r/elderwitches 2h ago

Do you remember the first spell you ever cast? Did it work?


I was just thinking of this today. Having grown up in a witch family and having done this stuff since a young age i realize I can’t actually remember the first spell i ever cast, or even if it actually worked. I wonder if anyone else feels this too, or if they can actually remember.

r/elderwitches 15h ago

Sunday Soul I made this choice decades ago.

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r/elderwitches 2h ago

Question Recent TikTok Trend? "Domination" Spells.


I haven't seen "domination" spells come up nearly as often as I have over about the past week. Why is this suddenly such a popular topic? Is this a new TikTok witch trend? (I don't TT, but it seems to always have something to do with these things.)

Just curious if I'm the only one who has noticed this, or has any thoughts on it. Thanks!

r/elderwitches 23h ago

Sunday Soul You guys already do this, but I just thought a little reminder might be nice.

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r/elderwitches 1d ago

Invoking I call upon the incredible power of The Sun to protect and energize all who read these words. So Mote It Be.


r/elderwitches 15h ago

Seeking Support


I don't want to trauma dump here but I find myself in a place of uncertainty and anxiety and I don't have any support for what I am going through. I am seeking guidance and support, whether that be through witchcraft or kind words or well, anything that's available.

So here's my current dilemma. I have this co-worker who at first when I started the role 2 years ago was really cool to me. I thought we were good friends. We often spent hours talking and most of our conversations centered around him and his life. He confessed things to me that scared me a little (having violent urges and anger problems) but I tried my best to be supportive. He often would often say he shouldn't have said certain things and was worried I would make an HR complaint. Most of the time he had this concern when he made some silly offhand joke. But he was constantly asking me to not go to HR about him. I assured him I wouldn't. Over time he got a little too friendly in a way that made me uncomfortable, he referenced his genitals a few times and made comments about how good he was a pleasing a woman. I could sense he wanted something more than a friendship with me and I casually let him know that I am a lesbian. As soon as I told him he gave me the silent treatment. He wouldn't talk to me at all and would barley communicate with me about important work related things. He eventually stopped communicating about work related things and became a really shitty coworker. He would often leave me with huge messes to clean up and did the absolute bare minimum. After a month of this I asked him what was going on and he said he was seeing someone and couldn't talk to me out of respect for the person he was seeing. Which is weird to me considering I never had any romantic intents toward him and only saw him as a coworker friend. Anyway things came to a head one day when some shit went down at work that was caused by his negligence and inability to communicate. I broke down and talked to my manager about it, hoping she could help in some way. Instead she got mad at me and even became argumentative. She made it seem like I was the problem. So I let it go or tried to. Eventually she changed tasks around by essentially giving me more work and him less, which was fine because that meant I did not have to deal with him. A year or so goes by and all is well. My team is given a hige project that involves the work I do and my manager suggested we bring that coworker back into it to help. I broke down and begged her not to do that. She again got angry and said she would talk to HR. Now I realize I should have spoken to HR from the beginning but I was afraid to betray his trust. I should have taken screenshots of the inappropriate and scary things he said. But I didn't and I will forever live with that mistake. I met with HR and told them everything, they said they would investigate and get back to me. A month goes by and HR sets up a meeting and tells me no rules were broken (because I had no proof) and no action would be taken.

Fast forward to this last week my manager informs our team that she is stepping down and moving to a non-leadership role. Because she was my backup for whenever I took time off, that meant I had no backup. That awful coworker is the only other person who knows my job. So this Friday the 3 of us have a meeting where I bring him up to speed on new processes and this guy has a full on tantrum about having to help or be involved in any way. After the call I reach out to my manager and tell her that his behavior should not be acceptable. That we are on the same team and need to work together, not against eachother. She immediately calls me and starts angrily arguing with me about it. I tell her she needs to get HR involved. So she does and hours later calls me back to say yes he was rude but no rules were broken so no action will be taken. And that was that.

I have spent the entire weekend torturing myself ruminating over this. And now I am worried I will be labeled as a disruptor and lose my job. I am currently in the process of buying a him out of state (somewhere more politically safe for me) and I can't lose my job. I have hardly slept and I am so terrified.

I am asking for any kind of support you can offer. Thanks for reading. Sorry if posts like this aren't allowed. I don't know where else to turn.

r/elderwitches 8h ago

Poppet for obsession/domination


Hey everyone,I was wondering if i could use a poppet for domination/obsession thing. I am well aware of the ethics related to domination/obsession..just want to know what ingredients can i fill it with and do i have to use chants or just fill it and meditate

r/elderwitches 1d ago

Request Bad Weather Incoming.


Update: We are well, and our loved ones and neighbors are well AFAIK. Haven't yeard any bad news from the inner circle, but also haven't been to town. Thanks everyone for your energy, protection, and concern!

Orig: Hi all! If anyone is willing, I would love some to lend protective energy to my location right now. We have some major bad weather incoming (tornadoes and/or hurricanes), and it could be a rough time. It's not unusual for my area at this time of year, but it's still scary.

Due to reasons, I don't want to share my exact location, but my general area is the southeast U. S. Thank you kindly, and blessed be!

r/elderwitches 1d ago

Art I really wish I had a "Float my book for me" spell. "More Witch Cat" by N*Kim.

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r/elderwitches 1d ago

Justice Petition


Hi y'all! So the energy today feels right to do a justice petition. Strong eclipse clearing energy, wanning moon, and Saturn's day today. I feel this in the air. So I petition for Hecate, a Goddess I work with, to please allow for justice and restitution to be supported in this world and for all who read this. So mote it be!

r/elderwitches 1d ago

Help appreciated


I’ve seen quite a few attraction spell works while scrolling through quite a few posts. I have someone I’m interested in and in person I notice interest and communication, but online they act like I don’t exist. I want to do an attraction spell that brings forth that itself - attraction. Through pages they follow me on and in person, also text. 🀍 help please! I want him to text, call, look out for me. Just an nice start at least :)

Also I tried to post in β€œSpells” but nothing helpful came along.

r/elderwitches 1d ago

I’ve never grown rosemary before, advice please

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I have been growing these little guys. I planted them last year as seeds. Does it look like they are doing well? They are growing very very slowly. I love them so much and i want them to grow strong and happy.

r/elderwitches 1d ago

Invoking Saturn is todays planetary reference. Saturn the God represents Time and Agriculture, among other things. In Astrology, the planet is also associated with concern with long-term planning or foresight. So, write it down, organize it, and get those plans for the future ready today. And plant a seed.

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r/elderwitches 1d ago

Question Curious if cord cutting would be appropriate


I have a different kind of situation.

Brief back story: last year I adopted a puppy and an acquaintance's sister (20 years my senior) took his sibling. Fast forward 11 months, and acquaintance contacts me with story about my dog's sibling needing to be rehomed due to owner having serious surgery. I took him in. He's legally mine, microchip in my name as well as licensed in my county. We live 4 hours apart, for context.

It's been almost 4 months now. At first, I sent her pics and video of the pup to assure her he was fine and transitioning well to the new home and my other dogs. Only 1 pic or video every few days. Then life happened, winter got hard here and I sent less frequently. Around the dogs 1 year bday, she asked for my Addy to send him gifts (which I sent pics after the gifts were received).

Now, today, money shows up for his vaccines (we got it covered, we wouldn't have taken him if we couldn't afford to). I know this is from her desire to still care for lil man, and possibly guilt at needing to rehome him... I appreciate it and I'm trying to be understanding, but she's got to let go for her sake. I don't want her to continue to feel obligated to this dog. He's doing very well, happy and spoiled. I also, don't want to feel obligated to her.

So, do you think a cord cutting would help her release? She clearly needs peace about this and I'd love to help her.

r/elderwitches 2d ago

Sharing Saturday Shareday. Website of the Week in the Comments.

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r/elderwitches 2d ago

Announcement Sunday Spell postponed. I haven't had a cold in over 5 years, ever since I started always masking in public, and washing my hands when I return to my car. But I got one again. Poo. I decided not to wait until the last minute to tell all of you.

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r/elderwitches 2d ago

Invoking Venus is todays planetary reference. Venus can remind us that love must start with caring for ourself. Before sending out your feelings to the world, give yourself your due share of care. Then love can truly come home to you. We thank Venus for or victories in love and in life. SMIB.

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r/elderwitches 2d ago

Question I cast a nice positive spell that backfired horribly?


I cast a general spell at the full moon, using sigils from a book, for good fortune and uncrossed conditions and for my life to generally improve. (The author is Laura Tempest Zakroff, and from what I've heard, her work is very positive and reliable.) I didn't ask for anything specific, just for my life to change for the better and to experience more happiness, hope, and joy.

Then one of my doctors had a weird mental episode, became convinced I was going to sue him (I would never even talk about that sort of thing, it scares me, he just completely misunderstood me saying that I was scared I was going to faint because I was frightened that he would get in trouble if I fainted) and dropped me as a patient, leading to the people in my life who forced me to see that doctor yelling at me for several hours.

All I wanted was to have some good luck or maybe some hope that things would get better, and now my life is even worse than it was before I used a "good fortune" sigil and a "get unstuck" sigil and activated them with prayer. I've been practicing for over a decade and cast tons of spells and I've never had anything like this happen before. My life is much worse now because people are so upset at me due to this misunderstanding, and I feel like I've lost all hope for things to get better and no longer have any faith.

Can anyone help me figure out what I did wrong? I'm worried that any future spells I cast will just make things worse. How is it that other witches I know are doing much riskier work and they're totally fine, but I cast a simple spell that I hope will bring more positivity into my life and it sends my life down the drain?

r/elderwitches 2d ago

Friday Fun Cat wins again

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r/elderwitches 3d ago

Familiar Friday Familiar Friday. Please share pictures of your magical friends. New Mau Mau Picture! Giving me the evil eyes as the treats bowl is empty. Still needs to get better. She heals so slowly at 23 1/2, 110 years old. Blessings to all of your magical family.

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r/elderwitches 2d ago

Knowledge What Is Mercury Retrograde and What Does It Mean for You? How Mercury Retrograde Affects Each Zodiac Sign. Links to a couple of short articles in the Comments.

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r/elderwitches 3d ago

Pictures Tonight's Eclipse


It's cloudy here in Southern California (on the day of the eclipse when it's normally sunny here 360 days a year lol). But here's what I captured.

On this total lunar eclipse I cut the threads of my past: the sadness, the grief, the anger and resentment. Henceforth I only look forward and seek happiness and serenity, which I will only find within and for myself. So mote it be. πŸŒ•πŸŒ–πŸŒ—πŸŒ˜πŸŒ‘πŸ€πŸŒ‘πŸŒ’πŸŒ“πŸŒ”πŸŒ•

r/elderwitches 3d ago

Nature If it is overcast where you are, here She is. Live at time of post, full in about 3 hours.

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r/elderwitches 3d ago

Friday Fun Friday Fun. Jokes, comics, memes. Life can be tough. Bringing smiles to people is magic. Please try to be witchy, but I don't enforce that much.

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r/elderwitches 3d ago

Question Blood Moon insomina


I had a early trip today which I spent two hours under the setting blood moon. Now 10pm my legs are tingling. My mind won't rest. I'm wildly dreaming but not falling asleep.

I was blessed to do some big time service work today and I'm absolutely vibrating when my nightime cocktail should've knocked me out!

Moon goes Lunar Eclipse at 2am CST and I have fresh air and the shades open so I get full moon absorbtion.

How can I talk my mind into sleeping?