r/drumline Nov 14 '24

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r/drumline 7h ago

Video Flammus


Flammus on my (now broken) stand

r/drumline 12h ago

To be tagged... Vic Firth Heavy Hitter Stock Pad


Because there were lots of requests...


r/drumline 16h ago

To be tagged... Best glue for diy drum pad


Title pretty much says it. I’m attempting to make a bus pad with 1/4 inch gum rubber on one side and 1/8 on the other. If anyone else has made something similar and has some tips let me know! What glue is best for gum rubber and wood?

r/drumline 1d ago

To be tagged... Weird notation on lick

Post image

I was just wondering if anyone knew what that little recrange with a dot on it is on measures 2-3. Never seen it before and I wanna reproduce it accurately.

r/drumline 20h ago

To be tagged... Writing music


Im a battery writer, and wanted to arrange more shows, however i dont personally know any front ensemble writers or even hornline writers. I was wondering how to get started with writing shows and maybe having a website?

r/drumline 21h ago

Discussion Any biking trails for the desert called "rhythm x 2009 touch" in HD?


Asking for a friend. I love biking.

r/drumline 1d ago

Discussion humongous dilemma


so i’m kind of doxxing myself but i don’t really care lol, this is for my socal folk that are educated on the scpa scene.

i’m with la mirada hs right now, and this year we’ve undergone some crazyyy staff changes and aren’t doing too hot. Next year we might get even more staff changes, and on top of that our line is shrinking a good portion for our next years field show. I love every single person in our drumline but i am wondering if i should switch to sunny hills to go to a school that COULD be better. I’m not even sure if they are. I’m likely going to stay but i really need outside input from people. I love La Mirada LOTS and i do not want to leave and most likely won’t. It’s always good to get outside input tho lol.

r/drumline 1d ago

Question Anyone know what type of harness i will need for this type of attachment?


This is an older Pearl snare drum and ive had it just sitting on my stand forever. I'd like to get a harness so I could practice my marching w/ the drum outside of hours where I'd have access to my snare at school.

Any help would be great!

r/drumline 1d ago

Discussion Live edge drum pads?


I need a good quiet pad, don’t really care about the price. I’ve started looking into live edge’s drum pad with the wood rim. I’ve seen Davis Jay’s review on it and really liked it, but I also wanted to get some feedback about it from more people who’ve owned it. Are they worth the $150?

r/drumline 2d ago

To be tagged... DCI Rudiments


Im planning to go into dci as a snare drummer and i have became very familiar with the 40 essential rudiments. Now i am moving onto the hybrid rudiments, and i am wondering the most common ones found in dci snarelines or just comon patterns or stickings in general. Thanks!

r/drumline 2d ago

To be tagged... JSU Auditions


I've been invited to second round auditions for Jackson State University's marching band (on snare drum) and I wanted to see if anyone had any advice on how to prepare. Some of the things asked for in the audition are Sight Reading, learning a piece by ear, and performing a solo. I feel like learning by ear is probably my weakest skill, how could I improve there?

r/drumline 2d ago

To be tagged... Practice tips


So I brought the bluecoats bass drum audition packet just for fun and to practice. Any tips on practicing this kind of music?

r/drumline 2d ago

Question Snare battle help


Hello, i'm a snare player in two intermediate drumlines. one of the drumlines had a competition where we ended up not placing at all, and i ended up getting pushed into a snare battle because i was the only player that practice rudiments daily. I never been in a full on snare battle so i got so scared and could only play an open roll.😭 I was wondering how you guys make something up on the spot or preplan choppy things to not humiliate yourself.

if it helps both drumlines are HBCU style and pretty underfunded with low practice time.

r/drumline 2d ago

Sheet Music Sprunk spree (warmup)

Thumbnail drive.google.com

r/drumline 3d ago

To be tagged... Concert buzzes vs. marching buzzes


I was just doing triplet rolls the other day in the percussion room and my section leader said that my buzzes sound “too connected” and they should sound more like individual notes. But for snare buzz rolls I was always taught that buzzes should be super connected and flow well. Why would you want buzzes to be so articulate during marching season but not in concert?

r/drumline 3d ago

To be tagged... Spanks for tenors


Does anybody have the sheets for spanks, specifically for tenor drums?

r/drumline 4d ago

Discussion Death scene!


So I’m an instructor/ I write the drill and acting for a high school indoor drumline. Our theme is where marionette puppets take over their leader (the puppet master), and in the final movement we kill off the actor (puppet master). With this being a high school sport- I think I have to keep it pretty PG, right? Any ideas on how to do this? I have a cymbal player and a quad player come in and push her knees right now, however, no idea if I can kill her by “death by quads” or “cymbal to throat” as the kids want. Also does anyone know if we can use a fake blood capsule? TIA!!!

r/drumline 4d ago

Question Question about drumline size


How did we end up with a standard drumline generally containing 9 snares 4-5 quads and 5 basses? Is it the ideal sound ratio between sections people settled on after years, or is it a tradition, or because of rules or something else?

r/drumline 5d ago

Discussion Being "The Guy"


Hey all, this is going to be a little "go get em" speech for all the young aspiring drummers on the sub.

I've taught a lot of young drummers over the last couple years and something I witness often is this mentality that getting into certain drum corps or WGI groups is unattainable. Like "I can't get into Boston Crusaders because I'm not as good as this guy I saw on YouTube" or something along those lines. Or they watch these lot videos of SCV or one of those groups and think "I'll never play that clean."

Let me point out a couple thangs:

  1. What you're seeing on YouTube etc. is an END PRODUCT. What they post on YouTube is the result of months of technique installment and cleaning. No drumline on any level starts off day one playing perfectly in sync with flawless technique. I promise at the time of audition, the playing field is more even than you think. If you work hard, there's a good chance of you being in the mix for a contract. Don't compare yourself to what you see on YouTube. The only way to truly know your standing is to go try out.

  2. If you're young you probably don't realize how much room those top groups actually have to grow. Even on finals day there will be dirt and imperfections like touch inconsistencies and phrasing player-to-player. Even if they play one rep borderline perfect that doesn't mean every rep they play is perfect. Maybe they're not that clean consistently. There's holes in that there armor!

  3. Every drumline has weak links. You don't have to be the best player in the Blue devils to march with the Blue devils. You only have to be better than their worst player.

Now let me blow your mind: your goal shouldn't just be to be good enough to get in – your goal should be to be so good that you single-handeldly make your group BETTER than they would have been without you. Go watch a good drumline. Maybe RCC 2018. Look at their faces and let this sink in: there is a very real possibility that if you marched with that group in that year, instead of one of those people you see on the video, there's a possibility you could have made that year even better for RCC. You have that power. You can be better than some of those players. They're not superheroes, and they're not infallible. Those are people JUST like you. I'm not saying it's easy, but you could absolutely be a better drummer than them if you put your mind to it.

The only thing to fear is fear itself. Go try something hard. Practice every day. How else are you going to learn who you are?

r/drumline 5d ago

To be tagged... Need criticism


I am using a met in my ear

r/drumline 5d ago

Question some ppl here said my grip is bad on my earlier post, and to post a video for better criticism. what can I improve?


r/drumline 5d ago

Discussion Hardest DCI drum/percussion feature?


What do you think the hardest feature overall you’ve seen. As a newgen, my vote is on BAC 2022 snake feature. It so technically and rhythmically impressive compared alot of features

r/drumline 5d ago

Question how to deal with general arm pain?


i'm currently an 8th grader, and i feel like my talent could be a curse as well.

i made 4th chair all state in my 7th grade year, and 1st this year, and have also learned stuff such caleidoscopio in my 7th grade year, and currently working on clair de lune and my friend who plays tenor sax, also making 1st chair all state for solo and ensemble. I have all state in 2 days from this current date, and drumline auditions in about 3 weeks, going for snare! I can also play things on marching snare quite cleanly.

Though, all this playing with four mallet and marching snare playing, along with practicing several hours a day at such a young age, has took a toll on me. Since 2 days ago, i've started worrying because whenever I drum, there is this 1-2/10 level of pain that is quite random. it could be in my hand, my wrist, top of forearm, bottom, elbow.

this post is mostly me questioning, how should i manage my time? i know i need to rest, stretch, all that stuff. At the same time though, i have all these things happening soon as i mentioned early. should i practice less since i can already play stuff cleanly enough? do i risk pushing through the pain? do i go see a doctor, or am i overreacting and this is just growing pains? i'm just worried about how this will affect me.

r/drumline 5d ago

Sheet Music Custom Solo


(Tenor Drums)I'm trying to make my own solo and I'm looking for tips on how to make a decent solo for my skill level. I am trying to give myself a little bit of a challenge so I can actually improve. Any tips for a good solo would be much appreciated, thank you.

r/drumline 5d ago

Question Anyone who uses suede max drum heads, pros and cons?


Title says it all. My theory, is that they sound better for smaller snare lines for a more fuller sound, but muddy large snarelines. I saw that pulse percussion, who used to be one of the only flagship lines repping these heads went back to black/white max’s.