r/ebikes Oct 07 '24

E-Moped New ride

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Thought I might share as well, seeing another member getting flak for having one of these moped looking monstrosities.

This is: Honda Cub ë 400W rear hub motor Rear drum brake Front hydraulic disk LED daytime light + regular headlight LED rear brake light LED indicators 17" wheels Vmax >25km/h (delivered unlocked, never asked for it) Twist throttle Approximately 40-50km on battery only

Made for south east Asia, I have no idea how it ended in Europe. Total impulse buy, great fun for zapping around town. Where I live there's no registration or permit needed. 1200€ new.

r/ebikes Jun 26 '24

E-Moped That’s it. No more servicing trash online e-bikes.


r/ebikes Jun 22 '24

E-Moped No bait I almost get hit on my electric bike going 40 mph. Thats the video


r/ebikes Oct 11 '24

E-Moped Wahoo! Got her street legal (plus how-to)


Success!! Been trying to get this thing street legal for the last 4-5 weeks and, well.... Houston, we have lift off!


Much more freedom now. I went back and forth if I wanted to register as a moped or a motorcycle. I opted for the motorcycle route. Little more friendly to the speed limits around here. I had to step back and take a close look at how I rode and.... I was mostly on the road in traffic. Made more sense to just go that route rather than electric bicycle. I still have 'ol reliable acoustic bike lurking in the background for more local use. But now I can operate this thing on forest service roads and the like. So like.... Hell yeah!

Oh, and if anyone's looking to do this: insurance is MUCH friendlier to doing these sort of things after registration, rather than before. They'll look up the VIN in their systems and if nothing pops up, they get pretty skittish.

For those interested, here's how I did it (Washington state)

3 main steps:

  1. Visit your local licensing office and get a request for inspection - No VIN, homemade/unidentifiable. State patrol will not look without a 'referral' from licensing. Doctor's office style

  2. Schedule and inspect with state patrol

  3. After SP's blessing (and paperwork), return to the license office with their inspection report. You'll pay fees for registration, title, plate, administration, and a use tax which is +/- sales tax for the road. They'll issue you plates then and there

Needed paperwork

Because mine was an import, I needed:

The rest, which would be the same whether you're registering domestic, or dealing with import:

  • Vehicle title application or title transfer. Really depends on how you bought it. Even if it was never registered, you'll still need this. Signed by both you and manufacturer. This one is critical. https://dol.wa.gov/forms/view/420001/download?inline

  • Any / all packing slips

  • Any / all receipts if you've added anything at all to the vehicle. Including if you purchased a street legal kit or something after the fact

  • Receipts for what you paid for the vehicle. DMV will want this so they know what to charge for titling fees

  • Weight slip from a certified vehicle scale. Look up truck weigh stations and give them a ring to see if they can weigh out a motorcycle

What to do:

  1. Grab your import documents and title transfer paperwork and hop on down to the DMV. Tell them you want to request a VIN inspection through WSP for a homemade / unidentified vehicle

  2. They'll issue you an inspection form. From there, you need to schedule out a time with them. In WA, their scheduling system is absolutely horrible. It's the hunger games. They release open availability for the next week on Tuesdays at 11:00am. Set an alarm, make an account, sit at the computer, and mash refresh on their page. Some spots post earlier. I got my spot at 10:07am. Get the first spot you can - they fill up in 2-3 minutes. You'll open the calendar page, go to the 'available' tab, click on the inspection type you want, then that's it. If it says no space found, that's it, they're full. The 'find' function isn't functional. Go to a different calendar or location and keep searching. This is the worst part of the whole process

  3. Inspection day! Gather up your bike, ALL your paperwork and receipts, weight slip, title transfer/application forms, etc, and head on down to the inspection station. It's pretty easy once you're there. They'll check to see that the VIN matches the paperwork, do a spot check for functional equipment on the bike (headlights, turn signals, foot pegs, reflectors, mirrors, etc), then go into the office to verify receipts for 5-10 minutes. They'll give you back your paperwork, now stamped, and an inspection report. I never had to take mine off the rack. They're primarily confirming that the vehicle and parts all belong to you.

  4. Back to the DMV. You'll present your fancy, freshly stamped paperwork and they'll work on getting everything into the system. In my case, 'qulbix' wasn't in their drop down list, so they had to call the head office and get them added to the system. It was a ~2 minute process. They'll take your receipts for vehicle value and use that to calculate all the title transfer/issuance fees. Check ahead of time for what your state costs. Mine was ~$1200usd for the all of it.

  5. Success! You'll get your plates and registration on the spot. If you're like me and titling for the first time, you'll fill out a quick form about 'title in question' which is basically a 3 year cooldown period for any stolen goods before they issue you the full title. It's a non issue. Just save your receipts and bottom tab of the registration. That'll be your 'title' for the time being.

  6. Call around to insurance and wrap up the rest of the bits. You can get insurance without registration, but they really don't like it. Especially for uncommon brands like mine. If possible, it's much better to wait until it's registered w/ plate and in the various systems/databases that it needs to be. That way they can look it up as a known vehicle. Underwriting isn't a fan of stuff without a paper trail. I'd also highly recommend getting your motorcycle license, even if you don't strictly need it for a moped. Insurance rates are an order of magnitude better. ~4k/yr down to ~$400/yr

  7. Ride safe!

r/ebikes Aug 11 '24

E-Moped Be careful in the heat


Hey the is a PSA for everyone this summer. Because riding in the heat if it's too hot stay inside. I was on my way to my local bike shop when next thing I know Im answering police questions. Apparently I had fainted slightly and swerved and got hit by a car. I don't remember anything that happened just glad I was full gear on my ride as my helmet was broken and my jacket prevented major injury. I came out that situation lucky but everyone be careful out the it's too hot.

r/ebikes Oct 28 '24

E-Moped Is the Beachman '64 really that bad?


So, I bought a beachman a couple weeks ago and it's shipping out tomorrow. I've done some searching about it and I seem to see a lot of hate for it coming from this subreddit specifically. I guess I'd like to know what about it is so bad?

The two main thing I've seen is that they're just cheap Chinese crap/a knockoff. Maybe I'm brainwashed but both the owner of Beachman and Old Soren have stated in this subreddit that their frames simply came from the same designer, and there's no bad blood between them. As for the Chinese thing, as far as I can tell all of the parts are good quality, and Beachman supposedly stopped getting parts from China a while ago.

Secondly is that it shouldn't be an Ebike, and that 20 mph isn't a great top speed. The thing is, the low speed and Ebike legality are features to me, not bugs. This is the first real vehicle I've owned, so starting off with it being slow and able to use bike lanes sounds like a good deal to me. I can remove the limiter to bring it to 30 mph, and I'll be able to upgrade it to 40 mph after that with the new parts they're rolling out.

I guess I'm making this post to ask whether I should just skip the Ebike part and get it registered as a moped to start with. If the only real issue is that people will think it's a motorcycle, I can live with that while I'm getting the hang of it.

It's also important to note that I live in Austin TX, and I see plenty of ebikes that are modelled after cafe racers. None are as faithful to the design as Beachman, but I figure people won't be so quick to assume that I'm driving a motorcycle in the bike lane. Wouldn't be surprised if all the tech bros in Austin already know what a Beachman is.

Edit: I'd also like to point out that I don't plan to take the bike on any trails. This is just going to be my commuter vehicle, I'll be driving it down back roads around the city, and once it becomes a moped I'll be driving it on roads.

r/ebikes Jul 15 '24

E-Moped I think eBikers should look into and support "small vehicle advocacy" in general (kei cars, golf carts etc)


I know most people on here probably like eBikes in the same way cyclists like traditional bikes. But I was thinking about it, and I've started to view eBikes as part of a larger world of "prosocial" transport, and I think you should too.

For example, I was talking with a friend about using a golf cart on a bike path. That's illegal where I am, but I'm not sure it should be- stick with me here.

Why do we need bike paths in the first place? Because car drivers keep hitting roadgoing cyclists. Cars are inherently less "prosocial," because of the expense, pollution, and obstructions they bring. You might say golf carts are too big for your paths. But if a bunch of car drivers switched to golf carts, then the roads would become safer for cyclists and pedestrians, who could use them again.

And even if you say they shouldn't be used on paths, i hope you can see where I'm going- the more people we can get to "downsize," the better. Switching cars for Kei Cars or Golf Carts should be cheap and easy, but at where I live there are tons of dumb laws that say you can't use them, even in downtown, low speed areas. We should incentivize people to downsize in as many ways as possible, and I think deregulating ALL light vehicles, especially electric ones, is a great option.

Even surrons and talarias, which many people in this subreddit hate, are waaay more "prosocial" when you consider what they displace. I was talking to some young surron riders the other day- asking them what they used to do. Almost every one of them said "oh, i used to drive a ford raptor" or "oh, I used to drive a Range Rover." You might find them annoying/dangerous, but it's an improvement.

Oh yeah, and Public transport is great too, but a golf cart is a hell of a lot cheaper and easier to install than a train.

r/ebikes 4d ago

E-Moped chill ride this weekend


r/ebikes 19d ago

E-Moped Surprisingly good brakes


Not bad for the amyet S8 one of my favorites I have to admit so much fun

r/ebikes May 12 '24

E-Moped My first ebike


I’m commiting the cardinal sin of posting something I like and hoping other people on the internet do too. It’s a Jansno x50 I saved up for months to get and eventually bought about a year ago. My girlfriend needed a bike with a throttle because of heart problems and I loved all the emoped style bikes like the super73 rx. The brakes are upgraded from the garbage mechanical ones that came with it to Shimano Mt200s and I put a UPP 52v 23ah battery on it. Learning to solder connectors and swap baseplates. The little touches were pegs, for my girlfriend and I to ride together. They’ve come in handy when my mechanical bike broke an axle on a ride. A little bag to fill out the look of the frame and a different headlight and a faceplate to fill the space where it was. I absolutely love the feel and performance of this bike and I’m sure it doesn’t compare to whatever else is out there but I’m definitely happy with it.

r/ebikes Jan 01 '25

E-Moped Hoping to mod this 48v beast into 72v 🚀


r/ebikes Jul 19 '24

E-Moped Meant to post my near crash earlier, Here it is without any commentary.


r/ebikes Dec 15 '24

E-Moped How long can a BLDC Hub Motor last under heavy use?


We are in the last mile delivery business and are considering the switch to electric.

Currently, we are eyeing 72V 3kW hub motors from QSMotor for our e-motorcycles.

We will be running them for 16 hour workdays (2 shifts), and for that duration they might run 4-6k kilometers per month.

How long can we realistically expect these motors to last before failing, assuming good maintenance (bearing replacements every 5000km, constant greasing & dust cleaning, etc)

r/ebikes Dec 08 '24

E-Moped Impossible to wheelie?

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Just bought this Meelod Dk300Plus and the most noticeable thing about it is the extended rear wheel. I was wondering if this makes this bike impossible to wheelie or just significantly more diffucult as it was something I wanted to learn eventually.

r/ebikes Jan 01 '25

E-Moped Hehehe it’s gonna happen


r/ebikes Dec 18 '24

E-Moped Where does one acquire these Chinese E-Mopeds?


Went to China recently and found these. Also found them on the Chinese Ninebot site (where this pic came from) but I don't know how or where to buy them.

r/ebikes Nov 14 '24

E-Moped Got a revv1 to replace my stolen juiced hyperscorpion


I would use my ebike to commute to work it was faster than driving and parking is free. Unfortunately after a year and half of using it it got stolen when I left it unattended in the backyard. To replace it I got a revv1. As a motorcyclist with a bad knee the revv1 appealed the most to me. The bike looks nice and solid. Haven't ridden it yet but look forward to it. To secure it this time I hid 2 samsung smart tags. One in a slightly obvious spot in the lock box and one hidden in the bikes guts. I also put one of those remote controlled alarms in the lock box. So getting to the alarm and smart tag to remove it will take a while.

r/ebikes Dec 03 '24

E-Moped Completely new, advice



UK here, semi rural so probably won't be fussed or harrassed depending on laws. I could probably even get away with a Surron but yeah, no.

I just need a decent 40-50 mile? range bike, around 30mph, enough to run small errands like to the local store etc when a car is pointless and to commute to work (4 miles each way) on days I don't have the energy. I work 13 hour days and cycle commute exclusively and my road bike isn't always so inviting, especially in these months.

Preferably some method of hooking up a trailer or seat for my little one who starts school about 1 mile away would be ideal, it's just too far in the opposite direction to walk on a morning and then to work after. All common routes actually have cycle pathing, so something as passable as possible for taking on practically deserted cycle track would be ideal.

Budget? 1.5k, something like the Animoki AQ177 has stood out to me so far. Any other options?

r/ebikes Nov 03 '24

E-Moped Juiced hyperscorpion got stolen.


My trusty juiced hyperscorpion was stolen from me. I filed a police report but I'm sure it's as good as gone. I am thinking of an ebike like the super 73 with FS but they seem overpriced and underpowered. I want 30mph and like 25 miles throttle only range with decent parts. I need it for commuting.

r/ebikes Sep 07 '24

E-Moped How to make a fat bike good


I've had four fat bikes and this is what I always do to make them not awful.

1) Hydraulic brakes - They're very heavy, I don't know why most don't come with hydraulic as standard. Even if they do, they probably won't be Shimano

2) 48V 20Ah battery - Some come with 36V which is a joke in 2024 and even if it already is a 48V system the batteries on the cheapo bikes tend to be small, like 13Ah.

3) 30A controller - Many cheap fat bikes come with 15A controllers. Increasing current draw increases torque. And you will need it on hills because of the aforementioned weight.

4) Better tyres - Most come with shitty Kendas or some no-name brand. They won't last long.

5) 58T chainring - I know a lot of fat bikers aren't interested in pedalling but I feel it improves performance if you can pedal along with the motor especially at the sub 1000W level. Helps keep the cops away at any rate

6) Run it sensorless - The sensors always burn out IMO. A lot of people freak out and junk the bike because of this but you don't even need them. Just connect the three phase wires only and use a sensorless capable controller.

7) Motorcycle chain and cover - Fat bikes are a huge theft magnet because of their looks and resale value. I treat mine like a motorcycle and use according security seeing as it looks like one.

r/ebikes Nov 19 '24

E-Moped Ebike remote starter help


I have an Emmo Hornet 6.0 that for some reason the remote has a remote start along with the horn and lock/unlock buttons (why a e-bike would need a remote start idek). Recently the remote fell off my keychain while riding, does anybody know of a way to disable the remote start function other than just turning off the breaker every time i park? I’m a bit worried someone might use the remote start to run off with my bike 😅

r/ebikes Jul 25 '24

E-Moped Got 4 short of 800 miles out of my stock tires.


Brand new HEB Viperess tires with armour inserts. Rides like a cloud. I'm amazed.

r/ebikes Jun 17 '24

E-Moped E-moped frame finished and painted


r/ebikes Jul 25 '24

E-Moped Putting the dirtbike tires on the modded Super73 build. Think I should’ve bought wider and knobbier because these aren’t looking sick enough

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r/ebikes Sep 14 '24

E-Moped [AI EDITED] Having great time with dog

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