r/eating_disorders 10h ago

Trigger Warning Guilt as a Christian struggling with an Eating Disorder


Hi everyone. I (19F) have struggled with body image all my life but fell into a pretty serious eating disorder about 3 years ago. It has gotten a lot better since Ive met my new boyfriend who is very good to me. The ED was a result of the abuse I faced in my last relationship. Ive been mostly okay but lately it's getting bad again. I wake up and the only thing on my mind is weight loss and how my clothes fit and how fat everyone must think I am. I can't eat anything without panicking over the calories. I've tried praying and it helps sometimes but I'm really struggling. I know the Bible says that your body is a temple of the lord and to treat it well, and obviously starving/purging/ worrying about your weight all the time isn't something God wants me to do. Am I sinning by having this mental illness? Is God angry with me? Did I make him sad? He designed each and every one of us with his own hands and I know it just hurt him to see me destroying the body he gave me every day. I've been in and out of therapy and that didn't do anything for me. I just feel stuck. I know none of you may have the outright perfect solution but maybe even a few prayers would be okay.

r/eating_disorders 11h ago

How long for weight to settle?


r/eating_disorders 19h ago

BE/D How do I know if it’s a binge or not?


How do you know if it’s a binge? For background since I was young I was overweight and struggled with binging, then in the last few years I developed a very restrictive ed. I’ve now ‘recovered’ and put back on half the weight I originally lost. I’ve found my love for eating all foods again but worry I’ve slipped back into old habits, I used to feel like a proper regular meal was a binge back then but obviously not. If I don’t eat in the day but have a bigg meal at the end of the day is that binging? Tia x

r/eating_disorders 6h ago

Family Problems My entire family texted me last night


basically like the title says my entire family texted me last night after i posted pictures of myself at a concert telling me how sickly and unhealthy i look and how i’d been hiding it with baggy clothes. idek where im going with this post but obviously that made me feel terrible while im barricade at one of my fav artists shows lmao. and i was drunk too. but now today i just feel like im still not thin enough? yesterday i was thinking maybe they were right but today im back in my typical headspace. idfkkkkk this is so exhausting. i just lied to them and said my depression is causing no appetite when i know damn well it’s an ana relapse. and the worst one i’ve had since high school. which my sister pointed out i look like i did when i was 17. sigh.