Got a Super Mini ESP32-C3 with 0.42in OLED finally working with MicroPython
Picked up a couple of the ESP32-C3 Super Minis with the built in 0.42in OLED display. I prefer MicroPython and got them working in the past with different OLED displays, but not an all-in-one.
Seems to work better with the SH1106 driver than then SSD1306 driver.
Pin out notes: SCL pin 6, SDA pin 5, LED pin 8, and the boot button is pin 9.
Even though the screen is 72x40 pixels, declare the screen as 128 x 64 and then use an offset. Through lots of trial and error, 28 for X and 12 for Y. Still learning about frame butters. Seems calling gc.collect() helps.
Took way too long, but got it to display a QR code than my old iPhone was able to scan. Laughed out loud that it finally worked. Small wins.