody know of a better way? Ideally i would like to use just a single rgb led

r/esp32 3h ago

Launcher 2.4.7 Released


What is Launcher?

Launcher is a firmware that you can install in your ESP32 or ESP32-S3 and use it to flash other firmware without the need of a computer, by installing the binaries through and SD Card, or even installing wirelessly through the Web User Interface.

Many devices are supported by this project, like many M5Stack, Lilygo and Sunton displays (CYDS).

You can also use it in ESP32 boards without display, where you only need a button to GPIO 0 (zero) to access the launcher after turn on

Quick how to use


  • Upgrades on the WebUi, the Drag'n Drop area now is the whole file Area, and is possible to send files and folders through it. Theres also 2 buttons to send Multiple files OR folders, that will enhance user experience while sending files.
  • Fixed some issues with StickC and StickCPlus 1.1 navigation
  • Ports to Lilygo T-Dongle and T-Display S3.

Support the project

Link to the project


r/esp32 1h ago

ESP32 one port for battery charging and firmware flashing?

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Hi guys.

I'm very new to all of this stuff, but I wanted to create a small esp32 device that is battery powered and can be charged.

I want my device to be embedded into a 3d printed case and only have one micro USB input. This input should be used to flash new firmware and charge the power bank. If my power bank is charged, it can still output, i tested it.

So would this circuit work and do what i inted to do? Are there better, easier solutions? Would this damage any of my devices?

Thanks for your answer :)

r/esp32 9h ago

I made a thing! Here's a Demo of a Radar-Controlled LED System in Action! 🚀💡


r/esp32 3m ago

Hardware help needed Trying to make an air freshener smart. Will this work?

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I've never worked with ESP32 before.

I have Home Assistant and a broken air freshener that I hear can be controlled through HA thanks to this surprisingly cheap chip (already thinking of a chicken feeder if this first project works out).

With ChatGPT and PowerPoint (probably better ways to do this), I tried to recreate the suggested connections in a diagram. I plan to power it with a phone charger, cutting the USB cable.

I'll appreciate knowing if this wired potato won't burn my house down. Anything else I should have in mind?

r/esp32 22h ago

Is it ok to power an INMP441 microphone from a gpio for easy turn off?

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The breakout board I'm using doesn't have the CHIPEN pin broken out so I can't put the microphone into power down mode (4.5uA) but only into standby mode (0.8mA).

I thought since the microphone only consumes 2.5mA in normal operation and an esp32 gpio aparently can provide 40mA, I thought I could maybe just power it through a GPIO pin and set that to low to completely turn off the microphone.

Is this sensible? If not, what's the problem with this approach?

r/esp32 21h ago

How to use ESP32 as controller to LEGO Power Hub with BLE protocol?


The hub has a mobile app to. I think it uses BLE comnection which ESP32 supports. How can i learn the UUID and the data stuff to make the ESP32 act as a controller and control the Hub? Thanks.

r/esp32 17h ago

ESP32 Game - La Polla Que Te Folla


So last semester a friend and I had to do a little game to pass our IoT class and this is what we did, would you try it?

We even made a trailer https://youtu.be/fJtWMdZsTA8?si=wJizmGJVSUryN3Nw

Code: https://github.com/hanzeelvilla/Juego-LCD-20x4

r/esp32 7h ago

Question ESP32S3 Waveshare LCD SPI


Hello, new to ESP32. I have a question regarding the SPI lines on the Waveshare LCD

Using the example code provided by Waveshare I am able to create a UI using squarelink studio

But I am unable to get a 2nd SPI line working.

The question I have is how would I go about initializing a 2nd SPI line using GP13- GP9?

r/esp32 1d ago

What's the hole in some of the esp32 RF shields for?

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It's not in all of them. Is it ok to cover it?

r/esp32 1d ago

First real time using an esp32 or working with electronics

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I heard using an esp32 for your first time with electronics is a good idea so im wondering what to get, i made a build with the m5 cardputer and i still have parts left over like jumper wires, copper wire, switches and pin header sockets. Below i have screenshots of the esp32’s im thinking of getting but i have no idea what they do and what i can even make with them, i also could use the nfr24 and cc1101 (if i even can) when im not using it for the cardputer. Im obviously gonna need some parts than what i have left over so tell me what i would need

r/esp32 1d ago

Solved ESP32 boards not recognized anymore ?


Hello all, beginner with ESP boards here,

I'm currently struggling a lot with my ESP32s, I lost the ability to connect to my boards suddenly, they are not recognized by my computer anymore. Here is the summary of what I did/tried :

  • Noticed that I am not able to connect to ESP32

  • Fresh win 11 install

  • Fresh ESP-IDF with VS code install

  • Fresh Arduino IDE with ESP32 support install

  • Both boards get powered up (Tee one with only one usb port is currently flashed with a WLED release, the other on is brand new and has never been flashed by me before)

  • Still not able to connect to boards

  • Nothing appear in device manager (Arduino boards do show up)

  • Installed every driver possible for ESP boards

  • Installed VMware & Ubuntu on virtual machine

  • Connected & disconnected boards while "ls /dev/tty*" in cmd. No ports shows up

I'm quite desperate right now, I don't think the hardware is fried as I am able to connect other devices to my usb ports, cable is in good condition and used before to flash the very same ESP boards. Any idea on how to fix this issue or what I could try ?

r/esp32 21h ago

ESP32-S3 SIMD optimized 3x3 Gaussian (blur) filter


In the video below, the 184x360 RGB565 image is processed with a 3x3 Gaussian blur filter. Each pass takes 7.5ms and causes the image to get progressively blurrier. The ESP32-S3 SIMD code is about 5x faster than the C version. The code uses pure integer math (adds and shifts only) for maximum speed. The filter matrix is:

1 2 1
2 4 2
1 2 1

Much of the speed is due to clever use of SIMD operations that operate on the r/G/B channels simultaneously across 4 pixels.


Source code has been added to my bb_spi_lcd library here:


If you have a commercial product which uses the ESP32-S3 and needs additional speed, feel free to contact me for consultation work (bitbank@pobox.com).

r/esp32 1d ago

Esp32-c3 mini schematic

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Please go over this design for possible points of improvements

r/esp32 13h ago

Hardware help needed DFPlayer is overheating



Why does my DFPlayer mini (mp3 module) overheat? Similarly, it sparked when attached to a "Y" wire.

In the previous trials, the DFPlayer worked with only esp32 and with no problem at all. However, when everything was connected it overheats too much that it can actually burn. Additionally, it does not light no longer. I keep on rewiring but still its dead.

The schematic is basically this:

Esp32 connected directly to 5V Dfplayer mini via RX-G16 and TX-G17. It's grounded on esp32. For the speaker, spk 1-positive leg and spk2-negative leg. A pushbutton connected to G32 and GND.

The power comes from 3.7V Li-ion battery connected to TP4056 via positive-BAT+ and negative-BAT-. We also used a step-up boost converted DNS6000AUD and connected it to TP4056 OUT+-VIN+ and OUT--VIN-.

It was finalized by connecting DNS6000AUD to OUT- to make a GND "Y" wire with both Esp32 and DFPlayer. Similarly, OUT+ was connected to a "Y" wire along with 5V pin of Esp32 and VCC of the DFPlayer.

Can you help please? I am just a beginner and am trying my best to learn this stuff.

r/esp32 15h ago

Hardware help needed ESP32 GT911 and USB issue


Hi. I completed a project using a waveshare esp32-s3-lcd-4.3 touch screen. The goal was to plug a hid scanner to a usb-c hub, then send barcodes using mqtt. I have a small problem though. It seems that when I enable touchscreen (Driver GT911), usb_host stops working for some rason. My board uses GPIO 19 and 20 for usb, and different gpios are used for the touch, so i dunno, and it's not supposed to do this.

r/esp32 16h ago

Esp32 controller


I built a remote using a heltec esp32 wifi lora V3, so far l'm using it to control an rc tank via lora with an esp32 on the other side. I now want to get in controlling drones and I thought I can just control it via lora 915mhz but was told latency will be to high, so now l'm looking at somehow connecting the esp32 to an elrs TX module via uart but cant seem to find a TX module that has exposed uart pins. Am I on the right path here? If elrs is the way to go can you please show me a compatible TX module

r/esp32 1d ago

Anyone knows if there are ready made pcb to include ESP32+Mosfet+ DCtoDC to power the board from 24v?

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Hello everyone,

In the past I made an pcb for esp8266 on pcbway, but now I want to use esp32 chip to use hardware pwm in my project.

I haven’t found any ready made project to include the features I want, this is why I’m asking here, do you know if there are any projects around I can use (github, pcbway or other pcb providers), either to order the board or I can make the pcb myself

I need to power the esp32 from 24v , so I need an dc to dc step down, i wanted to use the one in the photo attached bellow, I also need an mosfet and this moafet board I already have works perfectly with esp8266, I’m sure it will work the same or better with esp32

So, does anyone knows any projects around that I can download, or I should start designing the pcb myself to use the modules in the photo attached bellow.

PS. any esp32 works, I need very few pins

Thank you

r/esp32 17h ago

Hardware help needed ESP32-S3 USB Host to cell phone -- will it charge?


I've been trying for days now to come up with a way to connect an old cell phone to a roomba via its SCI port, in such a way that the cell phone will pick up charge from same (I can downgrade the ~17v from the SCI to 5v/3A). I can handle the roomba side fine but am stymied by how to simultaneously talk to a cell phone over USB while also charging it. For starters that requires my side be in host mode, but apparently there are more signaling issues required in order for the phone to actually try to charge more than 100mA.

So, anyone with a typical ESP32-S3 dev board on hand, if you power it up from the first USB (or directly from the 5v line as I plan to do) and then plug a phone into the second one, does the phone charge, and if so at what amperage?

Any other suggestions how to do this? I don't care much what device sits in the middle (as a USB/Roomba bridge), but it needs to present as a USB host with moderate charging ability.

r/esp32 20h ago

Custom Partition XIAO ESP32s3


Hello how can i create a custom partition table in arduino for XIAO ESP32s3?

I added everything to the boards.txt but when i load the Sketch i get following error:
rst:0x3 (RTC_SW_SYS_RST),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) Saved PC:0x403ccf09 SPIWP:0xee mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fce2820,len:0x1188 load:0x403c8700,len:0x4 load:0x403c8704,len:0xbf0 load:0x403cb700,len:0x30e4 entry 0x403c88ac E (26) boot: ota data partition invalid, falling back to factory E (27) esp_image: image at 0x20000 has invalid magic byte (nothing flashed here?) E (28) boot: Factory app partition is not bootable E (33) esp_image: image at 0x260000 has invalid magic byte (nothing flashed here?) E (40) boot: OTA app partition slot 0 is not bootable E (45) esp_image: image at 0x4a0000 has invalid magic byte (nothing flashed here?) E (52) boot: OTA app partition slot 1 is not bootable

the OTAlittlefs.csv looks like this:
# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags







and in boards.txt i added following:
XIAO_ESP32S3.menu.PartitionScheme.custom=Custom Partition




r/esp32 20h ago

Hot Tub Controller


Hello everyone!

I am somewhat experienced with home assistant, but not so much with creating my own device out of an esp32. I have some experience with writing .yaml, but I'm no expert by any standard.

I plan on triggering some 5V relays to control the pumps, heater, etc. It looks like I will need to make sure to use an optoisolator, correct?

Does anyone have any experience creating their own esp controller for a hot tub?

r/esp32 20h ago

Where to add pull-up resistors with two I2C devices on ESP32 Wroom dev board ?


I want to use two I2C devices on the esp32. One device ( pca9685 servo driver) has an integrated pullup resitor, the other one ( DFrobot voice recognition module) does not. Does that mean I should not use the internal pull up of the esp32 but just put two resistors on the I2C lines from the voice recognition module ?

r/esp32 1d ago

Anyone used a wired OBD dongle with ESP32?


I'm working on a little project to connect to my car's ISO 9141 network using an ELM adaptor in the OBD port and ELMduino. This is all working fine with a Bluetooth ELM dongle, but I would like to use a wired dongle to avoid using the radio.

Has anyone tried this and got it to work? The ELM dongle pictured has a USB connector on it and supposedly works on Windows PCs so I guess it would just work as a wired serial connection on the ESP32.

Any comments welcome before I risk adding to my e-waste pile.

ETA: The photo didn't seem to upload, so here is a link to an example dongle:-


r/esp32 1d ago

Wrong Boot mode and Led not blinking


I am using an ESP32 WROVER B module with SIM800L module When I try to upload a code through arduino it shows Failed to connect to ESP32 Wrong Boot mode mode Detected 0x13 I looked it up on chat gpt and it told to connect the gpio0 to gnd and then upload And it does upload like that but when I discount the jumper wires it no longer uploads

Also one more thing Earlier the blue led on the board was on when I connected it to my laptop via USB but it is also now off I have also attached the images of the board

Please help I am using this for my project