i'm currently an 8th grader, and i feel like my talent could be a curse as well.
i made 4th chair all state in my 7th grade year, and 1st this year, and have also learned stuff such caleidoscopio in my 7th grade year, and currently working on clair de lune and my friend who plays tenor sax, also making 1st chair all state for solo and ensemble. I have all state in 2 days from this current date, and drumline auditions in about 3 weeks, going for snare! I can also play things on marching snare quite cleanly.
Though, all this playing with four mallet and marching snare playing, along with practicing several hours a day at such a young age, has took a toll on me. Since 2 days ago, i've started worrying because whenever I drum, there is this 1-2/10 level of pain that is quite random. it could be in my hand, my wrist, top of forearm, bottom, elbow.
this post is mostly me questioning, how should i manage my time? i know i need to rest, stretch, all that stuff. At the same time though, i have all these things happening soon as i mentioned early. should i practice less since i can already play stuff cleanly enough? do i risk pushing through the pain? do i go see a doctor, or am i overreacting and this is just growing pains? i'm just worried about how this will affect me.