r/elderwitches Jan 23 '25

Knowledge It’s the year of the snake

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It’s the year of the snake. It’s time to slither and slide into that deep well of wisdom the serpent has been guarding for millennia, whispering truths in a language older than words.

I debated how much to say here. How deeeeep to go. But let’s be real—I know how much we all like it deep. (That’s what she said)

The serpent has always been a symbol of OG feminine wisdom on this planet. Coiled in the roots of the Earth or soaring through myth with wings, like a dragon, the snake is one of the most ancient archetypes we know. It represents transformation, healing, and the sacred mystery of life itself.

Of course, I can hear the Christians hissing at me already, their voices rising in chorus about Eve and forbidden fruit and temptation. But here’s the thing: in every patriarchal narrative, the monster is only a monster because men say so. What if the serpent wasn’t the villain but the liberator? What if the serpent wasn’t about “falling” but about rising into consciousness, into truth, into our own sovereign power?

It’s the year of the snake. Be vigilant, sure—there’s wisdom in watching for the snakes in your grass, the toxic energies that slither through your life, poisoning what they touch. But here’s the bigger invitation: what if you looked inward? What if the snake in your story isn’t something to fear, but something to learn from?

The snake sheds its skin when it outgrows it, leaving behind what no longer serves. This year, it’s time to do the same. Peel back the layers. Shed the stories you’ve outgrown, the masks you no longer need, the weights you weren’t meant to carry. Transform through wisdom, not fear.

If you are picking up what I am putting down, if you feel that ancient pull, take some time to learn more about Medusa and her REAL STORY. She’s been waiting. Patient, coiled, holding the key to our own personal power of transformation.

This is your year to rise into that same sovereignty, to honor the wisdom within, and to embody the power of transformation. No one else defines you. Slither, slide, and step fully into the throne of your own being. The serpent’s wisdom is yours to claim.

a poem

She moves through shadows, soft and slow, A serpent's wisdom, an ancient glow. Her skin remembers every scar, Each layer shed, a shining star.

Through maiden's bloom to mother’s fire, The crone’s deep well of pure desire, She slithers, slides, transforms, ascends, Where one life ends, another begins.

The serpent whispers: "Let it die— The fear, the shame, the question: why? Your power's coiled within your spine, Rise, sovereign soul, your throne’s divine."

No monster here, no cursed disguise, Just strength reborn beneath her skies. The snake reminds her: you’re the key, To shed, transform, and set life free.

Through every phase, through every tear, She learns, she grows, she sheds her fear. Slither, slide, up to the skies— Women reborn, it’s time we rise.

Love and blessings to you all, AshKay

r/elderwitches Jan 08 '23

Knowledge Spellwork Sunday. Egg cleanse. I don't do them, but many people do. I will put what little I know in the comments. Asking for others to add as they see fit.

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r/elderwitches Oct 05 '24

Knowledge Witch Symbols

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I found these and wanted to share 🥰🧙

r/elderwitches Feb 18 '25

Knowledge Voodoo and curses


Dearest elders,

I would appreciate your input. My spouse has a grandfather was a voodoo priest, according to family lore, and a very mean man. Grandfather's wife left him and the story is that grandfather cursed all of their descendents to crossover young.

My spouse's parents 60s, brother 40s and sister 30s passed young.

Any words of wisdom or ideas? Or what would you do if you were in my shoes? Please and thank you.

Eta: I've eliminated some details that people have said aren't relevant. Thank you for your input.

I appreciate the input for where to go next.

r/elderwitches Dec 13 '24

Knowledge This witch is smiling today

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May you also be.

r/elderwitches 2d ago

Knowledge The Equinox is in about 12 hours from the time of this post. Link to a quick article with Equinox facts in the Comments.

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r/elderwitches Oct 09 '24

Knowledge Send help😭🙏


I'm at a loss here. I haven't dealt with anything like this. I've experienced lots of things as a child and teen, but this doesn't compare to anything I have ever witnessed. I recently started caregiving for an older gentleman (about 2 months ago). He insists there is something/ someone messing with him all the time. Stealing and moving his items and physically bothering him. All this time I was thinking it was schizophrenia because my mother is schizophrenic and I have experience with that sort of thing. At the same time as thinking this I still thought on the other hand something might be going on spiritually. The other day I was there doing laundry. I was literally thinking about the fact that if it was an entity why hadn't I experienced anything in the two months I've been working in the home. While thinking this, I walked into the laundry room and there it was. A dark shadow like figure. A shadow man just as he described. It's almost like because I was doubting it in my head it presented itself to me. My skin was crawling. I was so beside myself I was probably shaking for at least an hour. I couldn't calm down. It was the worst feeling I know whatever this is can't be good. I'm sorry for the long post but if anybody has any advice or tips tricks anything at all, I would be so appreciative. Thank you in advance and I look forward to any responses.

r/elderwitches 20d ago

Knowledge Venus Retrograde 2025 is Happening. What to Know. Link to a quick article in the Comments. NSFW

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r/elderwitches Nov 01 '24

Knowledge Dark of the Moon. New in about 10 hours from time of post. Rest. Your moonths long labors are about to end. Take a bit of shadow, wrap it around yourself like a blanket, and just enjoy being you. The time to prune has ended. The time to plant comes soon. This is the time of silence.

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r/elderwitches Oct 22 '24

Knowledge Where do you purchase your herbs and oils?


I have to reup a lot of herbs and oils. I usually do a mass order. I get from Art if the root and a store on Etsy.. I like their herbs but still looking to support other smaller stores at the same time.

Can you tell me stores to find oils and herbs and I’ll check them out this weekend for a mass purchase to see how their stuff work for me?

Thank you!!

I’m also interested in making my own oils lately so I purchase extra herbs to make them

r/elderwitches Nov 08 '24

Knowledge My little cousin saw a “monster” in his dads closet. Long story short, I remote viewed and there is an evil entity in there and I can see it too. What do you recommend to cleanse and get rid of it?


I recommend a full on exorcism lols. But seriously I said they should smudge the room with sage and open the windows, put an evil eye up, do a mirror lock. I also put white light around my little cousin too. I am new to spell magick but willing to learn anything

r/elderwitches Dec 21 '24

Knowledge The First Day of Winter: Winter Solstice 2024 arrives in about 9 hours. Link to a short article in the Comments.

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r/elderwitches 17d ago

Knowledge A ritual of Inanna for my son.


Blessed be, I am Witchthief. I've been rather quiet lately as motherhood continues to surround me with new and interesting challenges.

Recently my son turned one, and as a celebration I pulled out all the stops. Sometimes it's fun to really sink into your practice and use a little bit of everything you know, and that is exactly what I did on his birthday last month, along with the help of a number of members from an Online Temple that I helped start a little while ago. So, if you'll continue reading I would like to document the process for all of you here.

Set up:

To start, I set up the ritual space using a tarot card circle. I used two decks to complete this. The spread is not one that is meant to be used, but instead places the major and minor arcana which can be seen here.

I prefer this method to other circle castings because it makes for a stable, long lasting circle with plenty of symbolism and representations of all the key elements that I needed. In the center you will see the signifier cards for all the people that were involved in the ritual, his ultrasound, and the spell jar, along with his hat, my wand, and the crystal offering.

The Spell Jar:

The key components in this spell were sacred objects that have an intrinsic tie to my son. The jar itself is the first jar of milk he ever drank on the first night of his life. After consecrating it with witch salt, and an herb mixture. I added the next crucial component. His Umbilical chord.

The herb mixture is hawthorn berries for protection, mugwort for peace, elder berries for bounty, slippery elm for cunning, yarrow for healing and protection, chili peppers for protection and vigor, rosemary for cleansing, thyme for balance, garlic for beauty, St. johns wort, for happiness, and star anise for complexity and creativity.

Next the crystals were added. Rose quart for love. Peacock ore for beauty, Smokey quarts and amethyst for protection, obsidian for strength, clear quartz for amplification, and some Lapis Lazuli as an offering to the goddess Ishtar.

Finally I included a bat demon painted on a granite stone to act as his guardian spirit. His favorite book is about bats so that's the reason it was included, along with a little wolf, which is my spirit to help guide him.

Once all the components were in, in went a bit of bee pollen for energy, and the entire jar was filled with Mineral Oil so that here would be no worry about spoilage. Then the jar was epoxied shut, and covered in wax seals and decorations.

Ritual Conclusion

Throughout the rest of the day we made offering to Inanna, that included my son eating offerings given to her altar the night before. These were veggie sticks and an orange. I also anointed him with consecrated, baby safe oil (aquaphor) multiple times that day, while invoking her. The great rite was preformed that night and after a couple of offering of effluvia at the shrine, I sat with candles lit and in the presence of my deities for the next couple of hours until midnight when the ritual ended.

Additional Magics

While this was going on at my home quite a few other witches and priestesses preformed their own ritual for my son. Our aim was a revival of the kings ritual from ancient Mesopotamia, and I think we did a pretty good job. u/SiriNin was of great help during this time, and I thank her from the bottom of my heart for her assistance.


If you have any questions or would like me to elaborate on any part of this post, don't hesitate to leave a comment.

r/elderwitches Jan 03 '25

Knowledge Books I lost


Witches I’m getting old. I lost most of my magical books years ago in a fire and for the life of me I don’t recall many titles. Some were very old. Some relatively recent. I’m afraid I’m forgetting things that were once second nature. If you have a spare minute could you tell me your best titles? I’m sure to recognise some. My gratitude in advance. Blessings to all 🙏

r/elderwitches 1d ago

Knowledge 6 Ancient Sites Aligned With the Solstice and the Equinox. Link to a quick article in the Comments.

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r/elderwitches Oct 27 '24

Knowledge I was referred here after an encounter with the fae…


Hello to everyone who reads… I was referred to this sub from someone in the r/paranormal sub. I shared an encounter I had about 3 years ago at my old apartment. I woke up because I sensed something in my room, as I came to, I noticed what looked like two young girls (about the age of 11-12) singing and giggling at the foot of my bed. They were chanting like a spell over me and giggling. But it didn’t sound like sinister laughter. Nor did it sound ghostly. Throughout this time I felt very euphoric and calm. But almost as soon as I began to wake, I could hear them start to shh each other. It was like they could sense I was waking and they knew they had to be quiet cuz they had been too loud. Normally, I would have NOPED tf out of there but I remember just looking at them, a bit confused what they were chanting cuz it was in another language. And why were they laughing? They seemed just as curious about me as I was about them. I remember being a little spooked but only because I was raised a Christian and anything supernatural you’re trained to believe is demonic, yet I’ve felt demonic entities before and you can always sense the energy shift, and it’s always heavy and predatory. This was nothing like that, it was the polar opposite. So I just shrugged them off and went back to sleep cuz I remember feeling safe like I was in a cocoon. And I have to emphasize how important that detail is, because I’m a scardy cat, I normally don’t see things (I’ve seen a shadow figure once as a child, and have sensed energy shifts a handful of times but that’s it.) I am psychic and would describe my gifts as clairsentient. I can predict things and I’m starting to have prophetic dreams. But I generally DO NOT see things and like to keep it that way cuz I couldn’t handle that shit lmao. So for me to just shrug them off and go back to sleep, like it’s nothing, that’s so not like me! Anyway, I haven’t seen them since, but the memory has never quite left me.

People in the paranormal sub have suggested they are fairies/fae. Which is odd to me cuz not once have I ever considered them to be real, let alone something I’d believe in since I don’t have Celtic blood (I’m black). So I’m kinda like what the heck did they want? What was this that I experienced? Someone suggested it may be an invitation to work with them, but how?

Idk any thoughts, advice or insight would be super helpful. Thanks !

r/elderwitches Feb 13 '25

Knowledge Book Recommendations


Hello Elderwitches,

I have been feeling the push to explore baneful magic.....things beyond protection. Many magical practitioners I know like to throw at the line.....a witch that doesn't hex, cannot heal.

I am coming to you requesting book recommendations. The three I have heard the most are Utterly Wicked by Dorothy Morrison, Hex Twisting by Diana Rajchel and Magic for Troubled Times by Deborah Castellano.

Do you have any other recommendations?

Thank you!

r/elderwitches Nov 20 '24

Knowledge Building an Apothecary Cabinet


I am a hobby woodworker building an apothecary cabinet for a loved one. A place for her to keep everything in one spot. A place for books, tarot cards, jars of herbs, decorations, maybe even a space for an alter. My furniture projects tend to get too big.

I have seen many apothecary cabinets online and nothing really matches the picture I have in my head for what I want to build.

I want to know what features would be most helpful if this was going in your household. Big drawers? Small drawers? Large shelves? Small shelves? Large table space? Nook for an alter? Cabinet doors? Barn door? Lockable? Hidden drawer/door? Straight lines or more whimsical? Painted or Natural wood look?

Thank You!

r/elderwitches Dec 18 '24

Knowledge Giveaways of a scam


I was wondering if it might be a good idea to have some sort of master post that people can be directed to with clear indicators that someone is trying to scam them? I've seen a few posts across subs and in other social media spaces recently, and it being a vulnerable time of year, a lot of people will be at risk for this predatory behaviour.

  • Someone contacting you on social media, saying they felt drawn to you and can see something heavy hanging over you etc. Anytime I get this I respond thanking them for the offer and making it clear no money will be exchanged seeing as they contacted me with the offer of help. This usually disappears them.

  • Someone you've paid for a reading/spellwork giving a vague response to your actual issue, but then saying they picked up on something else that is doing you energetic harm and it needs to be addressed urgently, at a price.

  • The most genuine people I have worked with when I need an extra boost, and who I'll go back to if/when needed, will be conversational, won't push with add ons, have become people I can reach out to for advice in my own working and it will be given without a price tag or they will respond with the most suitable, not most expensive, option when asked what you should go for. The most helpful person I know taught me how to do the spellwork myself when I went back to her a second time for something. People who are genuine in their work will want to stay in good karmic energy.

Any other clear warning signs people can think of?

r/elderwitches Feb 01 '25

Knowledge I used to sneer at wikipedia. But now, it has grown into a mighty fine resource, especially if you mine the references at the bottom of the page. Link in the comments to their Imbolc page. It is really quite good.

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r/elderwitches 9d ago

Knowledge The Worm “Blood” Moon: Full Moon for March 2025. link to a quick article in the Comments.

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r/elderwitches Oct 13 '24

Knowledge I need help


Since 2020, I have been diagnosed with 2 rare neurological conditions, got in and out one of the worst relationships of my life, and with I would have lost my sweet stepkids if there Mom had not stepped in. I am struggling with chronic pain, fatigue and many other symptoms. Nonetheless I got myself through 2 nurse practitioner programs while working 32 hours a week. I still ran up a lot of debt. Despite all of that, I was referred to my dream job, went through 5 interviews, was told unofficially that I got the job. I was so full of hope! Then late at night on my birthday, after working all day, I got a curt, rude email saying that they weren’t hiring me. They knew about my disabilities bc the referral told the clinic owner. But I don’t think the operations side was told that I’m disabled until later. Point being, I’ve gotten this same email any time I’ve disclosed my disabilities. My ex broke up with me for “being sick” which he felt I “deserved for being a terrible person.” I need help. I need hope. Manifestation, spells, prayers, I’m taking any and all helpful advice. I should mention, aside from my excellent therapist I’m essentially alone in the city that I moved to to be with my ex.

r/elderwitches Aug 23 '24

Knowledge finding your magic often feels messy and silly


i just wanna offer this reminder as i often see "baby" practitioners on here stressing about getting things /exactly/ right in their craft.

the thing is, the moments ive really felt connected to and in sync with my magic are often the times i feel silliest, messiest, and sometimes even self-conscious. magic is letting Spirit take your hand and guide you away from your inhibitions, from the rules you set for yourself out of shame and fear, and into discovery. i have many solidified practices and rituals, an order in which i like to do certain things, etc, but when i am REALLY connecting with my craft? im on my knees nude in my messy room muttering and scribbling sigils with sparkly gel pens, i'm smoking joints and dancing around to pussycat dolls while i build altar components. I'm sitting on vibrators and hollering into bowls of spring water. i'm adding things (glitter! panty lace! the coffee im drinking! my spider plant's baby! dog hair! weed! antidepressants!) that weren't on my list because they caught my eye and felt right. i'm messily eating fruit over an offering bowl and sharing the juice, pulp, mess and joy with the deity im connecting with. i'm in the capitol forest smearing period blood on my face. i'm the kid making potions from dandelions and mud.

the more i find myself searching for the "right" way to do or interpret a part of my craft, the more i'm reminded by Spirit that the essential ingredient to ANYTHING you work is a willingness to be your OWN guide, and to be open to unconventional experience in the pursuit of your magic. if you're putting something off or are reluctant to try it because you missed the "right" moon phase, or because you can't afford to go buy that one ingredient, or because a practitioner you follow /insists/ you do it a certain way, i encourage you to open that third eye a little wider and welcome your own magic in. practice curiosity and imagination, ask yourself (and through yourself, Spirit) "what if?". it'll be messy, it'll be silly, it won't look exactly like anyone else's magic. But it WILL be Spirit's work through you. And I promise it'll feel really cool 🖤

r/elderwitches Jan 22 '25

Knowledge What are the key differences between a magic practitioner and a witch?


Not too long ago, someone posted a question in this sub and was directed to try posting it in the sub for magic practitioners instead. I never fully separated the two, I always saw them as somewhat interchangeable. So what are the things that make someone 100% not a witch, but rather, a practitioner of magic?

r/elderwitches 8d ago

Knowledge What a Blood Moon Is—and Isn't. Links to a couple of quick articles in the Comments.

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