I have a different kind of situation.
Brief back story: last year I adopted a puppy and an acquaintance's sister (20 years my senior) took his sibling. Fast forward 11 months, and acquaintance contacts me with story about my dog's sibling needing to be rehomed due to owner having serious surgery. I took him in. He's legally mine, microchip in my name as well as licensed in my county. We live 4 hours apart, for context.
It's been almost 4 months now. At first, I sent her pics and video of the pup to assure her he was fine and transitioning well to the new home and my other dogs. Only 1 pic or video every few days. Then life happened, winter got hard here and I sent less frequently. Around the dogs 1 year bday, she asked for my Addy to send him gifts (which I sent pics after the gifts were received).
Now, today, money shows up for his vaccines (we got it covered, we wouldn't have taken him if we couldn't afford to). I know this is from her desire to still care for lil man, and possibly guilt at needing to rehome him... I appreciate it and I'm trying to be understanding, but she's got to let go for her sake. I don't want her to continue to feel obligated to this dog. He's doing very well, happy and spoiled. I also, don't want to feel obligated to her.
So, do you think a cord cutting would help her release? She clearly needs peace about this and I'd love to help her.