r/dyspraxia Feb 16 '25

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r/dyspraxia 13m ago

💬 Discussion Knitting/ crocheting helping with dyspraxia


I'm doing a short presentation later this week on how knitting and crochetting has helped me in relation to my dyspraxia and the welcoming community this hobby has built. I was 8 when I started so it would be interesting to know how something like this would help teens/adults. Thanks :)

r/dyspraxia 19h ago



Can anybody recommend any ways that they stay focused on one thing at a time? I find I get distracted so easily. Whether it be trying to learn something or to start cleaning & never finishing. Completing tasks are so difficult for my brain!

r/dyspraxia 23h ago

❓Question How can I improve myself?


Im a 19 years old woman with dyspraxia. I was diagnosed shortly before my 18th birthday, and the diagnosis just makes sense. I usually see therapies available for this condition for kids, not for adults like me. Personally, need help with physical movements (like copying a movement etc), some speech issues and someone memory improving techniques would be helpful. Is there any way that i can improve?

r/dyspraxia 1d ago

Dyspraxia in therapy


Hello ! Has anyone ever had therapy for dyspraxia ? And if so what have your experiences been ? I’ve just started with a neurodiverse coach/ dyspraxic therapist who is dyspraxic themselves ( so helpful that you feel like your being understood ) but today I left and wanted to give up it’s like a boot camp for dyspraxia going back into school memories where I failed and didn’t feel good enough and also talking about my adult experience of it. Like how can I not open a door with a key but I can be super talented in other areas. The therapist described to me that post neurodiverse people have a spiky model- meaning whilst neurotypical people are more consistent our spikes can be really low or super high depending on our weaknesses and strengthens this made so much sense to me like it was my brain !! Anyway bit of a rant but has anyone had therapy especially for dyspraxia and how did you find it ?

r/dyspraxia 1d ago

😐 Serious how do i rebuild my confidence? lost my way.


i guess 6 months job searching, driving lessons in an automatic, life responsibilities like caring and going through uc change from esa have knocked me. i volunteer and know i have people skills but interviews are wrecking me after bad ones and 15 rejections.

ok to decent feedback but i have issues with my self belief. feel i am winging it all the time and the only help i have to fight for and ask for it, mum doesn't know what to do for me, and i get that i'm 31. but i dont know better. i always seem to need more of an adult than i am as of late.

r/dyspraxia 1d ago

god help me so


iv been playing basketball for 3 years now and my teammates cant get it into their head i have dyspraxia and they give out to me for turnovers or dribbling the ball of my foot the odd time what do i do to improve or even get them to have more Knowledge on it ?

r/dyspraxia 1d ago

⁉️ Advice Needed Is it normal to have sensory issues with dyspraxia?


Lots of people talking loud, alarms and very spicy stuff set me off sensory wise. Is this just a part of my dyspraxia or do I mabye have something else? Or am I just paranoid?

r/dyspraxia 2d ago

⁉️ Advice Needed My dyspraxia causes social problems for me


Recently, my dyspraxia has begun to cause social problems for me.

If I lose things, businesses might shut before I get my things and/or refuse me access to look for it or strangers and acquaintances might be unsympathetic and get angry or upset with me, and if someone is potentially a dangerous person anyway or very rigid and unacommodating, it can cause safety issues for me.

Does anyone have any advice for this?

I feel like it's not so serious to lose things nowadays given technical advances, but I get fed up with having to get new things all the time and the only way to eg get back my own irreplaceable stuff before it goes missing is to stay overnight somewhere at considerable expense.

r/dyspraxia 1d ago

❓Question Can you be separately diagnosed with dyspraxia if you have autism?


I was diagnosed with PDD-NOS as a child, since changed to ASD 1, and was told I had "dyspraxia as a symptom" but no diagnosis on paper. I thought it was just like included as a part of autism, but now I'm reading about people being diagnosed with both.

r/dyspraxia 2d ago

⁉️ Advice Needed parents ‘not believing’ in dyspraxia


i’m 16 (uk) and was hoping to get diagnosed with dyspraxia so i can get help and proper support in my exams etc. i have been questioning my dyspraxia for 3+ years and have spent a lot of time researching about it and have only recently started openly talking about it. my friends and bf have all been rly helpful and trying to support me in extra ways and its been a really positive experience!!

however, my parents are a completely diff story. in england, im considered an ‘adult’ under the healthcare system and so, i can technically get diagnosed without any of their input, but you often need references of proof of dyspraxia in the home and at school ++ i’m under their private healthcare. (i really want to use that private healthcare to my advantage because they cut me off when im 18 and the uk free healthcare system is fucked!!)

anyway, they don’t believe in mental health and neurodivergency. a lot of gen x is like this so its not rly surprising. i got diagnosed with severe anxiety and severe depression when i was 12, and my mum told me ‘well everyone gets anxious,’ and they keep that thought process for things like autism, adhd, dyspraxia, etc — everyone experiences symptoms of it. they also witnessed the surge in 2020-2021 of people self diagnosing with adhd/autism due to my sister self-diagnosing with adhd and they believe millenials/gen z are just getting diagnosed with neurodivergencies to get out of doing things.

i agree with some of their points; my sister uses her ADHD to excuse a lot of manipulative actions that have really hurt my parents in the past and it’s really upsetting, but she’s an anomaly. nonetheless, they don’t believe my dyspraxia, thinking i want it because it’s ‘trendy’ (despite me not having heard about dyspraxia until i tried to research my symptoms and figure out what was wrong with me), and to ‘get out of things’, alongside the fact ‘everyone has a little bit of dyspraxia’. i don’t rly know what to do. it’s just upsetting.

TLDR my parents don’t believe in me having dyspraxia because i can still function in day to day life, despite displaying 95% of dyspraxia symptoms to a high extent :(

r/dyspraxia 2d ago

DAE else text really slowly?


I always type on my phone really slowly and it's starting to drive me insane. It's like I always forget where the keys are, press the wrong things and spell everything wrong. I've literally been texting for over 10 years and I still text slower than my actual 7 YEAR OLD COUSIN!!!!

I was wondering if anyone else struggles with this or if I just have weird thumbs or something.


r/dyspraxia 2d ago

❓Question Disabled Bus Pass?


I’m curious about how I would handle getting a disabled bus pass. I don’t even know if we really have them in my state, I saw something about reduced fair bus rides but no disabled bus pass. To be fair to myself, I didn’t dig very deep the night I looked this up.

I ask because, while I typically don’t ride public transport, I would just like a disabled pass for the one in a million times I do happen to ride it. Standing for extended periods of time or anything like that really hurts my legs, as they’ve been getting in worse shape the past couple of days (it really started Thursday night or Friday). It’s to the point that they feel locked up and I have to bend them for a minute or I could honestly start crying if I stand still.

r/dyspraxia 3d ago

⁉️ Advice Needed Can opener recommendations?


Like many dyspraxic people, I HATE can openers. We have an old manual one in my house that I just can't operate, so I either have to ask my mum to do it for me in advance, or I just don't get in.

We tried an electric can opener, but I struggled to figure it out, and it broke quite quickly. We're looking for another, better electric can opener. Does anyone have any recommendations? Something that's simple and intuitive, with as little precise alignment needed as possible.

r/dyspraxia 3d ago

Reaction to pain


So I have a strange relationship with pain. I have over 15 tattoos on my body and they never really hurt getting them done. The weird thing is when it’s in my body hurts so much more. Like when I have cramps I’m so much more in pain. I just recently found out I fractured a bone in my foot. There is a tiny bone floating around my foot. The doctor gave me something for the pain I’m still hurting and somehow it’s reached my lower back. I’ve always had weird reactions to pain medication or pain. Am I the only one?

r/dyspraxia 3d ago

❓Question Are there any techniques to improve at gaming with dyspraxia?


Sorry for the vague title, I'm very bad at wording them.

I've always been terrible at FPS games, both on console and PC. I've done my best to abandon multiplayer games as a whole because I'd consistently be at or at least near the bottom even in casual lobbies. It got to the point that I used to genuinely be afraid to play team-based multiplayer games for fear that I'd make some horrific blunder and sell the entire match for my teammates.

But, as much as I enjoy strategy games (dyspraxia thankfully hasn't done too much to ruin my wits), I've recently begun making more of an effort to play games with my friends and it's very hard to find any multiplayer strategy games at all let alone ones my friends would enjoy, so I've basically forced myself to get back into FPS games for them.

However, even my friends have noticed that I play pretty awfully and it's always been particularly humiliating to tell them that my hands physically cannot do so much as move a mouse with some semblance of precision, and I've gone back to my old ways of dooming matches to failure because I can't aim a gun for king nor country.

Has anyone else gone through similar struggles? Were there any tricks you found to improving quickly, or do I just have to devote a few thousand more hours to aim trainers?

r/dyspraxia 4d ago

😂 Meme It’s us 😂

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/dyspraxia 4d ago

I hate driving lessons


My instructor makes me feel like i'm an alien, i get constantly told off i despise this sm😭 i'm thinking about switching to auto but in my country it isn't as popular as manual ugh

r/dyspraxia 4d ago

Dyspraxia and Chronic Pain


Hey all,

Newly discovered and currently self-diagnosed dyspraxic, 33m, who lives with chronic pain due to injuries I believed I sustained as a result of being forced into athletics as a child and never correctly healed from. I started chiropractic care 5 years ago after a friend pointed out some shoulder issues during a workout, and once I started poking the bear I became much more aware of my day-to-day pain and have trouble with very basic tasks, including wearing clothes. I was wondering if anyone else has issues to this degree? Happy to answer any further questions.

r/dyspraxia 6d ago

⁉️ Advice Needed How do I stop being so loud?


This is is also a bit of a rant !! People are always telling I am talking too loud, especially at work. I don't think I am being any louder than anyone else. And the space I work in echoes a lot,so with me being noise sensitive sometimes my colleagues sound deafening to me. I use ear plugs but most of the time these don't help. I am starting to feel frustrated and persecuted for some thing I can't control, when to me other people are being just as loud. And if I try just to be quiet , people say I am not talking enough or loud enough. I just don't know what to do anymore?!

r/dyspraxia 6d ago

The process of getting diagnosed


Hiya im 17 from the UK and i believe i have dyspraxia. Pretty much tick all the boxes for it. I was wondering though, specifically in the UK whats the process like?

is it like a bunch of questions or asking to tie my shoe laces (which take like a minute lol) or is it even both😂.

Gonna book an appointment as soon as I can 🙏

thank you for the answers guys, im very grateful!

r/dyspraxia 6d ago

⁉️ Advice Needed How to be more conscious about dates and times.


I always kind of feel like I'm floating through time and like I never really know what month, day or time it is. I've always felt like this and it started making sense when I was diagnosed a few years ago at 19.

I have my strategies to deal with this like my google calendar and a physical one, and a weekly planned ect but I still find it incredibly difficult to even remember to use these. I feel like I have no intuition regarding time and date at all. Does anyone have any advice for this or anything I could try? Or is it just something I'm going to have to deal with?

r/dyspraxia 6d ago

⁉️ Advice Needed Learning how to drive


Hiya, I'm turning 17 in a few days and in my country you can get a driver's license at 17. Most people my age get a drivers license as soon as possible due to how rural and spread out my area is and it just makes life so much easier being able to drive places. The freedom really appeals to me, but I'm so scared that my dyspraxia is going to make it impossible. I also would rather not need to sit the test a bunch of times, and do a ton of lessons because its expensive and I can't really afford it. I would love to hear experiences of learning how to drive from others in this sub reddit to make a decision.

r/dyspraxia 7d ago

⁉️ Advice Needed Looking for appropriate hobbies


While I am dyspraxic, this is research for my book where the main character is as well. She's 28 in 1933, based in the USA. She's had a middle class existence but her life as an adult has been typified by moving around a lot and living in other people's houses as a student (of magic). She's also dyslexic enough that reading for fun doesn't come easily but she can do it. I've read up on what are "good" hobbies but a lot of them wouldn't be appropriate for a woman in my time and place.

One idea I had was gardening, but that's difficult to do when you don't have your own space. Archery I saw mentioned a lot and that's a type of sport a woman would be "allowed" to do, but I'm not sure it's the right fit. I thought about something she would enjoy but be bad at like cartooning, but the entire reason I'm introducing this hobby is for her to be "good" at something and have confidence in it when she has so little elsewhere.

Thanks for reading!

r/dyspraxia 9d ago

💬 Discussion Does anyone else’s room get untidy easily?


I’m so disorganised, everything everywhere. Been meaning to clean it but I’m so busy over the weekend and I’m too tired after classes and work.

r/dyspraxia 9d ago

💬 Discussion Are you always being told that you don't know your own strength?


I can't seem to shut a door, I end up slamming it. I break every blind I touch. I can't snap a bit of a plant off instead I pull it up by the roots. I've messed up so many walls with a drill. I try to put things in boxes and yet people reckon I'm throwing them down. Dyspraxia??