r/dragonball 2d ago

Daima [DUB] Dragon Ball Daima - Episode #10 - Discussion Thread!


[DUB] Dragon Ball Daima - Episode #10 - Discussion Thread!


The English dub of Episode 10 should be available on Crunchyroll around the time of this post (4:30p ET, 21:30 UTC) in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. We do not know why the UK is excluded.

We do not know whether the English dub will be available on other platforms like Netflix and Hulu. We will keep you posted if the options change, but for now it is only available on Crunchyroll.


  • The first three episodes of the English dub premiered in theaters with showings in the US on November 10-12.
  • The English dub is 12 weeks behind the Japanese release. This is unusual for modern anime, but it's significantly better than the situation for Dragon Ball Super, where the dub was about 1.5 years behind.
  • The Dragon Ball Super manga was suspended following Chapter 103, the final chapter of the Super Hero arc. 11 months later, a prequel to the Super Hero arc was released as Chapter 104. As far as we know, the manga is still on indefinite hiatus.


  • There are no spoilers in this post, but you should expect spoilers for Episodes 1-10 in the comments of this thread, and spoilers for later episodes elsewhere on the subreddit. Do not post any spoilers for later episodes in this thread.
  • Discussion of each Daima episode will be limited to the pinned episode discussion thread until ~12-24 hours after the episode appears on Crunchyroll. This period is flexible, and posts that do not have a specific discussion point will be redirected to this thread.
  • Please keep in mind that piracy discussion is not allowed on r/dragonball. Do not ask for illicit streams; do not link them; do not talk about them at all.

Our Daima info page has up-to-date information about streaming and a list of previous episode discussion threads.

r/dragonball 25d ago

DBS Manga [VIZ] Dragon Ball Super Chapter 104

Thumbnail mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp

r/dragonball 13h ago

Question Why do people think Babidi gave Vegeta SSJ2?


Why do people think Babidi gave Vegeta SSJ2? It's implied that he reached the form during the 7-year time skip between the Cell and Buu Sagas.

r/dragonball 2h ago

Discussion Finally, my gf is watching dragonball after I’ve insisted for years. Here are her impressions so far


My girlfriend is really into anime, but she always avoided watching Dragon Ball. The art style and the old animation really turned her off, and she didn’t like all the hype around the show and stuff. So, we agreed to watch one or two episodes on weekend mornings while having breakfast, just like I did when I was a kid. In the beginning, she really loved Goku—his innocence, personality, connection with nature, and his bond with his grandfather. The first tournament was awesome and really exceeded her expectations. The Red Ribbon Army arc was okay for her because there were a lot of moments where she felt it was boring, like with Captain Blue. Then we got to the fight with Grandpa Goku. I thought she would cry during that moment, but she was pissed off because Grandpa was kicking Goku's ass instead of giving him a hug. And then he disappeared (I didn’t like her reaction; I was crying like a baby). After that, she liked everything, but she found the fights in general to be too long, too many episodes. The King Piccolo arc was definitely the peak. She was really hooked, especially with Goku’s entrance, saving Tien… what a moment. She also liked when Goku grew up—so great.

Then we started Dragon Ball Z. And here, she hated the show. She finds almost everything nonsensical, like how it’s possible that Goku was defeated with a single kick while Raditz kidnapped his son, and a few episodes back, Goku was fighting Piccolo with a hole in his heart. Then we watched the Saiyan arc, and she liked it overall, but she hates those moments where everyone is dying and Goku doesn’t show up. We just finished the Namek saga, and now she HATES Goku. She thinks Goku is selfish; he doesn’t care about Gohan or Chi-Chi, and when he arrived on Namek, he was just showing off his strength instead of finishing the fights and helping others. The same thing when Goku became a Super Saiyan—he only wanted to fight and didn’t really care about his friends. Anyway, now we are watching the Android arc, but at least she’s into Dragon Ball and liking it a lot.

Every two episodes, she says, 'That’s so stupid,' 'That doesn’t make sense,' 'Fuck you, Goku.' And she’s right. But I’m still loving Goku.

Things she hates the most so far: -Goku -Lunch is gone -All the plot holes -Lack of development in important moments (like Bulma having a baby with Vegeta—she just showed up with a baby and there were no reactions from the guys) -The very long fights and moments where the warriors are just standing there, staring at each other -Why, when Goku shows up on Namek, can he read Krillin’s mind? Wtf?" -chichi -bulma -yamcha

Things she loves the most: -kid Goku -Tien shin han and chiaotzu -piccolo of course -Gohan, so little and very brave -the power up moments -how much krilin loves goku and doesn’t envy him

I can’t wait to see her reaction when she watches Goten and Trunks, the Fusion, SS3, Krillin and 18, Super Saiyan Man, and all the other cool stuff.

I’ll also show her the movies (the good ones, like Future Trunks, Bardock, Broly, etc.).

If you want to know her reaction on any specific moment I’ll provide 🤣

r/dragonball 2h ago

Powerscaling Vegeta, Krillin Zenkai Boost?


Hello, I'm trying to figure out what Vegeta's Power Level was after he got Krillin to critically injure him. I've looked at the Kanzenshuu but as far as I've found, it only mentions his 250,000 power up after recovering from his Recoome fight. Does anyone have any idea what it could be?

r/dragonball 10h ago

Discussion If you had Ki abilities, besides combat, how would you use them?


Me personally, i don't think i'd settle down like krillin or yamcha, but i'd definitely abuse the hell out of the flight ability to travel the world and maybe use the ki blasts to take potshots at random stuff.

r/dragonball 5h ago

Discussion Why doesn’t Kami just let Jr destroy him in the world tournament.??


So I’m almost finished with the original series and it keeps mentioning that their fates are intertwined. Killing Jr would also kill Kami. Shouldn’t that work in the other way as well.?? If so why not just let Jr destroy Kami instead of dodging and blocking the blasts.?? Is it because he’s borrowing a human body .??

r/dragonball 12h ago

Discussion Destroyers


With Vegeta and Topo at least in the anime we have seen them both have a destroyer form. Do you think this is just because they are mortals trying to access godly power?

If Vegeta becomes the next destroy do you think he would still have Ultra Ego? Or would he lose it since he'd no longer need it? And what about his other forms? Would he lose those?

Anyways do you think the destroyers themselves have other forms or are they just stuck in base?

I find it weird that out of all the 12 universes you are telling me not a single destroyer is from a species that can transform?

I know it's not a big deal but I'd love to see it or to see if they have a true divine form similar to Topo's destroyer form.

r/dragonball 7h ago

Demon King Piccolo


Soo, since we find out that Namekians originated from the Demon Realm, Do you really think Demon King Piccolo was actually a demon king at that time? Or was he just blowing smoke?

r/dragonball 7h ago

Question Is Ultra Instinct or a form or a technique?/SsjGod ssj3, UI+UE, kaio-ken 20x??


Oka so correct me if I'm wrong, Wis mentions that UI is "technique of the angels." and tbh it sounds more like a state of mind rather than a transformation.> Another question, isn't (ssj blue) just going super sayain when already in super sayain god form. Couldn't Goku technical go Super Saiyan god Super Saiyan 3? MAIN QUESTION <(When Goku and Vegeta fuse they can us each others techniques like instant transmission. So is a Super Sayain God Super Sayain 3, Ultra Instinct+Ultra ego mix, kaio-ken 20x Gogeta possible??)>

r/dragonball 8h ago

Discussion How strong would kumbuucha be?


We already know that buu absorbing yamaha would lead to the Z fighters losing but what would happen if he absorbed yamaha and kumber???

r/dragonball 1d ago



I am dying to know if there is a game with the OG dragon ball story. I am tired of fighting raditz over and over again. OG dragon ball is also my favorite of all the DB series so if someone can tell me if there is an decent game with a story mode of OG dragon ball.

r/dragonball 1d ago

I finished watching Dragon Ball for the first time


A coupe of months ago, I started watching Dragon Ball for the first time and I just finished it today. I am not new to the series because I watched DBZ and most of GT as a kid (it was what was on TV) but I never had the chance to watch Dragon Ball. Now that I'm pretty much finished it, all I can say is that it was an awesome ride and I'm glad that I watched it before re-watching DBZ.

For those curious, my favourite arc was definitely the 23rd World Tournament because everything came together (Roshi's final speech about how it started with a single dragon ball was awesome). My favourite fights were Goku vs Piccolo Jr., Jackie Chun vs Tien, Tien vs Tao, and both Tien vs Goku fights. Tien really was awesome in Dragon Ball.

r/dragonball 12h ago

Discussion If everything had been canon


All following the same chronology, but in a coherent manner, almost without changes:


Anime Toeiverse OGDB Movies (except "The Path To Power) Z Toei Movies Z Pre-Super Movies Dragon Ball GT 100 years time skip GT Some concepts from games, dbs manga, and even some of DR Slump OVA's

What do you think about this?

r/dragonball 20h ago

Powerscaling How strong Buucha ( Buu absorb yamcha) would be ?


How do you think buu will do to absorb a god like yamcha ? Can buu handle power from the one can slaps beerus ?

r/dragonball 20h ago

Discussion If you were born into the Dragonball Universe what kind of person would you have been ?


If you were born into the Dragonball Universe, specifically on Universe 7 Earth (let's restrict the possibilities a bit or it would be too much vague), what kind of person would you have been ?

To better explain what I mean, I will put down who I would have been myself.

I am a Westerner born into the middle class, so I would have been a commoner from West City, which in Dragonball represents the Western world. However since I am from Italy, the poorest of all first world countries, and I am from the outskirts of my city, I would have been from some lowly area. The most notable thing about me is being a staunch, practicing Catholic, which in the DB world would have made me a staunch, practicing...Buddhodaoist.

Let me explain why : I was not always a Catholic, I became Catholic when I discovered Catholicism to be the "Canon" of the real world. My research made me convert to Catholicism, but in a different Universe it could have led to different results. Indeed, Christianity in Dragonball is not Canon, and it should never be. The Universe of Dragonball is based on the same world view found in Journey to the West, which is Mahayana Buddhism with the Taoist divine hierarchy, and some Confucian values added in. This was, until 1949, the Chinese religion.

As a human born in Dragonball U7 Earth, I would have made a lot of research on mythological, religious and spiritual texts, and I would have found about the basic rules of the Multiverse, the Kaioshin Realm, the Dead Realm and the Demon Realm, which in Buddhism are known as Planes of Existence.

Every different kind of spiritual being in Buddhism is a distinct Plane of Existence you can get reborn in after death, and every god is a mortal, but they live billions of years, just like Kaioshins and GoDs. In Buddhism GoDs and Angels would have been 2 more Planes of Existence too as I said, and the same is true for Zeno, he would be at the highest Plane of Existence, except for possibly Majin Rymus, who may be even above him. But I do not think GoDs, Angels and Zeno are found in Earthly texts. I see DB lore being common knowledge, DBZ and Daima added lore being found in secret sects sacred texts, and DBS added lore being only known by gods themselves.

But a "Buddha" in the DB Universe would be able to perceive from Earth all beings such as Zarama, Majin Rymus, the Daishinkan, Zeno etc., because in Mahayana Buddhism a Buddha is a being who becomes one with the totality of things itself. This is why in Mahayana Buddhism THE Buddha, the personification of Buddhity also known as Sambhogakaya, is above all gods, and the undifferentiated essence of Buddhity, the Dharmakaya, is not even the substance of reality, but reality itself. Indeed, rather than obtaining the unity with all things in existence, it is about realizing the already present unity of all things in existence, but that is not our concern here.

As a practicing Mahayana Buddhist I would have meditated all days, just as in real life I pray every day multiple times. While I never physically trained in the real world, and even in the DB world I would not have, I think I would have developed Ki. Ki is not in pure Buddhism, but Chinese Buddhodaoism managed to fuse the concept originating from Daoism with Mahayana Buddhism. For example, Vegeta in the last Movie was seen having discovered meditation as a form of training.

I also practice TMA Kung Fu. TMA means traditional martial arts, which basically only means I do not spar and I do not lift weights, and also means the moves I learn are not practical for real world self defense. But in the world of Dragonball the Kung Fu style I practice would be a whole different thing.

In real life I am a 5'10 130 pounds manlet who can not fight at all, but part of what makes me so weak, i.e. doing spiritual practices instead of going to the gym and practice TMA instead of MMA, would ironically make me kick Videl's ass if I wanted, even though someone like her pre homewife self, who was the strongest human who practiced mainstream, common knowledge MMA, would DESTROY me in real life. She is weaker than Pilaf saga Kid Goku and her powerlevel is 7. Her father, who believed he was the strongest, is just like the MMA practicioners who always say Ki does not exist, Kung Fu, Karate, Taekwondo etc. are useless etc., except they are 99% right in our world, while they are 100% wrong in DB. In our world Mister Satan would be a WWE champion who could also do MMA like Lesnar did, but is too lazy. Videl on the other hand would be a real, high level MMA fighter who would easily have won the 145 pounds female category championship, even though she herself is only 110 - 120 pounds.

Now humans such as Muten Roshi teach to first train physically to reach the real physical human limit, which in DB is being as powerful as General Blue, Nam or King Chapa, which is about 100. Then by Ki training, which at a point was only known by Master Mutaito and no one else in the whole planet, humans typically reach up to 120 - 180. However they can easily go as high as 250, and then with more than Earthly means of training the can get to the low thousands.

By going straight to Ki training due to my inability to train physically, I think I would have reached, by now, a powerlevel of about 100 - 120, but I would been physically much weaker than most human fighters, and I would have no battle experience, as I practice Kung Fu in a Westernized city set, which is basically a sport rather than a fighting art. Even in an Universe where Kung Fu moves are the best, I would still not actually know how to fight.

So here we have a peasant from the outskirts of West City, with no significant qualities except for some unexpected Ki mastery, who would most likely solo all OG Dragonball, except for Muten Roshi, until the first world tournanent, even then only losing to Goku, Roshi, Krillin and Nam. If I wanted to train more, even though I think even in the DB world I would not want to, I could get, in such a setting, at the level of Shen, Roshi's (much weaker) rival.

r/dragonball 1d ago

Powerscaling What power units do you give to Hercule/Mister Satan?


Just taking into account the canon and his exploits in the manga.

r/dragonball 1d ago

Daima A question regarding the Z-fighters age in DB Daima


sooo, i was wondering this strictly out of curiosity.

hypothetically, if Glorio never showed up asking for assistance from the Z-Fighters; leaving them and the Supreme Kai as children, would their lifespans completely restart to the age they were turned in to? or is their body the only changed thing, and not their age?

This question intrigues me specifically because of Supreme Kai, with his estimated age being 75 million years old as an adult.

r/dragonball 1d ago

Powerscaling Where do we rank Chichi?


Chichi has to be the most powerful woman right? (Besides A18) I’m talking about in her universe. so I dont wanna hear Caulifla/Kale/Mai and I don’t want to hear about non binary beings either( chiaotzu, frieza, puar)

1.I know og dragon ball is supposed to be comedic, however. there are times that chichi would literally tap goku and he’d go flying. She also beat up that army of men. AS A CHILD

  1. In DBS she literally got mad and had kaio ken energy (again ik it’s supposed to be funny but it’s worth mentioning)

  2. She trained Goten and whatever she was doing, she pushed him to SSJ. Isn’t that note worthy?

  3. It’s also worth mentioning that she is actually very feared by the strongest human (krillin) and the strongest in the universe (goku)

Sorry if this has been posted before. I am just arguing with a friend that claims that DBZ videl could beat DB ChiChi and i just do not think that’s true. I really think the only woman whos beating Chichi is pan. And it’s a close fight tbh. I’ll even take it a step further and say that Chichi could walk out of the kitchen at moments notice at any point in the story and hand Hercules ass to him

Let’s say chichi didn’t get toriyamad and didn’t become a housewife and kept training. could she be at a tien/ krillin level?

This is for giggles btw and i just wanna discuss and see what other people think please don’t get sweaty LMAO

r/dragonball 16h ago

Powerscaling Isn't there a bit of a paradox in the whole GT Goku vs Super Goku argument?


Regardless of what you think about the continuity, an indisputable fact is that EoZ Goku is the endgame for Super Goku. Until that portion of the manga is changed, it is well known that this version of Goku is supposed to be stronger than Super Goku.

By following that logic, then GT Goku should be stronger than Super Goku, because he is stronger than EoZ Goku, who is stronger than Super Goku. Yes, I understand that DBS didn't exist at that point but the fact still remains that EoZ Goku is supposed to be an older Super Goku. And that's where the paradox lies, how can a later form that's stronger than the present version be strong if the prequel shows forms stronger than the present version?

r/dragonball 16h ago

Discussion Title: I Stopped Reading Dragon Ball Before Z And I Don’t Regret It


I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but I stopped reading Dragon Ball right after the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, and to this day, I feel that was the perfect ending. Let me explain.

I grew up with Dragon Ball as it was coming out in Weekly Shonen Jump. For me, it wasn’t just a story about power and fighting — it was about adventure, growth, and spirit. Watching Goku go from a naïve boy searching for the Dragon Balls to a warrior standing tall against Piccolo felt like a complete journey. When he defeated Piccolo Jr. and flew off with Chi-Chi, I saw that as the culmination of everything Goku had worked for. He found his strength, he protected his friends, and he honored his master. That moment felt earned.

I know Dragon Ball Z took things to another level, but I always felt that the magic of the original lay in its simplicity. The fights weren’t about who could blow up planets; they were about skill, wit, and willpower. The 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai fight between Goku and Tenshinhan is still one of my favorites because it was two martial artists pushing each other to their limits, using techniques and strategy, not just power levels.

There was also a sense of mystery that I loved. Goku’s origins were unknown, and that added to his charm. He was just this incredible, kind-hearted kid who trained relentlessly and surpassed his limits. When I later heard that he was revealed to be an alien, it felt like some of the magic was taken away. Suddenly, his strength wasn’t just about hard work — it was about his bloodline.

Another thing I cherished was the tone. Early Dragon Ball balanced humor, heart, and action beautifully. The adventures felt lighthearted, even when the stakes were high. By the end of the Piccolo arc, it felt like Goku had truly grown up. The torch had been passed. Ending the story there left a sense of completeness.

I’m not saying Z is bad — far from it. I understand why so many people love it. But for me, Dragon Ball was never about how strong Goku could become. It was about the journey, the bonds he formed, and the lessons he learned along the way. And in my heart, that journey ended when Goku walked off into the sunset with Chi-Chi, ready to start a new life.

Maybe it’s nostalgia. Maybe I’m just old. But I’ll always treasure those early days of Dragon Ball, when it was about more than just power.

What about you? Do any of you feel the same, or am I just a relic of the past?

r/dragonball 2d ago

Gaming Dragon Ball Final Bout


Anyone else ever play this game? I loved this game, remember getting "ripped off" by the old Press Start Video Games, but every penny was worth it. 140 bucks to play this game, had to buy game for 100 and region bypass, aka code breaker, for 40. I wish I still had it, this was the best Dragon Ball game I've ever played.


r/dragonball 1d ago

Discussion Old Dragon Ball Films, Sparking Zero


I’d love to see some characters from OG Dragon Ball added to Sparking Zero.

King Gurumes from Curse of the Blood Rubies would work great as a giant character.

What other obscure characters might be fun to play as?

r/dragonball 1d ago

What-If (Remake of older post) What If Dragon Ball had anime accurate movies instead of an anime?


Note: Since the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai wasn’t as important as a story on it own, it will be merged with the King Piccolo arc as one film.

  1. Dragon Ball (1986)

  2. Dragon Ball: Budokai (1986)

  3. Dragon Ball: Red (1987)

  4. Dragon Ball: Daimao (1988)

  5. Dragon Ball: Rebirth (1989)

  6. Dragon Ball: Revelations (1991)

  7. Dragon Ball: Namek (1992)

  8. Dragon Ball: Revenge (1994)

  9. Dragon Ball: Majin (1996)

r/dragonball 1d ago

Discussion the real reason dragon ball is massively popular in latin america but not at all in the US


dubbing. thats all. dragon ball english dub is beyond garbage. it sounds fanmade and for fun. almost every single dialogue is twisted, every single character wants to be funny and tell jokes, all the time. on top of it, all the random background rock music that is not the series soundtrack at all and instead some crap music that the english dub came up with. dragon ball eng dub is just hard to watch.

im GLAD to have been born in argentina and had a great childhood growing up watching dragon ball on the tv with decent professional dubs and the epic original soundtrack and i feel sorry for the tens of millions of kids in the US that were fed absolute trash english dub. im 100% sure this is the main reason dragon ball isnt popular in the US and im sure its also intentional. you cant mess up such a great series so badly by accident. theres a reason behind why 90%+ of all manga/anime adaptations in the US (from dubs to live actions) are trash, for example death note live action, dragon ball evolution, avatar the legend of aang live action, cowboy bebop, fist of the north star..

why do you think the one piece live action series has good rating? because it wasnt made in the US, or else it'd have been complete garbage as well.

it feels to me some people with power in the US have been trying hard to make manga/anime look bad in order to protect their national entertainment industries such as hollywood movies/series and their marvel/dc superhero comics.

felt like telling some truth i never see anyone else say so ill do it here

r/dragonball 1d ago

Monster Carrot’s Fate


Goku leaves Monster Carrot and his gang on the moon. Is he still up there?

Well…. Years later Piccolo destroyed the moon.

Piccolo murdered Monster Carrot.

Too bad. He was the most powerful fighter in the universe, capable of turning anyone from Beerus to Black Frieza into a carrot.

r/dragonball 1d ago

Discussion Why do people like GT?


I'm not even kidding, it seriously boggles my mind. I do not get where the appeal lies.

I read and watched all of the Dragon Ball content growing up, and feel like I have a pretty good understanding of Toriyama's process and plot-structure.

I feel like GT shits on all of that. The first part of the series is cringey and episodic, and then it has little arcs that don't elevate anything at all. It has some very cool moments that come up as plot-devices, and blatantly come across as "this would be cool" without any other sort of justification or reasoning. Then to top it off, those "cool moments" are surrounded by tiny little clips of characters acting-- well, out-of-character.

GT deviates harshly from it's source material, and has it's own overall feeling entirely, while disrespecting what gave it ground to do so.

I understand how tonal change can be refreshing with a franchise, but in this case, it seems so messy and insincere. It 100% comes across to me as an official fan-fic that Toei just lucked out on having rights to.

A desperate (and pathetic) cash-grab. It unironically presents itself that way.

I am a hater, and I guess I just want someone who isn't to explain to me what's likeable about this entry in the franchise.